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Two ships of the U.S. Navy have been named [[USS Cowpens|USS ''Cowpens'']] in honor of the battle.
Two ships of the U.S. Navy have been named [[USS Cowpens|USS ''Cowpens'']] in honor of the battle.

==The Battle on Film==
==The Battle on film==
The final battle at the end of the 2000 historical epic [[The Patriot (2000 film)|The Patriot]] drew its inspiration from two specific battles from the American Revolution: Cowpens and [[Guilford Courthouse]]. The Americans used the same basic tactics in both battles. The name of the battle, as well as the winning side, were taken from the Cowpens battle. However, the size of the armies, as well as the presence of Generals [[Nathaniel Greene]] and [[Lord Cornwallis]], come from the [[Guilford Courthouse]] battle.
The final battle at the end of the 2000 historical film [[The Patriot (2000 film)|The Patriot]] drew its inspiration from two specific battles from the American Revolution: Cowpens and [[Guilford Courthouse]]. The Americans used the same basic tactics in both battles. The name of the battle, as well as the winning side, were taken from the Cowpens battle. However, the size of the armies, as well as the presence of Generals [[Nathaniel Greene]] and [[Lord Cornwallis]], come from the [[Guilford Courthouse]] battle.


Revision as of 20:56, 7 September 2007

Battle of Cowpens
Part of American Revolutionary War

Painted by William Ranney in 1845, this depiction of the Battle of Cowpens shows an unnamed black soldier (left) firing his pistol and saving the life of Colonel William Washington (on white horse in center).
DateJanuary 17, 1781
Result Decisive American victory
United States Great Britain
Commanders and leaders
Daniel Morgan Banastre Tarleton
c.1,900 c.1,150
Casualties and losses
Officially reported
12 killed
61 wounded
Patriot Claim
110 killed
229 wounded
529-767 captured [1]

The Battle of Cowpens was fought on January 17, 1781, during the Southern campaign of the American Revolutionary War and was an overwhelming victory by American Revolutionary forces under Brigadier General Daniel Morgan. It was a turning point in the reconquest of South Carolina from the British, and went down in history as the great American tactical masterpiece of the war.

The Colonial Force

The Colonial forces were commanded by Brigadier-General Daniel Morgan. Although Morgan claimed in his official report to have had only a few over 800 men at Cowpens, historian Lawrence Babits, in his detailed study of the Battle, estimates the real numbers as:

  • A battalion of Continental infantry under Lt-Col John Eager Howard, with one company from Delaware, one from Virginia and three from Maryland; each with a strength of sixty men (300)[2]
  • A company of Virginia State troops under Captain John Lawson [3] (75)[4]
  • A company of South Carolina State troops under Captain Joseph Pickens (60)[5]
  • A small company of North Carolina State troops under Captain Henry Connelly (number not given)[6]
  • A Virginia Militia battalion under Major Frank Triplett [7] (160)[8]
  • Two companies of Virginia Militia under Major David Campbell (50)[9]
  • A battalion of North Carolina Militia under Colonel Joseph McDowell (260-285) [10]
  • A brigade of four battalions of South Carolina Militia under Colonel Andrew Pickens, comprising a three-company battalion of the Spartanburg Regiment under Lt-Col Benjamin Roebuck; a four-company battalion of the Spartanburg Regiment under Col John Thomas; five companies of the Little River Regiment under Lt-Col Joseph Hayes and seven companies of the Fair Forest Regiment under Col Thomas Brandon. Babits states [11] that these battalion “ranged in size from 120 to more than 250 men”. If Roebuck’s three companies numbered 120 and Brandon’s seven companies numbered 250, then Thomas’s four companies probably numbered about 160 and Hayes’s five companies about 200, for a total of (730)
  • Three small companies of Georgia Militia commander by Major Cunningham [12] who numbered (55) [13]
  • Detachments of the 1st and 3rd Continental Light Dragoon (both recruited mainly in Virginia) under Lt-Col William Washington (82) [14]
  • Detachments of State Dragoons from North Carolina and Virginia (30) [15]
  • A detachment of South Carolina State Dragoons, with a few mounted Georgians, commanded by Major James McCall (25)[16]
  • A company of newly-raised volunteers from the local South Carolina Militia commanded by Major Benjamin Jolly (45)[17]

The figures given by Laurence E. Babits total 82 Continental Light Dragoons; 55 State Dragoons; 45 Militia Dragoons; 300 Continental infantry; about 150 State infantry and 1,255-1,280 Militia infantry, for a total of 1,887-1,912 officers and men.
Broken down by state, there were about 855 South Carolinians; 442 Virginians; 290-315 North Carolinians; 180 Marylanders; 60 Georgians and 60 Delawarans.

