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Talk:Cod liver oil

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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by (talk) at 20:25, 5 March 2005. The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

Article Accuracy Disputed

OK, this article definitely needs work. It is more or less an advertisement, and contains statement after statement of unverified and very probably false information. Listing it as a candidate for deletion didn't seem all too wrong, but since some company apparently manufactures "cod liver oil", I thought Wikipedia could use a real article on it.

I am aware that the last person to edit this has added a lot of POV, but the earlier editors also couldn't agree on many things, such as why people don't take cod liver oil anymore (and without any references, no-one can know whether anyone has even done so in the first place - I'm certainly not very sure any such thing has ever been normal).

List of parts that are especially bad and caught my attention:

1.Once commonly given to children daily as a nutritional supplement, it is rarely given today, probably because of ignorance See history for more information.

2. also helps fight and prevent heart disease, cancer, depression, Alzheimer's, arthritis, diabetes, ulcers, hyperactivity and many other diseases. Increases your energy level and ability to concentrate. Provides greater resistance to common illnesses such as flu and cold. Helps pregnant women avoid premature births, low birth weight and other complications. That's quite a lot of good effects. I don't believe any of that, since I haven't heard of it from other sources. Feel free to prove me wrong.

3. It is wise to supplement your diet with high quality fish or cod liver oils daily, one of the most highly recommened brands is [deleted brand name] which is purified to the highest standards to ensure freedom from detectable levels of mercury, cadmium, lead, PCBs and 28 other contaminants and is free from chemical modification and processing. No advertising on wikipedia please.

4. due too their unnatural diets (ever seen fish swimming through fields of grain!?). So it is best to avoid all farm raised varieties of fish if you value your health. I'm finding it hard to hold back my sarcasm. I can perfectly honestly say that I've read about fish swimming in "fields of grain" during a recent flood. I can't cite the exact issue of the local newspaper though.

5.Meanwhile, our intake of Omega-6, another fat found in corn, soy, sunflower and other oils, is far too high. Once again, this is nothing but speculation, and without references or general encyclopedic standard I'd rather believe the opposite.

I sincerely hope someone with good information sources on something as obscure as cod liver oil could do some research and edit this article to be nicely balanced and encyclopedic. As I mentioned above, I believe wikipedia could use an article on this - I don't have the necessary resources or knowledge to write one myself though. -- 05:13, 3 Mar 2005 (UTC)

Update 5 Mar 2005

I believe I have addressed all disputes, and added sufficient references.