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There is a way to change it!!!! Just change the skin to MonoBook again, and/or disable new features. If you're not logged in, why are you here? Isn't this page for Users? [[User:2D Backfire Master|'''<span style="color:black">2D Backfire Master</span>]]''' <sup>[[User talk:2D Backfire Master|<span style="color:#696969">lovably </span>]][[User:2D Backfire Master/Guestbook|<span style="color:#696969">sardonic</span> ]]</sup> 11:08, 14 May 2010 (UTC)
There is a way to change it!!!! Just change the skin to MonoBook again, and/or disable new features. If you're not logged in, why are you here? Isn't this page for Users? [[User:2D Backfire Master|'''<span style="color:black">2D Backfire Master</span>]]''' <sup>[[User talk:2D Backfire Master|<span style="color:#696969">lovably </span>]][[User:2D Backfire Master/Guestbook|<span style="color:#696969">sardonic</span> ]]</sup> 11:08, 14 May 2010 (UTC)

==Search bar is hard to find==

Please rethink the search bar placement/design. In my opinion, it must be somewhere in the main (left) navigation, and, if possible, a little wider / more prominent.

I think we can agree that most Wikipedia users are searching for a particular article, and given that most users start reading a web page from the top left [http://www.useit.com/alertbox/reading_pattern.html]
[http://www.google.com/images/adsense/en_us/support/general_en.jpg], it makes the most sense to put the search bar near that area.

The search function is, in my opinion, Wikipedia's best feature ... please don't hide it.

Revision as of 16:15, 14 May 2010

brief remark on search function in new Wikipedia

I think the search box should be much larger and more prominent on the Wikipedia homepage. It's basically the whole point of Wikipedia (the other stuff, featured article and news and whatnot, is just window-dressing) and yet in the new design it's tiny and hidden away in the top corner and you can hardly see it. Put it front and centre!

Search Bar

Bring it back to the left...if possible put it so that the it stays in the same spot on the screen (lower left) even when scrolling through the article. (Something similar to Google with it's search function)

new search feature - worse than before. you can't see the search result

Yeah, search field is broken. Type something, hit enter, it "forgets" the last few letters you typed. Every time. You have to stop and wait and let it think about it and catch up to your typing - even though what you typed displays fine immediately.

This is insane. Text entry fields on webpages are a known technology. How the hell do you screw it up?

I AGREE. BACK ON THE LEFT. not in the right corner like a punished, shamefil child!

Search box on the left

Since a lot of menu is on the left it just felt naturally to have a search box on the left under the text. Thought the search box on the right is nice to have as a padding filler...Perhaps have two search boxes?

Search box eats my keystrokes

Like at least one other person, I find the search box to be particularly voracious for my keystrokes. Just now, I wanted to know the land area of Africa, so I type "africa" into the search box quickly, then hit Enter. I ended up on the article for Afric Simone. Thinking I may have missed the "a", I did it again, and got the same results. Then I did it again while watching the box closely, and saw the complete word "africa" typed out, followed by the "a" getting lopped off between when I finished typing and when I hit the enter key.

Only bad things happen when you try to make the interface more clever than the user. The contents of the search box must be read-only to everything but the person doing the typing. Anything else will result in nothing but frustration.

This is a bug that needs to be fixed. It happens because your keystrokes exceed the pace at which the javascript suggest box can search. When you press enter, you expect it to take the input you have given it, not whatever the search box is doing. - hahnchen 22:31, 13 May 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Search box should be at the left of the main page

I got used to the search box at the top left of the Wikipedia main page. It should be relocated there. Whenever people go to Wikipedia, the first thing they do is entering a search term. Things that are most important on a page should appear at the top left - just a matter of 'intuitive' logic - alternatively, a Google-style minimalistic start page with the search box prominently placed in the center might also be worth a try.

search bar on the upper right? Nah.

search bar on the upper right? pfft! no, no, no, and NO!

Search Bar on Other Side of the World

I have mixed feelings about the new appearance and layout of the site, but I simply can't stand the search bar being in the upper right corner. The new appearance might be okay if it was put back to the left side, where I'm used to searching on most websites.

New design is slick but please ...

Hey guys,

The only problem I have and some of my colleagues and friends as well is : "Where is the search ?". It takes 3 to 5 seconds to find where it is. I understand that it can be a smart move because in Firefox the search is not to far from the 'firefox search' but still humans have habits that are hard to change. So maybe you should duplicate it and add a search in the left menu. It's maybe not best to duplicate from an ergonomics point of view but it's either :

  • Move "Search" back to the left panel
  • Duplicate "Search" inputs
  • Keep like that... even if not a la of people likes it, they just have to cope with it

I reckon solution 1 or 2 is probably the better :)

Thanks guys for your work and efforts anyway. Wikipedia is one of the best human creation in the world. Knowledge is priceless!. Thomas


Sorry to sound so bold, but some of the features of this new layout, such as the search box being placed in the upper right hand corner is just completely unnecessary and inconvenient.

