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List of Elite Four members

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The Elite Four (???, Shitenno, lit. "Four heavenly kings") are fictional characters in the Pokémon video game series, anime, and manga. In the video games, the player must defeat these powerful Pokémon Trainers to complete the game.

Within the video games the Elite Four acts as an order of exceptionally skilled Pokémon trainers consisting of four member trainers of ascending rank led by a more powerful trainer known as the 'Pokémon Champion'. The position of 'Pokémon Champion' is constantly open to challenge as any Pokémon trainer who defeats the Champion in a Pokémon battle automatically earns the title for him/herself. Whenever the title of champion is passed on it is honored by an inauguration into the Hall Of Fame. In order to earn the right to challenge the Champion, one must first defeat the four member trainers in order of ascending rank in a series of consecutive battles. However, before battling the Elite Four, the trainer must first gather the eight Pokémon Gym Badges of his/her respective region.

With the exception of the Orre region in the games Pokémon Colosseum and Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness each region appears to possess its own Elite Four with its own individual members. However, the structuring and operation of each Elite Four organization remains identical regardless of the difference in members and location. It should also be noted that in the Gold, Silver and Crystal set of games the Johto region appears to share joint custody of a single Elite Four organisation with the Kanto region.

Kanto members

The 'Kanto Elite Four' act as the Elite Four in the original series of Pokémon games consisting of Pokémon Red, Blue, Green and Yellow versions as well as in Pokémon Fire Red and Leaf Green versions which act as remakes of the original games. Within the timeline of the games series they are eventually replaced by the 'Johto Elite Four'.


Template:Pokémon character Lorelei (???, Kanna in original Japanese language versions), known as Prima in the English anime, is a specialist on Ice-type Pokémon. In Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen, during the Sevii Islands quest which was not present in the original games, it is revealed that Lorelei is from Four Island in the Sevii Islands and that she collects Pokémon Dolls.

After completing the sequence of events on Four Island during the Sevii Islands quest in Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen the Elite Four undergo a change in their Pokémon rosters. In Lorelei's case of all her Pokémon are boosted by several levels and the Slowbro in her team is replaced with a Piloswine.

In the anime

Lorelei appeared in the animé in the Orange Islands series, though she was called Prima (most likely because they had to lip synch properly, Kanna does not make similar mouth movements to Lorelei and is also one syllable short). The episode she appeared in was titled "The Mandarin Island Miss Match." As in the games, she is a member of the Elite Four, and is one of the few characters specifically referred to as a Pokémon Master. Misty is shown to idolize her. Lorelei battled Ash in a one-on-one match between his Pikachu and her Cloyster, and won. She later gave him some valuable advice on Pokémon, which possibly helped him gain the respect of his Charizard.

In the manga

Lorelei is a villainess in the Pokémon Adventures manga. She is one of the Elite Four, and along with Bruno, Agatha, and Lance - she tried to take over the world and kill all humans who weren't nice to Pokémon.

She freezes Red and Sabrina in ice, causing them severe injuries that continue to harm them for several years. She has the ability to make voodoo dolls out of ice. Green and Sabrina defeated her at Cerise Island. Lorelei vanished for several years, and has only recently made another appearance. She saved Red and Blue from Team Rocket's Beast Warrior Trio. She decided to ally herself with Red and Blue, because Team Rocket invaded her home, the Sevii Islands.


Template:Pokémon character Bruno (??, Shiba in original Japanese language versions) is an expert on Fighting-types.

In the video games

Bruno raises Fighting-type Pokémon, living with them and training with them. He joins the Elite Four out of a desire to challenge the best trainers. Throughout the series, he usually starts a battle with the phrase "hoo-hah!" He battles with two Onix, a Hitmonlee, a Hitmonchan, and a Machamp in both the original versions and the remakes. However, like Lorelei's team the levels of his Pokémon vary slightly between originals and remakes. After completing the events on Four Island in Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen, all of his Pokémon receive an increase in levels and his pair of Onix will have both evolved into Steelix.

