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Primitive element theorem

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In field theory, the primitive element theorem is a result characterizing the finite degree field extensions that can be generated by a single element. Such a generating element is called a primitive element of the field extension, and the extension is called a simple extension in this case. The theorem states that a finite extension is simple if and only if there are only finitely many intermediate fields. An older result, also often called "primitive element theorem", states that every finite separable extension is simple; it can be seen as a consequence of the former theorem. These theorems imply in particular that all algebraic number fields over the rational numbers, and all extensions in which both fields are finite, are simple.


Let be a field extension. An element is a primitive element for if i.e. if every element of can be written as a rational function in with coefficients in . If there exists such a primitive element, then is referred to as a simple extension.

If the field extension has primitive element and is of finite degree , then every element x of E can be written uniquely in the form

where for all i. That is, the set

is a basis for E as a vector space over F.


If one adjoins to the rational numbers the two irrational numbers and to get the extension field of degree 4, one can show this extension is simple, meaning for a single . Taking , the powers 1, α, α2, α3 can be expanded as linear combinations of 1, , , with integer coefficients. One can solve this system of linear equations for and over , to obtain and . This shows that α is indeed a primitive element:

The theorems

The classical primitive element theorem states:

Every separable field extension of finite degree is simple.

This theorem applies to algebraic number fields, i.e. finite extensions of the rational numbers Q, since Q has characteristic 0 and therefore every finite extension over Q is separable.

The following primitive element theorem (Ernst Steinitz[1]) is more general:

A finite field extension is simple if and only if there exist only finitely many intermediate fields K with .

Using the fundamental theorem of Galois theory, the former theorem immediately follows from the latter.

Characteristic p

For a non-separable extension of characteristic p, there is nevertheless a primitive element provided the degree [E : F] is p: indeed, there can be no non-trivial intermediate subfields since their degrees would be factors of the prime p.

When [E : F] = p2, there may not be a primitive element (in which case there are infinitely many intermediate fields). The simplest example is , the field of rational functions in two indeterminates T and U over the finite field with p elements, and . In fact, for any α = g(T,U) in , the Frobenius endomorphism shows that the element αp lies in F , so α is a root of , and α cannot be a primitive element (of degree p2 over F), but instead F(α) is a non-trivial intermediate field.

Constructive results

Generally, the set of all primitive elements for a finite separable extension E / F is the complement of a finite collection of proper F-subspaces of E, namely the intermediate fields. This statement says nothing in the case of finite fields, for which there is a computational theory dedicated to finding a generator of the multiplicative group of the field (a cyclic group), which is a fortiori a primitive element (see primitive element (finite field)). Where F is infinite, a pigeonhole principle proof technique considers the linear subspace generated by two elements and proves that there are only finitely many linear combinations

with c in F, that fail to generate the subfield containing both elements:

as is a separable extension, if there exists a non-trivial embedding whose restriction to is the identity which means and so that . This expression for c can take only different values. For all other value of then .

This is almost immediate as a way of showing how Steinitz' result implies the classical result, and a bound for the number of exceptional c in terms of the number of intermediate fields results (this number being something that can be bounded itself by Galois theory and a priori). Therefore, in this case trial-and-error is a possible practical method to find primitive elements.


Starting with a simple finite extension E = F(α), let f be the minimal polynomial of α over F. If K is an intermediate subfield, then let g be the minimal polynomial of α over K, and let L be the field generated over F by the coefficients of g. Then since L ⊆ K, the minimal polynomial of α over L must be a multiple of g, so it is g; this implies that the degree of E over L is the same as that over K, but since L ⊆ K, this means that L = K. Since g is a factor of f, this means that there can be no more intermediate fields than factors of f, so there are only finitely many.

Going in the other direction, if F is finite, then any finite extension E of F is automatically simple, so assume that F is infinite. Then E is generated over F by a finite number of elements, so it's enough to prove that F(α, β) is simple for any two elements α and β in E. But, considering all fields F(α + x β), where x is an element of F, there are only finitely many, so there must be distinct x0 and x1 in F for which F(α + x0 β) = F(α + x1 β). Then simple algebra shows that F(α + x0 β) = F(α, β). For an alternative proof, observe that each of the finite number of intermediate fields is a proper linear subspace of E over F, and that a finite union of proper linear subspaces of a vector space over an infinite field cannot equal the entire space. Then, taking any element in E that is not in any intermediate field, it must generate the whole of E over F.[2][3]


In his First Memoir of 1831,[4] Évariste Galois sketched a proof of the classical primitive element theorem in the case of a splitting field of a polynomial over the rational numbers. The gaps in his sketch could easily be filled[5] (as remarked by the referee Siméon Denis Poisson; Galois' Memoir was not published until 1846) by exploiting a theorem[6][7] of Joseph-Louis Lagrange from 1771, which Galois certainly knew. It is likely that Lagrange had already been aware of the primitive element theorem for splitting fields.[7] Galois then used this theorem heavily in his development of the Galois group. Since then it has been used in the development of Galois theory and the fundamental theorem of Galois theory. The two primitive element theorems were proved in their modern form by Ernst Steinitz, in an influential article on field theory in 1910;[1] Steinitz called the "classical" one Theorem of the primitive elements and the other one Theorem of the intermediate fields. Emil Artin reformulated Galois theory in the 1930s without the use of the primitive element theorems.[8][9]


  1. ^ a b Steinitz, Ernst (1910). "Algebraische Theorie der Körper". Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (in German). 1910 (137): 167–309. doi:10.1515/crll.1910.137.167. ISSN 1435-5345. S2CID 120807300.
  2. ^ Theorem 26, Galois Theory, Emil Artin and Arthur N. Milgram, University of Notre Dame Press, 2nd ed., 1944.
  3. ^ Lemma 9.19.1 (Primitive element), The Stacks project. Accessed on line July 19, 2023.
  4. ^ Neumann, Peter M. (2011). The mathematical writings of Évariste Galois. Zürich: European Mathematical Society. ISBN 978-3-03719-104-0. OCLC 757486602.
  5. ^ Tignol, Jean-Pierre (February 2016). Galois' Theory of Algebraic Equations (2 ed.). WORLD SCIENTIFIC. p. 231. doi:10.1142/9719. ISBN 978-981-4704-69-4. OCLC 1020698655.
  6. ^ Tignol, Jean-Pierre (February 2016). Galois' Theory of Algebraic Equations (2 ed.). WORLD SCIENTIFIC. p. 135. doi:10.1142/9719. ISBN 978-981-4704-69-4. OCLC 1020698655.
  7. ^ a b Cox, David A. (2012). Galois theory (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. p. 322. ISBN 978-1-118-21845-7. OCLC 784952441.
  8. ^ Kleiner, Israel (2007). "§4.1 Galois theory". A History of Abstract Algebra. Springer. p. 64. ISBN 978-0-8176-4685-1.
  9. ^ Artin, Emil (1998). Galois theory. Arthur N. Milgram (Republication of the 1944 revised edition of the 1942 first publication by The University Notre Dame Press ed.). Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications. ISBN 0-486-62342-4. OCLC 38144376.