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Phil Kerpen

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Phil Kerpen is policy director for the Free Enterprise Fund, a United States libertarian lobbying group.

He is also the publisher of several policy debate-related websites, including: Cross-X.com, hsdebate.com, ndtceda.com, and TeachingDebate.com. Cross-x.com sells weekly "Thursday Files" to high school debaters containing recent evidence discussing political issues, generally from a conservative viewpoint.

He has previously worked as a policy analyst for the Club for Growth, the Woodhill Foundation and the Cato Institute.

Phil's brother, Dave, was on the Fox reality show "Paradise Hotel".


  • [1]Keep the Good Times Rolling by Phil Kerpen and Peter Roff, National Review Online, December 2, 2005.
  • [2]The Supreme Court's business by Peter Roff and Phil Kerpen, Ft. Worth Star Telegram, November 28, 2005.
  • [3]Crying wolf over credit card fees by Phil Kerpen, Boston Globe, November 25, 2005.
  • [4]Dwindling Deficit by Phil Kerpen, New York Sun, November 15, 2005.
  • [5]Nativism and the immigration issue by Phil Kerpen, San Diego Union-Tribune, October 17, 2005.
  • [6]A runaway panel by Lawrence Hunter and Phil Kerpen, Washington Times, October 14, 2005.
  • [7]Untangle the telecom regulation wires by Phil Kerpen, Newsday, October 6, 2005.
  • [8]Time for government to get out of the way by Phil Kerpen, Ft. Worth Star Telegram, September 26, 2005.
  • [9]Two Visions of Reconstruction by Phil Kerpen, National Review Online, September 21, 2005.
  • [10]Flat-lining the death tax by Lawrence Hunter and Phil Kerpen, Washington Times, September 2, 2005.
  • [11]Riding to Social Security's rescue by Peter Roff and Phil Kerpen, Orlando Sentinel, July 30, 2005.
  • [12]Kuhl's Social Security plan blocks raids on fund by Phil Kerpen, Elmira Star-Gazette, July 26, 2005.
  • [13] U.S. senators from South Carolina have key to saving Social Security by Phil Kerpen, Copley News Service, July 20, 2005.
  • [14]Social Security Reform, with Interest by Phil Kerpen, National Review Online, June 28, 2005.
  • [15]It's not the government, stupid. by Phil Kerpen, Tech Central Station, June 27, 2005.
  • [16]A Worthy Compromise by Lawrence Hunter and Phil Kerpen, National Review Online, June 23, 2005.
  • [17]Set Social Security Compromise in Motion by Lawrence Hunter and Phil Kerpen, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, June 23, 2005.
  • [18]Senate Holds Key to Death Tax Repeal by Stephen Moore and Phil Kerpen, Human Events, May 20, 2005.
  • [19]Blowing the Whistle on Jackpot Justice by Stephen Moore and Phil Kerpen, Tech Central Station, April 22, 2005.
  • [20]Sweet Deal, Bad Taste by Stephen Moore and Phil Kerpen, National Review Online, April 15, 2005.
  • [21]Tax Hike Will Torpedo Social Security Reform by Stephen Moore and Phil Kerpen, Human Events, February 23, 2005.
  • [22]Restoring Tax Balance in Kansas by Stephen Moore and Phil Kerpen, Flint Hills Policy Paper, Volume 2, Issue 1, Feburary 5, 2005.
  • [23]Show Me the Money! Dividend Payouts after the Bush Tax Cut by Stephen Moore and Phil Kerpen, Cato Briefing Paper No. 88, October 11, 2004.
  • [24]Killing the Class-Warfare Argument by Stephen Moore and Phil Kerpen, National Review Online, August 19, 2004.
  • [25]The Low-Cost Future of Air Travel by Phil Kerpen, Consumers' Research, September, 2003.
  • [26]Historically, Gasoline Prices Are Not Expensive by Stephen Moore and Phil Kerpen, Cato Daily Commentary, September 6, 2003.
  • [27]Get Government Out of GDP by Stephen Moore and Phil Kerpen, Washington Times, August 8, 2003.
  • [28]States face fiscal crunch: after 1990s' spending surge by Chris Edwards, Stephen Moore, and Phil Kerpen, USA Today Magazine, July 2003.
  • [29]Senate Gridlock Is Back by Phil Kerpen, United Press International, March 29, 2003.
  • [30]States Face Fiscal Crunch after 1990s Spending Surge by Chris Edwards, Stephen Moore, and Phil Kerpen, Cato Briefing Paper No. 80, February 12, 2003.
  • [31]Guns and Bacon Fat by Phil Kerpen, United Press International, August 11, 2002.
  • [32]Don't Let Homeland Security Become Homeland Pork by Stephen Moore and Phil Kerpen, Human Events, February 15, 2002.
  • [33]Deficits? What deficits? by Phil Kerpen, United Press International, January 29, 2002.
  • [34]Who Lost the Budget Surplus? by Stephen Moore and Phil Kerpen, Human Events, January 25, 2002.
  • [35]The Dem’s Feeding Frenzy by Stephen Moore and Phil Kerpen, National Review Online, October 30, 2001.
  • [36]A Capital Gains Tax Cut: The Key to Economic Recovery by Stephen Moore and Phil Kerpen, Institute for Policy Innovation Policy Report #164, October 11, 2001.
  • [37] Phil Kerpen's Official Web Site
  • [38] Phil Kerpen's policy debate Judging Philosophy