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Danielle de Picciotto

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photo by Markus Johannes Reinhardt.

Danielle de Picciotto, Washington, USA.

American artist/musician/filmaker living in Berlin, Germany.

Founded & organized the first Berlin Love Parade with partner Dr Motte in 1989.

Initiator of Berlin "Clubart Movement" in 2002.

Singer of "Space Cowboys" and "The Ocean Club"( [Gudrun Gut]).

Initiator of the exhibition and event series: "Kunst oder König / in" brought into life to promote Berlin artists, DJs and musicians.

Member of Berlin art movement "Pop Surrealism".

Sang for Die Haut together with Anita Lane, Nick Cave and Kid Congo Powers.

2001 Directs music video for [Alexander Hacke]([Einstürzende Neubauten]) on his world recording tour of "Sanctuary"

2002 Initiates "Bada Bing" a music event series together with partner [Alexander Hacke]

Works together with the Gorthe Institut internationally on presenting Berlins cultural scene

Marries longtime partner Alexander Hacke, bassist from Einstürzende Neubauten in 2006.

Initiates and directs "Mountains of Madness" a visual/audio performance together with The Tiger Lillies and Alexander Hacke

2008 Produces and creates live visual/acoustic show "Ship Of Fools" together with Alexander Hacke with which they tour internationally, inviting musicians from different countries to participate and create cultural interaction.

2008 Is commissioned by the German Foreign Ministry to direct a short film on European Club Culture 2009 is commissioned by the German Foreign Minsitry to direct a short animation movie on Club Culture. Is featured as an important artist in the documentary "In Berlin" by Michael Ballhaus and Ciro Cappelari

Released Songs/Records/Films

  • 1991 LP "Locked And Loaded" Space Cowboys
  • 1992 "Cheerio" Malaria
  • 1993 "Single: " Terrorist" Space Cowboys
  • 1995 "Waiting" Divamania; Digivalley
  • 1996 "Pearl" & "Obsession" Oceanclub
  • 1997 "No Go" Die Haut
  • 2002
    • "John Massis" music video for "Fred Alpi" Paris
    • "Rock On" music video for "Martin Dean" Berlin
    • "Kleiner Dicker Junge" music video for "Electrcute" Los Angeles
  • 2004 "Einstürzende Neubauten - on tour with neubauten.org" filmdocumentary
  • 2005 "Nackte Hunde" Mermer Records
  • 2006 "Throbbing Gristle; Berlin" film documentary
  • 2007 "Mountains Of Madness" film documentary in cooperation with The Tiger Lillies and Alexander Hacke
  • 2008 "The Ship Of Fools" DVD/CD film documentary and CD together with Alexander Hacke
  • 2009 "Sternentanz" Animation movie for Foreign Ministry of Germany
  • 2009 " In Berlin" Protagonist in the Berlin documentary by Michael Ballhaus and Ciro Cappelari