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Ljubo Miloš

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Ljubo Miloš (1919-1948) was a member of the Croatian World War II Ustaše regime and the commander of the secret service (Tajna služba) of the Independent State of Croatia.

Miloš was one of three commanders of the notorious Jasenovac concentration camp. He was a very sadistic and pathological person[1]. A scene of bestial killing of children by this man - is witnessed and recorded by the Jasenovac concentration camp Jewish survivor - Egon Berger [2]. He did not tolerate escape attempts, for any of which he would order collective punishments in hundreds. Miloš was often seen riding his horse, trampling and shooting inmates or killing emaciated inmates, who stretched their hands out for food, as they were fed with one meal of food made of cattle turnip. Such an account was given on the behalf of witness Cadik Dannon, in his book "the smell of human flesh".

He setup a so-called "medical clinic", in which he slaughtered Jewish inmates, as the state-commission gathered. [3]

Miloš was caught by the Partisans after the war during an attempted rebellion, and was executed. Witness Djuro Schwartz also recalls Milos as the commander who "killed several houndreds" in the witnesses' short time in the camp (Milos command time) during which he saw Milos expressing his sadism and disorders in various ways. He too, remembers Milos came to camp "riding a horse" and also mentioned how he killed inmates he was acquianted with, threatned other Ustase, misread the name Neuman, walked around with a helmet, ordered the gaurds to "beat the bearfoot", shot inmates who picked up corn cubs or that peed outside of the latrine (Danon recalls he drowned people in the latrines) and that he raised a cat and dog, killed and slaughtered inmates in the "Zvonara" torture house, in the barracks - for trivial reasons like not setting the bed properly.({fact}} Both Schwartz and witness Egon Berger recall Milos as the educator of a child of the Ustase youth, Marijan, whom he tought to hit and cut ears of people, whom he himself later killed in horrid ways -like torching their beards. Milos was the commander from August 1941 to January 1942, from wherehence he became the cheif gaurd or commander under Ivica Matkovic, the overall administrator.[citation needed] Milos was also responsible for the "Zvonara". Miroslav Filipovic-Majstorovic later took his place as cheif-guard and his deputy Matijevic, became the commander of camp Djakovo.[citation needed]


  1. ^ Zločini u logoru Jasenovac by Zemaljska komisija Hrvatske za utvrđivanje zločina okupatora i njihovih pomagača Zagreb 1946
    Svjedok Štajner (Steiner) Hinko iskazuje među ostalim: "Sa mnom je došao u logor dne 18. IX. 1941. i neki starac imenom Poljokan. Nakon što je predao neke svoje sitnice i izjavio, da više nema ništa, otkrili su ustaše da u kaputu ima nešto sašivenog novca. Ljubo Miloš mu je odmah pred svima nama dva puta zabio veliki nož u grudi i starac je odmah pao."
    Witness Steiner Vinko, among others, testifies:" Together with me came to the camp on October 18th, 1941 - an old man whose name was Poljokan. After surrending some trifles and said that he did not have anything more (to surrender), the Ustashe discovered that he had some money sewn up in his coat. Immediately, Ljubo Milos - in the presence of all of us - thrusted a big knife in the old man chest - the old man collapsed after.
  2. ^ 44 mjeseca u Jasenovu by Egon Beger, Nakladni zavod Hrvatske, Zagreb 1966 - page 57
    Svećeničko lice fra Majstorovića, obučenog u elegantno odijelo, našminkanog i napudranog, u zelenom lovačkom šeširu, sa nasladom je posmatralo žrtve. Prišao je djeci, čak ih je i pomilovao po glavi. Društvu se priključio Ljubo Miloš i Ivica Matković. Fra Majstorović reče majkama sada će biti krštenje njihove djece. Oduzeli su majkama djecu, a dijete koje je nosio fra Majstorović u svojoj dječijoj nevinosti milovalo je našminkano lice svoga ubojice. Majke, izbezumljene, uočile su situaciju. Nude svoje živote tražeći milost za mališane. Dvoje djece su metnuli na zemlju, dok je treće bačeno kao lopta u zrak, a fra Majstorović, držeći u ruci bodež okrenut prema gore tri puta je promašio, dok je četvrti put uz šalu i smijeh, dijete ostalo nataknuto na bodež. Majke su se bacale po zemlji čupajući kose a kad su počele strahovito vikati, ustaški stražari 14. osječke satnije odveli su ih i likvidirali. Kad je sve troje djece tako svirepo stradalo, tri dvonožne zvijeri su međusobno davali novac, jer izgleda da su se kladili tko će prije nataknuti dijete na bodež.
  3. ^ Unholy Trinity: The Vatican, the Nazis, and the Swiss Banks By Mark Aarons, John Loftus Published 1998 by Macmillan; Page 111
    Ljubo Milos, for example, had been a senoir official at the Jasenovac concentration camp. One of his notable acts was the 'ritual killing' of Jews. After a transport had arrived in the camp, Milos - would put on a physician's gown, send the guard to bring him all those who had applied for hospital, take them to the "ambulance", put them along the wall and with a strike of knife cut the victim's throat, shear his ribs and slit open his belly