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Doctor Who aliens and enemies


Template:Doctorwhocharacter The Abzorbaloff was a green alien from the planet Clom; (the twin planet of Raxacoricofallapatorius) and thrived on absorbing life forms, mainly humans. Once something is absorbed the process is irreversible. It is unknown how many of the Abzorbaloff there are or whether it is just one specific creature.

The Abzorbaloff first appeared in the 2006 episode Love & Monsters. In this episode he uses the disguise of a man called Victor Kennedy as he enters a group who are tracking down the Doctor while absorbing it's members. The last person is Elton, his absorbed girlfriend tells him he's next and Elton runs. Cornered in an alley he is distracted by the TARDIS. Rose is angry at Elton for using Jackie to find Rose and the Doctor. Then the absorbed victims pulls the Abzorbaloff from the inside and cause him to drop his cane which Elton destroys. This causes the Abzorbaloff to be absorbed by the ground.


Template:Doctorwhorace The Autons are creatures made of living plastic. They appeared twice in the classic series, where it was displayed they can be anything made of plastic. Types of living plastic shown can be anything, the main ones are shop window dummies equipped with a gun. Another form is a wheelie bin that captures people by making them stick to it's surface and then flipping the lid over and pulling in the victim. As shown with Mickey Smith, he lived but a plastic replica was made of him.

The Autons reappeared in the 2005 episode Rose. In this episode the Nestene housed itself beneath the London Eye which was used as a transmitter. The Nestene came to Earth because it's planet was destroyed in the last great time war. The Doctor and his new-found friend Rose Tyler, thwarted it's plan by dropping in a tube of anti-plastic.

The Beast

Template:Doctorwhocharacter The Beast is thought to be the Devil. It is a huge red beast with a snake's tongue and ram's horns with huge black eyes. It is extremely muscular and strong. During the episode the Doctor is unsure whether it is the real devil or not. The Beast is able to possess any life form.

The Beast is in the two part story The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit. The actual body of the creature appears in The Satan Pit, it's mind however is present in The Impossible Planet. It's mind leaves it's body and enters Toby Zed, an archeologist, and the alien servants the Ood. Toby is killed by Rose when he shoots out the ship when she unstraps him and breaks the glass. The Beast's body is imprisioned however by five jars. If they are broken the planet will fall into the black hole. The Doctor needed to kill but he'd also kill Rose. He did it however but discovered the TARDIS. He then hijacks the rocket Rose is on which is plummeting into the black hole and rescues her.


Template:Doctorwhorace The Carrionites are a witch-like race that use words to do things instead of numbers. They have the incredible capability of flight and can also kill on touch. The Carrionites were supposedly banished by the Eternals at the beginning of time but can escape by using words. Their intent is to return the universe to the old ways of blood and magic.

The Carrionites first appeared in the 2007 episode The Shakespeare Code. In this episode three of them had escaped by Shakespeare's words when he went mad from his son's death. Their plan is that the words they made Shakespeare write in his lost play will free their kind. When the words are said the Doctor, Shakespeare and Martha manage to send them all back by using their own words.

Cat People

Template:Doctorwhorace The Cat People are a race of cat-like humans. They first appeared in the form of the Sisters of Plenitude, who lived on New Earth and in New New York Hospital they have developed a cure for every disease known to man by testing on humans that have been grown by the Sisters. They wear nun-like clothing and occasionally where a veil over their face.

The Sisters of Plenitude first appeared in the 2006 episode New Earth. In the episode Lady Cassandra possesses Rose and demands money from the Sisterhood. They refuse and the humans they have been testing on are released spreading an infection across the hospital. The creatures are cured when the Doctor showers them with the cures for every disease developed by the Sisterhood, who are all arrested for their crimes.

The next appearence for Cat people was in the 2007 episode Gridlock. In this episode various cat people were on the motorway that took years to travel along due to traffic. Novice Hame who had previously been in New Earth along with the Face of Boe also take part in this episode. They are the only survivors of the airborne virus 'Bliss' and they had to block off the city below, hence the unhelped traffic. Boe gives his final inch of life to repower the city and free the cars.

Chula Zombies

Template:Doctorwhorace The Chula Zombies also known as Gas Mask People are the results of healing gone wrong. When a young boy, Jamie was found dead, the Nanogenes "healed" him. They made great mistakes though when they fused his gas mask to his skin since the Nanogenes had never met humans before and believed it was his skin. Anyone who touched Jamie would become like him; empty. Jamie shares the same thoughts of his victims who obey him. They all search for Jamie's mother.

