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{{DISPLAYTITLE:Ronilism (religion)}}
In [[Greek mythology]], '''Bura''' ({{IPAc-en|ˈ|b|jʊər|ə}}) ({{lang-grc|Βούρα}}) was a daughter of [[Ion (mythology)|Ion]], son of [[Xuthus]], and Helice. She was the [[eponym]] of the city [[Boura (Achaea)|Boura]] in [[Achaea]].<ref>[[Pausanias (geographer)|Pausanias]], ''Description of Greece'', 7. 25. 8</ref><ref>[[Stephanus of Byzantium]] s. v. ''Boura''</ref>

Ronilism is a pre-Abrahamic religion dating back to 3rd millennium BCE. According to its theology, the followers of this religion (Ronilists) follow a God named Ron who came into existence because of the affects of nature. He then caused big bangs to occur and chose one to be our home universe. According to the Book of Ron, this religion was founded by the tribe of Noach and was later killed off by Ronelites (members of the tribe, not to be confused with Ronilist) who had began worshiping pagan or false gods and later founded Judaism. Therefore, Ronilists believe Abrahamic religions had their roots in Ronilism but went through several revisions and changes to separate itself and became corrupted. Ronilism died out during the genocide<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.dictionary.com/browse/genocide|title=the definition of genocide|website=Dictionary.com|access-date=2018-04-26}}</ref> of the Ronelites and had a revival during 6th century BCE in Jerusalem and died out again during Babylon's Siege of Jerusalem in 587 BCE<ref>{{Cite journal|date=2018-04-16|title=Siege of Jerusalem (587 BC)|url=https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Siege_of_Jerusalem_(587_BC)&oldid=836742807|journal=Wikipedia|language=en}}</ref>.
She is possibly the same as Bura, mother of [[Atrax (mythology)|Atrax]] by [[Peneus]].<ref>[[Stephanus of Byzantium]] s. v. ''Atrax''</ref>

Modern day Ronilists are mainly of the Unitarian branch and strictly monotheistic. They take the Book of Ron as their God's word and are led by Gabriel Fonseca (their prophet) and the saints of Ron (other messengers and prophets).

== History of Ronilism ==
We get the ancient history of Ronilism from the Book of Ron and a couple of ancient scripts and documents mentioning Ronelites and Ronilists (difference being Ronelites are members of the original tribe and Ronilists are simply followers of the religion). Some proofs of accuracy that the modern Ronilists give for the Book of Ron are that it doesn't contradict modern history or science at all. They make the claim that since it mentions the [[Big Bang]]<ref>{{Cite news|url=https://www.big-bang-theory.com|title=Big Bang Theory|access-date=2018-04-26|language=en}}</ref><ref>{{Cite journal|date=2018-04-15|title=Big Bang|url=https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Big_Bang&oldid=836523064|journal=Wikipedia|language=en}}</ref> and the [[Theory of evolution|Theory of Evolution]]<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://evolution.berkeley.edu/evolibrary/article/evo_02|title=An introduction to evolution|website=evolution.berkeley.edu|access-date=2018-04-26}}</ref><ref>{{Cite journal|date=2018-04-20|title=Evolution|url=https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Evolution&oldid=837451016|journal=Wikipedia|language=en}}</ref> before any other source, it's history has to be accurate as well.

=== Ronilism in 3rd Millennium BCE ===
According to the Book of Ron, after Noach left the Home of Homes (similar to Garden of Eden in Abrahamic faiths), he took his family and founded his tribe in modern day Israel near the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Eventually his sons took leadership roles and fought for the position of chief. Akash, one of the sons of Agni (a chief), became bitter because he did not become the chief and he began worshiping other God's with his son Abir (Specifically Isis<ref>{{Cite news|url=https://www.ancient.eu/isis/|title=Isis|work=Ancient History Encyclopedia|access-date=2018-04-26}}</ref>, Ra<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.ancient-egypt-online.com/egyptian-god-ra.html|title=The Egyptian God Ra {{!}} Sun God of Egypt {{!}} Eye of Ra|website=www.ancient-egypt-online.com|access-date=2018-04-26}}</ref>, and El<ref>{{Cite news|url=https://mythology.net/others/gods/el/|title=El - Canaanite God, the God of the Hebrew Bible {{!}} Mythology.net|date=2016-11-14|work=Mythology.net|access-date=2018-04-26|language=en-US}}</ref>)<ref name=":0">{{Cite web|url=http://www.eoht.info/page/Is-Ra-El|title=Is-Ra-El - Hmolpedia|website=www.eoht.info|access-date=2018-04-26}}</ref> and later with some followers he fought the Ronelites and committed a genocide against them. The Ronelites then went extinct. Akash then renamed Abir to Abraham and they founded the Israelite tribe<ref name=":0" />.

