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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by ChrisB19 (talk | contribs) at 04:49, 16 November 2007 (→‎sociology of deviance History page here). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

My name is Ted Welser. I am Assistant Professor of Sociology at Ohio University. My research, teaching and writing interests focus on how micro-level processes generate collective outcomes. I am especially interested in status achievement in avocations, development of institutions and social roles, the emergence of cooperation, and network structure in computer mediated interaction.

My focus in Wikipedia is facilitating the improvement of articles on these and other topics in the Sociology WikiProject.

My interest in Wikipedia is substantive as well. I am currently involved in several research projects that study the development of roles in a variety of online settings, including Wikipedia.

Student teams from my classes in Introduction to Sociology and Research Techniques are working to expand current articles in the Sociology WikiProject, and adding new pages on topics that are similarly basic to the discipline.

A goal of these projects is to improve stubs and other incomplete articles by discussing the relevant research on a topic. Building on the fine advice for aspiring Wikipedia editors in general, I offer some advice for students of sociology who want to develop and improve sociology articles. Our current class team projects are briefly described on Wikipedia:School and university projects#Ohio University.

If you want to contact me, you can use this Special:Emailuser/Htw3, or follow my OU link.

  • Film Project Achieved Status 101 Director's Cut
    • User:Righty007. . . . Major edits: [1], [2], [3]
      • On Wikipedia, I added many of the section headings outlined by User:Suzelu22 and then added content I found to them. Later, I made additions/alterations based on suggestions left on the discussion page by Dr. Welser and a Wikipedia editor which led to the creation of a few new sections. I also added the Bibliography and Further Reading sections. As video manger, I came up with the idea for our video. I also directed, filmed and edited the video as well as co-wrote the script. During the whole process, I assisted in keeping everybody on the same page via e-mail and with coordinating meetings at the library.
    • User:Blair983 Major edits: 1,2,3 see link example above.
      • Describe your contribution to the wiki and film project here.
    • User:Suzelu22 Major edits: [1], [2], [3]
      • On wikipedia, I put most of my effort into the outline (pre-posting to wikipedia) and figuring out what topics should be included. I also spent a lot of time searching for related articles, and found that the cultural capital information added a lot of helpful substance to the article. For our video, I wrote the interviewer questions. I also was our group’s contact person and therefore sent lots of e-mails within our group, and to submit our work to Dr. Welser.
    • User:Misstayloranne Major edits: [[1]], [[2]], [[3]]
      • On wikipedia, I made sure I got all the imformation I was assigned to in addition to looking for more. I went to various libraries in search for more information to add to our topic. Some of my information that I researched for (minorties) was added by a different person and therefore I had to look for more imformation. I kept in constant contact with my group. I answered the questions for my interview on YouTube. I also added sources to our page
    • User:Adrian Alexis Major edits: 1,2,3 see link example above.
      • Describe your contribution to the wiki and film project here.

  • see comments on your article discussion page.
    • User:rw649306 Major Edits: [1], [2], [3]
      • I kept the group organized. I called meetings and kept the group in communication with one another. I set up the topic's page and provided many stylistic and wikifing revisions. One of my main contributions to the page was the editing of the article as well as keeping it in the proper Wikipedia format. As video manager, I came up with the main idea for the video. I also did all of the filming, editing, and posting to youtube. I was the contact.
    • User:mc200007
    • User:gallagherj Major Edits: [1], [2]
      • As Wiki Manager, I helped my team members with the wiki page and researched our topic. I also contributed to our Wikipedia article and made an appearance on the youtube video.
    • User:dm240507
    • User:jb919606 Major Edits: [[4]]

[[5]] [[6]] [[7]] [[8]] [[9]]