The Chula Zombies appear in the 2005 two parter, The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances. In this episode the Doctor and Rose, along with the dashing Captain Jack Harkness uncover the mystery of the Empty Child who was killed by a bomb and resurrected by Nanogenes (microscopic healing robots). He spreads his incorrect reconstruction by touch and he soon has a zombie army. The child's name is Jamie and the Doctor gets his mother Nancy to hug him. The Nanogenes detect the same genes and fix Jamie to his mother's appearence. The Doctor then sets the Nanogenes on the other zombies and fixes them.

Clockwork Droids

Template:Doctorwhorace Clockwork Droids are robots powered by clockwork from the 51st Century. They were designed for repair onboard their spaceship, SS Madame de Pompadour. The droids were disguised in 18th Century clothing and masks so they would blend in. Beneath their masks however are a glass head which cases clockwork mechanisms. The droids had a tendancy to spring up at different points across time via their time windows.

The Clockwork Droids first appeared in the episode The Girl in the Fireplace. The fireplace was a time window and the girl was Madame de Pompadour. The droids' ship had been damaged and they used the crew's body parts as replacements. They were however attempting to get the brain of Madame de Pompadour. She was classed as incomplete until she was 31 because she wasn't as old as the ship. The droids were defeated though when the Doctor cut them off from their ship by destroying the time window.


Template:Doctorwhorace The Cybermen are a race of cyborgs. They have appeared in the old series, originating from Earth's twin planet Mondas. In the new revived series they come from the parallel Earth. Cybermen were once humans, however they soon became part of John Lumic; a scientist- to create eternal life by having the person's brain moved into a metal body. This removes all emotions and the Cybermen then began to upgrade all humans to Cybermen, the people who refused would perish under maximum deletion.

The Cybermen reappeared in the 2006 two parter Rise of the Cybermen/The Age of Steel. The TARDIS lands on a parallel Earth. Mickey becomes caught in a group working against Cybus Industries run by John Lumic, who have unvailed their latest creations: Cybermen. The creatures begin to upgrade the whole world, but the Doctor, Rose, Mickey, a parallel Pete Tyler and Jake Simmonds manage to return emotion to the Cybermen, driving them insane. Newly converted John Lumic tries to escape but is stopped by the Sonic Screwdriver.

Their next appearence was in the 2006 two parter that was the season finale: Army of Ghosts/Doomsday. The Cybermen along with the freedom fighters enter the normal world via the void it turns out this was because of a void ship that allowed them to travel. The void ship holds the Cult of Skaro, four Daleks. As the two sides declare war the Cybermen take heavy blows, despite there being less Daleks until they open a prision which housed Daleks in the time war. As their war rages on the Doctor comes up with a plan to defeat them. The Daleks and Cybermen are covered in void stuff because they travelled through the void. When the void is opened they are sucked in and trapped.


Template:Doctorwhorace The Daleks are mutated creatures cased inside a metal shell. This is because of a nuclear war that caused the Kaleds to become mutated. Their leader, Davros, created metal casings. The Daleks are the only monsters to have been in every series of the new Doctor Who.

A Dalek reappeared was in the 2005 episode, Dalek. In this episode a lone Dalek had fallen through time and was imprisioned by billionaire, Henry van Statten. When Rose went to see it being held captive she accidently revived it and it rampaged through the base killing many people. As it continued it began to feel Rose's emotions. When she touched it reviving him DNA was extracted and the Dalek recieved feelings. Eventually, it destroyed itself after experiencing too many feelings.

Their second appearence was the 2005 series finale, Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways. For the season finale, the Doctor, Rose and Jack arrived on the GameStation which featured deadly reality show. Rose was "killed" but it later turned out she was on the Dalek's ship. They then begun an invasion of Earth. After reaching the station they killed Jack and cornered the Doctor. Rose had been sent back to her time for safety but she opened the TARDIS and travelled to the Doctor. Having the time vortex inside her she killed the Daleks and their Emperor. She also brought Jack back to life however the Doctor and Rose left without him. The Doctor took the time vortex out of Rose which was killing her and was forced to regenerate.

The Daleks then appear in the 2006 series finale Army of Ghosts/Doomsday. They enter from their void ship and declare war on the Cybermen who are also there. There are four of them (the Cult of Skaro) but grow in numbers with the Genesis Ark. This Time Lord relic is fuelled when Mickey touches it. As their war rages on the Doctor comes up with a plan to defeat them. The Daleks and Cybermen are covered in void stuff because they travelled throught the void. If the void is opened they will be pulled in and trapped which they are.

