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He is best known for his 1991 Administrative Science Quarterly and 1995 Academy of Management Journal articles on '[[Storytelling|storytelling organization]]' in relation to currency of [[Sensemaking]] sensemaking in organizations.
He is best known for his 1991 Administrative Science Quarterly and 1995 Academy of Management Journal articles on '[[Storytelling|storytelling organization]]' in relation to currency of [[Sensemaking]] sensemaking in organizations.

According to Amazon.com
“Antenarrative is a term invented by David M. Boje in 2001, and is defined as a ‘bet on the future,’ as ‘before’ narrative linearity, coherence, and stability sets in. Antenarrative is all about ’prospective sensemaking,’ betting on the future before narrative retrospection fossilizes the past. Antenarrative storytelling is therefore agential in ways that traditional narratology has yet to come to grips with. This handbook contribution is bringing together a decade of scholarship on ‘antenarrative.’ It is the first volume to offer such a varied but systematic examination of non-traditional narrative inquiry in the management realm, organizing and developing its approach, and providing new insights for management students and scholars” http://www.amazon.com/Storytelling-Future-Organizations-Antenarrative-Management/dp/0415873916

The antenarrative is defined as the double move of a bet (ante) or a before (ante) of story on its way to narrative (Boje, 2011a). It is part of the triadic storytelling theory I have developed over the past decade.

He is known to teach [[barefoot]] as a protest against [[sweatshop]]s of [[multinational corporation]]s in [[developing countries]].<ref>[http://cbae.nmsu.edu/~dboje/nf/index.htm]</ref>
He is known to teach [[barefoot]] as a protest against [[sweatshop]]s of [[multinational corporation]]s in [[developing countries]].<ref>[http://cbae.nmsu.edu/~dboje/nf/index.htm]</ref>
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Vaara, E., & Tienari, J. Forthcoming. On the narrative construction of multinational corporations: An antenarrative analysis of legitimation and resistance in a cross-border merger. Organization Science. Published online in Articles in Advance, November 30, 2010. http://orgsci.journal.informs.org/cgi/content/abstract/orsc.1100.0593v1
Vaara, E., & Tienari, J. Forthcoming. On the narrative construction of multinational corporations: An antenarrative analysis of legitimation and resistance in a cross-border merger. Organization Science. Published online in Articles in Advance, November 30, 2010. http://orgsci.journal.informs.org/cgi/content/abstract/orsc.1100.0593v1

==Antenarrative Handbook==

Here is the recent work on antenarrative in the February 28 2011, Handbook (London: Routledge), The Future of Storytelling and Organizations: An Antenarrative Handbook, 432 pages. http://www.routledge.com/books/details/9780415873918/

Introduction to Agential Antenarratives That Shape the Futureof Organizations 1

Individual, Gender, and Group Antenarratives Introduction to Part I 23

1 Antenarrational Presuppostitions: A Philosophical Refl ection on Responsible Use of Power and (Ante)narrative 29 FRITS SCHIPPER AND BARBARA FRYZEL

2 Antenarratives of Negotiated Diversity Management 47 JAWAD SYED AND DAVID M. BOJE

3 The Tesseract Antenarrative Model: Mapping Storytelling to Multi-dimensional Factor Lattices in Mathematics 67 DIANE WALKER

4 The Antenarrative of Ethics and the Ethics of Antenarratives 87 GRACE ANN ROSILE

5 The Creative Spirit of the Leader’s Soul: Using Antenarratives to Explain Metanoia Experiences 101 KEVIN GRANT

6 Understanding Legal Antenarratives 117 MAJELLA O’LEARY AND KIM ECONOMIDES

Organization and Writing Antenarratives
Introduction to Part II 13`

7 Living Story and Antenarrative in Organizational Accidents 137 JO A. TYLER

8 Antenarrative and Narrative: The Experiences of Actors Involved in the Development and Use of Information Systems 148 LYNETTE DREVIN AND DARREN DALCHER

9 Strategy as Antenarrative Complexity 163 YUE CAI-HILLON, DAVID M. BOJE, AND CLARINDA DIR

10 Antenarratives, Strategic Alliances, and Sensemaking: Engagement and Divorce Without Marriage between Two Brazilian Air Carriers Firms 176 SERGIO LUIS SELOTI JR. AND MÁRIO AQUINO ALVES