Morgan's Continentals were veterans, and many of his militia, which included some Overmountain Men, had seen service at the Battle of Musgrove Mill and the Battle of Kings Mountain.

The British Force

The British were commanded by Colonel Banastre Tarleton, who headed his own Loyalist British Legion (250 cavalry and 200 infantry [18], a troop of the 17th Light Dragoons (50), a battery of the Royal Artillery (24) with two 3-pounder cannons[19], the 7th (Royal Fusiliers) Regiment (177), the light infantry company of the 16th Regiment (42), the 71st (Fraser's Highlanders) Regiment (334), the light company of the Loyalist Prince of Wales's American Regiment (31) and a company of about 50 Loyalist guides: a total of over 1,150 officers and men [20].

Tarleton’s men from the Royal Artillery, 17th Light Dragoons, 16th Regiment and 71st Regiment were reliable veterans: but the detachment of the 7th Regiment were raw recruits who had been intended to reinforce the garrison of Fort Ninety-Six where they could receive further training rather than go straight into action[21]. Tarleton's own unit, the British Legion were formidable "in a pursuit situation" [22] but had an uncertain reputation “when faced with determined opposition”[23].

General Cornwallis instructed Tarleton and his Legion, who had been successful at battles such as Camden and Waxhaw in the past, to destroy Morgan's command. Tarleton's previous victories had been won by bold attacks, often despite being outnumbered. American commander Nathanael Greene had taken the daring step of dividing his army, detaching Morgan away from the main Patriot force. Morgan called Americans to gather at the cow pens (a grazing area), which were a familiar landmark. Tarleton attacked with his customary boldness but without regard for the fact Morgan had had much more time to prepare. He was consequently caught in a double envelopment. Only Tarleton and about 260 British troops escaped.

Morgan's Preparations

Daniel Morgan knew that he should use the unique landscape of Cowpens and the time available before Tarleton's arrival to his advantage. Furthermore, he knew his men and his opponent, knew how they would react in certain situations, and used this knowledge to his advantage. To begin with, the location of his forces were contrary to any existing military doctrine: he placed his army between the Broad and Pacolet River, thus making escape impossible if the army were routed. His reason for cutting off escape was obvious; to ensure that the untrained militiamen would not, as they had been accustomed to do, turn in flight at the first hint of battle and abandon the regulars. Selecting a hill as the center of his position, he placed his Continental infantry on it, deliberately leaving his flanks exposed to his opponent. Morgan reasoned that Tarleton would attack him head on, and he made his tactical preparations accordingly. He set up three lines of soldiers: one of skirmishers (sharpshooters), one of militia, and a main one. The 150 select skirmishers were from North Carolina (Major McDowell) and Georgia (Major Cunningham). Behind these men were 300 militiamen under the command of Andrew Pickens.

Reenactors at Cowpens Battlefield
Battle of Cowpens Reenactment, 225th anniversary, January 14, 2006
Battle of Cowpens Reenactment, 225th anniversary, January 14, 2006

Realizing that poorly trained militia were unreliable in battle, especially when they were under attack from cavalry, Morgan decided to ask the militia to fire two shots and then retreat, so he could have them reform under cover of the reserve (cavalry commanded by William Washington and James McCall) behind the third, more experienced line of militia and continentals. The movement of the militia in the second line would unmask the third line to the British. The third line, composed of the remainder of the forces (about 550 men) was composed of Continentals from Delaware and Maryland, and militiamen from Georgia and Virginia. Colonel John Eager Howard commanded the Continentals and Colonels Tate and Triplett the militia. The goal of this strategy was to weaken and disorganize Tarleton's forces (which would be attacking the third line uphill) before attacking and defeating them. Howard’s men would not be unnerved by the militia’s expected move, and unlike the militia they would be able to stand and hold, especially since the first and second lines, Morgan felt, would have inflicted both physical and psychological attrition on the advancing British before the third line came into action.

