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Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Michael Keith Smith: Difference between revisions

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* '''Comment''': And who do we know from Sussex??? Don't be such a drama queen, Smith's entry is up for deletion because he is a nobody in respectable British politics, he is an attention seeking right winger who spends most of his time posting a variety of rude and obscene messages about the Conservative Party and its leadership on his own message boards. If he was well known in respectable Conservative Circles as you put it, he would be listed in the search engines as being 'A well known respectable Conservative, but he is not. Most entries deal with the Conservative party dumping the right wing Monday Club to shake off its racist image, and Mike Smith setting up the CDA in an attack on the Conservatives's cleaner and respectable image.
* '''Comment''': And who do we know from Sussex??? Don't be such a drama queen, Smith's entry is up for deletion because he is a nobody in respectable British politics, he is an attention seeking right winger who spends most of his time posting a variety of rude and obscene messages about the Conservative Party and its leadership on his own message boards. If he was well known in respectable Conservative Circles as you put it, he would be listed in the search engines as being 'A well known respectable Conservative, but he is not. Most entries deal with the Conservative party dumping the right wing Monday Club to shake off its racist image, and Mike Smith setting up the CDA in an attack on the Conservatives's cleaner and respectable image.

::<small><<Removed personal flame war about unrelated court case. Please keep comments relevant to the deletion debate - Wikipedia is not Usenet. [[User:Humansdorpie|Humansdorpie]] 16:28, 7 June 2006 (UTC)>></small>
** '''Comment''': I would support deletion not of Smith's article, but of unsigned comments as above which have been made by those who lost a recent libel action to him and supporters of the loser. Hundreds of thousands of people live in Sussex. I know a few. How many do you know? What a stupid comment. [[User:|]] 13:25, 6 June 2006 (UTC)

** '''Comment''': Yes I am sure you would support the deletion of all comments not just mine that is the trouble with you right wingers, your fascist agendas are becoming so predictable. If you know who I am then it is not anonymous is it! I did not lose a recent libel action where did you get that ridiculous idea from? If I had lost then surely I would not be posting on here because of an alleged injunction that is supposed to have come my way as a result of Michael Keith-Smith's action. Also I would be £17,500 down in my bank balance. Of course I am not but I know a certain Sussex man that is. He may have got the ruling, but that means nothing if you can't act on any part of it: As he shut me up? has he got lvl9.org shut down? As he got a penny out of me? You know the answer to all three is a resounding 'NO' so just what has Smith won? Do tell.. and I always knew it would mean nothing which, is why I didn't bother filing a defence in the first place. [[User:Tracy Williams]].

**'''Comment''' Well Tracy, since you have been an enthusiastic supporter of the BNP and currently describe yourself as a 'Neocon' perhaps you should say 'We right-wingers'. [[User:Mike Keith Smith|Mike Keith Smith]] 07:58, 7 June 2006 (UTC)

**'''Comment''' Well Mike I have never been an 'enthusiastic' supporter of any party least of all the BNP. That's your territory not mine.

**'''Comment''' Excuse me but didn't you post the following message on a Yahoo group using the ID Gosforth 100? Please do advise me if I've got that wrong. '''The BNP offer the indigenous population an opportunity to challenge the failed multi-cultural cess pit this country has become.'''[[User:Mike Keith Smith|Mike Keith Smith]] 07:58, 7 June 2006 (UTC)


* '''Comment''': Yawwwwwwwwwwwwwnnnnnnnnnnnnn

**Yes I'm afraid you did indeed lose a major libel action and although I haven't received any money from you, for the simple reason that you have no job, no money, and live in rented property, I'm not out of pocket at all. In fact I'm in profit thanks to £40,000 gratefully received from a good friend of yours, also sued by me. Do thank him for his generosity.[[User:Mike Keith Smith|Mike Keith Smith]] 07:58, 7 June 2006 (UTC)

**'''Comment''' I lost nothing, but I have gained so much and you will never stand as a political candidate again and you know that, even if you won't admit it. I am working as an agency lecturer at the moment, I have been since November 2005. It wouldn't be that difficult for you to find out where, although it might cost a bit. Go on it has been a bit quiet of late and I love it when you spend money on me. BTW what happened to your invisible injunction? I had some advice off a solicitor friend of mine about that (I developed a web site for him, he was very pleased, much better than osmond and osmond's) and he informed me you would have to pay alot of money to have a PI track me down and even then, the PI would find it difficult to find out who I am.