=== Ronilism in 6th Century BCE ===
Ronilism as a religion appeared to resurfaced during 6th Century BCE because some people in Jerusalem were able to find some old Ronelite scripts, according to modern day Ronilists. Events very similar to this are described in the book of Runi in the Book of Ron. It later died out by unknown causes, yet the Book of Ron describes events that say the Ronilists escaped the Siege of Jerusalem by sailing away in the Mediterranean, and this may explain how it died out.

=== Modern Day Ronilism ===
Modern Ronilism resurfaced as well when Gabriel Fonseca allegedly began receiving messages from Ron in the form of angelic visits and voices. He also allegedly received information from Ron regarding the Book of Ron. Other men scattered throughout the world also claimed to receive these messages and were brought together by Gabriel, where they attempted to compare the messages received from Ron. According to them, they were all the same and they were able to rewrite the Book of Ron.

Today the modern Ronilists worship Ron in their homes independently and read and believe in Book of Ron. They also actively evangelize online through social media and provide the Book of Ron online in a digital format.

== Theology of Ronilism ==

=== Introduction ===
The theology of Ronilism is based on what is written in the Book of Ron. You may be able to find some similarities between it and the Abrahamic religions, yet when it comes to the Nature of God, prophecies, and the origins of the universe, it is very different. Some are able to find a lot of similarities between Ronilism and non-Abrahamic faiths as well, but it can be said that Ronilism is unique in its views of theology.

=== Nature of God ===
Ronilists believe that Ron is a product of the multiverse (big bangs colliding with one another), and they do not believe he is [[Omniscience|omniscient]]<ref>{{Cite book|url=https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/spr2018/entries/omniscience/|title=The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy|last=Wierenga|first=Edward|date=2018|publisher=Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University|editor-last=Zalta|editor-first=Edward N.|edition=Spring 2018}}</ref> or [[Omnipotence|omnipotent]]<ref>{{Cite book|url=https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/win2017/entries/omnipotence/|title=The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy|last=Hoffman|first=Joshua|last2=Rosenkrantz|first2=Gary|date=2017|publisher=Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University|editor-last=Zalta|editor-first=Edward N.|edition=Winter 2017}}</ref>, but that his power and knowledge surpasses that of any other being in existence. They believe that he had to learn all that he knows and that he had to learn to manipulate the [[multiverse]]<ref>{{Cite news|url=https://www.space.com/18811-multiple-universes-5-theories.html|title=5 Reasons We May Live in a Multiverse|work=Space.com|access-date=2018-04-27}}</ref> (his home where he was created).

=== A Living Multiverse ===
As it was said in the last paragraph, Ron is a product of the multiverse according to the Book of Ron and modern day Ronilists. Ronilists also believe that the multiverse is in a sense alive, and that its energy flows through all of us like a force, and through evolution one day we might be able to manipulate it (see Divinization later in section). A way they like to describe this is that Ron is a way of the multiverse expressing itself and that we are a way of Ron expressing himself. Eventually we will all express ourselves in one way or another throughout our lives.

=== Good vs Evil ===
In the Book of Ron there are elements of the "Good vs Evil" archetype. We see this when Lucifer becomes jealous of Ron and deceives "to breathe" into worshiping him. And then the texts say that he is then renamed Satan which means "adversary". One point to mention is that in the Book of Ron, evil did not originate with Satan, because when intelligent life evolved they started committing evil acts on their own before Lucifer had come into existence. However the fight between good and evil is shown multiple times throughout the Book of Ron and the general idea is the Satan causes a certain imbalance, where there is more evil than good. Ronilists say this explains why the Book of Ron says he is going to be destroyed, to get rid of the imbalance.