      • I did research on our wikipedia project, the part I did was socialization and allocation. I helped with the movie and was the main character in the movie.
  • Film Project Status Inconsistency
    • User:cv235106
    • User:js335106. Major Edits. [[10]], [[11]], [[12]], [[13]]
      • As the Velvet Hammer for the group I helped organize groups meetings and assign topics for group members to elaborate on. For our wiki page I typed our outline up so each member could fill their part in at their leisure, I personally wrote the paragraph about Lenski's Theory. After everyone had added their paragraphs onto our wiki page I went through and proof read each paragraph, making changes accordingly. Also, after reading the notes on the talk page I redid the reference section so it would be in the correct formate, and I also edited several section titles. As far as the youtube video is concerned, I videotaped the movie clips we used and spent 9 hours at the library using imovie to edit a presentation around 2 minutes long. I added a song into the background, shortened and cropped the movie film, added in transitions and slides of text, as well as incorportating our topic into text that was scrolled over the movie slides. Once the movie was complete I exported and uploaded it onto youtube.
    • User:DaniRenee_88
    • User:Kodman89
    • User:juicums 1 2\
      • I spent most of the time researching the various aspects and contributions to social mobility. My contributions were made to the rules of status, structural and exchange, upward and downward, class cultures, and current research sections. I made a minor edit to different mobility regimes but it didn't show up in the history page. I also included a link to our youtube video.

[youtube video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMmMXVJspjU]

    • User:Michelson8007
      • As the Wiki content maganger and velvet hammer I helped our group significantly. I made sure our group was getting things done on time and we were prepared everyday heading into class. I also looked at our wikipage periodically to make sure everyone was posting their assigned postings. On our wikpage I added the definitions for Achieved, Ascribed, and Economic status. Overall I think our group did an xcellent job on this project!
    • User:Xthinblueline86. As a member of this group I did my part by staying in contact with group members of my group. I also researched and wrote the part of our wiki page on how your social status affects your network and I was cast in our groups youtube video. However, most of my major edits were not done under my name they were done under the other group members because we meet in the library and it was easier then switching accounts all the time. I only made a few minor edits while using my user name.
    • User:BishopMDot
    • User:jsoccer9. Major edits. [1], [2], [3].
      • As the group contact person, I replied to all emails sent by Dr. Welser for my group. I kept the group organized and put together the outline after my group sent me their part of the research. I made sure a printed copy of the outline was brought to class. As a group, we set up times, and met at the library to make sure we were on the same page. As for our Wiki Page, I added the headline: Social Stratification, along with all the information. I also added information to Social Mobility and Social Status. I sent out emails making sure everyone added their information, and printed out a copy of our Wiki Page to turn in. As for the video, I met with my group on the assigned day and did my part in the movie.
    • User:amanda_t224. Major edits. [[14]], [[15]], [[16]].
      • I was in charge of the wikipedia page and I helped our group find information for the page. We all did research for our own section on the page, and we met a few times at the library to talk about what we had found and to organize our page. I created the section on Max Weber and and Three P's of Stratification. I was in the video and helped film on the day we filmed the video.

Meso Level Analysis and Macro Theories

    • User:JenL123
    • User:Basicallyweresweet Major Edits: [[17]] [[18]]
      • I added information on conflict theorists, a little bit to the introduction and added a reference book.
    • User:Owhenthepawno [[19]], [[20]]
      • I added information to the introduction of conflict theory, added a few links that were needed to direct people to different pages, as well as helped my group members find information on the different topics in Conflict Theory.
    • User:Mattplumb2 Major Edits: [[21]] [[22]] [[23]] [[24]]
      • I added the information that is at the end of the article on Basic Conflicts and Modes of Conflicts, and I also did all of the edits that were asked of us to do on our user talk page. I also helped find information in the books that not only you gave us but our textbook, and also online. I also edited and wrote on the user talk page about how we were editing this page for a school project so no one would delete anything.

