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<tr><td style="font-family:verdana; font-size:11px; color:#000; padding:5px 10px;"><a href="http://www.miniclip.com/games/snowball-warfare/en/" style="display:block; text-decoration:none;"><img src="http://www.miniclip.com/images/icons/snowballwarfaresmallicon.jpg" width="70" height="59" align="left" style="margin-right:5px; border:0;" alt="Games at Miniclip.com - Snowball Warfare" />
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<strong style="color:#000; border:none; text-decoration:underline;">Snowball Warfare</strong><p style="margin:0; clear:none; text-decoration:none; color:#000;">Take out the bad guys with snowballs, before they take you out.</p></a></td></tr>
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<tr><td style="font-family:verdana; font-size:11px; padding:5px 10px; border-top:1px solid #ccc;"><a href="http://www.miniclip.com/games/snowball-warfare/en/" title="Games at Miniclip.com">Play this free game now!!</a></td></tr>
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Revision as of 16:03, 13 August 2007

My name is Kevin and I like to work on Wikipedia in my spare time. I also love to make gun articles. If you have any interesting things to talk about you can go to my user talk

This user is a
Wikipedian in the United States of America

Wikipedians in the United States
Wikipedians in the United States

This user enjoys chess.
This user enjoys cooking.
This user lives in the
United States of America.
CUVThis user is dedicated to
cleaning up vandalism.
This user is a member of the
Counter-Vandalism Unit.
This user is proud to be an American.
Warning to Vandals: This user is armed with VandalProof.
This user is nocturnal.
This user is a member of WikiProject Firearms.

My chicken Road Runner.
One of my Egyptian Chickens. I enjoy collecting rare chickens
Ruger MP-9 by Kevin Kahle.
A Buff Cochin Bantam from my farm, K&M Fa rms.
Paw 20 Neopup.

Awards I have gotten

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