11 Visual/Picture as Antenarratives: Sketching the Research Process 188 TEPPO SINTONEN AND TOMMI AUVINEN

12 Narratives: A Love Story 201 ANNA LINDA MUSACCHIO ADORISIO

Antenarratives and Organization Change Introduction to Part III 215

13 Survival Toolkit for Sociotechnical Project Complexity 221 STEVE KING

14 Narratives, Paradigms, and Change 241 GERHARD FINK AND MAURICE YOLLES

15 Antenarratives of Change in Mexican Innovation Networks 253 ENRIQUE CAMPOS-LÓPEZ, ALENA URDIALES-KALINCHUK, AND HILDA G. HERNÄNDEZ

16 Connecting Antenarrative and Narrative to Solving Organizational Problems 268

17 Antenarrative Writing—Tracing and Representing Living Stories 284 KENNETH MØLBJERG JØRGENSEN

18 Tales of Merger Survivors 298 DANIEL DAUBER AND GERHARD FINK

National and Globalizing Antenarratives Introduction to Part IV 315

19 Storytelling Narrative Marginality—On Becoming a Global

20 The Rhetoric of Toxic Assets: An Antenarrative Analysis 334 WILLIAM L. SMITH AND DAVID M. BOJE

21 Well-Timed Stories: Rhetorical Kairos and Antenarrative Theory 347 RICHARD HERDER

22 The Evolutive and Interactive Actor Polygon in the Theater of Organizations 366 HENRI SAVALL, VÉRONIQUE ZARDET, AND MICHEL PÉRON

Postscript—An Antenarrative Theory of Socioeconomic in Intervention Research 383 DAVID M. BOJE

Revision as of 16:20, 5 March 2011

David M. Boje is currently Professor and Bill Daniels Ethics Fellow, a past endowed Bank of America professor of management at New Mexico State University (NMSU) in Las Cruces. He has published over 120 journal articles, seventeen books, including Narrative Methods for Organization and Communication Research (Sage, 2001); Storytelling Organizations, 2008; Critical Theory Ethics in Business and Public Administration, 2008. His newest books are: Dancing to the Music of Story (with Ken Baskin), and The Future of Storytelling and Organization: An Antenarrative Handbook (Routledge, 2011).

He is best known for his 1991 Administrative Science Quarterly and 1995 Academy of Management Journal articles on 'storytelling organization' in relation to currency of Sensemaking sensemaking in organizations.

According to Amazon.com “Antenarrative is a term invented by David M. Boje in 2001, and is defined as a ‘bet on the future,’ as ‘before’ narrative linearity, coherence, and stability sets in. Antenarrative is all about ’prospective sensemaking,’ betting on the future before narrative retrospection fossilizes the past. Antenarrative storytelling is therefore agential in ways that traditional narratology has yet to come to grips with. This handbook contribution is bringing together a decade of scholarship on ‘antenarrative.’ It is the first volume to offer such a varied but systematic examination of non-traditional narrative inquiry in the management realm, organizing and developing its approach, and providing new insights for management students and scholars” http://www.amazon.com/Storytelling-Future-Organizations-Antenarrative-Management/dp/0415873916

The antenarrative is defined as the double move of a bet (ante) or a before (ante) of story on its way to narrative (Boje, 2011a). It is part of the triadic storytelling theory I have developed over the past decade.

He is known to teach barefoot as a protest against sweatshops of multinational corporations in developing countries.[1]

His work in antenarrative, a genre of storytelling, will be the subject of a special issue of Journal of Organizational Change Management in 2011.[2]

Bibliography of Boje work's on Antenarrative

See entire vitae at http://peaceaware.com/vita/

Boje, D.M. (2001a). Narrative Methods for Organizational and Communication Research, London: Sage.

Boje, D. M. (2001b). Flight of Antenarrative in Phenomenal Complexity Theory, Tamara, Storytelling Organization Theory. September 20th, paper to honor Professor Hugo Letiche and his work on Phenomenal Complexity Theory, for the September 24th and 25th Conference on Complexity and Consciousness at Huize Molenaar (Korte Nieuwstraat 6) in the old center of Utrecht, Netherlands. http://business.nmsu.edu/~dboje/papers/ante/flight_of_antenarrative.htm

Boje, D. M. (2001c). “Antenarrating, Tamara, and Nike Storytelling.” Paper prepared for presentation at “Storytelling Conference” at the School of Management; Imperial College, 53 Prince’s Gate, Exhibition Road, London, July 9th, 2001. On line at http://business.nmsu.edu/~dboje/papers/ethnostorytelling.htm

Boje, D. M. (2002). "Critical Dramaturgical Analysis of Enron Antenarratives and Metatheatre". Plenary presentation to 5th International Conference on Organizational Discourse: From Micro-Utterances to Macro-Inferences, Wednesday 24th - Friday 26th July (London).

