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Psychokinesis (literally "mind-movement") or PK is the more commonly used term today for what in the past was known as telekinesis (literally "distant-movement"). It refers to the psi ability to influence the behavior of matter by mental intention (or possibly some other aspect of mental activity) alone. As of 2004 the term remote influencing is becoming widely used for certain kinds of psychokinesis. (More famous persons who claimed to have PK skills: Nina Kulagina and Marek Bak).

Psychokinetic events

There have been anecdotal reports of such apparent phenomena throughout history in various cultures. For example, poltergeist activity is typically characterized by objects being moved without apparent explanation, though some people claim that this is accounted for as unintentional PK by children going through puberty.

As with all psi phenomena, there is wide disagreement and controversy within the sciences and even within the field of parapsychology as to the very existence of psychokinesis and the validity or interpretation of PK-related experiments. To date, there has never been a scientifically demonstrated instance of psychokinesis.

Parapsychologists usually make a distinction between macroscopic PK (large-scale effects observable by the naked eye or by a single measurement) and microscopic PK (small-scale effects only observable by statistical analysis of multiple measurements), and both types are still studied today, with more attention to the micro variety. Some of the more extravagant accounts of macro PK in recent times were the so-called physical phenomena claimed to be observed during seances with mediums of the spiritualist era in the late 19th and early 20th century and studied by members of the Society for Psychical Research. Such phenomena included table tipping, rapping, and levitation, and the playing of musical instruments with minimal or no contact. In more modern times, claimed macro PK phenomena include the remote bending of cutlery (usually forks or spoons) or metal bars, and the production of images on unexposed photographic film by Uri Geller and other psychics.

By its nature, study of micro PK phenomena requires an experimental approach using statistical analysis. The first recorded experiments of this type were conducted by J. B. Rhine and his associates in 1934, investigating whether subjects could affect the throws of dice. Similar experiments were soon conducted by many other parapsychologists. Statistical results were generally far less than that observed for telepathy tests, and though a few anomalies were observed, no consensus emerged for the dice-tossing experiments. However, a 1989 meta-analysis by Diane Ferrari and Dean Radin of all such experiments in the literature from 1935 to that date showed an overall hit rate of 51.2% compared with chance expectation of 50%. Given the large number of trials involved, this is a significant figure, with odds against chance of more than a billion to one. There are critics of this analysis.

In more recent times, micro PK experiments have typically involved testing whether a subject can affect the outputs of random number generators (RNGs), aka random event generators, which generate a random bit stream based on the decay of radioactive materials or by electronic noise circuits. In a typical experiment, a subject is given feedback regarding the output of a RNG in one form or another, e.g. audible clicks in one ear and the other through headphones or a graphical readout of an accumulator, and is asked to try to mentally influence the RNG to favor one output over another, e.g. cause more clicks in the right ear, or cause the graph to move to the left. There are several reasons for the development of this type of experiment, one of them being the ease of automating such experiments, which not only makes data collection easier, but also makes it easier to design more secure (fraudproof) experimental protocols.

Notable researchers who pursue RNG experiments are Helmut Schmidt, who pioneered them in the 1960s; Robert Jahn and his associates at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab center (PEAR); and Dean Radin. A 1987 meta-analysis by Radin and Roger Nelson of such experiments from 1959 to that date covering 832 studies (235 of them control studies) showed a hit rate of about 51% for the experimental studies compared to 50% for the control studies (i.e. comparable to the dice tossing studies), with odds against chance of about 1 trillion to one. There are critics of this analysis.

During the 1950s and 1960s, the Soviets conducted and presented research to various worldwide audiences in Psychokinesis, including levitation. One case was Nina Kulagina, a Leningrad housewife who demonstrated PK abilities to Western scientists. They witnessed the levitation and movements of various stationary objects, the changing of course of objects already in motion and the change in heart rate of a removed frog's heart. Apparently the effort from speeding up and slowing the heart caused a lot of strain and could not be continued indefinitely, so Kulagina stopped the heart.

RNG studies continue today, with long-term studies conducted at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) center. RNG devices are also used by the Global Consciousness Project. As a technological curiosity, on Nov 3rd, 1998 the US Patent Office granted Patent #5830064, "Apparatus and method for distinguishing events which collectively exceed chance expectations and thereby controlling an output", to inventors including several researchers from PEAR. The patent in no way relies on the existence of psi phenomena, but in the description the inventors do suggest that "One application of the present invention is the investigation of anomalous interaction between an operator and random physical systems, whether by serious scientists or curious members of the public who would like to conduct experiments on their own." The central idea of the patent is that a single device (microchip) includes both a true RNG and an accumulator circuit which can detect when the output of the RNG varies significantly from expected chance output. The output of the accumulator/detector circuit can then be used as an input to some control circuit. The idea then is that if a PK channel is truly available, then an operator should be able to mentally affect the RNG such that the detection circuit triggers, providing a psi-controlled switch. No actual applications of this patent are known at the time of this writing.

