[edit]Welcome, fellow Wikipedians! Guess which Shakespearian play the user name derives from! (You should be able to relate, you drama lovers of Wikipedia-dom!) Anyway, I hail from the U.S. and have devoted myself to sharpening the "blunt blades" of Wikipedia since November 2006, although my writing skills are still "work-in-process" (Excuse the uninspired cliches). I've been busy removing grammatical errors from articles for the time being until my writing skills are honed to their fullest potential. For the time being, feel free to visit my (albeit incomplete) page at your leisure!
[edit]- Intellectual
- American History (Sociological, Economic, and Cultural structure)
- Government
- Musical Theory
- Biology
- Psychology
- Theology
- Philosophy
- Mathematics
- Ecology
- Musical
- Western Classical
- Contemporary and Traditional Choral
- British Pop
- Classic Rock
- Alternative Rock
- New Wave
- Easy Listening/New Age
- Jazz (Ragtime, Hard Bop, Modal jazz and Contemporary)
- Funk