Ethnic enclave History page here

    • User:Mattlw12 [1] [2] [3]
      • I contributed a summary of the intro to our report on the purpose of ethnic enclaves. I also posted a link to our groups youtube video on the wikipage.
    • User:Kailey302
    • User:Go160606
      • I added the entire Religion section of the page and also added a reference book.
  • Film Project Ethnic Succession
    • User:Mc101507 . . . . Major Edits: 1,2,3
      • Being the group velvet hammer, I replied to all emails sent by Dr. Welser for Team Morgan. I also made sure a printed copy of the outline was brought to class every time it was asked of us. Being somewhat of the team leader, I organized times so we could meet at the library regarding our progress with our project. During this time, we made sure we were all doing our edits and we would help each other if we were having problems. Another thing that was helpful was that I never missed a class so my group could always see me then. I set up our Wikipedia page by first creating a new page, because there was no page before and I made the section titles. I created the introduction to the page, the definition of Ethnic succession theory, White flight, and the revision of historical examples, Los Angeles, St. Louis and Chicago. We decided as a group to split up the different sections of the wiki page. At the top of our section is my contribution. As for the video, I have an Apple so I had a program that made our video. I was eager to start to I decided to take on this job also. I created a plot and developed a plan on how we were going to do our video. Our group agreed on my idea so they helped me find pictures and I created the video.
    • User:TravisS1227. . . . Major Edits: 1, 2, 3
      • Much of my contribution to the project was in terms of the Wikipedia page. I created the Explanations section to the page, and did a lot of formatting to the rest of the group members' edits. I also researched atricles, particularly current research, once Dr. Welser gave us some good examples. I contributed a lot to the current research part of the article and added minor edits to the White Flight and LA sections, as well as reworking the definition. In terms of the video, I recommended the use of iMovie and I have a PC so I was more of a picture gatherer and brainstormer. In the event that Morgan was out of town or busy I took an active role in meeting planning and delegating as well.
    • User:Me266206

See comments on your article discussion page.

  • Film Project Sociology of Culture
    • User:Ab263007.Major Edits:[1], [2]
      • I contributed to the current research part of the article. I also contributed by providing my resources on where I got my information.
    • User:Fire_byrd89
    • User:Js386006...Major Edits: [1], [2], [3]
      • For our wikipedia page, I went to Dr. Welser for suggestions and after we had our outline set, I researched the Development of Sociology in Culture with the early researchers as well. I also researched the Anthropology section and made the contributions to that section. I provided some of the references and tried to clean it up. For the video, with the help of Dr. Welser and his input I then came up with the idea of how to film the video, filmed all of the footage as well as edited the whole video, I also uploaded the video to youtube. For my part in the group, I was the one who tried to make sure people did what they had to and I also turned into the contact person for the group as well and organized the meetings we had.

sociology of deviance History page here

see comments on your article discussion page

    • User:mas614
    • User:sw342906
    • User:bap5888 Major Edits: [[25]], [[26]], [[27]], [[28]], [[29]]
        • In addition to the major edits included above, I provided as the wiki manager/writer and the contact person. I put together the entire outline for our original edit to the page. For our YouTube video, I gathered pictures. For the wiki page, I wrote an introduction, cleaned up the page to make sure it all looked the same, and clarified different sections of the page, mostly the differential association section.
    • User:ChrisB19 Major Edits: [[30]], [[31]], [[32]], [[33]]
        • contribted to the YouTube video by gathering pictures. Also making major edits to the wikipedia page mainly on crime and control theory. I attended all of our group meetings and gave suggestions and ideas for our video.
    • User:Nphilpott Major edits [1], [2], [3], [All Contributions]
      • For the WikiProject, I researched Manuel Castells and his theories on the Network Society. After reorganizing the article from what it was before, I made slight changes to Castells' section and made general grammatical corrections and copyedited most of the article. I also added the distinction on the Talk page that the article was being edited as part of a scholastic project. For the YouTube project, I helped film and acted. The whole group came up with the scene ideas and themes, and DJ's roommate helped us edit the video.
    • User:Christin32689 Major edits [1], [2], [3], [All Contributions]
      • For the Wikipedia project I mainly did research on Mathew Wall Smith's Contributions to ideas on network society and added a section on the network society page for Mathew Wall Smith. I came up with most of the content on this section. I also contributed some research to Barry Wellman and his ideas on the topic. I added some more information to the pre-existing section for Barry Wellman on the page. For the youtube video I acted in the film and helped with taping. As a group we collectively came up with themes and ideas for the video.
    • User:DerekHasselbusch Major edits [1] [2], [3], [All Contributions]
      • For the Wikipedia project, I researched information on Jan Van Dijk and his definition of a network society. I also wrote and added a summary on his book “The Network Society.” As video manager, I arranged the times and places for our group to meet, filmed most of the video, and with the help of my roommate, I edited the video on his computer. We as a group created ideas for the video.
    • User:Bur57 Major edits [1], [2], [3], [All Contributions]

Theory of religious economy History page here

.......... see comments on your article discussion page.