Bruno regularly visits the Sevii Islands. He and his Pokémon use the spa on One Island, and he visits Two Island to buy Rage Candybars. Bruno also serves as a member of the 'Johto Elite Four' in Pokémon Gold, Silver and Crystal, and he once trained with Brawly, a Gym Leader of Hoenn.

Bruno continues to be a member of the Elite Four in the Silver and Gold versions, adding Hitmontop to his team while dropping one of his two Onix. The rest of his team remains unchanged except in Level and Moveset. While Bruno served as the second member of the 'Kanto Elite Four' he acts as the third member of the 'Johto Elite Four'.

In the anime
Bruno, as seen in Pokémon anime.

Bruno was first seen in the very first episode, being one of the combatants Ash was watching on TV. While Ash was training for the Indigo League Championships, Ash and company learned of a guy named Bruno training deep in the mountains. Bruno said he had a great secret to becoming a great pokémon trainer after meeting them. Desperate to have him reveal his secret, Ash and Brock did various "chores" for him in which their Pokémon helped out too. In the middle of the episode, a giant Onix attacked the group, and Brock tried to use his own Onix to defeat it, but failed. Bruno tried to calm the Onix, but was unsuccessful at first. He told Onix to calm down and that he wasn't going to harm it, and that did the trick. It turned out that the Onix was in pain due to a Sandslash that was lodged deep inside Onixs rocky body. Bruno eventually caught the Onix and added it to his team. At the end of the episode, Ash asked him what the secret to becoming a great trainer was, and Bruno answered that he had no secret, and that true success comes from the feelings, trust, and bonds you have and share with your Pokémon.

In the manga

In the Pokémon Adventures manga, Bruno was primarily a villain. He challenged Red to a Pokémon battle in a remote area. He then offered a position on the Elite Four to Red, but Red refused so Lorelei froze him. Later, the Elite Four tried to wipe out most of humanity from Cerise Island. Bill, Lt. Surge, and Red teamed up to defeat Bruno.

It was later revealed that Bruno was an unwilling member. Agatha used the mind controlling abilities of her Ghost-type Pokémon to force Bruno to join. Without any place to go, Bruno formed a new version of the Elite Four in Johto, with three other ex-members of criminal organizations: Will, Karen, and Koga. Bruno attaches his Poké Balls to the ends of a set of nunchaku. The force of him using the weapon causes his Pokémon to be released at high speeds, giving him the advantage in battles.

Brawly is a former training partner of Bruno's.


Template:Pokémon character Agatha (???, Kikuko in original Japanese language versions) is the oldest member of Kanto's Elite Four and the third member players will face. Her English name probably comes from its similarity to hag; the word aghast, meaning struck with terror; or Agatha Christie, the mystery writer. Agatha is an expert on Poison-type Pokémon; however, most of her Pokémon share the Ghost type as well (note that all Ghost-types available in Generation I were dual Poison-types). She battles with a pair of Gengar, a Golbat, a Haunter, and an Arbok in both the original versions and the remakes, once again with a slight variation in levels. Like the rest of the 'Kanto Elite Four' after the events on Four Island in Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen her Pokémon roster also gains several levels and the Haunter in her team is replaced with a Misdreavus.

Agatha and Professor Oak were once friendly rivals in their youth, and it appears that Agatha may have once had a crush on Oak. However, their relationship has grown bitter and strained over the years because Agatha believes he (Oak) was too weak to continue competing. A Pokémon Journal entry states that she and Oak were once fierce rivals. Oak retired to his Pokédex, while Agatha moved up and into ranks of the Elite Four.

In the anime
Agatha, in Viridian Gym

Agatha appears in Advanced Generation episode 132 - The Scheme Team as a temporary leader for the Viridian City Gym. Her anime appearance is loosely based on her appearance in Fire Red and Leaf Green. As in the games, she is a member of the Elite Four.

As Ash Ketchum returns from Hoenn, he passes through Viridian City, and finds the Pokémon Gym completely rebuilt. While in Viridian City, he meets Scott, an agent for the Battle Frontier, and Agatha, the temporary Leader of the reformed Gym. Agatha asks Ash if he has come for a Gym Badge, but since Ash already has the badge for this gym, they just fight for fun. The battle is a one on one battle between Ash's Pikachu and Agatha's Gengar in which, after a fierce fight, Gengar wins the battle. Agatha also has a Golbat which she uses while fighting Team Rocket.

