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List of Spanish words of Semitic origin

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This is a list of Spanish words that come from Semitic languages (excluding Arabic, which can be found in the article, Arabic language influence on the Spanish language). It is further divided into words that come from Aramaic and Hebrew. Some of these words existed in Latin as loanwords from other languages. Some of these words have alternate etymologies and may also appear on a list of Spanish words from a different language.

  • Abracadabra
  • Abba
  • Agadá
  • Corban
  • Fariseo
  • Sultán
  • Abdón
  • Abel
  • Abraham
  • Aceituna
  • Ada
  • Ábaco
  • Ama
  • Adonai
  • Adán
  • Álef
  • Aleluya
  • Aliá
  • Amidá
  • Amén
  • Ana
  • Aravá
  • Asera
  • Askenazí
  • Asquenazí
  • Av
  • Bato
  • Babel
  • Barrabás
  • Benjamín
  • Bethel
  • Bruja
  • Beca
  • Betsaida
  • Brit
  • Cafarnaúm
  • Caleb
  • Carmelita
  • Camello
  • Camita
  • Caraísmo
  • Caín
  • Comino
  • Coralo
  • chévere
  • Chingon
  • Chutzpah
  • Dagesh
  • Daniel
  • David
  • Don
  • Edén
  • Efa
  • Efetá
  • Efraín
  • Elías
  • Emanuel
  • Enoc
  • Esdras
  • Ester
  • Esther
  • Ezequiel
  • Fariseo
  • Filisteo
  • Galilea
  • Gapuchín
  • Gehena
  • Gueto
  • Gematría
  • Gersón
  • Golem
  • Gólem
  • Hadas
  • Halajá
  • Hallulla
  • Hebreo
  • Hitbodedut
  • Homer
  • Hosana
  • Isaac
  • Isabel
  • Isaías
  • Ismael
  • Israel
  • Israelí
  • Israelita
  • Jacob
  • Jalá
  • Janucá
  • Januquiá
  • Jaredí
  • Jebuseo
  • Jehová
  • Jeremías
  • Jerusalén
  • Joel
  • Jonás
  • Josué
  • Juan
  • Judío
  • Jubileo
  • Judas
  • Kadish
  • Keren
  • Kipá
  • Knesset
  • Kosher
  • Kotel
  • Krav Maga
  • Lamec
  • Leví
  • Lázaro
  • Lazareto
  • Malsín
  • Maranata
  • Maná
  • María
  • Matusalén
  • Mazel Tov
  • Melquisedec
  • Menorá
  • Mesías
  • Medida
  • Metatrón
  • Mezuzá
  • Midrash
  • Miguel
  • Miqueas
  • Mishná
  • Mitzvá
  • Mirra
  • Mohel
  • Moisés
  • Míriam
  • Najash
  • Natanael
  • Neftalí
  • Nehemías
  • Noé
  • Oseas
  • Parashá
  • Pésaj
  • Rabí
  • Rabino
  • Rafael
  • Raquel
  • Rebeca
  • Rosh Hashaná
  • Rut
  • Ruth
  • Saduceo
  • Salem
  • Salomón
  • Samuel
  • Sara
  • Satanás
  • Satán
  • Schlomit
  • Selah
  • Set
  • Shabat
  • Sábado
  • Shaddai
  • Shalom
  • Shavuot
  • Shekhiná
  • Sefardí
  • Sefardita
  • Sheol
  • Shoah
  • Shofar
  • Shémita
  • Siclo
  • Simón
  • Sion
  • Sofit
  • Sucot
  • Séfora
  • Talit
  • Tamar
  • Tanaj
  • Tefilín
  • Tel Aviv
  • Torre de Babel
  • Torá
  • Yahvé
  • Yeshivá
  • Yod
  • Yom Kipur
  • Zacarís

See also


  • "Breve diccionario etimológico de la lengua española" by Guido Gómez de Silva (ISBN 968-16-2812-8)