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Characters in the Icemark Chronicles

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This is a list of characters in The Icemark Chronicles by Stuart Hill. These fictional characters are sorted by book they appeared in, and by alphabetical order:

The Cry of the Icemark

Elemnestra, Basilea of the Hypolitan

Elemnestra was the leader of the Hypolitan. She was also Thirrin's aunt. She led the horse archer warriors of the Hypolitan, and was married to Olememmnon, Thirrin's uncle. Elemnestra was killed in battle against the Polypontians.


Beloved kitten of King Redrought, she grows up throughout the first book. In the second book she is very old, and has been kept alive by Oskan's healing powers. She is known for her fatness and her fishy farts.

King Grishmak Blood-Drinker

King Grishmak Blood-Drinker is the King of the werewolves. He is attacked by Thirrin when she goes hunting, but he allows her to live after overpowering her. King Redrought is furious that there is one of the forbidden creatures in his kingdom, and orders him killed. However, Thirrin saves him, as he let her live. Because of this, Grishmak allies himself with the Icemark.

King Redrought Strong-In-The-Arm Lindenshield, Bear of the North

King Redrought is the father of Thirrin, and previously the King of the Icemark. Although he is loud and fierce, he enjoys furry slippers, and dotes on the Royal Kitten, Primplepuss. He managed to wipe out the Polypontian's first invading army, but paid the ultimate price: his life and the life of all others who had been fighting, the Icemark's army as well as the Empire's.

Maggiore Totus

Maggiore Totus, or Maggie as he is often referred to, was Thirrin's tutor until she became Queen. At this time, he became her other Royal Advisor, along with Oskan. He is often portrayed as a voice of reason and knowledge, and Thirrin trusts him well. He is a man of science, and the various things he discovers during the war, such as Vampires, the soldiers of the once thought to be mythical Holly and Oak King, he drastically changes his outlook on nature. In the sequel, The Blade of Fire, Maggie tutors Thirrin's son, Charlemagne.

Olememmnon Stagapoulos

Olememmnon, known as Ollie is a Hypolitan warrior who was originally the consort of Elemnestra. In Blade of Fire, (after Elemnestra is killed) Olememmnon marries Olympia, the new Basilea. Olememmnon is notorious for starting drinking competitions with Tharaman Thar. In the last battle of the Icemark he and Olympia are both killed by Erinor's hordes.

Oskan the Warlock

Oskan is the son of White Annis, a powerful witch. He lived quietly in his cave in the Great Forest for 15 years until he met Thirrin, after he gave shelter to her and her hunting party during a storm. Thirrin liked him, and after she became Queen, he became one of her Royal Advisors. His heritage is somewhat of a mystery; his unknown father is supposedly of an ancient and powerful race. This race must once in their lives choose between the Light and the Dark; during his and Thirrin's trip to the Land of the Ghosts, he chooses to follow the Light. Oskan is very pale and has jet-black hair. He is a warlock with healing powers and can read the weather, he also calls on the soldiers of the Holly King and Oak King whenever Thirrin wants to send a message to them. He doesn't know that he's a warlock until the Vampire Queen tells he, Thirrin, their escort of wolf-folk, their human escort, King Grishmak, and the other Vampires in the room when Thirrin goes to the land of the ghosts to forge an alliance with their Vampiric Majesties. When they get back to the Hypolitan, Wenlock Witchmother and the others with the Gift are there to greet Oskan. Wenlock tells him that he is the most powerful warlock in history so far and that he would be her successor, as Oskan Witchfather, only 2nd of his kind. During one battle with the Polypontian Empire, he risks his life to save Thirrin, Tharaman-Thar, and their soldiers from certain death by drawing down lightning. It strikes him and he must go down to the cellars where a place has been prepared for him so he can heal. When he is fully healed, he runs from the cellar to ring the solstice bell to tell Thirrin that the allies have come, and they defeat the Polypontian Army for the last battle. He later becomes Thirrin's consort, as we find out in the 2nd book, Blade of Fire, which takes place about 20 years later. He sacrifices himself in The Last Battle Of The Icemark to stop his father Cronus and Medea.

