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Kamiar and Arash Alaei incident

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Kamiar Alaei
EducationHarvard MPH, SUNY Albany PhD candidate

Dr. Kamiar Alaei and his brother Dr. Arash Alaei are two Iranian HIV/AIDS doctors who have been detained in Tehran's Evin prison since June 2008. Prior to their arrest, they developed harm-reduction programs in Iran and developed the program Global Health in the Middle East and Central Asia, an HIV/AIDS training program for regional health experts.[1]

The doctors were tried in a one-day, secret trial on December 31, 2008 [2] for alleged conspiracy to overthrow the Iranian government and with a number of charges including: “communications with an enemy government” and seeking to overthrow the Iranian government under article 508 of Iran’s Islamic Penal Code. Speaking at a press conference, Iranian Judiciary spokesperson Ali-Reza Jamshidi claimed: “They were linked to the CIA, backed by the US government and State Department… They recruited and trained people to work with different espionage networks to launch a velvet overthrow of the Iranian government”. [3]

On January 20, 2009 the brothers and their attorney were informed that they had been convicted. Arash was sentenced to six years in prison; Kamiar was sentenced to three years.[4]

Education and Background

Originally from Kermanshah, the brothers became aware of Iran’s HIV/AIDS problem after completing their medical training. [5] Since 1986, they have sought to integrate prevention and care of HIV/AIDS, sexually-transmitted infections and drug-related harm reduction into Iran's national health care system. Iran has the highest proportion of hard drug users of any country in the world. [6] Dr. Kamiar Alaei was formerly the executive director of the Iranian NGO Pars Institute [7] working on the prevention, care, and support for carriers of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. He received a Master's of Science in Population and International Health from Harvard University in 2007 and was scheduled to resume his studies as a PhD candidate at the SUNY Albany School of Public Health in the fall of 2008. [8]

Dr. Arash Alaei is the former Director of the International Education and Research Cooperation of the Iranian National Research Institute of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. With his guidance, Iran instituted a nationwide needle-exchange program; instituted condom distribution in health-care clinics across the country, and methadone treatment centers sprouted in every province. [9] He was scheduled to speak at the 17th International AIDS Conference in Mexico City in August, 2008. [10] [11]

Iran harm reduction work

In 1997, they began running harm reduction and HIV/AIDS prevention care centers targeted toward injecting drug users and prisoners. These “triangular” clinics provided treatment for STI infections, HIV/AIDS and drug-addiction, offering patients clean needles, methadone, condoms, antiretroviral therapy and other medical services. Eventually their program grew to a network of clinics in 67 Iranian cities and 57 prisons. [9] Together, the doctors co-authored “Iran’s National and International Strategic Plans for the Control of HIV/IDU/TB, and they helped develop Iran’s proposal to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS/TB/Malaria, which was awarded 16 million USD. [12] [13]

The World Health Organization named the Alaei's clinics the best-practice model for the Middle East and North Africa.[14] The doctors and their work were the subject of the 2004 BBC documentary “Mohammad and the Matchmaker.” [15]

Global Information Sharing

Prior to their arrest, the brothers were also involved in international health advocacy and global information exchange. The Alaeis participated in the US-funded people-to-people exchange with Iran in 2006, visiting Tufts-New England Medical Center and other sites with a group of other Iranian doctors. [16] Kamiar Alaei’s “Health Diplomacy” project, an exchange program for American medical students, brought U.S. medical students to Iran to work with their Iranian counterparts and continue post-visit collaboration via the Internet.[17] The brothers also spoke at the Aspen Institute in 2007. [16] The Asia Society named Kamiar Alaei a fellow in its Asia 21 Young Leaders Initiative. [8]

Regionally, they have held training courses for Afghan and Tajik medical workers and have worked to encourage cooperation among 12 Middle Eastern and Central Asian countries. [18]