I helped make the outline of what our entire page would be about and then divided it into sections that each person would work on. I also called and organized the meetings at the library and other places for both the wikipedia project and the youtube project. I made three large edits because I typed out everything I wanted to say in Word Document first so I would make sure there would be no spelling errors. I provided the location for the video and helped edit the video. Our group worked very well together and everything done was a collaborative effort. I would like to note that we only had three people in our group because two dropped out and yet I feel we still did a great job.

[2], [3]
I made major contributions to the Wikipedia page, paying close attention to details like spelling, grammar, and proper Wikipedia formatting. I also wrote the introduction for the page. I did extensive, although not exhaustive research at the library, trying to make my contributions to the page correct, thoughtful, thorough, and in my own words. I took initiative to send out emails and decide meeting times and locations. I wrote the script for the Youtube video and acted (poorly) in it, and pushed for making the improvements to the audio on the video. I also feel that we did a great job, despite being shorthanded.

  • Film Project: Social Order is Super
    • User:Mea425 Major edits: [1], [2], [3]
      • I made a basic outline for the Wikipedia page and wrote the content for the sections on status groups, groups and networks, and power and authority. I also helped to organize meetings at the library and sent emails to my group regarding our progress with the project. I found a few of the clips for the video and helped to write the script that went along with them.
    • User:ZidanesHead
    • User:Emili11988
    • User:kk180306 Major edits: [1], [2], [3]
      • I wrote the content for the section on principle of dependence, and also helped to edit the sections on Status Groups and Social Order and the Attainment of Social Order on Heterogeneous Societies on the Wikipedia page. I also found a few of the clips for the video and helped to write the script.

Micro Interaction Theories and Concepts

Deference and Demeanor History page here

I edited some typos and added a paragraph on deference.

    • User:Chrissyg88 Major edits: [1], [2], 3
      • I set up our Wikipedia page by first making it because there was no page before and i made the section titles. I wrote the section on identity control theory components. I also tried to go through the article to look for spelling and gramatical errors. In the youtube video i helped with the idea, layout, and helped film. I also participated in being in the video.
    • User:Cooka2011 Major edits: 1, 2, 3
      • I created the introduction to the page, the definition of Identity Control Theory. I also went through and tried to find and fix grammatical and spelling errors that sometimes occured in our wikipedia article. I also was the groups velvet hammer, so i tried to keep the group together and updated on changes that were happening. I also contributed to ideas that were expressed in our youtube videos. I also contributed to the acting done in the youtube video.
    • User:Srd524 Major edits: 1, 2, 3
    • User:babyzeke10 Major edits: [1], [2], [3]
      • I wrote the entire section on coping responses. I also tried to go through the whole article to fix spelling and gramatical errors. In the YouTube video I contributed some ideas about the layout and the content, and I performed in the video. I also created the link to the history page.
  • YouTube Video The Modernites
    • User:Ag260698
    • User:mikemo007. . . . Major Edits: [1],[2],[3]
      • My role in this project was organizing our page and making it look substantial and impressive. I added pictures, gave credit to all people i got my information from, wrote about technology and womens role in the modernization theory, as well as the contributions of early modernization theorists. I kept in constant contact with my group members and set up/showed up to all the assigned group meetings. In give much credit to Cynthia for our YouTube video for her creative idea and choreographing. My part in the video was to define modernization and give examples of how easy it is to do things in this modernized society.
    • User:Cynnie5

1. [[39]] 2. [[40]] 3. [[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Modernization_theory&diff=165559731&oldid=111000701 4. [[41]]

