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During World War II, [[History of Dalmatia#First half of the 20th century|large parts of Dalmatia were annexed to Italy]], in the ''Governatorato di Dalmazia'' from 1941 to 1943. Even Corsica and Nizzardo were administratively annexed to the [[Kingdom of Italy]] in November 1942. Malta was heavily bombed but was not occupied because a planned invasion by Italo-German forces was delayed in 1942 and never done. After Italy's capitulation in 1943, Istria-Venezia Giulia and Dalmatia suffered the invasion of the German Wehrmacht. Between 2,000 and 15,000 Italians died in the so-called ''[[foibe massacres]]'' (this was more common in Istria than in Dalmatia).
During World War II, [[History of Dalmatia#First half of the 20th century|large parts of Dalmatia were annexed to Italy]], in the ''Governatorato di Dalmazia'' from 1941 to 1943. Even Corsica and Nizzardo were administratively annexed to the [[Kingdom of Italy]] in November 1942. Malta was heavily bombed but was not occupied because a planned invasion by Italo-German forces was delayed in 1942 and never done. After Italy's capitulation in 1943, Istria-Venezia Giulia and Dalmatia suffered the invasion of the German Wehrmacht. Between 2,000 and 15,000 Italians died in the so-called ''[[foibe massacres]]'' (this was more common in Istria than in Dalmatia).

After 1945, most of the remaining Italians fled the Balkan region (350,000 Italians emigrated from Istria and Dalmatia in the [[Istrian exodus]]). The "disappearance" of the Italian speaking populations in Dalmatia was nearly complete after World War II. The linguist [[Matteo Bartoli]] calculated that the Italians were [[Dalmatian Italians|33% of the Dalmatian population]] during the Napoleonic wars<ref>Bartoli, Matteo. Le parlate italiane della Venezia Giulia e della Dalmazia. p.46</ref>, while currently there are only 300 Italians in Croatian Dalmatia and 500 Italians in coastal Montenegro. However Bartoli's evaluation was never covered by evidences or documents. Actually it was based on supposition that all population of Dalmatian cities were Italians, which was not the fact. Also during Napeleonic wars overall population in Dalmatian cities was around 20.000 citizens. Even if they were all Italians it was only around 5% of Dalmatian population. Obviously his evaluation was largely biased and exaraggated and was used for later Italian appropriation of Dalmatian land.
After 1945, most of the remaining Italians fled the Balkan region (350,000 Italians emigrated from Istria and Dalmatia in the [[Istrian exodus]]). The "disappearance" of the Italian speaking populations in Dalmatia was nearly complete after World War II. The linguist [[Matteo Bartoli]] calculated that the Italians were [[Dalmatian Italians|33% of the Dalmatian population]] during the Napoleonic wars<ref>Bartoli, Matteo. Le parlate italiane della Venezia Giulia e della Dalmazia. p.46</ref>, while currently there are only 300 Italians in Croatian Dalmatia and 500 Italians in coastal Montenegro.

==Italians in Irredent territories around Italy==
==Italians in Irredent territories around Italy==
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* [[Petru Simone Cristofini]]
* [[Petru Simone Cristofini]]
* [[Petru Giovacchini]]
* [[Petru Giovacchini]]

== Italian irredentism today ==
Italy openly propagates irredentistic ideas even in the 21st century.<br>
Such behaviour has caused several sharp reactions of Croatian and Slovenian officials.<br>