The Daleks next appeared in the 2007 episodes Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks. In these episodes the Cult of Skaro arrive in 1930s New York after they emergency temporal shifted from the Battle of Canary Wharf. Their plan was to change the Daleks into a human form and send this a transmission from the Empire State Building. Dalek Sec did this and began to feel human emotion. The other Daleks tricked him and altered an experiment into making Dalek human killers. The DNA was merged with Time Lord DNA after an accident involving the Doctor being shocked by lightning why holding on the transmitter on the building. The humans attack the Daleks but the surviving Dalek Caan destroys them and temporal shifts from the Doctor...

Dalek Human Hybrid

Template:Doctorwhorace The Dalek Humam Hybrid was the result of an experiment involving a human and Dalek Sec, it made him an upright, fully mobile creature with a Dalek mutant head. The Dalek Human Hybrid could understand emotion much better than Daleks and believed in much more peaceful solutions to problems.

The Dalek Human Hybrid first appeared in the 2007 two-parter Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks. In this episode, the Cult of Skaro have emergency temporal shifted to New York in the 1930s. Desperate to survive, they conduct experiments, the "final experiment" which merges a human with Dalek Sec results in the hybrid. When the other Daleks rebel from it's more peaceful solutions and alliance with the Doctor, it is exterminated as it sacrifices itself for the Doctor.

The Editor

Template:Doctorwhocharacter The Editor was the human servant of the Jagrafess. He lived on Floor 500 of Satellite Five, He had pale skin from the extreme cold needed for the Jagrafess and was willing to kill any intruder or opposition.

The Editor appeared in the 2005 episode The Long Game. The TARDIS arrives on Satellite 5, a news station where the workers get information by taking it in through computer chips in their head. Adam gets one to work computers and it is later used as a way to gain information about the Doctor and Rose. This happens when they are given access to Floor 500 and imprisioned by the Editor and the Jagrafess. This is where you go for "promotion", when you can't be registered. Cathica (a worker) saves them by overriding Adam's session and manages to increase the temperature, killing the Jagrafess.

Emperor Dalek

Template:Doctorwhocharacter The Emperor Dalek was the lead of the Daleks' invasion of Earth in 200, 100. He is much larger than normal Daleks but has the same structure. The Emperor has a large eyestalk and "globes" on his sides. The real differences are that he is immobile and that the Dalek creature is visible.

The Emperor Dalek appears in the second part of the 2005 series finale The Parting of the Ways. The Emperor leads an invasion, his ship was the only not affected by the time war after it fell through time. The Emperor then used human corpses to be mutated into Daleks. The Emperor questioned the Doctor about if he tried to destroy the Daleks with the delta wave he would wipe out humanity. He refused to do it and the Emperor ordered he be exterminated. Rose however returned from modern-day Earth after the Doctor returned her in fear of her safety. She had opened the TARDIS though and had the time vortex inside which she used to wipe the Emperor and his fleet out. The Doctor then took the time vortex out of Rose which was killing her. The Doctor however was forced to regenerate.

Empress of Racnoss

Template:Doctorwhocharacter The Empress of Racnoss was a hybrid an arachnid and human. She was the last of her kind after the rest of the Racnoss were killed by the Time Lords after they devoured planets. Racnoss then crashed and drew rocks towards it, like a magnet. The rocks surrounding it formed a planet which became Earth. The Empress spoke of her children who she was going to release onto Earth so they could devour all life. The Empress has an arachnid body and a human body spouting out the arachnid body's front complete with human face which had pointy sides sticking out. On her forehead are six eyes along with two human eyes beneath that all blink in unison. She also has sharp ferocious teeth.

The Empress of the Racnoss appeared in the 2006 Christmas special, The Runaway Bride. In this the Doctor meets Donna Noble who appears in the TARDIS since she's been dosed with Huon Particles. The culprit of this is her fiance Lance Bennett who is working for the Empress. The particles make her a sort of key to awake the children of the Empress. After the Doctor saves Donna he gives the Empress a final chance to stop and the Doctor will find them a home. The Empress refuses and her children are drowned when the Doctor floods the base she is in. She teleports to her ship but it shot down.

Face of Boe

Template:Doctorwhocharacter The Face of Boe is a giant head in a jar, he is the last of his kind and is billions of years old. Boe has given birth to children who each lived short lives indicating that male members of Boe's kind are able to give birth. Boe cannot talk, only send telepathic messages as he did to the Doctor in New Earth. Legend says that just before he dies he speak to a wanderer, a man without a home which is presumabely the Doctor. His secret is said to be the best message of all and will be just four words.

