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Miranda , also known as Uranus V , is a natural satellite of Uranus . This moon was discovered in 1948 by Gerard Kuiper . She is named after Miranda , the daughter of the magician Prospero who appears in the tragicomedy The Tempest by William Shakespeare . Miranda has only been approached once, by the Voyager 2 probe in January 1986. Of all of Uranus' natural satellites, Miranda is the one whose probe made the best images. However, during the probe's flight, the northern hemisphere was plunged into darkness; observations were therefore limited to the southern hemisphere.

Miranda is the smallest of the five major moons [note 1] orbiting Uranus. It is also the closest to this planet, only Template: Unity and the least dense. Its surface appears to be composed of water ice mixed with compounds of silicates and carbonates as well as ammonia . Like the other moons of Uranus , its orbit is inscribed in a plane perpendicular to the orbit of the planet around the Sun, which causes seasonal variations.extreme eras on the surface. In this, it follows the atypical rotation of the planet which rotates along an axis almost parallel to the plane of its orbit around the Sun. Like the other moons of Uranus, Miranda most likely formed from an accretion disk , called a sub-nebula, which surrounded the planet shortly after its formation or after the catastrophic event, which gave his tilt, happened. However, Miranda exhibits an inclination of Template: Unit with respect to the plane of the Uranian equator, inclination which is most marked among those of the major moons. This small moon, which could have been a frozen and inert body covered with impact craters, is in fact a surprising, and unique, patchwork of very varied areas. The surface of Miranda includes vast rolling plains dotted with craters and crossed by a network of steep faults and rupees . This surface presents above all three impressive crowns , also called "coronae", whose diameters exceed the Template: Unit . These geological formations as well as the abnormal inclination of the orbit signify a geological activity and a complex history. Miranda would have been marked by tidal forces , mechanisms of orbital resonances , a process of partial planetary differentiation as well as byconvection movements , expansion of its mantle and episodes of cryovolcanism .

Content 1 Discovery and etymology 2 Orbit 3 Composition and internal structure 4 Geography 4.1 The regions 4.2 The coronae 4.2.1 Inverness 4.2.2 Arden 4.2.3 Elsinor 4.3 The rupes 4.4 Impact craters 4.4.1 In the regions 4.4.2 In the coronae 4.4.3 Other observations 5 Origin and formation 6 Exploration 7 Notes and references 7.1 Notes 7.2 References 8 Bibliography 8.1 Works 8.2 Publications 8.3 Reference sites 9 Appendices 9.1 Related articles Discovery and etymology

The discoverer of Miranda, the astronomer Gerard Kuiper in 1963.

Miranda was discovered on February 16, 1948 by Dutch-American astronomer Gerard Kuiper , from McDonald Observatory in Texas , 97 years after the discovery of Ariel and Umbriel . Kuiper was in fact seeking to obtain precise data concerning the relative magnitudes of the four moons of Uranus then known: Ariel , Umbriel , Titania and Oberon [1] .

Following a proposal by John Herschel , son of Uranus discoverer William Herschel , all of Uranus' moons are named after characters from the works of William Shakespeare or Alexander Pope . Miranda is the daughter of the magician Prospero , Duke of Milan , in the comedy The Tempest [1] . Moreover, this moon is also called "Uranus V".

In the same vein, the names of the remarkable geological formations of Miranda come from the places where the principal intrigues of the work of Shakespeare take place [2] .


Miranda, Uranus and the other moons photographed by the Cerro Paranal observatory .

Miranda is the closest to the main natural satellites of Uranus . Approximately Template: Unit of Uranus, this moon is in an orbit which has a notable inclination and eccentricity with respect to the plane of the Uranian equator [3] · [4] . Its eccentricity is an order of magnitude greater than that of other natural satellites of Uranus [5] . These orbital parameters could be the consequence of orbital resonancesancient with other Uranian moons. So Miranda could have been in 3: 1 resonance with Umbriel . She may also have been in 5: 3 resonance with Ariel in the past . [5] Uranus is more weakly flattened at its poles and also is smaller, compared to its satellites, than Jupiter or Saturn . As a result, these moons can more easily withdraw from the forces that maintain their orbit in resonance. It is by escaping these resonances that Miranda would have gained her eccentricity and especially her singular orbital inclination [5] .