Vicepresident of Italian government, [[Gianfranco Fini]], told to Croatian journalists on 51. gathering of Italo-optants (''esuli'') in Senigallia, that "''...from the son of an Italian from Rijeka...I've first time learned that those areas were and are Italian, but not just because of that that in certain historical moment our armies have planted Italians there. That country was Venetian, and before that Roman''" <ref>{{hr icon}} [http://arhiv.slobodnadalmacija.hr/20041013/temedana01.asp Slobodna Dalmacija] Gianfranco Fini: "Dalmacija, Rijeka i Istra oduvijek su talijanske zemlje", Oct 13, 2004 </ref>. Instead of demanting those words, [[Carlo Giovanardi]], minister for the relations with Parliament in Berlusconi's government, coldly confirmed Fini's words, saying "''...that he told the truth''".<ref>{{hr icon}} [http://www.slobodnadalmacija.hr/20060318/tribina01.asp Slobodna Dalmacija] Utroba koja je porodila talijanski iredentizam još uvijek je plodna, Mar 18, 2006</ref>.
On 52. gathering of Italo-optants (esuli), Carlo Giovanardi also told in 2005, that "''Italy'll execute cultural, economical and touristic invasion in order to 'reconstruct the Italianhood of Dalmatia' ''", while participating on round table, together with neofascist and irredentist persons, discussing about the topic "Italy and Dalmatia today and tomorrow" (note: organizers, Italian revisionist and revanchist society,
intentionally evade the noun "Croatia" in title) <ref>{{hr icon}} [http://nacional.hr/articles/view/21074/ Nacional] Talijanski ministar najavio invaziju na Dalmaciju, Oct 19, 2005 </ref>.<br>
Roberto Menia, the deputy of [[Alleanza Nazionale]] in Italian Parliament, has been regularly verbally attacking institutions of Italians from Croatia (especially ''Italian Union'') and its <!-- uglednici --> leaders and honorable persons (publicist and writer [[Giacomo Scotti]] was favourite target of those attacks), calling them as ''titoists, traitors and slavocommunists'', although those persons and institutions were keeping the culture of Croatian Italians alive. Menia also supported the etiquette, told by Italian consul in Rijeka, Roberto Pietrosanto, in which Pietrosanto called those institutions as ''fifthcolumnist''.<ref> {{hr icon}} [http://www.slobodnadalmacija.hr/inc/print.asp?url=/20050302/novosti05.asp Slobodna Dalmacija] Menia želi kontrolu nad 8 milijuna eura za Talijansku uniju, Feb 2, 2005</ref><br>
Also, Alleanza Nazionale has often shown territorial expansionis, repeating the [[revisionism|revisionistic]] claim, "that Dalmatia was stolen to Italy". In 2005., Menia has told, that "''when Croatia joins EU, Italy will return Istra, Rijeka and Dalmatia''". <ref>{{hr icon}} [http://nacional.hr/articles/view/21074/ Nacional] Talijanski ministar najavio invaziju na Dalmaciju, Oct 19, 2005. </ref> <!-- vecernji list, june 2005. --><br>
In [[2001.]], Italian president [[Carlo Azeglio Ciampi]] has given the medal to "free municipality of Zadar in exile" (note: [[Zadar]] is a city in Croatia):''Medaglia d'oro al comune di Zara, al valor militar…''".<br>

On December 12, 2007, the Italian post office issued a stamp with a photo of the Croatian city of [[Rijeka]] and with the text "Rijeka - eastern land once part of Italy" ("Fiume-terra orientale già italiana") <ref>{{hr icon}} [http://www.index.hr/vijesti/clanak/mvp-uputio-prosvjednu-notu-italiji-zbog-postanske-marke-s-nacionalistickim-natpisom/367948.aspx Index.hr] MVP uputio prosvjednu notu Italiji zbog poštanske marke s nacionalističkim natpisom <br> The Croatian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent a protest note to Italy, because of issue of a stamp with nationalistic text. </ref>. <br>[http://www.b92.net/eng/news/region-article.php?yyyy=2007&mm=12&dd=13&nav_id=46152&version=print]

The severeness of this act could seen in use of prepositions and adjectives - "già italiana" could also mean "already Italian". The stamp was printed in 3.5 million of copies. [http://www.r-1.hr/view.asp?idp=7396&c=5] [http://www.totalportal.hr/firedesk/Hrvatska/Doga%F0aji/marka-rijeka.jpg]

==See Also==
==See Also==
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* [http://www.kozina.com/premik/poreng2.htm Slovene - Italian relations between 1880-1918]
* [http://www.kozina.com/premik/poreng2.htm Slovene - Italian relations between 1880-1918]
* [http://68.1911encyclopedia.org/I/IR/IRREDENTISTS.htm Irredentists]
* [http://68.1911encyclopedia.org/I/IR/IRREDENTISTS.htm Irredentists]

