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Cherrybrook Technology High School

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Template:Infobox Aust school

Cherrybrook Technology High School is a purpose built Technology High School located on Purchase Road in Cherrybrook, NSW, Australia. The school was built in the late 1980s to support the rapid growth of the north-west sector in Sydney. With the school's completion and opening in 1992 the sheer size and capabilities of the school have grown beyond expectations. In 2002 and new two story building with administration facilities on the ground floor and 12 classrooms on the top level was opened, bringing the permanent housing of the school up to 1250 students.

History and development

School development

The school's development and planning began in the late 1980s. The Department of Education and Community at the time had decided to build the school on a block of land adjacent to John Purchase Public School; the land was preoccupied with orchards containing remnants of old growth forest. At the time the government was creating a chain of technology schools through out NSW. The school was initiated into this chain after talks between the Minister of Education at the time, Dr Terry Metherell, and the CEO of IBM at the time, Mr. Brian Finn.

The school hired its first principal and deputies in 1990 with Mrs. Lyn Wendtman as Principal and Mr. Peter Gillam and Mr. Dave Wilson as Deputy Principals. These three key figures took their duties up in February 1991 and were responsible for complex negotiations between businesses, Public Works, designers and builders. They also developed a local P&C, school council, school organisation, staffing and enrolment models and draft policies.

The first students accepted into Cherrybrook Technology High School were accommodated and taught at Pennant Hills High School in 1991. They relocated to their new school in 1992. In 2008, Cherrybrook Technology High School achieved a peak enrolment of 1903 students, making it the largest public comprehensive secondary school in NSW and one of the largest schools in Australia.

Staff in 1992 was gained from both transfers and selections based on merit. Additional staff in the following years were all appointed by merit. However, due to changes in law, all schools are now staffed the same from 1998 onwards. Cherrybrook Technology High School was officially opened on the 15th of May, 1992 by the Hon Nick Greiner (who was the NSW Premier at the time).

School logo, emblem history and meaning

The student committee asked all the parents and students to submit ideas for the CTHS logo. Chris Tiouslos, the architect who designed the school, sketched some ideas based on the architecture of the school. These sketches were later taken to a professional designer: Alexei Mazin from Mazmedia. Alexei used these sketches as a foundation for the logo he designed. The student committee decided to go with Mazmedia for the logo; over a few weeks many concepts and designs were developed until the final design was accepted.

It was decided that the logo would not be styled as an old heraldic themed logo. The logo would be a more of a direct and modern statement. The logo's concept was similar to logos as those of the Commonwealth Bank, BHP, Turbosoft (computer engineers) or State Rail. The underlying meaning of the logo is as follows (as quoted from CTHS website):

  • The square represents the shape of a computer chip. The wheel, traditionally the accepted technology symbol, was rejected because it represented older technologies such as the cog or the engine. Computers however are an integral part of our society and this school was established to maximise technology use in learning and in preparation for the future, The square chip was then turned sideways to form a diamond. This is a more dynamic shape and one where the C sits comfortably across the diagonal,
  • The red C stands for Cherrybrook and mirrors the layout of the buildings, the shape of the roof and the curves of the serpentine walls in the playground,
  • The red, white, grey and black of the logo reflect the colours of the school,
  • A striped pattern fills in the chip shape behind the C. This represents computer screens, TV sets or camera lenses which are used in many modern work and leisure situations,
  • The stripes have been given a more effect formed by interference or optical combinations between patterns. A good description of a moiré effect is the shimmering pattern you see when someone wears a herringbone shirt on television,
  • Finally, the grey shadow makes the logo appear to be floating and flexible rather than flat or anchored permanently.

Sports houses

Cherrybrook Technology High School has four main sports houses: Charles, Taylor, Harrison and Strickland. These houses have been named according to the Abbreviated Acronym of the school. However, their names also have an underlying meaning.

  • C (Charles [Red]) Stands for community, and was named after the schools first P&C president Tim Charles.
  • T (Taylor [Yellow]) stands for technology, and was named after Heedlie Taylor who developed a new styled harvester in the 1920s.
  • H (Harrison [Green]) stands for history, and was named after the Harrison family who settled on a 65 acre block in the area in 1893 and had a small timber cottage called "Cherrybrook Cottage."
  • S (Strickland [Blue]) stands for sport, and was named after Shirley Strickland a 27 year old teacher from Western Australia who the first Australian woman to win a medal in an Olympic Athletic Event.

These names and meanings were accepted in 1992 after being proposed by David Krust (head of PDHPE department at the time).


Each year at Cherrybrook Technology High School, a play is produced. Every 2 years is a musical and every other year is a dramatic play.
1994 - "Computer Games"
1995 - "Romeo and Juliet"
1996 - "South Pacific"
2006 - "Everyman"
2007 - "Return to the Forbidden Planet"
2008 - "A Midsummer Night's Dream"

Student Representative Council

Cherrybrook Technology High School has an active Student Representative Council (SRC) which is responsible for co-ordinating events which benefit the student body and the school as a whole. The events put on by the SRC are used largly to raise funds for charities within Australia and abroad. Events in the past twelve months have included 'Wacky Hair Day', 'Superheroes and Villains Day', 'Valentines Day' and 'Super Mega Happy Week'. The SRC aims to hold events which are not only enjoyable for students - but also encourage school spirit. Most recently, the SRC attempted to break the world record for the most number of people simultaneously dancing "Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" with approximately 700 participants. The student executive responsible for the organisation of the event were interviewed two days after this event on the popular breakfast program Sunrise. The record attempt is currently in the process of being officially recognised.
