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Guerrilla phase of the Second Chechen War (2008): Difference between revisions

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*[[January 12]] - Two high-ranking officers were assassinated when their car came under fire in [[Nalchik]], [[Kabardino-Balkaria]]. The victims were the head of the region’s [[UBOP]] (organised crime squad) [[Anatoly Kyarov]],<ref>[http://in.news.yahoo.com/indianexpress/20080114/r_t_ie_wl_europe/twl-top-cop-killed-russia-launches-hunt-ef4aa3c.html Top cop killed, Russia launches hunt for militants]</ref> and a senior officer of the [[OMON]] special forces. Two other officers were injured and remained in critical condition.<ref>[http://www.theotherrussia.org/2008/01/13/top-officer-murdered-in-fire-fight/ Top Officer Murdered in Fire-Fight]</ref> [[Kavkaz Center]] reported that the actual target for the assault was Chief of the [[FSB]], [[Nikolai Patrushev]].<ref>[http://www.kavkazcenter.com/eng/content/2008/01/13/9245.shtml An operation aimed at eliminating Patrushev carried out in Nalchik]</ref>
*[[January 12]] - Two high-ranking officers were assassinated when their car came under fire in [[Nalchik]], [[Kabardino-Balkaria]]. The victims were the head of the region’s [[UBOP]] (organised crime squad) [[Anatoly Kyarov]],<ref>[http://in.news.yahoo.com/indianexpress/20080114/r_t_ie_wl_europe/twl-top-cop-killed-russia-launches-hunt-ef4aa3c.html Top cop killed, Russia launches hunt for militants]</ref> and a senior officer of the [[OMON]] special forces. Two other officers were injured and remained in critical condition.<ref>[http://www.theotherrussia.org/2008/01/13/top-officer-murdered-in-fire-fight/ Top Officer Murdered in Fire-Fight]</ref> [[Kavkaz Center]] reported that the actual target for the assault was Chief of the [[FSB]], [[Nikolai Patrushev]].<ref>[http://www.kavkazcenter.com/eng/content/2008/01/13/9245.shtml An operation aimed at eliminating Patrushev carried out in Nalchik]</ref>

*[[January 14]] - An apartment siege in [[Makhachkala]], Dagestan, ended with three gunmen killed and one policeman injured, the local police chief said. Gunmen killed one police officer and wounded another in a forested area of south Chechnya, the regional Interior Ministry said.<ref>[http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2008/01/14/europe/EU-GEN-Russia-Violence.php Official: 3 militants killed in police siege of apartment in southern Russia]</ref> Another suspected militant was killed in an exchange of gunfire in the center of Grozny, the ministry said.<ref name="suspects" />
*[[January 14]] - An apartment siege in [[Makhachkala]], capital of Dagestan, ended with three gunmen killed and one policeman injured, the local police chief said. In Chechnya gunmen killed one police officer and wounded another in a southern forested area, the regional Interior Ministry said.<ref>[http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2008/01/14/europe/EU-GEN-Russia-Violence.php Official: 3 militants killed in police siege of apartment in southern Russia]</ref> A suspected militant was killed in an exchange of gunfire in the center of Grozny, the ministry said.<ref name="suspects" />