I see that a lot of other people feel the same way. Please reconsider giving us back the simplicity of the old layout, Wikipedia.

Regular trends in popular websites' "user friendly" updates are bad.

Wikipedias recent update is bad. There are two prominent kinds of UI update that most sites have been adopting, in my eyes at least. There are the sites that appear to be developing a "future" look, and those that go to a "past" look. Those that strip the site of templates and add a very basic system like youtube, trying to backdate the system; or those like wikipedia, trying to make the site more futuristic.

The search bar has been moved as with other features, and as a result wikipedia has became much harder to use.

I could whine on about many things, but all in all, the change in navigation layout is the largest problem.

It was brilliant before, and now it is not, and the change seems pointless. Please revert the layout. It does not seem like a 'user friendly' decision to change it.

Thanks. As a long tearm wikipedia user, and someone who defends the website in every case, I appreciate the oppourtunity to express my opinion.

Put the Search Box Back!!!

The search box is now very difficult to use. Not only are thousands (probably millions) in the habit of going to the left for it, it has only a few character spaces available to view. When I begin typing in it, "..." appears in just about every drop-down options, making them impossible to read. As to the other changes - were there any? I can't say I really noticed. It still looks too boring to notice, so I don't really care one way or another.


Wikipedia seems (at least to me) to be a site centered around search. My suggestion is simple: not only should you return the search to the left column, but you should KEEP the search at the top right and ADD ANOTHER search bar at the bottom. Or what about a search bar that follows you as you scroll? On the left hand column. Please please please please please please please please bring back the left column search bar. Soon.

Search is slow...

Whenever I type something into the new search box and press enter (and I type pretty quickly), it'll cut off the last few letters. For example, when I just searched for "John Keats" all the letters appeared, but then the last two disappeared and it only searched for "John Kea". I think this has to do with how long it takes to calculate new search options, because when I wait for a new search suggestion list to be tabulated after the final letter and then press enter, it works normally.

Also the search is in an annoyingly weird spot..but whatever.

put the search feature back where it belongs

The search feature is my primary way of using Wikipedia. IMO, it belongs in the left hand navigation area, where it was.


WHY DID YOU MOVE THE 'SEARCH BOX'??? It used to be much more convenient when it was located on the upper LEFT side of the Wikipedia page. [Previously, for example, if one had their Internet 'Favorites' list open (which opens on the LEFT side of a Windows computer screen) and (especially) if they have 'Wikipedia' located at or near the top of their 'Favorites' list, when they clicked on Wikipedia and accessed the main page, the (old) Search Box would appear on their screen immediately (right-)adjacent to the 'Favorites' list from which they had just clicked. This was both visually and practically/motorically-speaking (for the hand, using either mouse &/or keyboard) more user-friendly than your new Search Box location. -- If you wish to locate your Search Box on the right side of your page to appeal to people who are used to seeing it on that side on other websites, then have 2 Search Boxes - one on each side (you could make everybody happy; and I have seen this on some websites). But, frankly, 'LEFT side' makes more sense since we (and I think most cultures do) read 'left-to-right' - we are thus visually trained/accustomed to reading things this way. But the right-sided Search Box is clearly not as convenient for people who access Wikipedia via their 'Favorites' list (for the reasons stated above), so can you please restore the previous left-sided Search Box? ...And while you're at it, can you please add/insert some clickable "Return to top" (i.e., 'Go back to the top of the page') buttons every so many inches down each Wikipedia web page? These would be much more convenient to use, rather than having to use the scroll bars to navigate back up to the top - especially when a very long web page is involved and/or when you only want to be using your mouse for navigation and not be continually switching back and forth between mouse and keyboard (keyboard being the only way to access 'Page Up' &/or 'Home' keys). The 'MedLine Plus' website uses these 'Return to top' buttons on each of their individual medication pages and it is a very convenient feature. Thank you for your consideration.

Search bar that follows you

I think that the search bar, as well as everything else on the left column, should be placed on a floating bar that follows you as you scroll down the page. This way, someone who has scrolled halfway down a long page can easily access the toolbar. Besides the positioning of the search bar, I think the theme is pretty nice.

Search bar move... bad move

The search bar is one of your most important components on your site. If anything, it should be in the top center.

Change for change's sake is Evil

Specifically, there was nothing broken about search-on-the-left, so there was no reason to change/move it.

Once and for All

There is a way to change it!!!! Just change the skin to MonoBook again, and/or disable new features. If you're not logged in, why are you here? Isn't this page for Users? 2D Backfire Master lovably sardonic 11:08, 14 May 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Search bar is hard to find

Please rethink the search bar placement/design. In my opinion, it must be somewhere in the main (left) navigation, and, if possible, a little wider / more prominent.

I think we can agree that most Wikipedia users are searching for a particular article, and given that most users start reading a web page from the top left [1] [2] [3], it makes the most sense to put the search bar near that area.

The search function is, in my opinion, Wikipedia's best feature ... please don't hide it.