The Face of Boe first appeared in the 2005 episode The End of the World when he was onboard Platform One to witness the end of the world. He was one of the guests who were nearly killed by the sabotage but he lived, however his casing was apparently damaged.

The Face of Boe then appeared in the 2006 episode, New Earth. The Doctor and Rose visit New Earth after recieving a message on psycic paper. The message is from the Face of Boe who is in New Earth Hospital. At the end of the episode, the Doctor returns to Boe who has recovered and tells him that they will meet again, for a third and final time.

Boe's last appearence was in the 2007 episode Gridlock. Boe and Novice Hame are the only survivors of the airborne virus Bliss that had killed everyone above ground. The underground motorway was shut off by the two since it was the only thing protecting the people beneath who are stuck in everlasting traffic. With the help of the Doctor Boe manages to open up the tunnel and free the cars. Boe has given his final inch of life and dies, but he imparts a secret on the Doctor: "You are not alone".

Family of Blood

Template:Doctorwhorace The Family of Blood are a gas-like group that were desperate to survive. They could possess people completely, preventing any reverse of the action. They also intended on getting the Doctor's regenerations. They sport laser weapons are have an invisible spaceship that is capable of time travel.

The Family of Blood appeared in the 2007 two parter Human Nature/The Family of Blood. In these episodes the Doctor is forced to transform into a human to hide from the Family in 1913. After possessing local people they finally find the Doctor, who is forced to change back eventually upon Martha's advice. He causes their ship to explode and traps them across different parts of time and space where they are left forever.

Forest of Cheem

Template:Doctorwhorace The Forest of Cheem are a race of super-evolved trees that are humanoid. They are made of wood like trees but have eyes and mouths and stand in an upright position. Some even have flowers in their hair and have human emotions. One of them, Jabe, said she was descended from the tropical rainforests of Earth.

The Forest of Cheem appeared in the 2005 episode, The End of the World. In this episode they witness the destruction of Earth from Platform One, a viewing station. They were guests and the female, Jabe, assisted the Doctor in helping repair the ship. Jabe pulled the switch that helped stop the turbines from blocking the Doctor from reaching the automatic repair switch. Jabe burst into flames though due to the heat increase.


Template:Doctorwhorace The Futurekind are a cannibalistic race of devolved humans that dwell on the planet Malacarisso in the year 100 trillion. They have barbarian-like clothing and hunt unfortunate people who c0me across their path. They have sharper teeth than humans and unusual markings and piercings on their face.

The Futurekind first appeared in the first of the 2007 three-parter Utopia/The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords. The Futurekind mainly appeared in Utopia but had flashbacks in the others. In Utopia; the Doctor, Martha and Captain Jack arrive at the end of the universe. The Futurekind terrorise the human colony that are planning to depart for Utopia. One manages to enter and disrupts the launch but ultimately fails. The Master who has become human regains his old form and opens the rocket silo allowing the Futurekind in as the rocket departs. They attack the Doctor, Martha and Jack who manage to escape using Jack's time manipulator as revealed in a flashback in The Sound of Drums.


Template:Doctorwhorace The Gelth are a gaseous alien race that came to Earth through the rift. They were mistaken for ghosts and possessed dead bodies. If there is too much gas in a room the Gelth will leave the body they are in and float around the air at incredibly high speeds. The Gelth are blue but can also turn orange. Their actual bodies were destroyed during the time war.

In this episode the Doctor and Rose visit Victorian Cardiff where the dead walk. With the help of Charles Dickens the Doctor and Rose locate the problem to a funeral parlour. They hold a seance and discover the ghosts are an alien race called the Gelth who were affected by the time war. They then go to the morgue and a maid called Gwynneth uses her psycic power to let the Gelth through. They then possess bodies and it turns out they are evil. Charles Dickens then fills the rooms with gas making the Gelth leave the bodies. Everyone then leaves as Gwynneth torches the building too stop the Gelth.


Template:Doctorwhorace The Hoix is an alien with huge teeth and a pointed head. The alien has unusual armour and has been seen to eat meat.

The Hoix appeared in the 2006 episode, Love & Monsters. In this episode it was seen chasing the Doctor and Rose in a warehouse Elton Pope was investigating. Rose defeated it by throwing a bucket of a strange liquid over it. The Hoix was not named on screen but was listed in the credits and on the Doctor Who website.