*[[January 16]] - Police attacked a home in Grozny, killing four suspected militants, including Uvais Tachiyev, the alleged leader of a rebel group, while an OMON officer was wounded, Chechnya's Interior Ministry said.<ref name="suspects">[http://www.themoscowtimes.com/stories/2008/01/16/020.html Police Kill 4 Suspects in Grozny]</ref> [[Chechenpress]] reported that up to 10 Russian and pro-Russian troops were killed or wounded during a fierce fight in the [[Kurchaloyevsky District]]. [[Ria novosti]] reported that one police officer was killed and six others wounded in a clash with militants in southern Chechnya and that one militant was killed in retaliatory fire<ref>http://en.rian.ru/russia/20080117/97138581.html</ref><ref>[http://chechenews.com/news/117/ARTICLE/3468/2008-01-16.html Ожесточенный бой между российскими оккупантами и чеченскими бойцами в Курчалоевском районе ЧРИ.]</ref> [[Interfax]] reported that Magomed Ismailov, director of the municipal unitary enterprise Makhachkalatrans, was shot to death in [[Makhachkala]] on the morning of [[January 16]].<ref>http://www.jamestown.org/chechnya_weekly/article.php?issue_id=4355</ref> [[Itar Tass]] reported that the body of the deputy commander of the Ingushetian Interior’s special task force unit, Senior Lieutenant Movsar Martazanov, was found in Karabulak city with numerous gunshot wounds.<ref>http://www.itar-tass.com/eng/level2.html?NewsID=12265328&PageNum=0</ref>
*[[January 16]] - Police attacked a home in Grozny, killing four suspected militants, including Uvais Tachiyev, the alleged leader of a rebel group, while one OMON officer was wounded, Chechnya's Interior Ministry said.<ref name="suspects">[http://www.themoscowtimes.com/stories/2008/01/16/020.html Police Kill 4 Suspects in Grozny]</ref> [[Chechenpress]] reported that one guerrilla and four Russian and pro-Russian troops were killed and six wounded during a fierce fight in the [[Kurchaloyevsky District]];<ref>[http://chechenews.com/news/117/ARTICLE/3468/2008-01-16.html Ожесточенный бой между российскими оккупантами и чеченскими бойцами в Курчалоевском районе ЧРИ.]</ref> [[RIA Novosti]] reported that one police officer was killed and six others wounded in a clash and that one militant was killed in retaliatory fire.<ref>[http://en.rian.ru/russia/20080117/97138581.html Policeman killed, six wounded in shootout with militants in Chechnya]</ref> [[Itar Tass]] reported that the body of the deputy commander of the Ingushetian OMON, Senior Lieutenant Movsar Martazanov, was found in the city of [[Karabulak]] with numerous gunshot wounds.<ref>[http://www.jamestown.org/chechnya_weekly/article.php?articleid=2373902 Alkhanov: 72 Rebels Killed in Chechnya Last Year]</ref>

*[[January 17]] - Two police officers were wounded after they came under militants' gunfire in the Chechnya's Shali district, a source with law enforcement agencies told Interfax-AVN on Friday.<ref>http://www.interfax.com/3/355510/news.aspx</ref>
*[[January 17]] - Two police officers were wounded after they came under militants' gunfire in the Chechnya's [[Shalinsky District]], a source with law enforcement agencies told Interfax. The Ingush Interior Ministry rejected as untrue reports by RIA Novosti and other Russian agencies that the home in Nazran of Ingushetia's Prime Minister [[Ibragim Malsagov]] was subjected to automatic-rifle and mortar fire and "destroyed".<ref>[http://www.rferl.org/newsline/2008/01/1-rus/rus-180108.asp INTERIOR MINISTRY DENIES REPORTS OF INGUSHETIA ATTACK.]</ref>

*[[January 18]] - Chechenpress reported that during previous week large-scale character battles tbroke out in the area of [[Marzoi-Mohk]] in the [[Vedensky District]] and in the village of [[Alleroi]] in the Kurchaloyevsky District, resulting in the deaths of about 20 Russian and pro-Russian troops.<ref>[http://chechenews.com/news/117/ARTICLE/3490/2008-01-18.html Чеченские бойцы перешли к активным боевым действиям во многих районах ЧРИ]</ref>
*[[January 19]] - [[Itar Tass]] reported that two soldiers were wounded in shooting in Chechnya, near the village of Serzhen-Yurt. [[Kavkaz Center]] claimed at least two soldiers were killed and 3 or 4 wounded in the shootout. <ref>http://www.itar-tass.com/eng/level2.html?NewsID=12269094&PageNum=0</ref><ref>http://www.kavkazcenter.com/eng/content/2008/01/18/9263.shtml</ref>