Norms History page here

    • User:M0rganmay16 ... Major Edits [1], [2], [3]
      • After discussing possible areas of focus with Dr. Welser, I added more headlines to what already existed on the social norms page; I created the headlines on the content of normative rules, how they are formed, and how they are enforced/distributed (Focus on the Actions of the Ego/Focus on Ego’s Reactions to Actions of Alter/Negotiations Between Ego and Alter/Enforcement and Distribution of Norms). After doing so, I made citation edits and reorganized sections as suggested by a Wikipedia editor. I also added more resources to the Further Reading and Reference sections, and created an outline for the rest of the group to follow when they made their own edits to the page. I made sure every outline that was due in class was completed and turned in promptly and helped to organize meetings at the library to ensure group members were on the same page. In regards to our group's YouTube video, I monitored content, co-wrote the script, acted as the narrator, and found locations for us to film the video.
    • User:ARmandaLO
      • I used recourses such as chapter 7 of Rodney Stark’s, Sociology, and http://changingminds.org , along with some idea’s from the book my team mates dug up in the library, to write up an outline stating the different types of norms and why these norms are essential in order for people to have social interactions at all. The headings of my major edits are: What makes people conform to norms?, Structural Equivalence, Selection. I'm still in the process of adding more links and edits. As for the youtube video, I made many suggestions on what should be added and content to make our video really stand out. I did my best as a contact to schedule meetings that worked for all of us to get the ball rolling.
    • User:ms144506
      • I undertook the infomation gathering process for the group initially. I hunted down books in the libary and talked to Dr. Welser for any books he could lend us to help. That conversation and the book Dr. Welser gave our group was the crucial element to develop our page pass what was already there. I stupidly left most of the typing up the material to Morgan who in turn posted it on wikipedia. i believe the services i supplied to the group can only remotely been seen through examination of the wiki history page. the first major edit i did was logged as a different user becuase i didnt log in. that user was For the Youtube video i was director and the muse of the project. The Idea for the intervention was mine and i conducted the taping of the halloween clips. Morgan Wrote out the script with guidelines set by me to have a brief overview of social norms, a transition into the intervention scene and the last part "don't be that kid" was from my own noggin. The last scene of us in the elevator was a group decision and we put it in to win some brownie points with Dr. Welser. Farting in an elavator... classic.
      • YouTube video URL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PoMkAhs540I

The Halloween Clips black out for the last 20 seconds of the halloween part of the video. i've tryed to downsize the video and resubmit it. no dices.

  • Film Project Role With It
    • User:Vikingsilver...Major edits [1], [2], [3]
      • My wikipedia role was originally the beginning sections on definition of role, ascribed vs. achieved status, and social norms. I used a number of sources to fulfill my duties (which are listed under the references section) and added sections on role influence and social norms theory that I thought should be included. I came up with many original examples to illustrate the ideas and also contributed to other sociological term's wiki pages when I found that we coallated more information than what was found on the stub. Brittany definately produced the video. We asked if there was anything we could do, but she took it all on her own shoulders.
    • User:Aharddayswrite...Major edits [1], [2], [3]
      • On Wikipedia, I contributed the entire section on Role Theory (Functional Role Theory, Symbolic Interactionist Role Theory, Structural Role Theory, Organizational Role Theory, Cognitive Role Theory, and Key Concepts & Research) and my sources on that topic. For the video, I came up with the idea and produced the entire project. I assisted my other group members in maintaining on task and keeping in contact for the project.
    • User:PhoenixWing...Major edits [1], [2], [3]
      • My role in the page was Gender Roles and Stereotypes. My sections are entirely designed from scratch and I used not only the textbook but also a few sources that I own at home. I had planned to use more historical texts, but decided against it at the last second. For the video, I provided feedback and sources, but I know next to nothing about the band Oasis, which we used for our video. It's true, Brittany was the brains behind our video. As a whole, I pushed the team forward and provided aid to the others in the group.


      • I added the Micro and Macro theory's of Economic order, which is dealing with the current research of Nicole Biggart and Thomas Beamish. I also did research and constructed the original outline for our topic. For the youtube video i collected content for affectional action part of the presentation.
    • User:Mlj88 Major Edits....[1] [2]
      • I added the section about religion and the references for it.I found the definitions for Habit, Customs, and Emotional tention and the references.As the contact of the group, I distibuted everyone's information sothat we could contact eachother at any time. I also took time to meet with the professor to find out what the specific roles required us to do.
    • User:Teja
      • As far as the actual article page goes, I added information about social actions and impact on social outcomes. Also, I contributed to the idea of roles within a society. Since the page was really disorganized, I decided to add the sections within the page and add headings as well as organize the references. Within the film part of the project, being the video manager, I contributed to setting up the video. I decided that iMovie would be best to work with, since I was most familiar with it. I also contributed in writing the script of the movie and would hand it over to our respective members who were the narrators. And finally, uploaded it to Youtube.