Additionally, by placing his men downhill from the advancing British lines, Morgan exploited the British tendency to fire too high in battle. The downhill position of his forces allowed the British forces to be silhouetted against the morning sunlight, providing easy targets for Patriot troops. With a ravine on their right flank and a creek on their left flank, Morgan's forces were protected against British flanking maneuvers at the beginning of the battle. Morgan insisted, "the whole idea is to lead Benny [Tarleton] into a trap so we can beat his cavalry and infantry as they come up those slopes. When they've been cut down to size by our fire, we'll attack them." In developing his tactics at Cowpens, as historian John Buchanan wrote, Morgan may have been "the only general in the American Revolution, on either side, to produce a significant original tactical thought.”

Battle of Cowpens 17 January 1781.

Tarleton's Approach

At 5:00 a.m. on January 17 1781, Tarleton roused his troops and continued his march to the Cowpens. Lawrence Babits states that, “in the five days before Cowpens, the British were subjected to stress that could only be alleviated by rest and proper diet”. He points out that “in the forty-eight hours before the battle, the British ran out of food and had less than four hours’ sleep” [24]. Over the whole period, Tarleton’s brigade did a great deal of rapid marching across difficult terrain. Babits concludes that they reached the battlefield exhausted and malnourished. But Tarleton sensed victory -- nothing would persuade him to delay. His Tory scouts had told him of the countryside Morgan was fighting on, and he was certain of success because Morgan's soldiers, mostly militiamen, seemed to be caught between mostly experienced British troops and a flooding river. As soon as he reached the spot, he formed a battle line, which consisted of dragoons on his flanks, with his two grasshopper cannon in between the British Regulars and American Loyalists. More cavalry and the 71st Highlanders composed his reserve. Sure of an easy victory, he sent his unrested men into battle. Tarleton’s plan was simple and direct. Most of his infantry (including that of the Legion) would be assembled in linear formation and move directly upon Morgan. The right and left flanks of this line would be protected by dragoon units. In reserve he would hold his 250-man battalion of Scottish Highlanders (71st Regiment of Foot), commanded by Major Arthur MacArthur, a professional soldier of long experience who had served in the Dutch Scotch Brigade. Finally, Tarleton kept the 200-man cavalry contingent of his Legion ready to be unleashed when the Americans broke and ran.

The Battle

Morgan's strategy worked perfectly. After killing or wounding fifteen dragoons, the skirmishers retreated. The British pulled back temporarily but attacked again, this time reaching the militiamen, who (as ordered) poured two volleys into the British who—with 40% of their casualties being officers—were astonished and confused. They reformed and continued to advance. Pickens' militia broke and apparently fled to the rear and were eventually reorganized. Tarleton responded by ordering one of his officers, Ogilvie, to charge with some dragoons into the "defeated" Americans. His men moved forward in regular formation and were momentarily checked by the militia musket fire but continued to advance. The British drove in successive lines, anticipating victory only to encounter another, stronger line after exerting themselves and suffering casualties. The depth of the American lines gradually soaked up the shock of the British advance. Taking the withdrawal of the first two lines as a full blown retreat, the British advanced headlong into the awaiting final line of disciplined regulars which firmly held on the hill.

Despite this, Tarleton believed he could still win with only one line of Americans left and sent his infantry in for a frontal attack. The Highlanders were ordered to flank the Americans. Under the direction of Howard, the Americans retreated. Flushed with victory and now disorganized, the British ran after them. Abruptly, Howard pulled an about-face, fired an extremely devastating volley into his enemy, and then charged. Triplett's riflemen attacked, however, severely damaging the British, and the cavalry of Washington and McCall charged. Completely routed, the dragoons fled to their own rear. Having dismantled Ogilvie's forces, Washington then also charged into the British. When the British advance was finally halted by the Continentals, the American cavalry struck them on the right flank and rear, while the militia, having re-formed, charged out from behind the hill to hit the British left.