In the manga

After Lance, Agatha is the main villainess in the Pokémon Adventures Yellow manga. Agatha was one of the Elite Four who tried to destroy most of humanity from their base on Cerise Island. She fought against Blue and Koga, and seemingly vanished after her defeat. Agatha used the mind-controlling powers of her Ghost-type Pokémon to control Bruno against his will.


Template:Pokémon character Lance (???, Wataru in original Japanese language versions) specializes in dragon Pokémon. He is Clair's cousin, having previously trained with her in Blackthorn City.

In the video games

In the video games, Lance is the leader of both the Kanto and Johto Elite Four with his signature Pokémon being Dragonite.

In the 'Kanto Elite Four' of Pokémon Red/Blue/Yellow/Green/Fire Red/Leaf Green Lance acts as both the fourth and final member as well as the Champion until Blue defeats him and claims the title. He battles solely with Dragon-types.

In the 'Johto Elite Four' Lance acts solely in the capacity of Champion. The position of fourth and final member is taken by Karen. His Pokémon Gold and Silver lineup closely resembles that of his original line up.

In all of the video games, he is best known to be an expert on Dragon-types. He is also well known for having Pokémon that are supposedly "impossible to beat".

In Pokémon Gold and Silver, the player encounters Lance near the Lake of Rage after Gold had defeated the red Gyarados, which was in a rage from Team Rocket's schemes. Lance compliments him on his skills, and the two of them go to where Lance believed the signal which sent the Gyarados into the rage originated. This area turned out to be a shop inside of Mahogany Town, which was actually a front for Team Rocket's hideout.

The Gym Leader of Blackthorn City, Clair, is his cousin. Clair seems to fear him, as he is the only one who has defeated her. He was also the first person in many years to pass the Dragon User's challenge, a rite of passage into the Dragon Clan, which Clair has not yet been able to pass herself. Some assume that the leader of the clan is his grandfather.

In the anime
File:Lance anime.jpg
Lance, as he appears in the Pokémon anime.

Lance appears in seasons five and eight of the Pokémon anime. He is described as a Pokémon G-Man, and it is his job to go undercover and learn of the plans of the evil teams. In Johto, he helps Ash and crew defeat Team Rocket and catches the red Gyarados used in their experiments. In Hoenn, he turns up to stop the battle between Groudon and Kyogre.

In the manga

In the manga, Lance is the leader of the Elite Four, and has a large army of Dragonites, Aerodactyls and Dragonairs. He desired to destroy humanity due to all of the pollution and their hurting of Pokémon. The ultimate end result would be a world for Pokémon and the Elite Four alone. He planned to utilize the Pokémon Badge Amplifier and use the energy of the badges to create a Lugia and use it to control all of the Pokémon; using them to destroy the humans. He was stopped by Yellow when she used the Megavolt and deflected the energy of the badges to the world and filled it with plants and trees. Lance had wanted to destroy humanity ever since he was a child when he witnessed a Dratini and Magikarp hurt by the pollution of a factory.

Lance reappears in the GSC arc in Olivine City. He was confronted by Silver, and told him that his Pokémon were hurt because of Silver's lack of love (apparently, Lance once had this problem, but resolved it). For a year after that, Lance sends Silver on various missions and lends him a Tyranitar. Lance was the person who first grasped the idea that Pryce, the Mask of Ice, wanted to control time.

Johto members


Template:Pokémon character Will (???, Itsuki in original Japanese language versions) is a trainer of Psychic-type Pokémon who is noted for his peculiar appearance—formal clothes and a mask that covers most of his face. His name could derive from "willing" or from "illusionist". The name 'Will' could also be seen as a pun for the fact that he uses Psychic-type Pokémon, as their power depends on the strength of their mind.

Will's hair falls over the left side of his face, leading to his left eye being whited out in some depictions. This has spurred debate as to whether he has one eye or two. In the manga, his appearance is slightly different; he always wears a peculiar smile, both his eyes can be seen, and he wears a clown's ruff around his neck.