**'''Comment''' Oh, unless MI5 has created a new identity for you, I think we know exactly who you are already. What a pity your supposed IT skills didn't extend to concealing your own name and address. And just think; if you had helped your buddy Septic to do the same he would be a much happier bunny this year, so maybe we should lay the blame for his misfortune at your door [[User:Mike Keith Smith|Mike Keith Smith]] 07:32, 7 June 2006 (UTC)

* '''Comment''': Maybe you would like to tell us just what you have won? I hid my IP on the Yahoo, I didn't know a desperate, vindictive individual would be stupoid enough to pay thousands to get it from Yahoo.

* '''Comment''' Well Tracy I think you know very well what I have won, although you were in a state of denial about it for months. £40,000 from your buddy Neil Wells. Sure you win some and you lose some but if you take the two bets together, I'm well in pocket. Thank you Neil.[[User:Mike Keith Smith|Mike Keith Smith]] 16:07, 7 June 2006 (UTC)

**Oh, and as it seems to have slipped your memory, you twice attempted to file a defence, and the Court refused to accept your incoherent ramblings on both occasions.[[User:Mike Keith Smith|Mike Keith Smith]] 07:58, 7 June 2006 (UTC)

**'''Comment''' it was rejected because I was taking the P**s. As were my letters to your solicitors, nobody takes you seriously least of all me.

**As for 'Sussexman, I have never lived in Sussex, and if I were posting under multiple IDs I would not be sending you coded messages advertising the fact. Despite the proximity of Sussex, a Hampshireman is no more likely to describe himself as a 'Sussexman' than a Yorkshire woman would call herself a Lancastrian. Very understandable considering that you reside in Lancashire.[[User:Mike Keith Smith|Mike Keith Smith]] 07:58, 7 June 2006 (UTC)

**'''Comment''' Yeah I already figured out it is Dormant Denny aka Maggieforever 2003

**'''Comment''' Are you referring to Douglas Denny who is National Secretary of UKIP and Chairman of the disciplinary committee? Not for the first time you have taken leave of whatever senses you possessed.[[User:Mike Keith Smith|Mike Keith Smith]] 07:32, 7 June 2006 (UTC)

* '''Comment''': We have quite a few names for him over on Level 9, Dormant Denny is the least offensive.

**I'm glad 'Level 9' continues to give you pleasure. Sadly, as your software will have informed you, I have not visited it since very shortly after my High Court victory.[[User:Mike Keith Smith|Mike Keith Smith]] 07:58, 7 June 2006 (UTC)

**'''Comment'''I understand that Mike, you're afraid of what you might discover about yourself. Level 9 has become very popular, and any search engine research of your name in a veriety of forms pops up with Level 9 stuff. I know you're not very well liked but I didn't know you had so many enemies. You stay away when you have been beat, like you stay away from Ed, because when you reported him to the police the tables were turned and your were labelled officially a racist because of the evidence Ed gave them.

**'''Comment'''Oh? Seems I really am famous. Perhaps I had better pay another visit, after all. If any of these 'enemies' are genuine, and identifiable, we wouldn't want to deny them a share of the action, would we?[[User:Mike Keith Smith|Mike Keith Smith]] 07:32, 7 June 2006 (UTC)

* '''Comment''': They won't be identifiable, that is one thing they are guranteed on my forum. I wouldn't say you were famous but you are the butt of Jokes and satire. The material never stops coming in.