The shock of the sudden charge, coupled with the reappearance of the American militiamen on the flanks where Tarleton's exhausted men expected to see their own cavalry, proved too much for the British. Nearly half of the British and Loyalist infantrymen fell to the ground whether they were wounded or not. Their ability to fight had gone. Historian Lawrence Babits diagnoses "combat shock" as the cause for this abrupt British collapse - the effects of exhaustion, hunger and demoralization suddenly catching up with them [25]. Caught in a clever double envelopment, many the British surrendered. With Tarleton's right flank and center line collapsed, there remained only a minority of the 71st Highlanders who were still putting up a fight against part of Howard's line. Tarleton, realizing the desperate seriousness of what was occurring, rode back to his one remaining unit that was in one piece, the Legion Cavalry. Desperate to save something, Tarleton assembled a group of cavalry and tried to save the two cannon he had brought with him, but they had been taken, and so Tarleton decided to save himself. Tarleton with a few remaining horsemen rode back into the fight, but after clashing with Washington’s men, he too retreated from the field. He was stopped by Colonel Washington, who attacked him with his saber, calling out, "Where is now the boasting Tarleton?": but Tarleton shot Washington's horse from under him and fled.

Morgan's troops took 652 British and Loyalist troops - a devastating blow. The number of British killed was claimed by the victorious Americans variously as 100, 110 and 120. It should be noted, however, that in any war, ancient or modern, "body-counts" of enemy dead are usually exaggerated. What counted was that Tarleton's brigade had been all but wiped out as a fighting force.

Historian Lawrence Babits has demonstrated that Morgan's official report of 73 casualties appears to have only included his Continental troops. From surviving records, he has been able to identify by name 128 Patriot soldiers who were either killed or wounded at Cowpens. He also presents an entry in the North Carolina State Records that shows 68 Continental and 80 Militia casualties. It would appear that both the number of Morgan's casualties and the total strength of his force were about double what he officially reported [26].

It was claimed by some of the Patriots after the Battle that Tarleton had ordered his men, before they went into action, to take no prisoners. This may have been "black propaganda" of the sort that flourished amid the brutal conflict in the Carolinas during the Revolution. Tarleton's British Legion Cavalry were notorious for the way that they ruthlessly pursued defeated opponents, cutting them down as they tried to surrender. As a result, Tarleton was given the nickname, "Barbarous Ban" by the Patriot press. But it is notable that nearly every time they defeated the enemy - Monck's Corner, Lenud's Ferry, Camden, Catawba Ford - Tarleton's men did in fact take prisoners. Even at the Battle of Waxhaw Creek (alias The Buford Massacre), where Tarleton's men killed a high proportion of their opponents, they granted quarter to 203 Patriots [27]. By Tarleton's own account, his horse was shot from under him in the charge and chaos erupted when his men believed he had been killed. In the end, 113 Americans were killed and another 203 captured, 150 of whom were so badly wounded that they had to be left behind. Tarleton's casualties were 5 killed and 12 wounded[28].This does not disprove the allegation: but no explanation has been offered as to why Tarleton would suddenly have adopted a 'no prisoners' policy on the single occasion of Cowpens.

Tarleton's apparent recklessness in pushing his command so hard in pursuit of Morgan that they reached the battlefield in desperate need of rest and food, may be explained by the fact that, up until Cowpens, every battle that he, and his British Legion, had fought in the South had been a relatively easy victory. He appears to have been so concerned with pursuing Morgan that he quite forgot that it was necessary for his men to be in a fit condition to fight a battle once they caught him.

Nevertheless, Daniel Morgan, known affectionately as "The Old Waggoner" to his men, had fought a masterly battle. His tactical decisions and personal leadership had allowed a force consisting mainly of militia to fight according to their strengths to win one of the most complete victories of the War. It is a mystery why the Patriot higher command did not make more use of Morgan as a commander.

Reenactors playing Patriot troops march into battle at Cowpens


Coming in the wake of the American debacle at Camden, Cowpens, in its part in the Revolution, was a surprising victory and a turning point that changed the psychology of the entire war —"spiriting up the people", not only those of the backcountry Carolinas, but those in all the Southern colonies. As it was, the Americans were encouraged to fight further, and the Loyalists and British were demoralized. Furthermore, its strategic result—the destruction of an important part of the British army in the South—was incalculable toward ending the war. Along with the British defeat at Battle of King's Mountain, Cowpens was a decisive blow to Cornwallis, who would have defeated much of the remaining American resistance had Tarleton won Cowpens. As a result, the battle set in motion a series of events leading to the British pyrrhic victory at Guilford Court House and the eventual Revolutionary victory at Yorktown. In the opinion of John Marshall, "Seldom has a battle, in which greater numbers were not engaged, been so important in its consequences as that of Cowpens." It gave General Nathanael Greene his chance to conduct a campaign of "dazzling shiftiness" that led Cornwallis by "an unbroken chain of consequences to the catastrophe at Yorktown which finally separated America from the British crown."