In the manga

Will, along with Karen, Green, Silver, Shum, and Cart, is one of the children kidnapped by the Mask of Ice and raised to be his servants. Will was one of the leaders of the Neo Team Rocket formed in Johto. After the defeat of the Mask of Ice, he and Karen met Koga and Bruno. Together, the four formed a new Elite Four, and have not been heard of since.


Template:Pokémon character Koga (???, Kyo in original Japanese language versions) is a Poison-type trainer. His name is a reference to the Koga-ryu school of ninjutsu.

In the video games

In Pokémon Red and Blue, Koga operates the Fuchsia City gym, which is also a training ground for the ninja arts. He is also part of the guard that protects the border of the Safari Zone. Unlike many characters in the game, he has a habit of randomly switching Pokémon in and out[citation needed].

Later, in Pokémon Gold and Silver, he was promoted to the Elite Four, relieving the duties of Fuchsia City gym leader to his daughter Janine. He is the second member of Johto's Elite Four that the player must face and is an expert on Poison types. He is generally thought of as a ninja-like character.

In the anime

In the anime, Koga is true to his Ninja-like character in that his gym is full of trap doors, booby-traps, invisible walls, and other such hidden items. After Ash, Misty, and Brock make their way around these, and finally locate Koga, Ash Challenges him to a match. Team Rocket interrupts the match, but are defeated with the help of Misty's Psyduck. A rematch occurs outside, with Ash winning.

In the manga

In the GSC saga of Pokémon Adventures, Koga, is an ex-Team Rocket executive, and part of the former Team Rocket Triad (composed of Lt. Surge, Sabrina, and himself). During the Silph Co. battle, he uses Articuno, along with his poison Pokémon, in order to battle Red and Blue. After the fall of Team Rocket, he vanished along with the rest of Team Rocket. In this time his gym had been taken over by his daughter, Janine. His Arbok is able to regrow any part of its body so long as the head is still intact (its tail was once cut off once by Agatha's Arbok and lost half of its body to Blue's Charmeleon). He is last seen at the end of the GSC saga, when he joins Will, Karen, and Bruno to help form an Elite Four.


Template:Pokémon character Karen (???, Karin in original Japanese language versions) is a powerful trainer of Dark-type Pokémon.

Her names in various other localizations refer to darkness or the night, most likely due to her outfit in each version of the franchise: an elegant short-skirted black dress with matching high heels, making her something of a femme fatale.

In the Pokémon Trading Card Game, Karen appears in the Pokémon VS cards. She also appears on two Technical Machines: Karen's TM01 and Karen's TM02.

In Pokémon Gold, Silver and Crystal, Karen is the fourth and final member of the Elite Four. She must be defeated before facing Lance, the League Champion.


In the Pokémon Adventures manga, Karen, along with Will, Green, Silver, Shum, and Cart, is one of the children kidnapped by the Mask of Ice and raised to be his servants. Karen was one of the leaders of the new Team Rocket formed in Johto. After the Mask of Ice was defeated, Karen formed an alliance with Bruno, Will, and Koga; the four of them all ex-members of various criminal organizations. In this manga, she uses an Eevee (which evolves into an Umbreon) and two separate Murkrow.

Hoenn members


Template:Pokémon character Sidney (???, Kagetsu in original Japanese language versions) is the first member of Hoenn's Elite Four that the player faces. He is an expert on Dark-types. His Japanese name contains "kage" (?), "shadow," referring to his Dark-type Pokémon. Sidney is an upbeat character who enjoys his work, even when he loses (congratulating the player on defeating him and saying that it was "fun"). He believes the Dark-side is beautiful, and that might is right. His strategy is all-out offensive.

Sidney appeared in Pokémon Adventures, with a Zangoose and a Metang, as well as a Regirock, controlled alongside Drake.

In the past, he was called a punk, but he proudly states his Elite Four status.


Template:Pokémon character Phoebe (???, Fuyo in original Japanese language versions) is a member of Hoenn's Elite Four and the second member the protagonist faces. She is an expert on Ghost-type Pokémon, drawing obvious parallels to Agatha in Pokémon Red and Blue and Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen. She wears two flowers in her hair and a blue tube top that exposes her belly and a blue sarong patterned with Pokéballs. She is also the granddaughter of the elderly couple that live on Mt. Pyre.

