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! Manon Batiste
! Manon Batiste
{| class="infobox bordered" style="width: 25em; text-align: left; font-size: 95%;"
|+ style="font-size: larger;" | '''Manon Batiste'''
|[[Image:Pic-125.jpg |Pic-125.jpg]]
| '''Appearances''': [[Medal of Honor]], [[Medal of Honor: Underground]], [[Medal of Honor: European Assault]]
| '''Appearances''': [[Medal of Honor]], [[Medal of Honor: Underground]], [[Medal of Honor: European Assault]]

Revision as of 02:21, 27 April 2007

Manon Batiste
Manon Batiste
Appearances: Medal of Honor, Medal of Honor: Underground, Medal of Honor: European Assault
Affiliations: Maquis, Office of Strategic Services
Home Location: Paris, France

Manon Batiste is the main character in Medal of Honor: Underground as well as a minor character who appeared in Medal of Honor, Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, and Medal of Honor: European Assault.

Early Life

Manon was born in the small village of Dubuisson, France, but spent most of her life in Paris, where she lived with her brother Jacques.

The Maquis

After Germany invaded, Manon and Jacques joined the Maquis to resist the invaders. After a brief battle with the Milice in May 1942, Jacques was murdered by a double agent. The mortified Manon escaped Paris through catacombs.

Recruitment to the OSS

Having escaped Paris, Manon volenteered to join the American Office of Strategic Services. Colonel Hargrove hearing of her brother's heroism,takes her in as an agent.

Hunting The Desert Fox

Manon's first assignment is to disrupt German defense's in North Africa in November 1942, in perperation for the impending Operation Torch. Finding a disguise as a Vichy French photographer for the German propganda ministry, she infilltrates a German fuel depot and radios the American fleet, and destroys the depot. She escapes by running into an airfield and disables the anti-aircraft guns guarding it. Signaling the plane the OSS sent to get her out she escapes. The pilot is none other than Lt. James Patterson, who Manon will get see more often before the war is over.

Undercover In Crete

After her success in North Africa, Manon is sent to Crete where the Germans have a installed a heavy artillery battery to sink Allied shipping in the Meditereanean. The Germans are also desacrating articfacts of the palace of Knossos. After treading through a fire fight between Germans soldiers and Greek Privateers, Manon reaches the site. She eliminates the psudo archeologists and liberates artifacts. After destroying the bunker supplies she makes her way to the guns themselves, destroying the bunker communications and the guns.

Wewelsburg: Dark Camelot

The OSS is nervous about the power the SS has acheived under Hitler. They are even more worried about what secrets lie in Henirich Himmiler's headquarters at. In September 1943 Manon is sent in to investigate. She sneaks through the outer defense and gets onboard a cable car to the castle itself. Inside the castle Manon steals the Knife of Abraham and blows open Himmiler's safe stealing whatever information she can, while battling SS troops and SS knights. Manon also finds Valhalla, a burial chamber for Himmiler and his 12 "knights". She flees down the castle and destorys a bridge and alarm controls to slow the Germans, and hides out in a safe house till she can reach Allied headquarters.

Last Rights At Monte Cassino

In order to break the stalemate in Italy. The Allies decide to bom the historic Monte Cassino Abbey. Unfornuately a transmission from a monk notifies the OSS of American prisoners in the abbey. In June 1944, Manon is sent to rescue them. After getting through German defense Manon reaches the abbey. Freeing the Captain, he helps her free the other prisoners. Manon caputures and destroys vital inteligence, and is able to destory several German halftracks.

Invovlement in France

During the Allied invaison Manon was a vital source, helping the shot down Jimmy Patterson escapt and helping OSS agent Mike Powell in his mission to gain intellgence on the King Tiger Tank. She was surprised later to find out she was the boss of James Patterson after he joined OSS in June 1944.

A Mittelwerk Saboteur

In June 1944, the Allies suceesfully invade France. However the Germans begin to use V-1 rockets to terrorize London, one happens to hit near OSS headquaters. Determined to stop this Colonel Hargrove sends Manon into Northern France in July to stop the V-1's. Meeting up with an Allied agent Manon recieves the fatory plans and explosives. Manon after navigating through the Germans takes the Tram into the factory. There she destroys V-1 machinery and destroys a large V-1 stockpile. Running for her life she bearly escapes the explosion. Manon finds the Allied agent disguised as a German and gets on his motorcycle, and mans the machine gun, shooting down any Germans in the way, en route to escaping she also destroys two V-1 launch sites.


In August of 1944, with the Allies on the offensive, the citizens of Paris rise up aganist thier German occupiers. The OSS is aware of this and is also aware of Hitler's orders to burn the city to the ground. Manon is sent in to prevent this from happening. Destroying tanks and German barricades, Manon liberates the Paris prefecture and heads towards the subway where two trains bringing explosives are expected. After an intense fire fight Manon diverts both trains and they crash into each other causing a huge explosion. Her fight to liberate Paris avenges Jacques' death.

After Paris

After September 1944, Manon continued to work for both French intelligence and the OSS. She also changed her name from Batiste to Du Champs. In December 1944, she was invovled in an OSS operation to investigate the Nazi Virus House project. For the first time in the war she was captured by Freder Engel and held in a farmhouse in Belgium. Fortunatly she was rescued by OSS agent William Holt. Near the end of the war she was invovled in a relationship with James Patterson who proposed marriage to her.