=== Origins of Us ===
Ronilists believe that once Ron learned to manipulate the multiverse he was then able to cause big bangs to occur, eventually choosing one to become our universe. This event is called the first beginning. After the first beginning, the second beginning started, and Ron produced the galaxies, choosing one and naming it our "protection." Then, according to the Book of Ron, the third beginning started and Ron made the conditions on earth perfect for life to come into existence by natural causes. While they do not disregard any scientific theory regarding evolution, most Ronilists believe that the first life on earth came from a [[primordial soup]].<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://leiwenwu.tripod.com/primordials.htm|title=Primordial Soup Theory|website=leiwenwu.tripod.com|access-date=2018-04-26}}</ref> Once life had come into existence on earth, Ronilists believed it evolved and eventually became intelligent and since they were without Ron's guidance or "love" as the Book of Ron calls it, they formed their own religions and committed sins including murder, idolatry, rape, etc. For these reasons, Ronilists do not claim that their religion was the first religion, neither do they claim that their scriptures are the oldest either. According to the Book of Ron we are still in the third beginning, awaiting the fourth beginning. Ronilists believe that Ron fine tuned some of the things in the universe, but mainly leaving things up to nature and chance, and that we were evolved, not created as [[Creationism|Creationists]]<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://answersingenesis.org/creationism/|title=Creationism (Biblical Creation)|website=Answers in Genesis|language=en-US|access-date=2018-04-26}}</ref> believe. Ron allowed humanity and intelligent beings to grow and evolve according to nature, and only intervened when he thought it was necessary.

=== Salvation ===
Ronilist believe that the world is being mislead and intervened with by [[Satan]]<ref>{{Cite news|url=https://www.britannica.com/topic/Satan|title=Satan {{!}} Definition, Scriptures, & Role|work=Encyclopedia Britannica|access-date=2018-04-27|language=en}}</ref>, and that Ron is trying to prevent him from destroying his work and from leading all life on earth into disaster and death (because of an imbalance where there is more evil present than goodness). According to the Ronilists, after Satan's influence on us in this world has come to an end, what is called the "Fourth Beginning" will start, and we will all be returned to Ron's love and all non-believers will have a second chance to learn Ronilism. This will allegedly happen when [[Yeshua]] (also known as [[Jesus]]) comes down to earth in a final battle between good<ref>{{Cite book|url=https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/spr2014/entries/perfect-goodness/|title=The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy|last=Murphy|first=Mark|date=2014|publisher=Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University|editor-last=Zalta|editor-first=Edward N.|edition=Spring 2014}}</ref> and evil<ref>{{Cite book|url=https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/win2016/entries/concept-evil/|title=The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy|last=Calder|first=Todd|date=2016|publisher=Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University|editor-last=Zalta|editor-first=Edward N.|edition=Winter 2016}}</ref>, where he will kill Satan, and restore us to the love of Ron. Also, all prophecies described in the Book of Ron which are left to occur or that haven't already been completed will be completed. The fourth beginning describes a new age or era, and according to Ronilists we are currently living in the third beginning which was when Ron began creating the perfect conditions on earth for life to emerge and evolve. The first beginning can be described as the causing of the big bang which caused our universe, and the second beginning can be described as Ron producing our galaxy, also called our protection in the Book of Ron.

=== Divinization ===
Ronilists are adamant in the belief that we are still evolving and will be evolving in the right path again once the fourth beginning starts, and that humanity will eventually evolve to become like Ron ([[divinization]] or [[Theosis (Eastern Christian theology)|theosis]]<ref>{{Cite news|url=https://www.gotquestions.org/theosis.html|title=What is theosis?|work=GotQuestions.org|access-date=2018-04-27|language=en}}</ref>). According to their beliefs, Ron is a way of the eternal multiverse expressing itself, and that we are in turn a way of Ron expressing himself as a creator. According to their beliefs, as we evolve and become more advanced, eventually we will reach the stage of being able to create life ourselves. Ronilists state that we may or may not reach the ability to create life before becoming "divine" beings like Ron, but that either way we will evolve to that stage, and that we will become creators. In their view its like a cycle, where a creator creates and their creation becomes creators.

=== Reincarnation ===

==== Our Reincarnation ====
Ronilists also do believe in a form of reincarnation. They believe that the multiverses energy is constantly flowing through us like a force and that it picks up data from us throughout our lives and we essentially become one with it, and as it flows through others they also pick up on this residual data of people who lived past lives. Therefore, once humanity has reached its final stages on evolution and has become an immortal being like Ron, there will be an infinite amount of time for these beings to pick up all the data there is left behind from people of past lives.

