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Sunday (Stargate Atlantis)

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"Sunday (Stargate Atlantis)"

"Sunday" is an episode from Season 3 of the science fiction television series Stargate Atlantis.


It's a typical Sunday in the city of Atlantis, as Dr. Elizabeth Weir and her people prepare for recreational activities on what has been mandated as a day off for non-essential personnel. A handsome young scientist, Mike Branton, finds Dr. Weir at work in her office instead of relaxing, as she has ordered everyone else to do.

Branton is obviously smitten with the expedition's leader, and is fighting an uphill battle when he tries to convince her to go to lunch with him. Dr. Weir has a personal rule against dating people under her, but Branton persuades her that there's nothing wrong with eating lunch at the same table.

During their not-a-date, the charming man begins to wear down her shields, and even kisses her. She seems attracted to him, but decides she can't allow a potential romance to bloom. She's saved from the awkward situation when the control tower radios her that there has been an explosion in the city; three people are dead and more are injured. They believe the explosion may have been caused by a bomb.

Dr. Rodney McKay soon determines that the explosion was inadvertently caused by one of the scientists under his command, affected by an Ancient device created as a weapon. It uses an unusual type of radiation to create an explosive tumor behind a person's lung. After an unpredictable period of time, during which the tumor grows, it then unexpectedly detonates.

McKay suddenly realizes that another member of his team was also exposed to the device. By the time they locate the man, he is already under Dr. Carson Beckett's care in surgery because he was one of those wounded by the explosion. Beckett is informed of the tumor's existence and decides to attempt its removal. He locks off the Operating Room floor with his personal access code to make sure that no one tries to stop him.

After removing the tumor, he brings it to an entrance to the floor where a bomb squad unit is waiting. Once he delivers it, he turns around and starts his return to the OR, when it suddenly explodes, killing him and the others nearby.

Before the memorial service, after which Beckett's remains will be sent home to Earth for burial, McKay expresses guilt that he did not go fishing with Beckett earlier, because then he would not have been killed. Beckett's memorial service is held in the Atlantis gate room with all of the staff in attendance, and Dr. Weir gives his eulogy. After the service ends, Beckett's casket is carried through the gate back to Earth by McKay, Colonel Sheppard, Dr. Zelenka, Major Lorne, Ronon, and Dr. Cole as the pallbearers.

After their return from Earth, McKay is standing on one of Atlantis' piers grieving over Beckett's death and sees a vision of him. Beckett comforts Rodney and tells him that it's not his fault that he died. McKay says that he's only saying what he wants to hear, and Beckett tells him, "That's what best friends do." They say a final goodbye as Beckett fades away.




This episode marks the last to feature Paul McGillion as a regular cast member (although he is still in the opening titles for the rest of Season 3.) It is also the first time we see Katie Brown since her first appearance in the episode, "Duet".

The story in this episode is told in a nonlinear fashion, using multiple flashbacks to show where each character was and what they were doing before the pivotal moment. This allowed viewers to get a sense of what was happening from each of the characters viewpoints as well as from the whole group together. As the episode progresses, Zelenka mentions "Dr. Mallozzi" and his "anime collection" during his conversation with Beckett. This is a reference to Stargate Atlantis executive producer and writer Joseph Mallozzi, who, in his blog entries on fansite GateWorld.net and other places, frequently talked about his anime watching habits. During the memorial service towards the end, Dr. Weir quotes Georg Fabricius: "Death comes to all. But great achievements raise a monument which shall endure until the sun grows cold."