Template:Doctorwhorace The Isolus are strange flower-like aliens. One of them possessed Chloe Webber. This Isolus was lonely because it was separated from it's huge family, and thought Chloe was lonely too. The Isolus had came to Earth in a small podand it gave Chloe the ability to make living things become drawings.

An Isolus appeared in the 2006 episode Fear Her, set in 2012 at the beginning of the Olympics. In this episode Chloe, who is possessed by an Isolus keeps drawing things to give the alien "friends". The Isolus wants to return home to it's huge family but needs the pod it travelled in. The pod is under the road which Rose digs up because Chloe has drawn the Doctor. The pod then needs to be heated--quickly; so the Doctor throws it in the Olympic Torch that passed the road. The Isolus then leaves.


Template:Doctorwhorace The Jagrafess or the Mighty Jagrafess of the Holy Hadrojassic Maxarodenfoe is a huge alien built into the roof on a news satellite called Satelitte 5. It appeared to be a huge piece of meat. The Jagrafess cannot stand high temperatures so Floor 500 (the floor it was on) was extremely cold and had to channel all the heat down to lower floors, hence they were so hot. The Jagrafess has a human asistant called the Editor.

The Jagrafess appears in the 2005 episode The Long Game. The TARDIS arrives on Satellite 5, a news station where the workers get information by taking it in through computer chips in their head. Adam gets one to work computers and it is later used as a way to gain information about the Doctor and Rose. This happens when they are given access to Floor 500 and imprisioned by the Editor and the Jagrafess. This is where you go for "promotion", when you can't be registered. Cathica (a worker) saves them by overriding Adam's session and manages to increase the temperature, killing the Jagrafess.

In the series finale Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways it turns out the Daleks were behind the Jagrafess.


Template:Doctorwhorace The Judoon are a form of galactic stormtroopers who serve as a police-like service. They resolve crimes in a brutal manner, usually resulting in execution of the subject. Their heads are encased by large circular helmets, and their weaponry shoots out a red laser that disintergrates the victim on hit. They also have a scanning device that can determine the creature being examined.

The Judoon first appeared in the 2007 episode Smith and Jones that introduced Martha Jones. In the episode the Judoon transport the Royal Hope Hospital to the moon where all the lifeforms inside are being examined to find the alien intruder. The creature is a Plasmavore that is sucking human blood to make itself register human. The Doctor (who has been mistaken as the intruder) gets it to drink his blood and it's detected as the enemy and executed. The Doctor is revived and the hospital is transported back.


Template:Doctorwhorace The Krillitanes are a race of bat-like creatures. This will not be their eternal form since they invade other planets and take their body parts. The Doctor claims they had very long necks when they last met. They are unable to come into contact with Krillitane Oil since they have evolved so much and can even be killed by it. Their leader, Brother Lassar (a.k.a. Mr. Lucas Finch) has took over a school and has replaced the teachers with his Krillitane family. They disguise themselves as humans in the forms of teachers, dinnerladies and a nurse.

The Krillitanes first appear in the 2006 episode School Reunion. The Doctor and Rose recieve a call from Mickey about an unusual school. He also meets Sarah Jane Smith and K9. The teachers are making the children eat food containing Krillitane Oil that increases their intelligence. They then eat the children to steal their knowledge so they can crack the code that will give them god-like power. They are defeated when K9 blasts Krillitane Oil at them which can kill them, and does.

Lady Cassandra

Template:Doctorwhocharacter Lady Cassandra O'Brien is the "last human". In fact she is a stretched piece of skin on a rack with her brain housed in a designer jar beneath. Cassandra relies on being mostiurised with acid or she can dry out. She has had over 700 operations and in both appearences has attempted to get money which will help her.

Lady Cassandra first appears in the 2005 episode The End of the World. In this episode the Doctor and Rose go to see the end of the world aboard Platform One. The guests are all aliens except Lady Cassandra, the "last" human. She then uses her robotic spiders to sabotage the ship killing everyone onboard in order to recieve compensation and an increase of shares she has in the other aliens' companies. The Doctor and tree-human hybrid manage to get to the repair switch just before disaster. With some guests dead the Doctor brings Cassandra back to have her punished but she explodes from an increase in heat.