==== Rons Reincarnation ====
Ronilists also believe Ron reincarnated as a human many times throughout the past to give us wisdom and guide us in the right path yet they do not have any opinions or ideas on who these people were or could be now.

=== Similarities to Abrahamic Religions ===
There are quite a similarities between Ronilism and other Abrahamic faiths regarding some prominent characters, places, and events.

==== Jesus ====
Ronilists do believe in Jesus, however they more commonly refer to him as Yeshua. What they believe about him is completely different though. They believe he was the son of the chosen two (similar to [[Adam and Eve]]<ref>{{Cite news|url=https://www.bible-knowledge.com/adam-and-eve/|title=The Story of Adam And Eve From The Bible|date=2017-04-06|work=Bible Knowledge|access-date=2018-04-27|language=en-US}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.therevival.co.uk/adam-eve-quran|title=Adam & Eve In The Quran {{!}} The Revival|website=www.therevival.co.uk|language=en|access-date=2018-04-27}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/246606/jewish/The-Story-of-Adam-and-Eve-in-the-Bible.htm|title=The Story of Adam and Eve in the Bible|website=www.chabad.org|language=en|access-date=2018-04-27}}</ref> of other Abrahamic religions), however in contrast to his parents, Yeshua did not sin by worshiping [[Lucifer]]<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.behindthename.com/name/lucifer|title=Meaning, origin and history of the name Lucifer|last=Campbell|first=Mike|website=Behind the Name|access-date=2018-04-27}}</ref> (later renamed Satan). Yeshua then lived in the home of homes until he negotiated with Ron to save the tribe of 35 (the sons of the chosen two after their banishment from the home of homes) from an oncoming destruction caused by multiple natural disasters. Ron accepted Yeshua's negotiation because of his promise to the two that they would return to Ron's love, but the deal was that now humanity would be saved by Ron through Yeshua. After the tribe of 35 was saved, Yeshua was brought to the heavens (multiverse) to sit at the right side of Ron. He later appears again in the Book of Ron to Runi in many visions and then to save them from the [[Babylonia|Babylonians]]<ref>{{Cite news|url=https://www.historyonthenet.com/mesopotamian-warfare-the-sumerians-akkadians-and-babylonians/|title=Mesopotamian Warfare: The Sumerians, Akkadians and Babylonians - History|date=2014-09-19|work=History|access-date=2018-04-27|language=en-US}}</ref> and the armies of Zohar<ref>{{Cite news|url=http://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Zohar.html#.WuJv-4jwbIU|title=The amazing name Zohar: meaning and etymology|last=Publications|first=Arie Uittenbogaard for Abarim|work=Abarim Publications|access-date=2018-04-27|language=en}}</ref> while they are escaping from Jerusalem's destruction. Later in the Book of Ron, Yeshua appears again to the Ronilists after their colonization of small parts of North America in multiple visions regarding prophecies to come. Yeshua then comes in the flesh to preach Ronilism and corrupt the many errors of Judaism, and chooses 12 disciples that he deems worthy to help him with this task, by reading their hearts. Eventually a Jew named Paul learns of this, and is determined to destroy Yeshua's teachings by corrupting them. He is able to get 4 of Yeshua's chosen disciples to worship Satan, and he uses them to convert the other disciples and write false gospels, corrupting Yeshua's teachings. The only disciple to remain loyal was [[Judas Iscariot]]<ref>{{Cite news|url=https://www.britannica.com/biography/Judas-Iscariot|title=Judas Iscariot {{!}} Apostle|work=Encyclopedia Britannica|access-date=2018-04-27|language=en}}</ref>, so they hung him and destroyed his reputation in the false books they wrote (according to the Book of Ron). Yeshua was then tortured on a wooden stake, but before his death he was brought back to the heavens by Ron.

==== The Home of Homes and the Garden of Eden ====
The Home of Homes in the Book of Ron is described as the home for the chosen two to live in, and had an abundance of food for the two to eat. It was also filled with wildlife. It was watched over by the angel Lucifer just like the Garden of Eden in the Bible was. The difference is that the Book of Ron describes the Home of Homes being submerged in a sea, and that sea is thought to be the [[Persian Gulf]]<ref>{{Cite news|url=https://www.britannica.com/place/Persian-Gulf|title=Persian Gulf {{!}} gulf, Middle East|work=Encyclopedia Britannica|access-date=2018-04-27|language=en}}</ref> by modern day Ronilists.