The orbital period of Miranda is Template: Unit land, and it coincides with the rotation period [6] . Thus Miranda is in synchronous rotation , so that, seen from Uranus, it always presents the same face [6] . This orbit gives the small moon a Uranian hemisphere (always oriented towards Uranus) and an anti-Uranian hemisphere (which permanently turns its back on the planet) [7] . Likewise it has a hemisphere at the apex of the orbital movement, that is to say which constantly faces the direction in which Miranda is moving, and a hemisphere at the anti-apex which is permanently riveted in the direction from which the moon comes [7]. However, these hemispheres (and the geographic poles they imply) have not always been those observed by the Voyager 2 probe during its passage, but evidence has been found for the existence of an old orientation [8 ] . This old orientation was associated with a paleopolis (the pole around which the star then turned) as well as a paleoapex since it seems that it was then already in synchronous rotation [8] .

Miranda's orbit is completely inscribed in the magnetosphere of Uranus [9] . The rear hemisphere of satellites whose orbit is entirely within the planet's magnetosphere is influenced by the magnetospheric plasma which rotates with the planet [10] . This bombardment could lead to the darkening of the rear hemispheres of all the major Uranian satellites with the exception of Oberon [9] . Miranda indeed captures charged magnetospheric particles. In 1986 the Voyager 2 probe made it possible to observe a pronounced drop in the number of energetic particles near the orbit of the uranian moons [11] .

Like the other satellites of Uranus, Miranda orbits in the Uranian equatorial plane. However, the axis of rotation of Uranus is almost inscribed in its orbital plane. Thus, the geographic poles of the moon are continuously illuminated for 42 years , then plunged into the night for the same period of time. Also, Miranda is subject to extreme seasonal cycles as observed on Earth at the poles (see Polar Night or Polar Day ) around the solstices [12] . Flying over Voyager 2 coincided with the summer solstice in the southern hemisphere in 1986, when almost all of the northern hemisphere was in darkness. Once all the Templates:, when Uranus has an equinox and the Earth is in its equatorial plane, the moons of Uranus can obscure each other. A number of these events took place in 2006 - 2007, including an occultation of Ariel by Miranda on July 15, 2006 at 00:08 UT and an occultation of Umbriel by Miranda on July 6, 2007 at 01:43 UT [ 13] .

Composition and internal structure

the diagram shows the phenomenon of thermal convection which takes the form of hot columns in the form of mushrooms which rise from a warm surface, at the bottom of the diagram, before opening up into a high parasol. Conversely, eddies of cold currents from the top of the image descend to depth.
A phenomenon of thermal convection with constant viscosity.

There is a clear distinction between different satellites according to their shape. Their size implies that they are spherical or not. Satellites with a diameter greater than Template: Unit are spherical and the size of their relief is then negligible compared to the size of the star [14]. With an average radius of Template: Unity , Miranda is close to this limit [15] . It is the least dense of the major satellites of Uranus. Its Template density : Unit is close to that of water ice [16] . Observation of its surface in infrared wavelengths made it possible to characterize, on the surface, the presence of water ice mixed with compounds of silicates and carbonates [17] . The same surface observations could also characterize the presence of ammonia ( NH

3) in a proportion of 3% [18] . In view of the measurements made by the Voyager 2 probe , the proportion of rocks would represent between 20 and 40% of the total mass of the moon [16] .

Miranda may have partially differentiated into a core of silicates and a mantle of ice [19] . In this case, the frozen mantle would have a thickness of Template: Unit while the kernel would have a radius of about Template: Unit [19] . According to this configuration, the internal heat of the moon would have been evacuated by thermal conduction [20] . However, the observation of coronae could be evidence of a thermal convection movement on the surface. This movement comes from the depths of the moon, which would then have replaced the phenomenon of conduction, justifying a partial differentiation [7] .

Geography Miranda has an astonishing and unique surface [21] · [15] . Among the geological structures that cover it are fractures, faults, valleys, craters, ridges, gorges, depressions, cliffs and terraces [22] · [23] . Indeed, this moon the size of Enceladus is a surprising mosaic of very varied areas. Some areas are old and drab. As such, they carry a large number of impact craters as is expected of a small inert body [21] . Other regions are made of rectangular or ovoid bands . They include complex sets of ridges and rupes( fault scarps ) parallel as well as numerous outcrops of shiny and dark material, suggesting an exotic composition [24] . This moon is very probably composed only of water ice on the surface, as well as silicate rocks and other more or less buried organic compounds [24] .

thumb | center |upright= 3.0 | Illustration of the positions of the main geological structures on an image of Miranda.