*[[January 19]] - Itar Tass reported that two policemen were wounded in shooting in Chechnya, near the village of [[Serzhen-Yurt]]; Kavkaz Center claimed at least two [[Spetsnaz]] soldiers were killed and three or four wounded in the shootout.<ref>[http://www.itar-tass.com/eng/level2.html?NewsID=12269094&PageNum=0 Two policemen wounded in Chechnya]</ref><ref>[http://www.kavkazcenter.com/eng/content/2008/01/18/9263.shtml Russian spetsnaz attacked in Vedeno gorge]</ref> Chechenpress reported that the Russian forces suffered on that day one fatal loss and nine injuries in the fighting in the area of the villages of [[Niki-Hita]] and Marzoi-Mohk.<ref>[http://chechenews.com/news/117/ARTICLE/3517/2008-01-21.html В Веденском и Курчалоевском районах ЧРИ продолжаются активные боевые действия]</ref>
*[[January 20]] - Two interior troops soldiers were killed and one wounded in a militant attack in eastern Chechnya on Sunday a police source reported. "Unidentified assailants opened fire on a group of federal soldiers in the Kurchaloyevo District of Chechnya killing two contract soldiers and wounding one". The militants managed to escape. <ref>http://www.itar-tass.com/eng/level2.html?NewsID=12275013&PageNum=0</ref><ref>http://en.rian.ru/russia/20080121/97410846.html</ref>

*[[January 20]] - Two Interior Troops soldiers were killed and one wounded in a militant attack in eastern Chechnya, a police source reported.<ref>[http://en.rian.ru/russia/20080121/97410846.html Two soldiers killed in Chechnya shootout]</ref>
*[[January 21]] - [[Kavkaz Center]] reported that "many soldiers" died during 4 days of fighting in the [[Kurchaloyevsky District]].<ref>http://www.kavkazcenter.com/eng/content/2008/01/21/9280.shtml</ref> Russian agencies did not report on fighting in this district since[[January 16]]. [[Kavkaz Center]] reported simultaneous attacks on police stations and border troops. No casualties were reported.<ref>http://www.kavkazcenter.com/eng/content/2008/01/21/9281.shtml</ref>

*[[January 21]] - Kavkaz Center reported that "many soldiers" died during four days of fighting near Marzoi-Mohk in the Kurchaloyevsky District;<ref>[http://www.kavkazcenter.com/eng/content/2008/01/21/9280.shtml Many Invaders Killed During the 4 Days of Gunbattles near Marzoy-Mokhk]</ref> Russian agencies did not report on fighting in this district since January 16. KC reported simultaneous attacks on police stations and border troops; no casualties were reported.<ref>[http://www.kavkazcenter.com/eng/content/2008/01/21/9281.shtml Simultaneous Attack Against Occupation Targets in Nazran]</ref>
*[[January 22]] - Gunmen ambushed a minibus in the south Russian republic of Ingushetia killing one soldier and injuring three army officers on Tuesday, news agencies reported.<ref>http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/L22181045.htm</ref>

*[[January 22]] - Gunmen ambushed a minibus in Ingushetia killing one soldier and injuring three army officers, while a car carrying explosives blew up killing the driver, news agencies reported.<ref>[http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/L22181045.htm Ambush, car explosion kill two in south Russia]</ref>
*[[January 23]] - Two Russian servicemen were killed and three more wounded on Wednesday in an attack in the Russia's North Caucasus Republic of Ingushetia, RIA news agency reported<ref>http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2008-01/24/content_7483098.htm</ref><ref>http://www.themoscowtimes.com/stories/2008/01/25/031.html</ref> [[Ria novosti]] reported three militants killed in a clash with federal troops in Dagestan. Not confirmed by rebels. <ref>http://en.rian.ru/russia/20080124/97636288.html</ref>A fight at one of Grozny’s TACs (temporary accommodation centres) between internally displaced persons (IDPs) and district administration officials occurred, Prague Watchdog reported. As a result of the clash two women living at the camp were seriously wounded, and one was taken to hospital with suspected spinal injuries.<ref>http://www.watchdog.cz/?show=000000-000002-000001-000200&lang=1</ref>