Arrest and Trial

Dr. Arash Alaei was arrested by Iranian police on June 22, and Kamiar was arrested the following day. [19] They were at first held without charge and without access to lawyers. Their family had minimal contact with them.[20] Six weeks after the arrest, Tehran officials released the following statement about them: "They held conferences on such topics as AIDS, which drew the attention of domestic and foreign organizations and NGOs," and "they would organize foreign trips for people and train them. They were aware of what they were doing, and their training was of the nature of a velvet revolution." [21] The Dean of the Harvard University School of Public Health [22], the SUNY Albany School of Public Health, Ohio State University[23], the Aspen Institute [24] and the Asia Society[25] have all released statements expressing deep concern over the doctors’ detention. On December 31, 2008, the doctors were tried along with two other individuals before Tehran's Revolutionary Court. They were charged with “communications with an enemy government” and a number of secret charges. The brothers and their attorney, Masoud Shafie, did not know all the charges prior to the trial, were not allowed to review all the evidence and were not given adequate opportunities to refute the prosecution's case. [26] The date for the verdict has thus far been postponed. [27] On January 13, 2009, the Islamic Republic News Agency released a statement that Kamiar and Arash were two members of a “gang of saboteurs” aiming to overthrow Iran that the government of Iran will “annihilate.” [28]

Concern of Human Rights Groups

Many human rights groups have spoken out against the Alaeis' detention, both for the trial’s lack of due process and because the charges are believed to be politically motivated. "The publicly announced charges were unfounded, politically motivated and illegitimate. They were not guilty of crimes. They were practicing good medicine,” said Jonathan Hutson of Physicians for Human Rights (PHR). Various human rights groups, including PHR, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Human Rights Watch, and the International AIDS Society have endorsed a petition called for the Alaeis’ release. [29] In December, sixteen medical experts sent a letter to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi expressing concern for the Alaeis. [30]


  1. ^ [1], UAlbany School of Public Health Student Named Asia21 Fellow.
  2. ^ [2], Albany Times-Union, Dec. 31, 2008
  3. ^ [3],Tehran Times.
  4. ^ [4], Albany Times-Union, Jan. 21, 2009
  5. ^ [5],Iran's AIDS-prevention program among world's most progressive.
  6. ^ [6],BBC News, "Tackling Iran's heroin habit".
  7. ^ [7], Open Society Institute.
  8. ^ a b [8], Albany Times-Union, "UAlbany Student Detained in Iran".
  9. ^ a b [9], Washington Post, "In Iran, Searching for Common Ground."
  10. ^ [10]
  11. ^ [11], Nerve News India, "Human-rights groups demand release of Iranian AIDS experts".
  12. ^ [12], "AIDS in Iran".
  13. ^ [13], "UCSF Iranian Students present Dr. Kamiar Alaei: HIV in Iran".
  14. ^ [14], Knight-Ridder, "Iran's AIDS-prevention program among world's most progressive."
  15. ^ [15],BBC News, "Tackling Iran's heroin habit".
  16. ^ a b [16], Boston Globe, "Iran's arrest of doctors jeopardizes US program".
  17. ^ [17], ICFJ, "Change From the Bottom Up".
  18. ^ [18], Radio Free Europe, "Iran: Brothers Change Face Of HIV, Drug-Addiction Treatment".
  19. ^ [19], "EU calls on Iran to release detained doctors".
  20. ^ [20],Daily Gazette (Schenectady, NY), "Groups urge Iran to free doctors".
  21. ^ [21], Tehran Times, "Prosecutor accuses detained brothers of anti-revolution measures".
  22. ^ [22], Harvard School of Public Health.
  23. ^ [23], Ohio State University
  24. ^ [24], Aspen Institute Expresses Deep Concern Over Detention of Iranian Physicians
  25. ^ [25], Asia Society Expresses Deep Concern Over Detention of Iranian HIV/AIDS Pioneers in Iran
  26. ^ [26], Albany Times-Union, AIDS doctors tried in secret in Iran
  27. ^ [27], Albany Times-Union, Iran postpones AIDS doctors' verdict
  28. ^ [28], IRNA, Gang of saboteurs related to US crushed in Iran
  29. ^ [29], Iran, free Doctors Kamiar and Arash Alaei
  30. ^ [30], Medical Leaders Call for Justice for Iranian Doctors