Main geological structures visible on the known part of Miranda [25] (all named in reference to works by William Shakespeare ) Last name Type Length (diameter) (km) Latitude (°) Longitude (°) Origin of the name Mantua regio Regiones 399 -39.6 180.2 Region Italian part of the plot of Two Gentlemen of Verona Ephesus Regio 225 -15 250 The twins' house in Turkey in The Comedy of Errors Sicilia Regio 174 -30 317.2 Italian region of the Winter's Tale plot Dunsinane Regio 244 -31.5 11.9 Region of the castle of Great Britain in which Macbeth is defeated Arden corona Coronae 318 -29.1 73.7 Forest of Great Britain where the plot of As You Like It takes place Elsinore corona 323 -24.8 257.1 Region castle Denmark of Hamlet Inverness corona 234 -66.9 325.7 Region castle Scotland of Macbeth Argier Rupees Rupes 141 -43.2 322.8 Region French where the beginning of the plot takes place Tempest Verona Rupees 116 -18.3 347.8 Italian region where the plot of Romeo and Juliet takes place Alonso Craters 25 -44 352.6 King of Naples in The Tempest Ferdinand 17 -34.8 202.1 Son of the King of Naples in The Tempest Francisco 14 -73.2 236 A lord of Naples in The Tempest Gonzalo 11 -11.4 77 An honest old adviser from Naples in The Tempest Prospero 21 -32.9 329.9 Legitimate Duke of Milan in The Tempest Stephano 16 -41.1 234.1 A drunk butler in The Tempest Trinculo 11 -63.7 163.4 A jester in The Tempest The regions The regions identified on the images taken by the Voyager 2 probe are named " Mantua Regio ", " Ephesus Regio ", " Sicilia Regio " and " Dunsinane Regio " [25] . They designate regions of Miranda where hilly terrain and plains follow one another, more or less strongly marked with ancient impact craters [26] . Of normal faults also mark these ancient regions. Some fault escarpments are as old as the formation of the regiones while others are much more recent and appear to have formed after the coronae [27]. These faults are accompanied by grabens characteristic of ancient tectonic activity [26] . The surface of these regions is fairly uniformly dark. However, the cliffs bordering certain impact craters reveal, in depth, the presence of much brighter materials [26] .

The coronae Miranda is one of the few stars in the solar system to have crowns (also called coronae). The three crowns observed on Miranda are named " Inverness " near the south pole, " Arden " at the apex of the moon 's orbital motion, and " Elsinor " at the antapex [25] . The highest albedo contrasts at the Miranda surface occur within the Inverness and Arden coronae [28] .

thumb | The Coronna Inverness is characterized by its central white “chevron”. The Alonso crater is visible at the top right, as well as the Argier Rupes cliffs at the top left.

Inverness The Inverness Crown is a trapezoidal region of approximately Template: Side unit that sits near the South Pole. This region is characterized by a central geological structure which takes the form of a luminous chevron [29] , a relatively high albedo surface and by a series of gorges which extend northwards from a point near from the south pole [30] . At a latitude of about -55 ° the north-south oriented gorges tend to cross others, which follow an east-west direction [30] . The outer boundary of Inverness , as well as its internal patterns of ridges and contrasting albedo bands ,[28] . It is delimited on three sides (south, east and north) by a complex system of faults. The nature of the west coast is less clear, but can also be tectonic. Within the crown, the surface is dominated by parallel gorges spaced a few kilometers apart [31] . The low number of impact craters makes it possible to establish that Inverness is the youngest among the three coronae observed on the surface of Miranda [32] .

Arden The Arden geological crown , present in the front hemisphere of Miranda, stretches approximately Template: Unit from east to west. The other dimension, on the other hand, remains unknown because the terrain extended beyond the terminator (on the hemisphere immersed in the night) when Voyager 2 photographed it. The outer margin of this corona forms parallel and dark bands which surround in soft curves a more clearly rectangular core on at least Template: Unit wide. The whole forms a kind of empty quote ( help )[28] . The interior and the Arden beltshow very different morphologies. Theinterior topography appears regular and smooth. It is also characterized by a marbled pattern resulting from large patches of relatively bright material scattered over a generally dark surface. The stratigraphic relationshipbetween the light and dark markings could not be determined from the images provided by Voyager 2 . The Arden margin areais characterized by concentric albedo bands which extend from the western end of the crown where they intersect with crateriform terrain (nearly 40 ° longitude) and on the eastern side, where they s', in the northern hemisphere (near 110 ° longitude) [33] . The contrasting albedo bands are composed of outer faces of fault escarpment [33] . This succession of escarpments gradually pushes the terrain into a deep hollow along the border between Arden and the crateriform terrain called " Mantua Regio " [33] . Arden was formed during a geological episode which preceded the formation of Inverness but which is contemporary with the formation of Elsinor [32] .

Elsinor Elsinor refers to the third corona, which has been observed in Miranda's rear hemisphere, along the terminator . It is broadly similar to Arden in terms of size and internal structure. They both have an outer waistband of approximately Template: Unit wide, which wraps around an inner core [28] . The topography of the Elsinor core consists of a complex set of intersections of hollows and bumps which are truncated by this outer belt which is marked by roughly concentric linear ridges. The hollows also include small segments of hilly and cratered terrain [28]. Elsinor also presents segments of furrows, called " sulcus " [25] , comparable to those observed on Ganymede , moon of Jupiter [28] .