http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Social_actions&diff=prev&oldid=171777437 http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Social_actions&diff=prev&oldid=171775084 http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Social_actions&diff=prev&oldid=167763372 http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Social_actions&diff=prev&oldid=167763139 http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Social_actions&diff=prev&oldid=165389982

I entered all of the initial information and created the outline found on the wiki page by correctly organizing the information that my team mates gave. I was the wiki manager. I did the definition and introduction of social action. I added to instrumental action, and emotional reaction. I revised the original outline created by Ross. I corrected many of the grammatical errors found on the page. I organized many of the references and put them in the proper format for Wikipedia. I set deadlines for all of the information to be turned in to me so that I could put it on the page. I revised information that was not complete before I put it on the page. I did most of the voice- overs for iMovie and met with Video manager for a total of 5.5 hours until it was completed. I also helped gather information for the video. I contributed to writing a substantial amount of the script for the instrumental action part of the iMovie. I came to the library early on two occasions to make sure that we got a Mac and I also rented two microphones from the library. I spoke with the professor after class in order to gain clarity on any misunderstood information.

social balance theory History page here

I was the contact for the group. I met with Dr. Welser to come up with the foundation for the outline. I made sure that the sections were assigned to different people. Our page only had a few sentences on it. I expanded on them to make it more complete. I found the articles that were used for the shaping of the page.

See comments on your article talk page

    • User:duhitsjenna48 [1], [2], [3]. I was the contact person and I also did research. I wrote the part on the Six Dimensions of Stigma and the third paragraph in the beginning, I just wasn't the one who posted them. I went through our page and did minor edits like formatting, highlighting, and citing. I also handed in the outlines on time. For the Youtube I helped write out the script.
    • User:Zsmall3687
    • User:Cg202206 [1] 2]
    • User:tacobob07
    • User:lmorris1130
    • User:Akcourtney I was in charge of current research for the social simulation page, I made many additions to this section alone and when it was asked of us to add current research from a well known sociologist i found two relevant studies on agent based modeling because it was most relevant to our social society. As a whole the entire group edited the introduction and came up with the preceding sections. Before we added an outline to wikipedia, we also wrote out our outline on paper, so each of us had no doubt about what would be added to our page and what each of our jobs were. We all added refrences that we used throughout the project.
    • User:Kr142305 [1] [2] [3] I was in charge of the System level simulation section of the page. I also referenced all of the sources that I used and put them in the resources page. My assigned job for the group was the velvet hammer, I made sure that everything got done that needed to be done for the page. I made a few changes to different sections of the page, making sure links were going to the proper pages, etc. We all edited the introduction and researched the four types of social simulation. We also made a paper and pen outline of our page before going in and editing the page.
    • User: TS0905 [1][2] [3] I was in charge of researching and writing about agent based modeling, one type of social simulation. I also updated the reference section with the sources I used in researching my topic. In addition, I created a link under the section for agent based modeling. This link takes you to another page on wikipedia that goes into more depth about agent based modeling. Along the way, I made a few minor changes to the page as a whole. Finally, as a group, we all edited the introduction to social simulation and listed the four different types of it along with creating headings for each section for the four types of social simulation.
    • User:Stover281606
    • User: Cheritak. . . . Major edits: [1], [2], [3], [4]Due to sickness, personal issues and other stumbles along the way, which made face-to-face meetings impossible, much of our project was communicated via email. As the Contact person I feel I facilitated these communications well and kept our group up-to-date with the assignments that needed to be turned in, such as the original topic choices, outline, sources, etc. Despite my success as contact person we lost our two other members and received no communications from them. I feel that I made significant informational as well as grammatical and stylistic changes to our page based on my secondary role as a researcher and writer- a role we all participated in.
    • User:cougar32 [1], [2], [3] I was the contact person in the group who would set up group meetings along with dividing up the sections that needed to be completed and assigning my fellow group members. Everyone was responsible for their specific sections and also worked well with providing their sources in the reference section. I also ensured that everyone was on the same page and I brought the final printed copy of the page to class. On wikipedia I updated the Reference section and added in title headings for the sections. I also completed the first two sections in the Collecting, Reviewing, and Analyzing Secondary Data along with providing two examples of secondary data and a source in which it is used today in current research. Along with making minor edits along the way I also added information to Secondary Data Analysis.
    • User:cougar22
    • User:cougar11 Major edits [1], [2] Along with these two edits I also contributed most of the work to the section titled Secondary data analysis as well as doing all of the work for the section titled challenges of secondary data. My role was the same as everyone elses in the group. We divided the material and were each responsible for certain sections. I also added my references to the proper section. I also added a little bit to the introduction. I would forget to log in and that is why there are only two links to edits that I was responible for. I rest was done without me logging in.
    • User:Aaron1509[1] This first link is just the creation of the page, all the work is my own. After this point i made several dozen small revisions all of which are no larger than a paragraph. As Group contact i arranged group meetings outside of class. As Velvet hammer i led the meetings and started several conversations that would establish our initial topic and everything that should be included. As a group THREE OF US DID THE WORK OF FOUR we lost a member at some point and Renee and dustin and i were forced to do, not only our own sections, but Dereks as well. The three of us each contributed equal amounts of work.
    • User:Bballindil32