Lady Cassandra then appears in the 2006 episode New Earth. The Doctor and Rose visit New Earth hospital after a message on psycic paper from the Face of Boe. Cassandra has been rebuilt and possesses Rose. She tries to get money from the hospital but fails, so she releases the humans being tested on and their infections spread. The Doctor cures them with medicine being showered on them. He then gets Cassandra out of Rose and she enters her clone. The Doctor then does one last thing as she begins to die; to show when she was last beautiful.

Living Drawing

Template:Doctorwhorace Living drawings are the result of a creature or person being drawn by an Isolus that possesses Chloe Webber. Once something is drawn it disappears and becomes a drawing. The drawings can move but not interact on the level of speech. When Chloe draws a scribble in her temper the scribble comes to life and attacks Rose. It is stopped by the sonic screwdriver though. The drawings can return to normal though.

The living drawings appeared in the 2006 episode Fear Her, set in 2012 at the beginning of the Olympics. In this episode Chloe, who is possessed by an Isolus keeps drawing things to give the alien "friends". The Isolus wants to return home to it's huge family but needs the pod it travelled in. It's pod is found and then heated by the Olympic torch and it leaves. All the drawings then return to life including Chloe's evil dad. It is killed by her and her mum singing when it senses love.


Template:Doctorwhorace The Macra are a race of huge crab like creatures. They appeared in the classic series as mighty empire builders, but devolved to become nothing more than beasts, but are still formidable. They have huge claws that can break tough materials and can survive on the pollution of worlds.

The Macra reappeared in the 2007 episode Gridlock when they were underneath the city of New New York. The Macra were there capturing cars that entered the fast lane by grabbing them with claws. When the roof over the motorway opens, all the cars leave while the Macra remain in the depths.

The Master

Template:Doctorwhocharacter The Master is a Time Lord who was once a friend of the Doctor's and has encountered him several times. He was resurrected to fight in the Time War but fled and made himself human and took on the form of Professor Yana. He has an unusual drumming sound in his mind which he informs people are coming closer and closer.

The Master appeared many times in the classic series, in the revived series he appears in the 2007 three parter Utopia/The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords. In these episodes, he is first encountered on the planet Malacrisso and has made himself human, and is working on getting the last humans to Utopia. Martha accidently convinces him to open his fob watch which stores his Time Lord persona. He then attempts to get the TARDIS crew killed by the Futurekind and attempts to thwart the Utopia Project. His assistant Chantho shoots him as she dies from his attack and the Master enters the TARDIS which he steals. He is forced to regenerate and arrives in 2007 where takes on the persona of Harold Saxon, Minister of Defence who marries Lucy Saxon. He becomes Priminister of Great Britain after hypnotising them through his Archangel mobile phone network to vote for him. He then announces that he has been contacted by a race called the Toclafane. The Doctor, Martha and Jack arrive in 2008 after Election Day and are captured are taken to the UNIT aircraft carrier the Valliant and watch as the Master creates a rift allowing six billion Toclafane to enter. They are ordered to remove one tenth of the population. The Master ages the Doctor using Lazarus Technology which he funded and imprisions Jack. Martha is forced to teleport away to Earth where she soon discovers the Toclafane are the humans at the end of the universe who made themselves into this robotic form. They have come back in time to kill the human race, this should create a paradox but the Master has made the TARDIS into a Paradox Machine which holds the Paradox in place. One year later, Martha is deliberately captured and taken to be killed on the Valliant at the countdown to the war with the universe. As the countdown begins she reveals that over the past year she has been spreading word on who the Doctor is. As the countdown hits "0" everyone on Earth thinks of one word: "Doctor". This psychic force makes the Doctor rejuvinated and powerful and forgives the Master. Jack then destroys the Paradox Machine and the paradox is broken. The only people who remember what happened are those on board the Valliant. Lucy Saxon shoots the Master who refuses to regenerate because he will be sentenced to spending his life imprisioned in the TARDIS. He dies and is cremated by the Doctor. A ring lands next to the pyre from which the manical laughter of the Master can be heard and is picked up by a lady's hand suggesting the Master might not be dead...


Coming soon...


Template:Doctorwhorace The Nanogenes are tiny healing robots. They appear as small glowing dots that float around healing anything in sight. They do not have any concept of how life should be but simply go on instinct and appearence of the first creature they see.

The Nanogenes appeared in the 2005 two parter The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances. In this episode they are brought to Earth in a Chula War Ship to war torn London. They find a dead boy and heal him, incorrectly. They see the gas mask as his face and his cuts on his hands as normal. The child can spread his resurrected form by touch which he does. Upon finding his mother the Nanogenes realise their mistake and fix the child to his mother's appearence. The Doctor then sets them on healing all the victims of the child.