The rupes

Close-up view of Verona Rupes , a cliff of Template: Unit high [34] .

Miranda also features huge fault scarps that can be traced across the moon. Some of them are older than the coronae, others are younger. The most spectacular fault system begins at a deep valley visible at the terminator .

This network of faults begins on the northwest side of Inverness where it forms a deep gorge on the outer edge of the ovoid which surrounds the crown [28] . This geological formation is called “ Argier Rupes ” [25] .

The most impressive fault then extends to the terminator, in extension of the top of the central "chevron" of Inverness [28] . Near the terminator, a gigantic luminous cliff, called " Verona Rupes " [25] forms complex grabens . The fault is approximately Template: Unit wide , the graben with the bright edge is 10 to Template: Unit of depth [28] . The height of the sheer cliff is 5 at Template: Unit [28] . Although it could not be observed by the Voyager 2 probe on the face plunged into the polar nightfrom Miranda, it is probable that this geological structure extends beyond the terminator in the northern hemisphere [32] .

Impact craters During the close flyby of Voyager 2 in January 1986, only the craters on the southern hemisphere of Miranda could be observed. They had diameters from Template: Unit [note 2] to Template: Unit [32] . These craters have very varied morphologies. Some have well-defined borders and are sometimes surrounded by ejecta deposits characteristic of impact craters . Others are very degraded and sometimes barely recognizable, as their topography has been altered [35] . The age of a crater does not give an indication of the date of formation of the terrain it marked. On the other hand, this date depends on the number of craters present on a site, regardless of their age.[36] . In fact, the more a site is marked with impact craters, the older it is. Scientists use these "planetary chronometers", they count the craters observed to date the formation of the terrain of inert natural satellites devoid of atmospheres, like Callisto [37] .

No multiple ring craters , nor any complex craters with a central peak, have been observed on Miranda [35] . Simple craters, that is, with a bowl-shaped cavity, and transient craters (with a flat bottom) are the norm, without their diameter being correlated with their shape [35] . Thus simple craters of more than Template: Unity are observed while elsewhere transient craters of Template: Unity have been identified [35] . Ejecta deposits are rare, and are never associated with craters larger than Template: Unit of diameter [35]. The ejecta that sometimes surround craters smaller than Template: Unit in diameter appear consistently brighter than the surrounding material. On the other hand, the ejecta associated with craters of a size between Template: Unit and Template: Unit are generally darker than what surrounds them (the albedo of the ejecta is lower than that of the material which surround) [35] . Finally, some ejecta deposits, associated with diameters of all sizes, are of an albedo comparable to that of the material on which they are based [35] .

In the regions In some regions, and particularly in those of the visible part of the anti-uranium hemisphere (which continually turns its back on the planet), craters are very frequent. They are sometimes stuck to each other with a very small space between each [35] . Elsewhere, craters are less frequent and are separated by large, gently undulating surfaces [35] . The rim of many craters is encircled by luminous material while trails of dark material are observed on the walls surrounding the bottom of the craters [35] . In the Matuna regio , between the Truncilo and Fransesco craters, we observe a gigantic circular geological structure of Template: Unit of diameter which could be a very strongly degraded impact basin [35] . These findings suggest that these regions contain a shiny material at shallow depth, while a layer of dark material (or of a material that darkens in contact with the external environment) is present, more in depth [33 ] .

In the coronae Craters are statistically up to ten times less numerous in coronae than in anti-uranium regions, indicating that these formations are younger [38] .

The density of impact craters could be established for different areas of Inverness , and allowed to establish the age of each [39] . In view of these measurements, the entire geological formation was formed in a relative unit of time [40] . However, other observations allow us to establish that the youngest zone, within this ring, is that which separates the "chevron" from Argier Rupes [40] .

The density of impact craters in the core and in the Arden belt differs but remains statistically similar [39] . The two distinct parts of this formation must therefore have been part of a common geological episode [39] . Nevertheless, the superposition of craters on bands of the central core of Arden indicates that its formation preceded that of the escarpments which surround it [39] . The data from the impact craters can be interpreted as follows: the interior and the marginal zones of the crown, of which most of the albedo bands, formed during the same period of time [39]. Their formation was followed by later tectonic evolutions which produced the high relief fault scarps observed along the edge of the crown near longitude 110 ° [39] .