In the Pokémon Adventures manga, Phoebe took control of Regice, together with Glacia. In the video games, her party is composed of two Banette, two Dusclops, and a Sableye.


Template:Pokémon character Glacia (???, Purimu, Pulim in original Japanese language versions) is the third member of Hoenn's Elite Four. She is an expert on Ice-types. She is believed to come from the Sinnoh region, because of its exclusive snowcapped lands that circle the northern area of the region. In addition, the games state that Glacia was looking for hot lands, which was Hoenn, after traveling from a cold region, such as Sinnoh.


For the Orange Island Gym Leader, see Drake

Template:Pokémon character Drake (???, Genji in original Japanese language versions) is a member of Hoenn's Elite Four and the fourth (and last, before the Champion) the player will face. He is an expert on Dragon-types.

In the anime
Drake in the anime

Drake has also appeared in the anime, in the episode "Vanity Affairs," where he battled Ash Ketchum.

Ash has completed the Mossdeep Gym challenge, and has become very overconfident about himself. Ash and co. soon meet Drake, whom Brock says is a member of the Elite Four. Drake likes Ash's style and requests to have a two on two (single) battle. Ash agrees and the battle starts. Brock warns Ash that because Drake is an Elite Trainer, his Pokémon are very powerful.

The first match is between Pikachu and Shelgon. Ash, seeing that Drake doesn't command Shelgon to attack early, becomes overconfident again and thinks he can easily win. Drake eventually tells his Shelgon to dodge Pikachu's thunderbolt and goes on to win the round with dragon claw.

The second round was between Grovyle and Altaria. Ash, because of his overconfidence, has a hard time hitting Altaria and made other mistakes he normally wouldn't make, while Altaria uses dragonbreath to whittle down Grovyle's energy. Drake tells Ash to get all other distractions out of his mind and to keep focus on the battle. When Ash finally started to make a turnaround, Altaria manages to defeat Grovyle with a Solarbeam.

Drake goes on to tell Ash how proud he was to see how at the very end of the match, he starts focusing on the battle like he should. He also said that if Ash had been focused on the battle and not so overconfident, he would've fared a better chance. He goes on to mention how, when he was sailing, he too became overconfident and started losing battle after battle. As he became more focused on the match rather than other thoughts, he began winning again.

Near the end of the episode, Team Rocket attacked, and stole several Pokémon. Drake used his Salamence to help rescue them.

Steven Stone

Template:Pokémon character Steven Stone (???????, Tsuwabuki Daigo, Daigo Tsuwabuki in original Japanese language versions) is also the son of Mr. Stone of the Devon Corporation, and has a passion for rare stones. He frequently appears during the protagonist's journey to give him/her advice. His home is in Mossdeep City. In Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire, Steven is the champion of Hoenn's Elite Four. In Emerald, he disappears and his spot is taken by Wallace, although he fights a double battle with the player against the Magma Leader Maxie and Admin Tabitha and can be fought later at Meteor Falls after beating the Elite Four and Wallace. He is an expert on Steel types. Steven's signature Pokémon is Metagross which is a Steel/Psychic type.

Steven made an appearance in the anime episode "A Hole Lotta Trouble." The only Pokémon of his revealed in the episode was Aggron. Despite having a much bigger role in the games, he was only seen once in the anime, with his plotline in the Kyogre-Groudon saga being taken over by Lance.

It is unknown why he stepped down as the Pokémon League Champion. In Emerald, the player can battle him only once. His team is the same one from Ruby and Sapphire, but they are 20 levels higher.


Template:Pokémon character Wallace (???, Mikuri in original Japanese language versions) is an expert on Water-types. In Emerald, he was once the Gym Leader of Sootopolis City, but was replaced by his mentor, Juan when he became champion of Hoenn's Elite Four. In all games, Wallace is the guardian of the Cave of Origin, where deceased Pokémon are resurrected and where the player may catch Groudon and Kyogre in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire, respectively. Wallace's signature Pokémon is Milotic.