*[[January 23]] - Two Russian servicemen were killed and three more wounded in an attack on a car in Ingushetia, RIA Novosti reported.<ref>[http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2008-01/24/content_7483098.htm Russian soldiers killed in military attack]</ref> RIAN also reported two militants were killed and one fatally wounded in a shootout with federal troops in Dagestan.<ref>[http://en.rian.ru/russia/20080124/97636288.html Three militants killed in Russian N.Caucasus]</ref>
*[[January 26]] - A skirmish with militants near the village of Gordali in the Nozhai-Yurt district of Chechnya left police officer, Second Lt. Takhir Chalayev of the Baitarki village interior department, fatally wounded, [[Interfax]] reported. <ref>http://www.interfax.ru/e/B/politics/28.html?id_issue=11953429</ref>

*[[January 27]] - A district police officer was killed in a clash with militants in the mountains in southeastern Chechnya, the Chechen Interior Ministry told [[Interfax]].<ref>http://www.interfax.ru/e/B/politics/28.html?id_issue=11953429</ref> In another incident, a Russian serviceman and a local policeman were killed in a battle with rebels in Chechnya, officials said. The clash occurred late Sunday when a group of federal servicemen and local police were conducting a security sweep in the Nozhai-Yurt region in southern Chechnya's mountains and encountered a group of rebels. Another two local police officers were wounded and two militants were killed in the ensuing gunbattle, the Chechen branch of Russia's Interior Ministry said.<ref>http://www.pr-inside.com/serviceman-and-policeman-killed-in-r407695.htm</ref><ref>http://www.itar-tass.com/eng/level2.html?NewsID=12301308&PageNum=0</ref>The names of the killed militants were later said to be Adam Abdulayev and Malkan Chagayev,"<ref>http://www.itar-tass.com/eng/level2.html?NewsID=12306625&PageNum=0</ref>
*[[January 27]] - A local police officer was killed in a clash with militants in the mountains in southeastern Chechnya, the Chechen Interior Ministry told Interfax.<ref>[http://www.interfax.ru/e/B/politics/28.html?id_issue=11953429 Police officer killed in skirmish in Chechnya]</ref> In another incident, a Russian serviceman and a local policeman were killed in a battle with rebels during a security sweep in the [[Nozhai-Yurt]] region in southern Chechnya's mountains, officials said. Another two local police officers were wounded and two militants were killed in the ensuing gunbattle, the Chechen branch of Russia's Interior Ministry said.<ref>[http://www.pr-inside.com/serviceman-and-policeman-killed-in-r407695.htm Serviceman and policeman killed in clash with rebels in Chechnya]</ref>

*[[January 28]] - One serviceman was killed and another three were wounded in a shootout with militants near the village of [[Bamut]], Achkhoi-Martan district, on Monday evening, local police told [[Itar Tass]] on Tuesday. The servicemen detected and engaged a group of gunmen during a security sweep. The militants succeeded in escaping into a forest in the dark. Federal forces shelled the likely paths of retreat. The search for the gunmen continued on Tuesday morning.<ref>http://www.itar-tass.com/eng/level2.html?NewsID=12306625&PageNum=0</ref> As a result of the attack, the next day the Chechen village Gekhi has been subject to artillery fire from federal Russian troop positions, leading to protests from the local residents<ref>http://www.watchdog.cz/?show=000000-000008-000001-000483&lang=1</ref> A day later [[Kavkaz Center]] claimed that the base was attacked by heavy machine guns, light mortars and grenade launchers and the Federals were unable to return fire. "The shelling of the base lasted around 45 minutes. One of the Mujahideen mobile groups closely approached a checkpoint and attacked it with grenade launchers and as a result of this attack 7 soldiers were killed and 9 were wounded. 4 military vehicles were damaged or disabled, including an armored fighting vehicle."<ref>http://www.kavkazcenter.com/eng/content/2008/01/30/9310.shtml</ref>
*[[January 28]] - One serviceman was killed and another three were wounded in a shootout with militants near the village of [[Bamut]], [[Achkhoi-Martansky District]]. As a result of the attack, the next day the Chechen village [[Gekhi]] 25 kilometers away has been subject to artillery fire,<ref>[http://www.watchdog.cz/?show=000000-000008-000001-000483&lang=1 After battle with guerrillas near Bamut, soldiers shell Gekhi]</ref> leading to protests from the republic's President [[Ramzan Kadyrov]].<ref>[http://www6.lexisnexis.com/publisher/EndUser?Action=UserDisplayFullDocument&orgId=574&topicId=100007196&docId=l:736362427&start=3 Chechen leader rails at Russian commander over botched attack]</ref> A day later [[Kavkaz Center]] claimed that a Russian base in Bamut was attacked by heavy machine guns, light mortars and grenade launchers, killing seven soldiers and injuring nine.<ref>[http://www.kavkazcenter.com/eng/content/2008/01/30/9310.shtml What happened near Bamut and in Gekhi?]</ref>