Boje. D. M. 2005. Empire Reading of Manet's Execution of Maximilian: Critical Visual Aesthetics and Antenarrative Spectrality. Tamara Journal. Vol 4 (4): 118-134. http://peaceaware.com/388/articles/20052.pdf Boje, D. M. (2007a). Chapter 13 Living Story: From Wilda to Disney, pp.330-354. Handbook of Narrative Inquiry: Mapping a New Methodology. Edited by Jean Clandinin, London: Sage.

Boje, D. M. (2007b). "The Antenarrative Cultural Turn in Narrative Studies" in Mark Zachry & Charlotte Thralls (Eds.) Communicative Practices in Workplaces and the Professions: Cultural Perspectives on the Regulation of Discourse and Organizations.

Boje, D. M. 2007c. Globalization Antenarratives. Pp. 505-549, Chapter 17 in Albert Mills, Jeannie C. Helms-Mills & Carolyn Forshaw (Eds). Organizational Behavior in a Global Context. Toronto: Garamond Press.

Boje, D. M. (2008a). Storytelling Organizations, London: Sage.

Boje, D. M. (2010). Towards a postcolonial storytelling theory that interrogates tribal peoples’ Material-Agential-Storytelling ignored in management and organization studies. Under review, and working paper available from dboje@nmsu.edu

Boje (forthcoming). Antenarrative in management research. The Sage Dictionary of Qualitative Management Research: London (2,500 words). Accepted 2006. Draft available at http://business.nmsu.edu/~dboje/690/papers/Antenarrative%20in%20Management%0research%20May%2014%2005.pdf

Boje, D. M. & Baskin, K. (2010). Dancing to the Music of Story. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Press. See Chapter 1 on complexity.

Boje, D. M. (2011). Shaping the Future of Storytelling in Organizations: An Antenarrative Handbook. London: Routledge (release date is March 2011).

Boje, D. M. & Grace Ann Rosile (2002). Enron Whodunit? Ephemera. Vol 2(4), pp. 315-327.

Boje, D. M. & Grace Ann Rosile (2003). Life Imitates Art: Enron’s Epic and Tragic Narration. Management Communication Quarterly. Vol. 17 (1): 85-125.

Boje, D. M., Rosile, G.A., Durant, R.A. & Luhman, J.T. 2004 "Enron Spectacles: A Critical Dramaturgical Analysis". Special Issue on Theatre and Organizations edited by Georg Schreyögg and Heather Höpfl, Organization Studies, 25(5):751-774.

Boje, D. M.; Rosile, G. A.; & Gardner, C. L. 2007. "Antenarratives, Narratives and Anaemic Stories" Chapter 4, pp. 30-45, Storytelling in Management, Editors: Ms. Nasreen Taher and Ms. Swapna Gopalan, Publisher: The Icfai University Press, India, First Edition: 2007 (Note: was based upon Paper presented in Showcase Symposium, Academy of Management,. Mon Aug 9 2004 in New Orleans).

Smith, William L.; Boje, David M.; & Melendrez, Kevin D, (2010) "The financial crisis and mark-to-market accounting: An analysis of cascading media rhetoric and storytelling", Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management, Vol. 7 Iss: 3, pp.281 – 303.

Antenarrative Works by Other Scholars

After Boje invented the 'word', the theory and method of 'antenarrative' in 2001 (Narrative Methods book), other scholars have published theory and empirical work on antenarrative.

Barge, J.K. (2004) `Antenarrative and Managerial Practice' , Communication Studies 55(1): 106-27.

Collins, D. & Rainwater, K. 2005. "Managing change at Sears: a sideways look at a tale of corporate transformation". Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol. 18, No. 1: 16-30.

Dalcher, D. & Drevin, L. (2003). "Learning from information systems failures by using narrative and antenarrative methods". Proceedings of SAICSIT, pages 137-142.

Eriksen, M. & Colleagues, 2006. “Antenarratives about Leadership and Gender in the U.S. Coast Guard.” Tamara Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry, 5(4), 162-173.

Eriksen, M., Van Echo, K., Harmel, A., Kane, J., Curran, K., Gustafson, G., & Schults, R. 2005. “Conceptualizing and Engaging in Organizational Change as an Embodied Experience within a Practical Reflexivity Community of Practice: Gender Performance at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy.” Tamara Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry, 4 (1), 75-80.