In the manga

In Pokémon Adventures, he is the Sootopolis Gym Leader, in addition to being a contest master as well as the protector of the Cave of Origin. Wallace also takes Ruby under his wing, much like how Winona did for Sapphire. Despite having aligned himself with Team Aqua, he has a strong sense of justice, and is the first of the aligned Gym Leaders to renounce his loyalty, convincing Winona of the Magmas to do the same.

It was revealed in Volume 21 that Wallace was the Hoenn League Champion who had entered the Hall of Fame. However, he renounced the title as he expressed his wish of following his mentor, Juan's, footstep of becoming a Gym Leader of his city. According to Steven, what Wallace did not mention to the director of the Pokémon Association is that there is a second reason for his renouncement: He was trying to stay with Winona, the Fortree Gym Leader.

He and Winona apparently had some sort of relationship in the past, speculated by most fans to have been romantic. Although it is largely unconfirmed whether Winona still has feelings for him, it is quite obvious that he still has feelings for her, based on the scene where the two say their goodbyes before they leave to fight Kyogre and Groudon in Volume 20.

Wallace usually travels on an "Air Car", which can travel on both the land and the air. He is also the only Hoenn Gym Leader who nicknamed his Pokémon.

Sinnoh members


Template:Pokémon character Aaron (???, Ryo in original Japanese language versions) is the first member of Elite Four in Sinnoh, a Bug-type expert. Also, he is the first male character in Pokémon games to have an ahoge. He has a variety of Bug-Type Pokémon, ranging from Level 53 to Level 57. Aaron also wears a vest or undershirt that is based on Combee.

He takes great pride in his Bug Pokémon, calling them beautiful and perfect. Despite these arrogant sounding claims, he is a good sport, and accepts his defeat gracefully.

He has a Dustox, Beautifly, Vespiquen, Heracross, and Drapion in the video games.


Template:Pokémon character Bertha (???, Kikuno in original Japanese language versions) is the second member of the Sinnoh Elite Four and is a Ground-type master. Her name is derived from the word "earth".

She has a Quagsire, Sudowoodo, Hippowdon, Whiscash in the video games.


Template:Pokémon character Flint (???, Oba, Oba in original Japanese language versions) is the third member of the Elite Four in Sinnoh and a Fire-type enthusiast. While focusing on Fire-type Pokémon, he also mixes his team with various Pokémon with different types to stand an advantage against his opponents.

Flint meets the player before battling him or her in Sunyshore City. When there, he will be right at the city's entrance and ask the player to bring Volkner back to his gym. Later on when exploring the Stark Mountain of the Battle Zone, Buck the Pokémon Trainer that teams up with the protagonist mentions that his brother is in the Elite Four which may be referencing Flint as they have the same colored hair, dress similarly, and have the same hyperactive attitude.


Template:Pokémon character Lucian (???, Goyo in original Japanese language versions), the final member of the Elite Four in Sinnoh, is a Psychic-type trainer. He is known to read books in between matches. Most of his Pokémon are dual-typed.

In the anime

Lucian made an appearance in the Diamond and Pearl episode, "Elite Four Goyo and Dotakun". Lucian and his Bronzong battled Dawn and her newly caught Buizel. Dawn battled Lucian two times but lost.


Template:Pokémon character Cynthia (???, Shirona in original Japanese language versions) is the Champion of the Sinnoh Elite four, as well as the first female league champion in the Pokémon video game series (excluding use of a female player character).

She helps the player with several odd predicaments throughout the game, such as alleviating the headaches of a group of Psyduck. Her grandmother is the elder of Celestic Town, and she has a strong interest in Pokémon mythology. She first meets the player to give him or her the Hidden Machine for Cut. She says that when she was younger she traveled around with a Pokedex for Professor Rowan.

In the Anime

She appeared in the 40th episode of Diamond & Pearl, "Enter Champion Shirona!". In the episode Ash & Co. encountered her at a ruins. Later on in the episode Ash's rival Paul appeared and asked Cynthia to battle him. Cynthia only used her Garchomp against Paul - winning the match easily, even though it was only her Garchomp against four of Paul's Pokémon.

Template:Pokémon Gym Leaders