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This is the current revision of this page, as edited by FunPika (talk | contribs) at 13:06, 9 December 2007 (creating test .js page to see if hotcat from commons works here). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this version.

(diff) ← Previous revision | Latest revision (diff) | Newer revision → (diff)
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.
JSconfig.registerKey('HotCatDelay', 100, 'HotCat autocompletion delay (ms):', 5);
addOnloadHook ( hotcat ) ;
var hotcat_running = 0 ;
var hotcat_last_v = "" ;
var hotcat_exists_yes = "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/be/P_yes.svg/20px-P_yes.svg.png" ;
var hotcat_exists_no = "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/42/P_no.svg/20px-P_no.svg.png" ;
var hotcat_upload = 0 ;
var hotcat_no_autocommit = 1;
var hotcat_modify_blacklist = new Array (
"CC-" ,
"GFDL" ,
) ;
function hotcat_remove_upload ( text ) {
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function hotcat () {
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String.prototype.ucFirst = function () {
   return this.substr(0,1).toUpperCase() + this.substr(1,this.length);
function hotcat_is_on_blacklist ( cat_title ) {
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function hotcat_remove ( cat_title ) {
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    return ;
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function hotcatGetParamValue(paramName, h) {
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                        return decodeURI(m[1]);
                } catch (someError) {}
        return null;
function hotcat_check_action () {
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//  if ( hotcat_no_autocommit ) prevent_autocommit = 1 ;
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      t2 = t2.split("]]") ;
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      alert ( "Did not find a unique occurrence of \"" + hrc + "\" - maybe it is in a template?" ) ;
      prevent_autocommit = 1 ;
  // Add new category?
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    document.editform.wpMinoredit.checked = true ;
    if ( !prevent_autocommit ) {
      document.getElementById("bodyContent").style.display = "none" ; // Hiding the entire edit section so as not to tempt the user into editing...
  // This is the end, my friend, the end...
  return ret ;
function hotcat_clear_span ( span_add ) {
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function hotcat_create_span ( span_add ) {
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function hotcat_modify ( link_id ) {
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  hotcat_last_v = "" ;
  hotcat_text_changed () ; // Update icon
function hotcat_add_new () {
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function hotcat_create_new_span ( thespan , init_text ) {
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function hotcat_ok () {
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  // Empty category ?
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    hotcat_cancel() ;
    return ;
  // Special:Upload ?
  if ( hotcat_upload ) {
    hotcat_just_add ( text.value ) ;
    return ;
  var editlk = document.getElementById('ca-edit').getElementsByTagName('a')[0].href;
  var url = editlk + '&hotcat_newcat=' + encodeURIComponent( v ) ;
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    var cat_title = span.firstChild.getAttribute ( "title" ) ;
    url += '&hotcat_removecat=' + cat_title ;
  document.location = url ;
function hotcat_just_add ( text ) {
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  na.href = wgArticlePath.split("$1").join("Category:" + encodeURIComponent( text )) ;
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    if ( span.parentNode.childNodes[i] != span ) continue ;
    hotcat_modify_span ( span , i ) ;
    break ;
function hotcat_cancel () {
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    span.firstChild.style.display = "" ;
    for ( var i = 0 ; i < span.parentNode.childNodes.length ; i++ ) {
      if ( span.parentNode.childNodes[i] != span ) continue ;
      hotcat_modify_span ( span , i ) ;
      break ;
function hotcat_text_changed () {
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  if ( hotcat_last_v == v ) return ; // Nothing's changed...
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  hotcat_last_v = v ;
  if ( v != "" ) {
    var url = wgServer + "/" + wgScriptPath + "/api.php?format=xml&action=query&list=allpages&apnamespace=14&apfrom=" + encodeURIComponent( v ) ;
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    hotcat_xmlhttp = new sajax_init_object() ;
    hotcat_xmlhttp.open('GET', url, true);
    hotcat_xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function () {
          if ( typeof hotcat_xmlhttp == "undefined" ) return ;
          if (hotcat_xmlhttp.readyState == 4) {
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              if ( xml == null ) return ;
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                if ( s.substr ( 0 , hotcat_last_v.length ) != hotcat_last_v ) break ;
                titles.push ( s ) ;
              hotcat_show_suggestions ( titles ) ;
  } else {
    var titles = new Array () ;
    hotcat_show_suggestions ( titles ) ;
  hotcat_running = 0 ;
function hotcat_show_suggestions ( titles ) {
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    return ;
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