*[[January 31]] - A contract serviceman in Chechnya has been taken prisoner law enforcement sources told [[Interfax]]<ref>http://www.interfax.ru/e/B/politics/28.html?id_issue=11956398</ref>
*[[January 31]] - A contract serviceman has been "abducted" on a reconnaissance operation in Chechnya, law enforcement sources told Interfax.<ref>[http://www.interfax.ru/e/B/politics/28.html?id_issue=11956398 Contract serviceman missing in Chechnya]</ref>


Revision as of 17:58, 1 February 2008

  • January 8 - Police killed two rebels in the Derbent district of Dagestan, Russian media reported.[3] A group of rapid-response policemen were shot at in Ingushetia, killing one and wounding another, Interfax reported.[4]
  • January 10 - Six militants were killed during a two-day special operation in Tabasaran district of Dagestan, Dagestan Interior Ministry said. Internal Troops soldier was wounded.[5] One of Doku Umarov's men was killed in Grozny, Chechen Interior Minister said.[6] A car bomb in Dagestan injured Gazi Gaziyev, a deputy of the Dagestan's People Assembly and the regional railways chief, and his driver.[7]
  • January 14 - An apartment siege in Makhachkala, capital of Dagestan, ended with three gunmen killed and one policeman injured, the local police chief said. In Chechnya gunmen killed one police officer and wounded another in a southern forested area, the regional Interior Ministry said.[11] A suspected militant was killed in an exchange of gunfire in the center of Grozny, the ministry said.[12]
  • January 16 - Police attacked a home in Grozny, killing four suspected militants, including Uvais Tachiyev, the alleged leader of a rebel group, while one OMON officer was wounded, Chechnya's Interior Ministry said.[12] Chechenpress reported that one guerrilla and four Russian and pro-Russian troops were killed and six wounded during a fierce fight in the Kurchaloyevsky District;[13] RIA Novosti reported that one police officer was killed and six others wounded in a clash and that one militant was killed in retaliatory fire.[14] Itar Tass reported that the body of the deputy commander of the Ingushetian OMON, Senior Lieutenant Movsar Martazanov, was found in the city of Karabulak with numerous gunshot wounds.[15]
  • January 17 - Two police officers were wounded after they came under militants' gunfire in the Chechnya's Shalinsky District, a source with law enforcement agencies told Interfax. The Ingush Interior Ministry rejected as untrue reports by RIA Novosti and other Russian agencies that the home in Nazran of Ingushetia's Prime Minister Ibragim Malsagov was subjected to automatic-rifle and mortar fire and "destroyed".[16]
  • January 18 - Chechenpress reported that during previous week large-scale character battles tbroke out in the area of Marzoi-Mohk in the Vedensky District and in the village of Alleroi in the Kurchaloyevsky District, resulting in the deaths of about 20 Russian and pro-Russian troops.[17]
  • January 19 - Itar Tass reported that two policemen were wounded in shooting in Chechnya, near the village of Serzhen-Yurt; Kavkaz Center claimed at least two Spetsnaz soldiers were killed and three or four wounded in the shootout.[18][19] Chechenpress reported that the Russian forces suffered on that day one fatal loss and nine injuries in the fighting in the area of the villages of Niki-Hita and Marzoi-Mohk.[20]
  • January 20 - Two Interior Troops soldiers were killed and one wounded in a militant attack in eastern Chechnya, a police source reported.[21]
  • January 21 - Kavkaz Center reported that "many soldiers" died during four days of fighting near Marzoi-Mohk in the Kurchaloyevsky District;[22] Russian agencies did not report on fighting in this district since January 16. KC reported simultaneous attacks on police stations and border troops; no casualties were reported.[23]
  • January 22 - Gunmen ambushed a minibus in Ingushetia killing one soldier and injuring three army officers, while a car carrying explosives blew up killing the driver, news agencies reported.[24]
  • January 23 - Two Russian servicemen were killed and three more wounded in an attack on a car in Ingushetia, RIA Novosti reported.[25] RIAN also reported two militants were killed and one fatally wounded in a shootout with federal troops in Dagestan.[26]
  • January 27 - A local police officer was killed in a clash with militants in the mountains in southeastern Chechnya, the Chechen Interior Ministry told Interfax.[27] In another incident, a Russian serviceman and a local policeman were killed in a battle with rebels during a security sweep in the Nozhai-Yurt region in southern Chechnya's mountains, officials said. Another two local police officers were wounded and two militants were killed in the ensuing gunbattle, the Chechen branch of Russia's Interior Ministry said.[28]
  • January 28 - One serviceman was killed and another three were wounded in a shootout with militants near the village of Bamut, Achkhoi-Martansky District. As a result of the attack, the next day the Chechen village Gekhi 25 kilometers away has been subject to artillery fire,[29] leading to protests from the republic's President Ramzan Kadyrov.[30] A day later Kavkaz Center claimed that a Russian base in Bamut was attacked by heavy machine guns, light mortars and grenade launchers, killing seven soldiers and injuring nine.[31]
  • January 31 - A contract serviceman has been "abducted" on a reconnaissance operation in Chechnya, law enforcement sources told Interfax.[32]