**Toodlepip [[User:Mike Keith Smith|Mike Keith Smith]] 18:12, 6 June 2006 (UTC)

**'''Comment''' yeah toodlepip and toodlepip to your self-promoting wiki entry as well. Face it Mike, you are a political failure always will be alewyas have been.[[User:Tracy Williams]]

**'''Comment''' Well Tracy, I would sooner be a political failure with a brand-new BMW delivered yesterday than a miserable failure full stop like yourself. Never mind. Keith-Smith v Williams has ensured you a minor place in history - as an all-time loser bereft of £17,500. As for Wiki. Oh well I'm sure I'll lose a lot of sleep over that, but I must say it has suddenly become quite entertaining [[User:Mike Keith Smith|Mike Keith Smith]] 07:58, 7 June 2006 (UTC)

* '''Comment''':Oh dear, sounds like you're desperate to make yourself a winner one way or another. I couldn't care less if you had a sherman tank delivered yesterday, is that how you see status, material luxuries, you're much sadder than ever Mike, will you ever grow up!

* '''Delete'''. Minor failed politico/hack. -- [[User:Gareth Owen|GWO]].
* '''Delete'''. Minor failed politico/hack. -- [[User:Gareth Owen|GWO]].

Revision as of 16:28, 7 June 2006

vanity article by marginal fringe figure, delete Homey 01:51, 4 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

  • Delete:: Never heard of him, Michael who?
  • Delete:: Vanity Article, insignificant politcal nobody211.48.25.2 13:01, 7 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  • Delete: depressing vanity article. NN POV. --die Baumfabrik 03:48, 4 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  • Weak Delete almost as notable as the marginally notable Lauder-Frost. but not quite Bwithh 04:12, 4 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  • Keep. It is saying something when I, as a Leftist, defend the right of CDA figures to have entries on Wikipedia, but I feel I have to. "Homey" has made sneering anti-socialist, the-free-market-is-the-answer-to-everything remarks which make me, as a Leftist, hate him/her far more than traditional conservatives who at least aren't Thatcherite cultural vandals. As is often the case these days, what unites people like me with traditional conservatives, against the new centre ground, is greater than what divides us ... certainly, I feel that Homey's obsessive personal agenda is irrational and wrong-headed. We should not be deleting articles about people just because they aren't ultra-populist Americanisers, which I think is Homey's real motivation (he/she would, judging by the remarks I quoted above, be just as likely to want to delete articles about traditional socialists such as myself). RobinCarmody
    • The above was actually posted by an anon IP. RobinCarmody hasn't posted since FebruaryHomey 09:21, 4 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]
      • Sorry, I decided to sign my posting without logging in! It *was* me; I've logged in now. RobinCarmody
      • ""Homey" has made sneering anti-socialist, the-free-market-is-the-answer-to-everything remarks" As an aside, what in the world are you talking about? What were these remarks you are attributing to me?Homey 15:27, 4 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  • Transwiki, article is vanity. Story could be the subject of a Wikinews article but it doesn't justify a Wikipedia article. - Motor (talk) 09:03, 4 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  • I am the subject of this article, which I did not instigate. I believe that the original article was written by JASpencer, a Conservative Party activist who is not a supporter of CDA and subsequently augmented by others.
Whether or not the article remains or is edited or deleted must be left to Wikipedia. I would simply comment as follows.
Firstly, you may feel that notes on the Chairman of CDA are relevant to anybody researching the CDA article on Wikipedia. You may also feel that the references to the landmark internet libel action Keith Smith v Williams will be of use to internet law researchers.
Secondly, I have reviewed the current content of the article and find no falsehood in it. Providing 'citations' even for such mundane matters as (eg) my membership of the RICS, is less easy than it sounds.
Thirdly, recent 'vandalism' of this article appears to have been instigated by Tracy Williams, the loser in the recent landmark action Keith Smith v Williams and her associate Ed Chilvers, who has indeed published on the internet an abstract concerning what he believes to be the 'facts' of the case. http://www.lvl9.org/article.htm. You may gather from this that there is bad blood between Chilvers and myself.
As to the motives of Williams and Chilvers, you must draw your own conclusions from these facts.Mike Keith Smith 10:27, 4 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

