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British slang

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Regional slangs

Differences with American slang


Some slang words are shared between British and American English, with a difference in spelling only. Slang naturally has no fixed orthography, and is written as whatever comes readily to mind. This can generate confusion with readers who do not pronounce letters the same way. One particular concerns the letter "r", which some dialects of British slang assume isn't emphatically pronounced.

British American
erm um
arse ass

Other equivalent words

British American
Bare Mad amounts
Berk (from "Berkshire Hunt", cockney rhyming slang for cunt) Irritating person, jerk
Bobby, The Fuzz Police Officer
Blagger Liar
Bloke Man, Dude
Bloody Damn (as an adjective)
Bog off Get Lost
Bog roll TP (toilet paper)
Bollocks Nuts (male genitalia)
Bugger Anal sex, screw
Buffting Hottie
Camp Flamer (as in overly flamboyant)
Class Cool, Awesome, Pimp
Crew Street gang, backup (in a fight/confrontation)
The dog's bollocks (mutt's nuts), Bees Knees, Cats Pyjamas The best there is
Fag Cigarette
Faggot, Bumbash, Knobjockey, Hermer, Chutney Ferret Gay, Homosexual
Fit Good-looking, hot
Geezer Man, Guy, Unknown Person
Git, Prick, Bell-end, Knob-end, Twat Incompetent, stupid, annoying, or childish person
Ickle Li'l
Knackered Exhausted, Wiped, Crashing
Knobhead Dickhead
Loo Toilet, the John, Pisser
Minger Ugly or filthy-minded person
Nick Jack, Lift, Grab, Steal, Rob
Nutter Crazy person
Poof/Poofter, Fairy, Queen, Bender, Bent Homosexual
Scrote Jackass, Asshole
Shag Screw, fuck, have sex with
Skint Broke (as in "penniless")
Skank Ripped-off, daylight robbery, expensive
Slag, Slapper, Tart, Scrubber, Wastegash Slut, Skank, Ho
Smart Sharp
Taxed Jacked, Stolen, Robbed, Mugged
Wank Male masturbation
Wanker Crude name for a jerk (male)
Wasteman Loser

Words with no American equivalent

Word Meaning
Morfen The desire to do something more often**
Blates/Blatently Obviously, in full view of something
Fag end The last part of a period of time
Gob Mouth; spit
Gobsmacked Flabbergasted, dumbfounded, astounded, speechless
Handbags A harmless fight. Stems from handbags at dawn, which is a play on pistols at dawn
Spawny Lucky (e.g. a basketball shot that you would never expect to go in, and it does)
Snog To make out, aggressive kissing
Take the piss (out of) To mock. "Are you taking the piss?" is most commonly heard
Tosser Literally someone who masturbates (to toss off), but generally means an idiot or someone whom the speaker doesn't like
Wanker Literally someone who masturbates (verb - to wank), but generally means an idiot or someone whom the speaker doesn't like
Hench A muscular, well-built male or a derogatory term for large females

See also