==== Adam and Eve ====
The Book of Ron never says the chosen two of Ron are called Adam and Eve, instead saying the male is called "To be red" and the female is called "To breathe" which is what the names Adam and Eve mean. Another difference is that they are chosen from the evolved life which became intelligent.

==== The Global Flood ====
Ronilists do not believe in a [[Global flood|Global Flood]]<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://answersingenesis.org/the-flood/global/|title=Global Flood|website=Answers in Genesis|language=en-US|access-date=2018-04-27}}</ref><ref>{{Cite news|url=https://science.howstuffworks.com/nature/climate-weather/storms/great-flood.htm|title=Was there really a great flood?|date=2008-07-14|work=HowStuffWorks|access-date=2018-04-27|language=en}}</ref> event. They believe in a purge of life on earth which was caused by natural disasters, not by Ron in any way. While there is no scripture explicitly telling us if this even was worldwide or just in [[Ancient Mesopotamia]]<ref>{{Cite news|url=https://www.ancient.eu/Mesopotamia/|title=Mesopotamia|work=Ancient History Encyclopedia|access-date=2018-04-27}}</ref>, we do know that according to the Book of Ron there were survivors who later reformed multiple tribes. The difference here is that, the purge includes earthquakes and other forms of natural disaster and not just floods, and it is not clear if it was global, but most Ronilists believe it wasn't.


[[Category:Women in Greek mythology]]
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Revision as of 07:33, 13 May 2018

Ronilism is a pre-Abrahamic religion dating back to 3rd millennium BCE. According to its theology, the followers of this religion (Ronilists) follow a God named Ron who came into existence because of the affects of nature. He then caused big bangs to occur and chose one to be our home universe. According to the Book of Ron, this religion was founded by the tribe of Noach and was later killed off by Ronelites (members of the tribe, not to be confused with Ronilist) who had began worshiping pagan or false gods and later founded Judaism. Therefore, Ronilists believe Abrahamic religions had their roots in Ronilism but went through several revisions and changes to separate itself and became corrupted. Ronilism died out during the genocide[1] of the Ronelites and had a revival during 6th century BCE in Jerusalem and died out again during Babylon's Siege of Jerusalem in 587 BCE[2].

Modern day Ronilists are mainly of the Unitarian branch and strictly monotheistic. They take the Book of Ron as their God's word and are led by Gabriel Fonseca (their prophet) and the saints of Ron (other messengers and prophets).

History of Ronilism

We get the ancient history of Ronilism from the Book of Ron and a couple of ancient scripts and documents mentioning Ronelites and Ronilists (difference being Ronelites are members of the original tribe and Ronilists are simply followers of the religion). Some proofs of accuracy that the modern Ronilists give for the Book of Ron are that it doesn't contradict modern history or science at all. They make the claim that since it mentions the Big Bang[3][4] and the Theory of Evolution[5][6] before any other source, it's history has to be accurate as well.

Ronilism in 3rd Millennium BCE

According to the Book of Ron, after Noach left the Home of Homes (similar to Garden of Eden in Abrahamic faiths), he took his family and founded his tribe in modern day Israel near the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Eventually his sons took leadership roles and fought for the position of chief. Akash, one of the sons of Agni (a chief), became bitter because he did not become the chief and he began worshiping other God's with his son Abir (Specifically Isis[7], Ra[8], and El[9])[10] and later with some followers he fought the Ronelites and committed a genocide against them. The Ronelites then went extinct. Akash then renamed Abir to Abraham and they founded the Israelite tribe[10].

Ronilism in 6th Century BCE

Ronilism as a religion appeared to resurfaced during 6th Century BCE because some people in Jerusalem were able to find some old Ronelite scripts, according to modern day Ronilists. Events very similar to this are described in the book of Runi in the Book of Ron. It later died out by unknown causes, yet the Book of Ron describes events that say the Ronilists escaped the Siege of Jerusalem by sailing away in the Mediterranean, and this may explain how it died out.