Scipio Bellorum

Scipio Bellorum is the greatest general the Polypontian Empire has ever had. He has added numerous countries and provinces to the Empire. He has never lost a war, or even a battle he personally commanded. He is personally feared, as he often slaughters his own troops and officers to make a point, or for the lack of zeal in war. In one battle, he comes out to lead his army for himself and openly challenges Thirrin to one-on-one combat, no interferences. She managed to cut off his hand with his sword still in it, and would have killed him if his army hadn't broken the rules and charged in to protect their general. He was killed at the end of Blade of Fire by Thirrin and then eaten by the Vampire Queen, who's husband (the Vampire King) was killed by Bellorum. Also has two sons Octavious and Sulla.

Tharaman - One Hundredth Thar of the Snow Lepoards, Ruler of the Icesheets, Scourge of the Ice Trolls

Tharaman-Thar is the ruler of the Snow Leopards. Contrary to the initial meeting, he is often portrayed as a fun-loving creature, and enjoys drinking games, often with Olememnon, the consort of Elemnestra and Olimpia, the Basileas of the Hypolitan. His Tharina is Krisafitsa.

Thirrin Freer Strong-in-the-Arm Lindenshield, Wildcat of the North, Taker of the Hand of Bellorum

Thirrin is the scion of the ruling house of Lindenshield. Although her father wishes for her to be well-learned, she hates the classroom, and would often rather be out training with the Housecarls. She has wild red hair like her father, and ice-grey eyes like her deceased mother. At the beginning of the novel, she is thirteen years old; shortly after the novel begins she turns fourteen at Yule, and is proclaimed the heir of the throne. Lady Theowin was worried that the Polypontian empire was getting restless, and she was right. A werewolf comes and is first to warn them that the Empire's army has invaded. During one of her hunting outings, a bear badly wounded one of her soldiers and a storm starts up. Oskan Witch's Son, later known as Oskan the Warlock, gives them shelter in his cave. Oskan is a healer among other things, and can understand wolf-folk speech. They become good friends, and later she goes on a journey with him to make allies. They first go to the Vampire King and Queen, and the Vampires reluctantly agree. She then goes to the Hub of the World to make an alliance with Tharaman-Thar, ruler of the giant snow leopards that live there. King Grishmak was the one to suggest this, and the Ukpik werewolf tribe pulls them there in a sleigh. Thirrin suspects that Oskan sometimes tries to annoy her. She asked about Oskan asking to marry her he doesn't marry her at the end of the book. It is revealed in the Second book of the Icemark Chronicles that Oskan and Thirrin do marry and together have five children.

Vampire King and Queen

Their Vampiric Majesties are the undead Vampire monarchs of the Land-of-the-Ghosts. A deep-seated hatred and distrust has created a rift between them and the Icemark. However, because of the nature of the Empire, they agree to send aid to the Icemark.

The Vampire King and Queen appear reluctant to keep up their end of the treaty, but in the end, they help fight the Polypontians in The Blade of Fire. Their forces proved extremely useful against the Empire's flying craft, but eventually leave the fight when the Vampire King is killed by treachery. Yet the Vampire Queen miraculously returns after regrouping her forces in the Land of the Ghosts. In The Last Battle of the Icemark, Sharley figures out that His Vampiric Majesty has developed a soul, and soon after Her Vampiric Majesty develops a soul, and joins His Vampiric Majesty in the afterlife,the only vamire with a peaceful passing.

Blade of Fire

Archimedo Archimedes

Archimedo Archimedes is an engineer hired to improve the Icemark's defences. He comes up with a way to counter the flying craft of the empire, and bomb shelters to protect the defenders.

Cressida Aethelflaed Elemnestra, Strong-in-the-Arm Lindenshield Striking Eagle

Cressida Lindenshield is the oldest daughter of Thirrin and Oskan and heir to the Icemark throne. She is very bossy and regal, so much that her brothers, Eodred and Cerdic, temporarily avoid her. After Cerdic's death, however, She and Eodred end up making up. She appears to be immune to magic as her sister Medea found out.

Cerdic and Eodred Cerdic Thor-hammer Strong-in-the-Arm Lindenshield

Cerdic & Eodred are the fun loving twin sons of Thirrin and Oskan. Cerdic is killed in battle against the Polypontians, and Eodred drops into a deep depression. Seemingly nothing could cause Eodred to become happy, but he meets Growlahowl and develops a quick friendship.

