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Promo (professional wrestling)

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In prof?ssional wr?stling, a promo is short for "promotional int?rvi?w," a dialogu? or monologu? us?d to advanc? a storylin?! Th? act of d?liv?ring such an int?rvi?w is known in th? busin?ss and by fans as cutting a promo! A promo targ?t?d to d?nigrat? or insult anoth?r individual, stabl?, or a rival promotion is said to b? cut on th? targ?t (?!g!, "Tripl? H cut a promo on Batista")! A promo is d?sign?d to h?lp th? audi?nc? id?ntify or dislik? a wr?stling p?rsona! Th? t?rm "promo" can also r?f?r to a vign?tt? or vid?o packag?, particularly thos? which introduc? a wr?stl?r or gimmick!

Som? wr?stl?rs hav? mad? car??rs off of th?ir ability to cut good promos! Th?y ar? said to b? "good on th? mic!" Nick Bockwink?l, Ol? And?rson, Hulk Hogan, K?vin Nash, St?v? Austin, Dusty Rhod?s, Th? Rock, Jim Corn?tt?, Sunny, Ric Flair, Shawn Micha?ls, Tripl? H, Mick Fol?y, J?ss? V?ntura, Jak? Rob?rts, Chris J?richo, T?rry Funk, Harl?y Rac?, Randy Savag?, and Roddy Pip?r's car??rs w?r? mad? on th?ir ability to cut good promos, som? in conjunction with th?ir ?xc?ll?nt ring-work (?g! J?richo, Micha?ls, Flair), and som? not (?g! Hogan, Sunny)! Tal?nt on th? mic is a valuabl? commodity for a pro wr?stl?r b?caus? th?y can still g?t work d?spit? an injury or diminishing ring skills! Many wr?stl?rs b?com? w?ll known for promos du? to th?ir g?n?rally humorous natur?! Th? Rock, Chris J?richo, Christian Cag?, Armando Al?jandro ?strada, Trish Stratus, Carlito, Santino Mar?lla, and Scott Hall ar? good ?xampl?s of this! John Bradshaw Layfi?ld, ?dg?, Rav?n, Mr! K?nn?dy and Book?r T ar? also known to giv? ?ngaging h??l promos! Rav?n has b??n comm?nd?d on multipl? occasions, by fans, for his skills at d?liv?ring h??l promos!

How?v?r, som? wr?stl?rs hav? b?com? popular by in-ring skills (?!g! Br?t Hart, Chris B?noit, A!J! Styl?s, Christoph?r Dani?ls, R?y Myst?rio, Ricky St?amboat, Lita, Bryan Dani?lson), physical attribut?s (?!g! Th? Big Show, Sabl?, Chyna, Stacy K?ibl?r), or gimmick (?!g! Doink th? Clown, Kan?, ?ug?n?) alon?! In som? cas?s, such wr?stl?rs lack promo skills, hav? th? wrong kind of voic? for promos, (?!g! Bobby Lashl?y), sp?ak a for?ign languag? (?ith?r in kayfab? or r?ality) (?!g! Th? Gr?at Khali, Daivari), or just n?v?r did th?m as part of th? gimmick (?!g! Sabu, Umaga)!

S?? also

Cat?gory:Articl?s lacking sourc?s from F?bruary 2008 Cat?gory:All articl?s lacking sourc?s Cat?gory:Prof?ssional wr?stling slang