Modern Day Ronilism

Modern Ronilism resurfaced as well when Gabriel Fonseca allegedly began receiving messages from Ron in the form of angelic visits and voices. He also allegedly received information from Ron regarding the Book of Ron. Other men scattered throughout the world also claimed to receive these messages and were brought together by Gabriel, where they attempted to compare the messages received from Ron. According to them, they were all the same and they were able to rewrite the Book of Ron.

Today the modern Ronilists worship Ron in their homes independently and read and believe in Book of Ron. They also actively evangelize online through social media and provide the Book of Ron online in a digital format.

Theology of Ronilism


The theology of Ronilism is based on what is written in the Book of Ron. You may be able to find some similarities between it and the Abrahamic religions, yet when it comes to the Nature of God, prophecies, and the origins of the universe, it is very different. Some are able to find a lot of similarities between Ronilism and non-Abrahamic faiths as well, but it can be said that Ronilism is unique in its views of theology.

Nature of God

Ronilists believe that Ron is a product of the multiverse (big bangs colliding with one another), and they do not believe he is omniscient[11] or omnipotent[12], but that his power and knowledge surpasses that of any other being in existence. They believe that he had to learn all that he knows and that he had to learn to manipulate the multiverse[13] (his home where he was created).

A Living Multiverse

As it was said in the last paragraph, Ron is a product of the multiverse according to the Book of Ron and modern day Ronilists. Ronilists also believe that the multiverse is in a sense alive, and that its energy flows through all of us like a force, and through evolution one day we might be able to manipulate it (see Divinization later in section). A way they like to describe this is that Ron is a way of the multiverse expressing itself and that we are a way of Ron expressing himself. Eventually we will all express ourselves in one way or another throughout our lives.

Good vs Evil

In the Book of Ron there are elements of the "Good vs Evil" archetype. We see this when Lucifer becomes jealous of Ron and deceives "to breathe" into worshiping him. And then the texts say that he is then renamed Satan which means "adversary". One point to mention is that in the Book of Ron, evil did not originate with Satan, because when intelligent life evolved they started committing evil acts on their own before Lucifer had come into existence. However the fight between good and evil is shown multiple times throughout the Book of Ron and the general idea is the Satan causes a certain imbalance, where there is more evil than good. Ronilists say this explains why the Book of Ron says he is going to be destroyed, to get rid of the imbalance.

Origins of Us

Ronilists believe that once Ron learned to manipulate the multiverse he was then able to cause big bangs to occur, eventually choosing one to become our universe. This event is called the first beginning. After the first beginning, the second beginning started, and Ron produced the galaxies, choosing one and naming it our "protection." Then, according to the Book of Ron, the third beginning started and Ron made the conditions on earth perfect for life to come into existence by natural causes. While they do not disregard any scientific theory regarding evolution, most Ronilists believe that the first life on earth came from a primordial soup.[14] Once life had come into existence on earth, Ronilists believed it evolved and eventually became intelligent and since they were without Ron's guidance or "love" as the Book of Ron calls it, they formed their own religions and committed sins including murder, idolatry, rape, etc. For these reasons, Ronilists do not claim that their religion was the first religion, neither do they claim that their scriptures are the oldest either. According to the Book of Ron we are still in the third beginning, awaiting the fourth beginning. Ronilists believe that Ron fine tuned some of the things in the universe, but mainly leaving things up to nature and chance, and that we were evolved, not created as Creationists[15] believe. Ron allowed humanity and intelligent beings to grow and evolve according to nature, and only intervened when he thought it was necessary.


Ronilist believe that the world is being mislead and intervened with by Satan[16], and that Ron is trying to prevent him from destroying his work and from leading all life on earth into disaster and death (because of an imbalance where there is more evil present than goodness). According to the Ronilists, after Satan's influence on us in this world has come to an end, what is called the "Fourth Beginning" will start, and we will all be returned to Ron's love and all non-believers will have a second chance to learn Ronilism. This will allegedly happen when Yeshua (also known as Jesus) comes down to earth in a final battle between good[17] and evil[18], where he will kill Satan, and restore us to the love of Ron. Also, all prophecies described in the Book of Ron which are left to occur or that haven't already been completed will be completed. The fourth beginning describes a new age or era, and according to Ronilists we are currently living in the third beginning which was when Ron began creating the perfect conditions on earth for life to emerge and evolve. The first beginning can be described as the causing of the big bang which caused our universe, and the second beginning can be described as Ron producing our galaxy, also called our protection in the Book of Ron.