The density of impact craters appears to be the same in the structure surrounding Elsinor as in its central core [41] . Here again, the two zones of the crown seem to have formed during the same geological period [41] . However, other geological elements suggest that the periphery of Elsinor is younger than its core [41] .

Other observations Furthermore, it is observed that the number of craters should be higher in the hemisphere at the apex of the orbital movement than at the antapex [42] . However, it is the anti-uranian hemisphere that is the densest in craters [43] . This situation could be explained by a past event which caused a reorientation of the axis of rotation of Miranda of 90 ° compared to that which is currently known [43] . In this case, the hemisphere of the moon's paleoapex would have become the current anti-Uranian hemisphere [43]. However, the count of impact craters being limited to the southern hemisphere alone, illuminated during the passage of the Voyager 2 probe, it is possible that Miranda experienced a more complex reorientation and that its paleoapex is located somewhere in the northern hemisphere, which could not be photographed [43] .

Origin and formation Miranda raises an interesting geological problem [32] . Several scenarios are proposed to explain its formation and its geological evolution [21] . One of them postulates that it would result from the accretion of a disc of gas and dust called "sub-nebula" [44] . This sub-nebula, either existed around Uranus some time after its formation, or was created following a cosmic impact which would have given its great obliquity to the axis of rotation of Uranus [44] . However, this relatively small moon exhibits surprisingly young expanses compared to the geological time scale [45]. It seems that the most recent geological formations date only a few hundred million years ago [46] . However, thermal models applicable to moons the size of Miranda predict rapid cooling and the absence of geological evolution following its accretion from a sub-nebula [47] . Geological activity over such a long period cannot be justified either by the heat resulting from the initial accretion, or by the heat generated by the fission of the radioactive materials involved in the formation [47] .

Miranda has the youngest surface among those of the satellites of the Uranian system, which indicates that its geography has known the most important evolutions [32] . This geography would be explained by a complex geological history including a still unknown combination of different astronomical phenomena [21] . Among these phenomena would figure the tidal forces , the mechanisms of orbital resonances , the processes of partial differentiation or even convection movements [21] .

The astonishing geological patchwork that makes up its geography could be in part the result of a catastrophic collision with an impactor [21] . This event may have completely dislocated Miranda after her initial training [32] . The different pieces would then have been reassembled, then gradually reorganized in the spherical shape that the Voyager 2 probe photographed [48] . Some scientists even speak of several cycles of collision / re-accretion of the moon [49] . This geological hypothesis was however depreciated in 2011 in favor of hypotheses involving uranian tidal forces. The latter would have pulled and turned the materials present underInverness and Arden to create fault escarpments. The stretching and distortion caused by Uranus' gravity could have provided, alone, the source of heat necessary to fuel these uprisings [50] .

The oldest known regions on the surface of Miranda are the cratered plains such as Sicilia Regio and Ephesus Regio [46] . The formation of these grounds follows the accretion of the star and then its cooling [46] . The funds of the oldest craters are thus partially covered with a material from the depths of the moon that the scientific literature calls Empty citation ( help )[46] . The fact that this small celestial body shows obvious traces of endogenous resurfacing after its formation was a complete surprise [45] . The geological youth of Miranda indeed demonstrates that a heat source then took over from the initial heat supplied by the accretion of the star [46] . The most satisfactory explanation for the origin of the heat which animated the moon is the one which explained volcanism on Io afew years earlier: an orbital resonance situationnow on Miranda an important tidal force phenomenongenerated by Uranus [45] .

After this first geological epoch, Miranda experienced a period of cooling which generated an overall extension of its core and produced on the surface fragments and cracks in its mantle, in the form of grabens [46] . It is indeed possible that the configuration of the Miranda, Ariel and Umbriel satellites experienced several important pair resonances: Miranda / Ariel, Ariel / Umbriel and Miranda / Umbriel [51] . However, unlike those observed on Jupiter Io's moon , these orbital resonance phenomena between Miranda and Ariel could not lead to a stable capture of the small moon [51]. Instead of being captured, Miranda's orbital resonance with Ariel and Umbriel may have led to an increase in her eccentricity and orbital tilt [52] . By successively escaping several orbital resonances, Miranda alternated between heating and cooling phases [53] . Thus all the known grabens of Miranda were not formed during this second geological episode [46] .