Nestene Conciousness

Template:Doctorwhorace The Nestene Conciousness is a huge creature made of living plastic. It was shown to be a liquid formed blob that was in a large tub housed beneath the London Eye. The Nestene's race were from Polymos, it was destroyed however and it came to Earth because it was full of fumes and gases; what it liked. It can control anything made of plastic and even bring the TARDIS to it as seen in the conclusion of Rose.

The Nestene Conciousness had appeared in the classic series of Doctor Who and appeared in the first ever episode of the revived series, Rose. In this episode the Nestene housed itself beneath the London Eye which was used as a transmitter. The Nestene came to Earth because it's planet was destroyed in the last great time war. The Doctor and his new-found friend Rose Tyler, thwarted it's plan by dropping in a tube of anti-plastic.

New Human

Template:Doctorwhorace New Humans or The Flesh are cloned humans. They were firstly bred by the Sisters of Plenitude in order to use them as lab rats. They were infected with every disease in the world and stored in small cubicles. If they began to come "alive" they would be vapourised. When they were let free they would spread their infection through touch as hordes of them rampaged through the hospital looking for help. When Lady Cassandra temporarily possessed one she discovered how lonely they were. When they were cured they became a new sub-species and the future of the human race.

The New Humans appear in the 2006 episode New Earth. In this episode Lady Cassandra who has possessed Rose lets them free in retaliation to the Sisters of Plenitude refusing to pay them. As they rampaged through the hospital the Doctor cured them all by showering them in medicines from the lift that is used for disinfectant.


Template:Doctorwhorace The Ood are a race of squid-like aliens. They walk upright and talk through their translators. They were born as slaves and their one purpose in life is to serve humans. People who disagree with this are "The Friends of the Ood". They can also speak to eachother telepathically at a level of "basics". They usually communicate at "basic 5" but after they are possessed by the Beast they are capable of much higher levels. They also then change their translators into killing devices that electrocute their victims.

The Ood appeared in the 2006 series two parter The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit. When the TARDIS arrives on the planet Krop Tor which is circling a black hole the Ood become possessed by the Beast. He uses them to kill and torment the people in the sanctuary base who they were working for. They are all killed at the end along with the Beast when the planet is pulled into the black hole.

Pig Slaves

Professor Lazarus

Robot Santas

Template:Doctorwhorace The Robot Santas are robotic pilot to fish the Sycorax and The Empress of Racnoss. They are dressed in Santa costume along with a mask covered by a huge white beard. They carry huge trombones and trumpets that are actually flame throwers. They have also been seen to drive cars. They can be scared off by a sonic screwdriver and collapse when there is extreme noise.

The Robot Santas first appeared in the 2005 Christmas Special The Christmas Invasion. Working for the Sycorax they tracked down Mickey and Rose. They then followed them to Jackie's flat and after sighting the Doctor who was carrying his sonic screwdriver they teleported away. The Doctor soon discovered they were pilot fish and the real enemy was the Sycorax.

They later appeared redisgned in the 2006 Christmas Special The Runaway Bride. This time they were working for the Empress of Racnoss. They attempted to kidnap Donna and after her rescue they followed her to the wedding reception where the Doctor made them collapse when he jammed the sonic screwdriver in a sound system.


Template:Doctorwhorace The Plasmavores are a race of shapeshifting aliens that thrive on absorbing blood. They have been responsible for the many vampiric deaths across space. They suck blood by placing a straw-like device into their victim's neck and suck all the blood and fluids out.

A Plasmavore appeared in the 2007 episode Smith and Jones. In the episode the Plasmavore has fled from the Judoon who are trying to trial her for murder. To cover herself up from being registered as the non-human she sucks human blood. The Doctor realises this and knows that he will be mistakingly caught. He gets the Plasmavore to suck his blood and when the Judoon re-register her they discover her secret and kill her.


Template:Doctorwhorace The Reapers are creatures that exist outside space and time and can only appear when a time paradox takes place. These creatures appear to be flying reptiles; much like Pterosaurs. They are completely black with a scythe-like tail and red eyes. They can consume any living thing, even the Doctor and are unstoppable until the paradox is healed.

The Reapers first appeared in the 2005 episode Father's Day. In this episode, Rose goes to the day her father died and saves his life altering time. This allows the Reapers to come through. The survivors gather in the church. Rose allows one in when she touches her younger self, the creature is "destroyed" when it flies at the TARDIS which is trying to be summoned with the TARDIS key. The Doctor is consumed by a Reaper and Rose's dad is forced to kill himself which reverts time back.