" but I feel I have to. "Homey" has made sneering anti-socialist, the-free-market-is-the-answer-to-everything remarks which make me, as a Leftist, hate him/her far more than traditional conservatives who at least aren't Thatcherite cultural vandals. "

You can't ask for an entry to be kept just because you 'hate' the admin guy. Get real.(— Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs) )

  • Comment: but its fine for the admin guy to 'hate' all these various figures and groups on the British Right and call for their deletion or demonisations? Oh, good. At least thats clear. Sussexman 08:16, 6 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  • Comment: And who do we know from Sussex??? Don't be such a drama queen, Smith's entry is up for deletion because he is a nobody in respectable British politics, he is an attention seeking right winger who spends most of his time posting a variety of rude and obscene messages about the Conservative Party and its leadership on his own message boards. If he was well known in respectable Conservative Circles as you put it, he would be listed in the search engines as being 'A well known respectable Conservative, but he is not. Most entries deal with the Conservative party dumping the right wing Monday Club to shake off its racist image, and Mike Smith setting up the CDA in an attack on the Conservatives's cleaner and respectable image.
<<Removed personal flame war about unrelated court case. Please keep comments relevant to the deletion debate - Wikipedia is not Usenet. Humansdorpie 16:28, 7 June 2006 (UTC)>>[reply]
  • Delete. Minor failed politico/hack. -- GWO.
  • Keep: Michael Keith Smith is a well-known figure on the respectable Conservative Right-wing. He has been a parliamentary candidate and an active Tory for decades holding office at local levels. He is presently Chairman of the Conservative Democratic Alliances and was previously on the Executive Council of the Conservative Monday Club for many years. Sussexman 08:16, 6 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  • Keep: censorship sux, just cause someone doesn't like it, doesn't mean the rest should suffer. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs)
    • the above "vote" is from an anon IP. Homey 19:19, 6 June 2006 (UTC).[reply]
            • We ought to get this clear with the Prime mover of all these deletions, User:Homeontherange. You may provoke responses as much as you like, in the hope that you can then attack users as being uncivil and not acting in "good faith". But be clear on this please, as every individual who ever uses Wikipedia must be, you are just as anonymous to all of us as someone editing just using their ISP code. So your silly notes above about "anon IP"s are meaningless unless this assessment page is to be decided by a biased kangaroo court. 20:46, 6 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  • Keep: Wikapedia should realise that people in politics can often suffer politically motivated attacks, included concerted attempts to delete them from Wikepedia. Please don't. - Chris Cooke— Preceding unsigned comment added by 33camhouses (talkcontribs)

Keep: What's wrong with the Right? 22:16, 6 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

  • Keep:Any reader of the respected British anti-Fascist periodical Searchlight knows that Smith is one of the key players in the massive realignment that is taking place on the post-Cameron right. Leaving him our would be ridiculous. Seems that certain capitalist elements are desperate to hide the fact that the right is alive and well and very much part of the system they uphold General Kongo 09:55, 7 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  • KeepWiki is an encyclopedia, not a forum for personal views, and should therefore contain facts, however discomfiting to a minority of readers62.56.69.250 11:00, 7 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  • Delete: I agree with the previous entry. Wikipedia is not a forum for personal views and should not be subject to the kind of huffing and puffing that is contained in Mr.Smith's entry which is basically not much than a list of dinner appointments and letters to the editor. Important though all this "much ado about nothing" may have been to him it is of no interest to the wider world.Endomorph