A third major geological epoch occurs with the orbital reorientation of Miranda and the formation of Elsinore and Arden [46] . A singular volcanism, made of flows of solid materials [note 3] could then have taken place, within the coronae in formation [54] . Another explanation proposed for the formation of these two coronae would be the product of a diapir which would have formed in the heart of the star [7] . On this occasion Miranda would have at least partially differentiated [7] . Considering the size and position of these coronae, it is possible that their formation contributed to changing the moment of inertiaof the moon [43] . This could have caused a 90 ° reorientation of Miranda [43] . However, a doubt remains as to the concomitant of these two formations [43] . It is possible that at this time, the moon was deformed to the point that its asphericity and eccentricity temporarily caused it in a chaotic rotational movement, such as that observed on Hyperion [53] . If Miranda's orbital reorientation occurred before the two coronae formed on the surface, then Elsinore would be older than Arden [46]. Chaotic motion phenomena generated by the entry into 3: 1 resonance between Miranda's orbit and Umbriel's could have contributed to an increase in Miranda's orbital inclination greater than 3 ° [52] .

A last geological episode consists of the formation of Inverness which seems to have induced surface tensions which gave rise to the creation of additional grabens, including Verona Rupes and Argier Rupes [46] . As a result of this new cooling of Miranda, its total volume may have increased by 4% [55] . It is probable that these different geological episodes followed one another without interruption [46] .

Finally, the geological history of Miranda could have spanned a period of more than 3 billion years. It would have started 3.5 billion years ago with the appearance of strongly cratered regions and ended a few hundred million years ago with the formation of coronae [47] .

Orbital resonance phenomena, and mainly that associated with Umbriel , but also, to a lesser extent, that of Ariel , would have had a significant impact on the orbital eccentricity of Miranda [5] . As such, they would also have contributed to the internal heating and the geological activity of the moon [5] . The whole would have induced convective movements in its substrate and allowed the start of planetary differentiation [5] . At the same time, these phenomena would have only slightly disturbed the orbits of the other moons involved, which are more massive than Miranda [5]. However, Miranda's surface may appear too tortured to be the sole product of orbital resonance phenomena [53] .

After Miranda escaped this resonance with Umbriel, through a mechanism that likely dragged him into his current, abnormally high orbital tilt, his eccentricity would have been lessened [5] . The tidal forces would then have erased the eccentricity and the temperature at the heart of the star. This would have enabled it to find a spherical shape, without allowing it to erase impressive geological artefacts such as Verona Rupes [53] . This eccentricity being the source of the tidal forces , its weakening would have deactivated the heat source that fed the ancient geological activity of Miranda, making Miranda a cold and inert star [5] .

Exploration Main article: Exploration of Uranus

The moon Miranda seen whole and round by the Voyager 2 probe . Its gray surface allows you to see the white chevron of Inverness corona.
Photo taken by Voyager at 1.38 million km.

The only high-resolution images of Miranda were taken by the Voyager 2 space probe , which photographed the moon during its flight over Uranus in January 1986. The closest distance between Voyager 2 and Miranda was Template: Unity , significantly less than the distance of the probe to all other Uranian moons [56] . The best Miranda images have a spatial resolution of Template: Unity [36] with the quality required to be able to geologically map them and count craters [36]. At the time of the flyby, Miranda's southern hemisphere (like that of the other moons) was pointed towards the Sun, so that the northern hemisphere (plunged into semi-darkness ) could not be studied [6] · [57 ] . No other spacecraft has ever visited Uranus (and Miranda). The Uranus orbiter and probe program , the launch of which could be scheduled for the years 2020 to 2023, should provide details on the knowledge of Uranus' satellites and in particular on Miranda [58] .

Notes and references Notes

The five major moons of Uranus are Miranda, Ariel , Umbriel , Titania and Oberon .
Template: Unit being precisely the limit of resolution of the digital images retransmitted by the probe during its flight, the observation of smaller craters, if they exist, was impossible.
The English-speaking literature uses the term “  solid-state volcanism  ”, literally “ solid-state volcanism ”.


G. Kuiper 1949, p. 129
( A. Brahic 2010 , p. 395)
( Jet propulsion Laboratory 2005 , Satellites of Uranus)
( C. Delprat et al. 2005 , p. 395)
(WC Tittemore et al. 1990, p. 395)
(BA Smith et al. 1986, p. 55)
(R. Pappalardo et al. 1993, p. 1112)
(R. Pappalardo et al. 1986, p. 1111)
(WM Grundy et al. 2006, p. 546)
( NF Ness et al. 1986 , p. 546)
( SM Krimigis et al. 1986 , p. 99).
( WM Grundy et al. 2006 , p. 549).
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(A. Brahic 2010, p. 195)
( A. Brahic 2010 , p. 197)
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(BA Smith et al. 1986, p. 43)
Official site of the Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature
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( JB Plescia 1987 , p. 445)
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(JB Plescia 1987, p. 444)
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(JB Plescia 1987, p. 448)
( A. Brahic 2010 , p. 185-186)
( JB Plescia 1987 , p. 449)
(JB Plescia 1987, p. 450)
(JB Plescia 1987, p. 451)
(JB Plescia 1987, p. 452)
( JB Plescia 1987 , p. 454)
(JB Plescia 1987, p. 455)
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(JB Plescia 1987, p. 459)
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( SK Croft et al. 1991 , p. 561)
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( SK Croft 1992 , p. 416)
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( Frankel 2009 , p. 240)
NASA official website