Template:Doctorwhorace Slabs are completly leather android slaves with helmets for heads that have been seen with a Plasmavore on one occasion. They mainly come in pairs and pose as motorcycle couriers with formiddable strength. They are completely black and have no sense of emotions, they could be compared with the Cybermen in terms of personality and behaviour.

A pair of slabs appeared in the 2007 episode Smith and Jones where they accompanied a Plasmavore who went under the title of Florence Finnigan. They helped her absorb the human blood to keep her disguised as human from the police-like Judoon. The Doctor managed to destroy one with an X-ray machine. They were ultimately defeated when Florence was killed by the Judoon.


Template:Doctorwhorace The Slitheen are a family from Raxacoricofallapatorius who will be executed dare they return. They are large green humanoids with huge claws and a baby like face. They disguise themselves by hiding in a skinsuit of a person they have killed, this is a tight fit which causes an extreme gas exchange. They are also capable of teleportation and their disguises show their capabillity of technology. Another example is how they operated on a pig causing it to walk upright in order to frame it as the alien invaders when they were. Slitheen have great sense of smell and can hunt any creature, if they fail to this at an early age they will be fed to the Venom Grubs. The best way to destroy a Slitheen is to cover them in acidic foods like vinegar which will cause them to explode.

The Slitheen first appeared in the 2005 two-parter Aliens of London/World War Three. Their attempted cover up with a pig on their alien invasion fails when the Doctor realises it. The Doctor, Rose and Harriet Jones, MP Flydale North are soon trapped in 10 Downing Street with the Slitheen about to destroy the Earth and sell the remains of it. With the help of the Doctor, Mickey manages to launch a missile into Downing Street which kills the Slitheen.

A lone Slitheen appeared in the 2005 episode Boom Town. This Slitheen had escaped the Downing Street explosion and became Mayor of Cardiff. Her plan was to make a nuclear power station that would blow up Cardiff. The TARDIS crew manage to trap her and planned to take her to Raxacoricofallapatorius where she will be put on trial. She then makes the Cardiff rift fracture and takes control of the event. She opens the heart of the TARDIS however and is turned back into an egg.


Template:Doctorwhorace The Sycorax are a race of aliens which are usually seen in helmets made of bones from defeated enemies. Their leader took his mask off to reveal some of his dark orange flesh. He also has a huge staff and an electrical whip. The Sycorax travel on their spaceship that resembles a planet. They can also master blood control and are good at sword fighting.

The Sycorax first appeared in the 2005 Christmas special The Christmas Invasion. In this episode the Sycorax kidnap the space probe Guinevere One and take a blood sample from it and use it for blood control. The newly regenerated Doctor is ill, but later awakes to the smell of tea to discover the TARDIS has been transported on to the Sycorax ship where he meets Rose, Mickey and Harriet Jones who is now prime minister. The Doctor breaks the blood control and wins a sword fight with the Sycorax leader who falls from the ship when he does a sneak attack on the Doctor. Jones then orders Torchwood to destroy the ship.


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Weeping Angels

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Template:Doctorwhorace The Werewolf was a large hybrid-like creature that merges a wolf and a man when there is a full moon. The creature is incredibly agile and can pass on it's gene to anyone it bites. This became a plan involving passing the gene to Queen Victoria to begin the "Empire of the Wolf". The creature can be killed by silver bullets and harmed by mistletoe.

The Werewolf first appeared in the 2006 episode Tooth and Claw. In this episode, the Doctor, Rose and Queen Victoria along with the residents of Torchwood House are terrorised by a werewolf. Discovering the house is a trap for the werewolf the Doctor realises the telescope is actually a light chamber. A full blast of light is shot at the werewolf killing it, but not before it gets a bite at Queen Victoria.

The Wire

Template:Doctorwhocharacter The Wire is a creature that took the form of a television image of a continuity announcer since it's true form was destroyed when it was executed. Some how it lived on, and fled across the stars until it took on it's television form. The Wire feeds on the energy of the television viewers who are rendered faceless when the Wire absorbs their brain energy.

The Wire appeared in the 2006 episode The Idiot's Lantern. In this episode she tried to take on a more full form since she was trapped in a television. The Doctor, with the help of a boy called Tommy manage to stop her stealing the minds of everyone watching. The Wire's plan backfires when her deadly signal is shot back at her leaving her as a tape which the Doctor takes over. The faceless victims (including Rose) are restored.