  1. ^ 2 police killed in Chechnya attacks on New Year's Eve, 1 in neighboring region
  2. ^ В новогоднюю ночь в Джохаре чеченский снайпер убил семь пророссийских милиционеров.
  3. ^ Police kill 2 rebels in Russia's Dagestan-media
  4. ^ Officer Killed in Ingushetia
  5. ^ Six gunmen killed in Dagestan
  6. ^ Gunman killed in Grozny was member of Umarov’s armed gang
  7. ^ Car bomb injures Dagestan legislator
  8. ^ Top cop killed, Russia launches hunt for militants
  9. ^ Top Officer Murdered in Fire-Fight
  10. ^ An operation aimed at eliminating Patrushev carried out in Nalchik
  11. ^ Official: 3 militants killed in police siege of apartment in southern Russia
  12. ^ a b Police Kill 4 Suspects in Grozny
  13. ^ Ожесточенный бой между российскими оккупантами и чеченскими бойцами в Курчалоевском районе ЧРИ.
  14. ^ Policeman killed, six wounded in shootout with militants in Chechnya
  15. ^ Alkhanov: 72 Rebels Killed in Chechnya Last Year
  17. ^ Чеченские бойцы перешли к активным боевым действиям во многих районах ЧРИ
  18. ^ Two policemen wounded in Chechnya
  19. ^ Russian spetsnaz attacked in Vedeno gorge
  20. ^ В Веденском и Курчалоевском районах ЧРИ продолжаются активные боевые действия
  21. ^ Two soldiers killed in Chechnya shootout
  22. ^ Many Invaders Killed During the 4 Days of Gunbattles near Marzoy-Mokhk
  23. ^ Simultaneous Attack Against Occupation Targets in Nazran
  24. ^ Ambush, car explosion kill two in south Russia
  25. ^ Russian soldiers killed in military attack
  26. ^ Three militants killed in Russian N.Caucasus
  27. ^ Police officer killed in skirmish in Chechnya
  28. ^ Serviceman and policeman killed in clash with rebels in Chechnya
  29. ^ After battle with guerrillas near Bamut, soldiers shell Gekhi
  30. ^ Chechen leader rails at Russian commander over botched attack
  31. ^ What happened near Bamut and in Gekhi?
  32. ^ Contract serviceman missing in Chechnya