== External links ==
*{{hr icon}} [http://amac.hrvati-amac.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1894&Itemid=192 Hrvati AMAC] Gdje su granice (EU-)talijanskog bezobrazluka? (''Where are the limits of Italian arrogancy?''; page contains the speech of Italian deputy)
*{{hr icon}} [http://amac.hrvati-amac.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1885&Itemid=192 Hrvati AMAC] 'Božićni darovi' poniženoj Hrvatskoj (''Christmas gifts to humiliated Croatia''; page contains the scan of the incriminated stamp)
*{{hr icon}} [http://arhiv.slobodnadalmacija.hr/20031229/novosti01.asp Slobodna Dalmacija] Počasni građanin Zadra kočnica talijanskoj ratifikaciji SSP-a

[[Category:History of Austria-Hungary]]
[[Category:History of Austria-Hungary]]

Revision as of 17:48, 23 December 2007

File:Italia irredenta 1939.jpg
Territories around the actual Republic of Italy claimed as Irredent by nationalistic organizations (In clockwise order from north):
Istria-Venezia Giulia (in actual Slovenia and Croatia)
Dalmatia (in actual Croatia and Montenegro)
Ionian islands (in Greece)
Malta (Malta)
Corsica (France)
Nizzardo (France)
Savoia (France)
Ticino (Switzerland)

Italia Irredenta (Unredeemed Italy) was an Italian nationalist opinion movement that emerged after Italian unification. It advocated irredentism among the Italian people as well as other nationalities who were willing to become Italian and as a movement is also known as Italian irredentism. Not a formal organization, it was just an opinion movement that claimed that Italy had to reach its "natural borders". Similar patriotic and nationalistic ideas were common in Europe in the 19th century.

Italian irredentism obtained an important result after World War I, when Italy gained Trieste, Gorizia, Istria and the city of Zadar . Fascist irredentism added to Italy (temporarily during WWII) Corsica, Nizzardo and most of Dalmatia, while occupied militarily Savoia and the Ionian islands.


The movement had for its avowed purpose the emancipation of all Italian lands still subject to foreign rule after Italian unification. The Irredentists took language as the test of the alleged Italian nationality of the countries they proposed to emancipate, which were Trentino, Trieste, Dalmatia, Istria, Gorizia, Ticino, Nizza, Corsica and Malta.

Initial Irredentism in the XIX century

One of the first "Irredentists" was Giuseppe Garibaldi, who in 1859, as deputy for his native Nizza in the Piedmontese parliament at Turin, attacked Cavour for ceding Nice to Napoleon III (in order to get French help and approval for the Italian Unification). The Irredentism grew in importance in Italy in the next years.

On July 21, 1878, a noisy public meeting was held at Rome with Menotti Garibaldi (the son of unification leader Giuseppe Garibaldi) as chairman of the forum, and a clamour was raised for the formation of volunteer battalions to conquer the Trentino. Benedetto Cairoli, then Prime Minister of Italy, treated the agitation with tolerance. It was, however, mainly superficial, because the mass of the Italians had no wish to launch on a dangerous policy of adventure against Austria, and still less to attack France for the sake of Nice and Corsica, or Britain for Malta.

One consequence of the Irredentist ideas outside of Italy was the assassination plot organized against the Emperor Francis Joseph in Trieste in 1882, which was detected. Guglielmo Oberdan (a Triestine and thus Austrian citizen) was executed. When the Irredentist movement became troublesome to Italy through the activity of Republicans and Socialists, it was subject to effective police control by Agostino Depretis.

Irredentism faced a setback when the French occupation of Tunis in 1881 started a crisis in French–Italian relations. The government entered into relations with Austria and Germany, which took shape with the formation of the Triple Alliance in 1882.