Social Change and Computer Mediated Interaction

How do new technological developments for social interaction affect contemporary society and culture? What trends in social change can be documented from recent history, and where are we headed? These questions form ongoing themes that I like to integrate into my teaching about Sociology. Following are links and blurbs related to these themes that I see as relevant to my Intro and Research Methods courses.

News about computer mediated interaction, online communities, and virtual worlds

Developing Sociology Articles

  1. Develop an interest in a social phenomenon. Almost all things social have been studied in sociology, economics, social psychology, communication, political science and geography. If something piques your interest, then you are set to start a research project. It is helpful to talk to some friends and colleagues about what interests you. Explaining your interests to others is a great way to 'learn for yourself' what it is that interests you.
  2. Discover the lay of the land. Check for relevant entries in Wikipedia.en and other languages. Many topics have already been raised, and there are likely several relevant pages. Frequently, your chosen topic will either be a stub, or a subsection of an underdeveloped article. Start with what has been done. Make a list of all the urls in Wikipedia pages that are relevant to your topic, and post these on your user page. That way, they are right there when you need to put some context links into your new article.
  3. Cultivate expertise that builds on your interests. Developing a single article in Wikipedia (by yourself or with a team) implies that the authors know more of what has been learned about a topic than most folks. The way to cultivate this expertise is through a literature review of the published peer-reviewed research on that topic in the relevant disciplines. The Wikipeida "how to develop an article" page has good resources/explanations for this step. Read that, then read my additional suggestions in 4. below.
  4. Find overviews. Textbooks and Annual Review articles are great places to find chapter length overviews of a given area of research. Depending on the scope of your topic, you could be looking for subsections of such publications or a series of articles or chapters to get a good overview of your topic. Suppose that you find two high quality summary articles on your topic. The article you are aiming to write will be less than 10% of the length of the original research summaries you identified. So your tasks are: understanding, distillation, and selection.
  5. Understanding requires some serious reading. Reading for understanding takes time and effort. Expect to read those two 25-30 page articles at least twice, likely more times if you do not have extensive background in related topics. Many people find it helpful to print copies of their readings and take them offline, ideally to a quite, reflective, well-caffeinated spot. Take notes on what you read. Be able to explain the main points of the articles in your own words, perhaps over a beer with a friend. Doing so should give you the general understanding necessary to begin a reasonable outline of your topic.
  6. Type up an annotated outline. Your outline should include, at minimum, sections for an introduction, 3-4 body sections, current research, relevant links, and references. Each section of text should, at minimum, include 3-4 original sentences. This minimally annotated outline will provide a framework for you and other editors to build a fully developed article. Doing so will require collecting further readings on the specific sections .
  7. Collecting further readings. The bibliography of your review article is a great place to start for further readings. More currently, you can find articles that cite important articles in the field. Both Google Scholar and the Web of Knowledge facilitate this sort of citation path following. Syllabi from high quality graduate programs provide another great place to look for more in-depth treatments of research topics. Make incremental edits based on new insights from these readings. Flesh out the reference and further readings sections.
  8. Spend time reading and synthesizing. Remember that high quality encyclopedia articles on social science topics require a great deal of background reading. The intellectual contribution of the article is not new creation. Instead it is prudent, insightful synthesis of existing knowledge from a research field. Your most important progress on such an article will take place away from the computer screen.