Charlemagne Athelstan Redrought Strong-in-the-Arm Lindenshield, Prince Regent of the Exiles, Shadow of the Storm

Charlemagne, known as Sharley, is Thirrin and Oskan's crippled son. At a young age he contracted Polio, and was saved by Oskan, although his leg was crippled as result. Charlemagne resents his injury, and when he is named Prince Regent of the Exiles, he takes advantage of the chance to prove himself. In the Desert lands,with the help of Crown Prince Mekhemet, he trains as a warrior, and leads an army back to the Icemark and saves the country.In Last Battle of the Icemark,he,Mekhemet and Kirimin of the Icesheets get lured to a magical plain by Medea.There they meet the spirit of the Vampire Kingand Impious,the faithful imp.

Prince Growlahowl

Growlahowl, or Howler as Eodred first started calling him, is the son of Grishmak, and is crown prince of the Werewolves. Originally unappreciated by his father, Howler proves himself when he forms a fighting force with Eodred. With out really knowing it, he helped Eodred come out of mournig of his twin.

Queen Ketshaka III of Lusuland, the Great She-Lion and Mother of the Nation

Ketshaka is the ruler of Lusuland, which is located south of the Icemark in Africa. She decides to help the Icemark in their struggle against the Polypontians without question. Ketshaka names Sharley as her adopted son along with Mekhmet.After the Last Battle of the Icemark Sharley,Mekhemet,Kirimin and Impious visit Lusuland.

Krisafitsa Tharina

The consort of Tharaman Thar, Krisafitsa is actually very kind despite her large and intimidating exterior. Her ethic during the war is to keep everyone well fed, resulting in her proposing meals very often.

Medea Lindenshield

Medea is the youngest daughter of Thirrin and Oskan. Throughout the book, she is portrayed as beautiful and mysteriously detached from her family, and as a loner. She is deeply jealous of Sharley and turns traitor on her family, helping the Polypontian army in secret. When given the choice between Light and Dark she chooses Dark. She attempts to murder Sharley on more than one occasion and her actions lead to her brother Cerdic's death. Her father eventually discovers her betrayal and banishes her to The Circle Of Dark. She returns in The Last Battle Of The Icemark more powerful and with the aid of her grandfather Cronus but is destroyed thanks to Oskan's sacrifice.

Olympia Artemision, Basilea of the Hypolitan

Olympia became the leader of the Hypolitan following the death of her successor in battle. She is described as having the face and voice of an eagle, and being extremely beautiful. Olememnon eventually falls in love with her, and they are married. She is killed with Olememmnon by Erinor's horde

Prince Mekhmet Nasrid, Sword of the Desert, Beloved of the One

Mekhmet is the crown prince of the Desert Kingdom. After meeting Sharley, he quickly befriends him and helps Sharley to become a warrior. He also chooses to help defend the Icemark against the Polypontians, and gathers a giant army to stop the Imperial invasion.

Sulla and Octavius Bellorum

The sons of Scipio Bellorum, Sulla and Octavius are especially vicious. Sulla commands the Polypontian Artillery, and Octavius commands the cavalry. They are eventually killed in battle by Cressida and Sharley.

Last Battle Of The Icemark

Erinor Basilea of the Southern Hypolitan

She leads her hordes to try and take over the collapsing Polypontian empire. She is killed in battle by Thirrin.

Cronus, The Arc-Adept & King of the Darkness

Oskan's father and Medea's grandfather Cronus rejected the goddess's love and was banished to the dark. He conquers the Icemark while most of the warriors are fighting Erinor. He is destroyed by Oskan's sacrifice.

Titus Emperor of the Polypontian

Titus is only about 8 years old. After Oskan's sacrifice Thirrin looks after him. He is perceived as Romulus Augustus last emperor of Rome who ruled the Roman Empire as a child.

Kirimin Princess of the Icesheets

She is the youngest daughter of Tharaman Thar and good friend of Sharley and Mekhmet.


A very spoiled cat who lives a very long time with the help of Oskan Witchfather. He seems to keep Primplepuss alive for 20 years by his magical abilities. Primplepuss eventually is given to Maggiore Totus after King Redrought Strong-In-The-Arm Lindensheild [who was the previous owner of the cat], falls in battle

Lucretia and Belisarius

The twin children of Their Vampiric Majesties, presumably created by The Vampire King in the spirit realms via magic (vampires cannot conceive naturally), during the two-year interval between the end of Blade of Fire and Last Battle of the Icemark. They may have been named after Lucrezia Borgia and Belisarius.