Consequences of Irredentism

Italy signed the London Pact and entered World War I with the intention of gaining those territories perceived as being Italian under foreign rule; several Austro-Hungarian citizens of Italian ethnicity fought within the Italian forces against Austria-Hungary to free their lands. Some, such as Cesare Battisti, Nazario Sauro, Damiano Chiesa, Fabio Filzi, were captured and executed. The outcome of the First World War and the consequent settlement of the Treaty of Saint-Germain ensured Italy some of its claims, in accordance with the Treaty of London of 1915, including many (but not all) of the aims of the Italia irredenta party, incorporating Trento, Bolzano, Trieste and Istria. [1]

In Dalmatia, despite the treaty of London, only the city of Zadar/Zara (with some Dalmatian islands) was assigned to Italy.

The ethnically Italian city of Fiume (Rijeka) in northern Dalmatia was the subject of claim and counter-claim (see Italian Regency of Carnaro, Treaty of Rapallo, 1920 and Treaty of Rome, 1924).

The stand taken by Gabriele D'Annunzio, which briefly led him to become an enemy of the Italian state, was meant to provoke a nationalist revival through Corporatism (first instituted during his rule over Fiume), in front of what was widely perceived as state corruption engineered by governments such as Giovanni Giolitti's.

Moreover, Fascism made effort to seem as the natural outcome of war heroism, against a "betrayed Italy" that had not been awarded all it deserved, as well as appropriating the image of Arditi soldiers. In 1922 Mussolini temporarily occupied Corfu, starting the irredentism on the Ionian islands of Greece. Mussolini even promoted actively the irredentism of the islands around the Kingdom of Italy - through the Maltese Italians, Corfiot Italians and Corsican Italians - in order to control the Mediterranean sea (that he called Italian Mare Nostrum).

During World War II, large parts of Dalmatia were annexed to Italy, in the Governatorato di Dalmazia from 1941 to 1943. Even Corsica and Nizzardo were administratively annexed to the Kingdom of Italy in November 1942. Malta was heavily bombed but was not occupied because a planned invasion by Italo-German forces was delayed in 1942 and never done. After Italy's capitulation in 1943, Istria-Venezia Giulia and Dalmatia suffered the invasion of the German Wehrmacht. Between 2,000 and 15,000 Italians died in the so-called foibe massacres (this was more common in Istria than in Dalmatia).

After 1945, most of the remaining Italians fled the Balkan region (350,000 Italians emigrated from Istria and Dalmatia in the Istrian exodus). The "disappearance" of the Italian speaking populations in Dalmatia was nearly complete after World War II. The linguist Matteo Bartoli calculated that the Italians were 33% of the Dalmatian population during the Napoleonic wars[1], while currently there are only 300 Italians in Croatian Dalmatia and 500 Italians in coastal Montenegro.

Italians in Irredent territories around Italy

The Italians of Italia irredenta, living in the areas not included in the Kingdom of Italy after the 1861 Unification of Italy, were in eight regions where Irredentism took place vehemently (mainly during the Fascist period):

1) Istrian Italians in Istria-Venezia Giulia
2) Dalmatian Italians in Dalmatia
3) Corfiot Italians in Corfu and Ionian islands
4) Maltese Italians in Malta
5) Corsican Italians in Corsica
6) Nizzardo Italians in Nizza (Nice) and Nizzardo
7) Savoia Italians in Savoia (Savoy)
8) Ticino Italians in Ticino

Political figures in the Italian irredentist movement

See Also


  1. ^ Bartoli, Matteo. Le parlate italiane della Venezia Giulia e della Dalmazia. p.46


  • Public Domain This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domainChisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. {{cite encyclopedia}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)
  • Bartoli, Matteo. Le parlate italiane della Venezia Giulia e della Dalmazia. Tipografia italo-orientale. Grottaferrata, 1919.
  • Colonel von Haymerle, Italicae res, Vienna, 1879 - the early history of Irredentists.
  • Večerina, Duško, Talijanski Iredentizam ( Italian Irredentism ), ISBN 953-98456-0-2, Zagreb, 2001
  • Vivante, Angelo, Irredentismo adriatico (The Adriatic Irredentism), 1984
  • Slovene - Italian relations between 1880-1918
  • Irredentists