Bibliography Books . ISBN 978-2-7381-2330-5. Brahic2010. Unknown parameter |mois=ignored ( |date=suggested) ( help ); Unknown parameter |prénom1=ignored ( |first1=suggested) ( help ); Unknown parameter |éditeur=ignored ( |editor=suggested) ( help ); Unknown parameter |année=ignored ( |date=suggested) ( help ); Unknown parameter |titre=ignored ( |title=suggested) ( help ); Unknown parameter |nom1=ignored ( |last1=suggested) ( help ); Missing or empty |title=( help ) . ISBN 978-2-7598-0444-3. Encrenaz2010. Unknown parameter |éditeur=ignored ( |editor=suggested) ( help ); Unknown parameter |mois=ignored ( |date=suggested) ( help ); Unknown parameter |nom1=ignored ( |last1=suggested) ( help ); Unknown parameter |prénom1=ignored ( |first1=suggested) ( help ); Unknown parameter |collection=ignored ( help ); Unknown parameter |titre=ignored ( |title=suggested) ( help ); Unknown parameter |année=ignored ( |date=suggested) ( help ); Missing or empty |title=( help ) . ISBN 978-2-02-096549-1. Threshold09. Unknown parameter |prénom1=ignored ( |first1=suggested) ( help ); Unknown parameter |éditeur=ignored ( |editor=suggested) ( help ); Unknown parameter |collection=ignored ( help ); Unknown parameter |année=ignored ( |date=suggested) ( help ); Unknown parameter |titre=ignored ( |title=suggested) ( help ); Unknown parameter |nom1=ignored ( |last1=suggested) ( help ); Missing or empty |title=( help ) . ISBN 2-03-560434-6. Larousse05. Unknown parameter |éditeur=ignored ( |editor=suggested) ( help ); Unknown parameter |sous-titre=ignored ( help ); Unknown parameter |nom1=ignored ( |last1=suggested) ( help ); Unknown parameter |collection=ignored ( help ); Unknown parameter |prénom1=ignored ( |first1=suggested) ( help ); Unknown parameter |titre=ignored ( |title=suggested) ( help ); Unknown parameter |année=ignored ( |date=suggested) ( help ); Missing or empty |title=( help ) . ISBN 978-2-701-12186-4. Belin96. Unknown parameter |éditeur=ignored ( |editor=suggested) ( help ); Unknown parameter |auteur1=ignored ( help ); Unknown parameter |pages totales=ignored ( help ); Unknown parameter |bnf=ignored ( help ); Unknown parameter |langue=ignored ( |language=suggested) ( help ); Unknown parameter |collection=ignored ( help ); Unknown parameter |lieu=ignored ( |location=suggested) ( help ); Unknown parameter |titre=ignored ( |title=suggested) ( help ); Unknown parameter |année=ignored (|date=suggested) ( help ); Missing or empty |title=( help ) . ISBN 9780816512089. Bergstralh1991. Unknown parameter |prénom2=ignored ( help ); Unknown parameter |éditeur=ignored ( |editor=suggested) ( help ); Unknown parameter |pages totales=ignored ( help ); Unknown parameter |isbn10=ignored ( help ); Unknown parameter |prénom1=ignored ( |first1=suggested) ( help ); Unknown parameter |année=ignored ( |date=suggested) ( help ); Unknown parameter |langue=ignored ( |language=suggested) ( help ); Unknown parameter |collection=ignored ( help ); Unknown parameter |nom1=ignored (|last1=suggested) ( help ); Unknown parameter |nom2=ignored ( help ); Unknown parameter |titre=ignored ( |title=suggested) ( help ); horizontal tab character in |éditeur=at position 8 ( help ); Missing or empty |title=( help ) Publications Article ([{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = edit}} edit] | [[Talk: {{{1}}} | talk]] | [{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = history}} history] | [{{fullurl: Special: Whatlinkshere / {{{1}}} | limit = 999}} links] | [{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = watch}} watch] | logs | views ) Article ([{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = edit}} edit] | [[Talk: {{{1}}} | talk]] | [{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = history}} history] | [{{fullurl: Special: Whatlinkshere / {{{1}}} | limit = 999}} links] | [{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = watch}} watch] | logs | views ) Article ([{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = edit}} edit] | [[Talk: {{{1}}} | talk]] | [{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = history}} history] | [{{fullurl: Special: Whatlinkshere / {{{1}}} | limit = 999}} links] | [{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = watch}} watch] | logs | views ) Article ([{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = edit}} edit] | [[Talk: {{{1}}} | talk]] | [{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = history}} history] | [{{fullurl: Special: Whatlinkshere / {{{1}}} | limit = 999}} links] | [{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = watch}} watch] | logs | views ) Article ([{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = edit}} edit] | [[Talk: {{{1}}} | talk]] | [{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = history}} history] | [{{fullurl: Special: Whatlinkshere / {{{1}}} | limit = 999}} links] | 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[{{fullurl: Special: Whatlinkshere / {{{1}}} | limit = 999}} links] | [{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = watch}} watch] | logs | views ) Article ([{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = edit}} edit] | [[Talk: {{{1}}} | talk]] | [{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = history}} history] | [{{fullurl: Special: Whatlinkshere / {{{1}}} | limit = 999}} links] | [{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = watch}} watch] | logs | views ) Article ([{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = edit}} edit] | [[Talk: {{{1}}} | talk]] | [{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = history}} history] | [{{fullurl: Special: Whatlinkshere / {{{1}}} | limit = 999}} links] | [{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = watch}} watch] | logs | views ) Article ([{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = edit}} edit] | [[Talk: {{{1}}} | talk]] | [{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = history}} history] | [{{fullurl: Special: Whatlinkshere / {{{1}}} | limit = 999}} links] | [{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = watch}} watch] | logs | views ) Article ([{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = edit}} edit] | [[Talk: {{{1}}} | talk]] | [{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = history}} history] | [{{fullurl: Special: Whatlinkshere / {{{1}}} | limit = 999}} links] | [{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = watch}} watch] | logs | views ) Article ([{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = edit}} edit] | [[Talk: {{{1}}} | talk]] | [{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = history}} history] | [{{fullurl: Special: Whatlinkshere / {{{1}}} | limit = 999}} links] | [{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = watch}} watch] | logs | views ) Article ([{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = edit}} edit] | [[Talk: {{{1}}} | talk]] | [{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = history}} history] | [{{fullurl: Special: Whatlinkshere / {{{1}}} | limit = 999}} links] | [{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = watch}} watch] | logs | views ) Article ([{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = edit}} edit] | [[Talk: {{{1}}} | talk]] | [{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = history}} history] | [{{fullurl: Special: Whatlinkshere / {{{1}}} | limit = 999}} links] | [{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = watch}} watch] | logs | views ) Article ([{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = edit}} edit] | [[Talk: {{{1}}} | talk]] | [{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = history}} history] | [{{fullurl: Special: Whatlinkshere / {{{1}}} | limit = 999}} links] | [{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = watch}} watch] | logs | views ) Article ([{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = edit}} edit] | [[Talk: {{{1}}} | talk]] | [{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = history}} history] | [{{fullurl: Special: Whatlinkshere / {{{1}}} | limit = 999}} links] | [{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = watch}} watch] | logs | views ) Article ([{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = edit}} edit] | [[Talk: {{{1}}} | talk]] | [{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = history}} history] | [{{fullurl: Special: Whatlinkshere / {{{1}}} | limit = 999}} links] | [{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = watch}} watch] | logs | views ) Article ([{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = edit}} edit] | [[Talk: {{{1}}} | talk]] | [{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = history}} history] | [{{fullurl: Special: Whatlinkshere / {{{1}}} | limit = 999}} links] | [{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = watch}} watch] | logs | views ) Article ([{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = edit}} edit] | [[Talk: {{{1}}} | talk]] | [{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = history}} history] | [{{fullurl: Special: Whatlinkshere / {{{1}}} | limit = 999}} links] | [{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = watch}} watch] | logs | views ) Article ([{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = edit}} edit] | [[Talk: {{{1}}} | talk]] | [{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = history}} history] | [{{fullurl: Special: Whatlinkshere / {{{1}}} | limit = 999}} links] | [{{fullurl: {{{1}}} | action = watch}} watch] | logs | views ) Reference sites "Institute of Celestial Mechanics and Ephemeris Calculation" . imcce.fr . IMCCE. JPL, NASA. "PIA00044: Miranda high resolution of large fault" . photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov . pia00044 . Retrieved 2007-07-23 . "Nomenclature Search Results: Miranda" . planetarynames.wr.usgs.gov . usgs . Retrieved 2013-03-29 . Transclusion error: {{ En }} is only for use in File namespace. Use {{ lang-en }} or {{ in lang | en}} instead. Template: Anchor “ Vision and Voyages for Planetary Science in the Decade 2013–2022 ” on the NASA website