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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Balu2000 (talk | contribs) at 09:51, 18 August 2007. The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

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see ethnic group:

An ethnic group or ethnicity is a population of human beings whose members identify with each other, either on the basis of a presumed common genealogy or ancestry, or recognition by others as a distinct group, or by common cultural, linguistic, religious, or territorial traits.

either accept this definition, and stop arguing based on confused national mysticist notions, or come to Talk:Ethnic group and show how this definition is flawed. dab(𒁳) 14:33, 17 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Let's see here:
Analysis of the Assyrians shows that they have a distinct genetic profile that distinguishes their population from any other population. It is important to understand that this applies to the population as a whole, not to any one individual. The study thus does two things: it confirms the uniqueness of the Assyrian population as a whole, and it establishes genetics as a major criterion of a population group, potentially overriding elements such as language, religion, and other social and historical components which were formerly considered to be primary determinants.[1]

Genealogy, check. Linguistic, we speak the same language, check. Territorial traits, we originate from the same area, check. Religiously, we follow (As)syrian/Syriac Christianity, check. Cultural, we have the exact same culture, check. Ancestry, all Assyrians/Chaldeans/Syraics marry each other, check. Look, as far as ethnicity goes, we are the same people, all right? It's just that some of us, insist, based on ignorance, that we are not Assyrians, for whatever reason. Doesn't mean they're not Assyrians. — EliasAlucard|Talk 17:30 17 Aug, 2007 (UTC)


Hey Elias, let me make a point clear, Assyrians in Iraq particular are respected by Arabs, they allwayso have been, there are disagreements about religion but thats all. There are alot of Assyrians in Iraq living peaceful with Arabs and my friends house in Baghdad are hired by Assyrians, There are no such thing that Arabs are trying to drive Assyrians out. maybe some Islamist trying to do this for political reasons, but such hate between regular people does not have any existence. Cheers — Balu2000 07:02, 18 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Let's be honest here, Iraq, or what's left of it, is the original country for the Assyrian people. We are the native people of that area. Yet we are being wiped out in our own country, as you can see here. You think this is a coincidence? No, of course not. Islam is what it is. These "Islamist" are just following Jihad. In fact, they've even demanded the Jizya from Assyrians.[2] You think this is a coincidence? Of course not. They're just following the Qur'an.[3] Now, you can say what you want about this, in order to try to convince me otherwise, but look, I know what Islam is, all right? I know, for a fact, that there's an ongoing genocide on Assyrians in Iraq, because that is how Islam works. Yes, I'm sure there are "peaceful Arabs". Doesn't matter. Most Arabs follow Islam, and they are committing a genocide on Assyrians as we speak, because they are following the example of the "prophet". As for the Assyrian Genocide, what do you think motivated it? Of course, Islam. I have relatives that were killed in this genocide, and those who survived, have told me about how they were forced to convert to Islam, or leave. Or else, death was around the corner. Don't fool yourself, Islam is guilty as sin. I'm not worried though. It's written in the Bible, New Testament: "The men of Nineveh shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold, a greater than Jonas is here."[4] In time, on the day of judgement, all of you Muslims, will be judged and condemned by Assyrians. For you abandoned God for a murderer and a paedophile. You can kill all Assyrians in this life, but that is your problem in the after life, not ours. — EliasAlucard|Talk 09:19 18 Aug, 2007 (UTC)
Don't mention the bible to me, i am sure it has be re-written so many times that a person would go to a psychologic doctor after reading., leave the Quran aside too. I am telling you in a simple way, that Assyrians and Arabs are more likely to be friends they have lived together for a long time, this hate should be to Kurds. They call you guys for "Kurdish Chrisitians" yet they are much better than Arabs?. you are very extreme on this subject. Iraq is one, everyone should live in peace, every religion, It is people like you who should be killed by those "Muslims" this hate may effect when you write in wikipedia too, please check wikipedia policy. — Balu2000 07:31, 18 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Well, I guess that settles it. Though to be honest, I usually don't edit Arab/Kurdish related topics, and I'm not directing hate towards Arabs (at least not as much as Arabs are hating and murdering Assyrians). this hate should be to Kurds. They call you guys for "Kurdish Chrisitians" yet they are much better than Arabs? — and Arabs call us "Arab Christians". How are you better than the Kurds? It is people like you who should be killed by those "Muslims" — I rest my case. — EliasAlucard|Talk 10:14 18 Aug, 2007 (UTC)
You are talking like I am an Assyrian hater. Let me make few points clear. I got a special love for Assyrians, my friends are Assyrians along with the Kurds, I have been in Catholic churches, talking with priests and some are my friends, when a small Assyrian girl did arive in this country as asylum, she lived in my family house, she was alone so we took care of her. Assyrians also respect me for being Arab, they have never said "Go away Arab", "you dirty Arab", though i have been invited to some major Assyrian parties, sometimes we are united by the term "Iraqi". I feel very happy for being with the Assyrians along Kurds. When you are talking this way, its quit shocking. — Balu2000 09:51, 18 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]