Grow, Jean. M. 2008. The gender of branding: early Nike women's advertising a feminist antenarrative. Women's Studies in Communication, September 22. http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-189653396.html

Vickers, M. H. (2005). Illness, work and organisation: Postmodern perspectives, antenarratives and chaos narratives for the reinstatement of voice. Tamara: Journal of Critical Postmodern Organisation Science, 3(2), pp. 1-15.

Yolles, M. (2007). The dynamics of narrative and antenarrative and their relation to story. Journal of Organizational Change Management. Vol. 20, No. 1: 74 – 94.

Vaara, E., & Tienari, J. Forthcoming. On the narrative construction of multinational corporations: An antenarrative analysis of legitimation and resistance in a cross-border merger. Organization Science. Published online in Articles in Advance, November 30, 2010. http://orgsci.journal.informs.org/cgi/content/abstract/orsc.1100.0593v1

Antenarrative Handbook

Here is the recent work on antenarrative in the February 28 2011, Handbook (London: Routledge), The Future of Storytelling and Organizations: An Antenarrative Handbook, 432 pages. http://www.routledge.com/books/details/9780415873918/

Contents Introduction to Agential Antenarratives That Shape the Futureof Organizations 1 DAVID M. BOJE

PART I Individual, Gender, and Group Antenarratives Introduction to Part I 23

1 Antenarrational Presuppostitions: A Philosophical Refl ection on Responsible Use of Power and (Ante)narrative 29 FRITS SCHIPPER AND BARBARA FRYZEL

2 Antenarratives of Negotiated Diversity Management 47 JAWAD SYED AND DAVID M. BOJE

3 The Tesseract Antenarrative Model: Mapping Storytelling to Multi-dimensional Factor Lattices in Mathematics 67 DIANE WALKER

4 The Antenarrative of Ethics and the Ethics of Antenarratives 87 GRACE ANN ROSILE

5 The Creative Spirit of the Leader’s Soul: Using Antenarratives to Explain Metanoia Experiences 101 KEVIN GRANT

6 Understanding Legal Antenarratives 117 MAJELLA O’LEARY AND KIM ECONOMIDES

PART II Organization and Writing Antenarratives Introduction to Part II 13`

7 Living Story and Antenarrative in Organizational Accidents 137 JO A. TYLER

8 Antenarrative and Narrative: The Experiences of Actors Involved in the Development and Use of Information Systems 148 LYNETTE DREVIN AND DARREN DALCHER

9 Strategy as Antenarrative Complexity 163 YUE CAI-HILLON, DAVID M. BOJE, AND CLARINDA DIR

10 Antenarratives, Strategic Alliances, and Sensemaking: Engagement and Divorce Without Marriage between Two Brazilian Air Carriers Firms 176 SERGIO LUIS SELOTI JR. AND MÁRIO AQUINO ALVES

11 Visual/Picture as Antenarratives: Sketching the Research Process 188 TEPPO SINTONEN AND TOMMI AUVINEN

12 Narratives: A Love Story 201 ANNA LINDA MUSACCHIO ADORISIO

PART III Antenarratives and Organization Change Introduction to Part III 215

13 Survival Toolkit for Sociotechnical Project Complexity 221 STEVE KING

14 Narratives, Paradigms, and Change 241 GERHARD FINK AND MAURICE YOLLES

15 Antenarratives of Change in Mexican Innovation Networks 253 ENRIQUE CAMPOS-LÓPEZ, ALENA URDIALES-KALINCHUK, AND HILDA G. HERNÄNDEZ

16 Connecting Antenarrative and Narrative to Solving Organizational Problems 268 NICHOLAS SNOWDEN

17 Antenarrative Writing—Tracing and Representing Living Stories 284 KENNETH MØLBJERG JØRGENSEN

18 Tales of Merger Survivors 298 DANIEL DAUBER AND GERHARD FINK

PART IV National and Globalizing Antenarratives Introduction to Part IV 315

19 Storytelling Narrative Marginality—On Becoming a Global Human 317 JEFF LEINAWEAVER

20 The Rhetoric of Toxic Assets: An Antenarrative Analysis 334 WILLIAM L. SMITH AND DAVID M. BOJE

21 Well-Timed Stories: Rhetorical Kairos and Antenarrative Theory 347 RICHARD HERDER

22 The Evolutive and Interactive Actor Polygon in the Theater of Organizations 366 HENRI SAVALL, VÉRONIQUE ZARDET, AND MICHEL PÉRON

Postscript—An Antenarrative Theory of Socioeconomic in Intervention Research 383 DAVID M. BOJE


See also