The battle site is preserved at Cowpens National Battlefield.

Two ships of the U.S. Navy have been named USS Cowpens in honor of the battle.

The Battle on film

The final battle at the end of the 2000 historical film The Patriot drew its inspiration from two specific battles from the American Revolution: Cowpens and Guilford Courthouse. The Americans used the same basic tactics in both battles. The name of the battle, as well as the winning side, were taken from the Cowpens battle. However, the size of the armies, as well as the presence of Generals Nathaniel Greene and Lord Cornwallis, come from the Guilford Courthouse battle.


  1. ^ Babits, Lawrence E. A Devil of a Whipping. University of North Carolina Press, 1998. ISBN 0-8078-2434-8, page 142
  2. ^ Babits, pages 27-29
  3. ^ Babits, page 28
  4. ^ Babits, page 77
  5. ^ Babits, page 73
  6. ^ Babits, page 28
  7. ^ Babits, page 33
  8. ^ Babits, page 104
  9. ^ Babits, page 34
  10. ^ Babits, pages 35-36
  11. ^ Babits, page 36
  12. ^ Babits, page 40
  13. ^ Babits, page 187, Note 14
  14. ^ Babits, page 40-41
  15. ^ Babits, page 175, Note 101
  16. ^ Babits, pages 41-42 and page 175, Note 101
  17. ^ Babits, pages 41-42
  18. ^ Babits, page 46, “British Legion Infantry strength at Cowpens was between 200 and 271 enlisted men”. However, this statement is referenced to a Note on Page 175-176, which says, “The British Legion infantry at Cowpens is usually considered to have had about 200-250 men, but returns for the 25 December 1780 muster show only 175. Totals obtained by Cornwallis, dated 15 January, show that the whole legion had 451 men, but approximately 250 were dragoons”. There would therefore appear to be no evidence for putting the total strength of the five British Legion Light Infantry companies at more than 200
  19. ^ Bearss, Edwin C., Battle of Cowpens, Originally published by Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation, National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, October 15, 1967, ISBN 1-57072-045-2. Reprinted 1996 by The Overmountain Press. Found at http://www.nps.gov/archive/cowp/bearss/chap1.htm
  20. ^ All unit strengths from Babits
  21. ^ 70th Congress, 1st Session House Document No. 328; Historical Statements Concerning the Battle of King’s Mountain and the Battle of the Cowpens; United States Government Printing Office, Washington, 1928, found at: http://www.army.mil/cmh-pg/books/revwar/KM-Cpns/AWC-Cp1.htm
  22. ^ Babits, page 46
  23. ^ Babits, page 46
  24. ^ Babits, page 156
  25. ^ Babits discusses this phenomenon fully on Pages 155-159
  26. ^ Babits, pages 150-152
  27. ^ Boatner, Mark Mayo. Cassell's Biographical Dictionary of the American War of Independence, 1763-1783 Cassell, London, 1966. ISBN 0 304 29296 6), page 1174
  28. ^ Boatner, page 1174


Battlefield monument

Further reading

  • Babits, Lawrence E. A Devil of a Whipping: The Battle of Cowpens University of North Carolina Press, 2001. ISBN 080784926X.
  • Bearss, Edwin C. The Battle of Cowpens Overmountain Press, 1996. ISBN 1570720452.
  • Davis, Burke The Cowpens-Guilford Courthouse Campaign University of Pennsylvania Press, 2002. ISBN 0812218329.
  • Fleming, Thomas J. Cowpens: Official National Park Handbook Natl Park Service, 1988. ISBN 0912627336.
  • Swager, Christine R. C'ome to the Cow Pens: The Story of the Battle of Cowpens Hub City Writers Project, 2002. ISBN 1891885316.