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Template:Age of Enlightenment

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Prominent people by country
Austria: Joseph II | Leopold II | Maria Theresa
Denmark-Norway: Ludvig Holberg | Jens Schielderup Sneedorff | Johann Friedrich Struensee
France: Pierre Bayle | Fontenelle | Montesquieu | François Quesnay | Voltaire | G.L. Buffon | Jean-Jacques Rousseau | Denis Diderot | Helvétius | Jean le Rond d'Alembert | Baron d'Holbach | Marquis de Sade | Condorcet | Antoine Lavoisier | Olympe de Gouges | see also: French Encyclopédistes
Germany: Erhard Weigel | Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz | Frederick II | Immanuel Kant | Gotthold Ephraim Lessing | Thomas Abbt | Johann Gottfried von Herder | Adam Weishaupt | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | J. C. F. von Schiller | Carl Friedrich Gauss | see also: German Classicism
Great Britain: Thomas Hobbes | John Locke | Isaac Newton | Samuel Johnson | David Hume | Lord Monboddo | Adam Smith | Thomas Paine | John Wilkes | Edmund Burke | Edward Gibbon | James Boswell | Jeremy Bentham | Mary Wollstonecraft | see also: Scottish Enlightenment
Italy: Giambattista Vico | Cesare Beccaria
Netherlands: Hugo Grotius | Benedict Spinoza
Poland: Stanisław Leszczyński | Stanisław Konarski | Stanisław August Poniatowski | Ignacy Krasicki | Hugo Kołłątaj | Ignacy Potocki | Stanisław Staszic | Jan Śniadecki | Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz | Jędrzej Śniadecki
Russia: Catherine the Great | Peter the Great | Ekaterina Dashkova | Mikhail Lomonosov | Ivan Shuvalov | Nikolay Novikov | Alexander Radishchev | Mikhail Shcherbatov
Spain: Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos | Leandro Fernández de Moratín
USA: Benjamin Franklin | David Rittenhouse | John Adams | Thomas Jefferson
Related concepts
Capitalism | Civil Liberties | Critical Thinking | Deism | Democracy | Empiricism | Enlightened absolutism | Free Markets | Haskalah | Humanism | Liberalism | Natural Philosophy | Rationality | Reason | Sapere aude | Science | Secularism