Ronilists are adamant in the belief that we are still evolving and will be evolving in the right path again once the fourth beginning starts, and that humanity will eventually evolve to become like Ron (divinization or theosis[19]). According to their beliefs, Ron is a way of the eternal multiverse expressing itself, and that we are in turn a way of Ron expressing himself as a creator. According to their beliefs, as we evolve and become more advanced, eventually we will reach the stage of being able to create life ourselves. Ronilists state that we may or may not reach the ability to create life before becoming "divine" beings like Ron, but that either way we will evolve to that stage, and that we will become creators. In their view its like a cycle, where a creator creates and their creation becomes creators.


Our Reincarnation

Ronilists also do believe in a form of reincarnation. They believe that the multiverses energy is constantly flowing through us like a force and that it picks up data from us throughout our lives and we essentially become one with it, and as it flows through others they also pick up on this residual data of people who lived past lives. Therefore, once humanity has reached its final stages on evolution and has become an immortal being like Ron, there will be an infinite amount of time for these beings to pick up all the data there is left behind from people of past lives.

Rons Reincarnation

Ronilists also believe Ron reincarnated as a human many times throughout the past to give us wisdom and guide us in the right path yet they do not have any opinions or ideas on who these people were or could be now.

Similarities to Abrahamic Religions

There are quite a similarities between Ronilism and other Abrahamic faiths regarding some prominent characters, places, and events.


Ronilists do believe in Jesus, however they more commonly refer to him as Yeshua. What they believe about him is completely different though. They believe he was the son of the chosen two (similar to Adam and Eve[20][21][22] of other Abrahamic religions), however in contrast to his parents, Yeshua did not sin by worshiping Lucifer[23] (later renamed Satan). Yeshua then lived in the home of homes until he negotiated with Ron to save the tribe of 35 (the sons of the chosen two after their banishment from the home of homes) from an oncoming destruction caused by multiple natural disasters. Ron accepted Yeshua's negotiation because of his promise to the two that they would return to Ron's love, but the deal was that now humanity would be saved by Ron through Yeshua. After the tribe of 35 was saved, Yeshua was brought to the heavens (multiverse) to sit at the right side of Ron. He later appears again in the Book of Ron to Runi in many visions and then to save them from the Babylonians[24] and the armies of Zohar[25] while they are escaping from Jerusalem's destruction. Later in the Book of Ron, Yeshua appears again to the Ronilists after their colonization of small parts of North America in multiple visions regarding prophecies to come. Yeshua then comes in the flesh to preach Ronilism and corrupt the many errors of Judaism, and chooses 12 disciples that he deems worthy to help him with this task, by reading their hearts. Eventually a Jew named Paul learns of this, and is determined to destroy Yeshua's teachings by corrupting them. He is able to get 4 of Yeshua's chosen disciples to worship Satan, and he uses them to convert the other disciples and write false gospels, corrupting Yeshua's teachings. The only disciple to remain loyal was Judas Iscariot[26], so they hung him and destroyed his reputation in the false books they wrote (according to the Book of Ron). Yeshua was then tortured on a wooden stake, but before his death he was brought back to the heavens by Ron.

The Home of Homes and the Garden of Eden

The Home of Homes in the Book of Ron is described as the home for the chosen two to live in, and had an abundance of food for the two to eat. It was also filled with wildlife. It was watched over by the angel Lucifer just like the Garden of Eden in the Bible was. The difference is that the Book of Ron describes the Home of Homes being submerged in a sea, and that sea is thought to be the Persian Gulf[27] by modern day Ronilists.

Adam and Eve

The Book of Ron never says the chosen two of Ron are called Adam and Eve, instead saying the male is called "To be red" and the female is called "To breathe" which is what the names Adam and Eve mean. Another difference is that they are chosen from the evolved life which became intelligent.

The Global Flood

Ronilists do not believe in a Global Flood[28][29] event. They believe in a purge of life on earth which was caused by natural disasters, not by Ron in any way. While there is no scripture explicitly telling us if this even was worldwide or just in Ancient Mesopotamia[30], we do know that according to the Book of Ron there were survivors who later reformed multiple tribes. The difference here is that, the purge includes earthquakes and other forms of natural disaster and not just floods, and it is not clear if it was global, but most Ronilists believe it wasn't.


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