Perhaps the most remarkable (and controversial) PK experiments involving RNGs were first conducted by Helmut Schmidt. Noting that some reported psi phenomena do not appear to be time bound, and that some interpretations of quantum theory posit a relationship between observer and the observed and the indeterminacy of some events until observed, Schmidt designed experiments in which a subject was asked to influence the output of an RNG after the output had already been recorded, i.e. the subject was being asked (unknown to the subject) to affect the behavior of the RNG over an interval of time in the past. One of the advantages of such an experiment is the degree of security (fraud prevention) that can be designed into the protocol. After a series of such experiments with positive results (odds against chance of 1000 to 1) involving independent third-party observers, one of the observers, theoretical physicist Henry Stapp of UC Berkeley, wrote an article for the prominent journal Physical Review in 1994 in which he attempted to show how PK might be consistent with a generalization of quantum theory, and that such phenomena merited further study.

There have also been studies of possible mental influence on living systems, such as the effects of prayer and remote healing, or, in research conducted in the former Soviet Union, the ability of one subject to induce hypnosis or wakefulness in another subject remotely.

Various models have been proposed for various aspects of PK as well as other psi phenomena, but so far there is no widely accepted physical theory or proposed mechanism that explains how such phenomena might occur. Many parapsychologists with backgrounds in physics point out that despite lack of a proposed mechanism for psi phenomena, the currently understood laws of physics do not preclude such phenomena, and they are confident that eventually extensions to today's physical theories will fill this gap. There are critics who disagree with this assessment.

Some Christian religious scholars believe that Psychokinesis is a spiritual gift and is apparent in various Bible stories, such as the release of Paul and Silas's bands during their escape from prison in Acts 16, and others. Other religions also cite various cases of psychokinesis including Astral projection in Shamanism, Yogic flying, poltergeists and various healings.

Many parapsychologists believe that there is sufficient evidence of psychokinesis in controlled experiments to prove its existence and to justify it as a field of study.

Remote influencing

In recent years, the term remote influencing has become popular to describe the application of psychokinesis to biological systems. This may be to impact either positively or negatively upon health, alter mood, or influence decision making.

In a similar fashion, remote viewing has been applied to clairvoyance. These terms emerged from research undertaken by the American government, for the application of psychic abilities to intelligence gathering, military force, and remote assassination.

Some of the most detailed claims in this area are made in The Men Who Stare At Goats, written by Jon Ronson to accompany his British TV series The Crazy Rulers of the World.

According to Ronson, over 100 de-bleated goats were shipped to Fort Bragg, North Carolina along with a significant quantity of hamsters, to facilitate this research, and remote influencers were said to have stopped the hearts of goats and hamsters long enough to cause death.

The programs are generally said to be secret, making verification difficult. Incidents of illness in world figures, such as George W. Bush's loss of consciousness after choking on a pretzel in January, 2002, have been ascribed to psychic attacks. Many websites offer to sell courses that purportedly teach remote viewing and remote influencing.

Cultural references

  • In the Ghostbusters universe, ghosts and other supernatural creatures are composed of negatively charged psychokinetic energy. This energy, called PKE, was featured and mentioned extensively in both movies and animated series. Furthermore, the Ghostbusters developed a device called a PKE meter for the purpose of measuring the amount of psychokinetic energy in an area.
  • The Jedi and Sith, wielders of the mysterious "Force" within the Star Wars universe, have the ability to telekinetically move objects of various sizes and from various distances.
  • In the Japanese manga Akira (and its subsequent animated film) telekinesis is a subject of secret government research, culminating in extremely powerful individuals such as the main antagonist, Tetsuo, and the titular character, Akira.
  • In Destroy All Humans!, the Furons have the psychokinesis ability. This ability gives them an advantage in winning a war against a homeworld enemy.
  • A young Courteney Cox played a telekinetic teenager in the short-lived TV series, Misfits of Science
  • Sissy Spacek played a telekinetic high school girl in the 1976 film Carrie, based on the Stephen King novel of the same name
  • In Buffy the Vampire Slayer, witches are shown to be telekinetic as a whole.
  • In Charmed, telekinesis is a power possessed by most witches, warlocks, upper level demons and angels.
  • In X-Men, Jean Grey and many other mutants have telekinetic abilities.
  • In the TV show Static Shock, Madelyn Spaulding develops telekinesis after Static sends a surge of electricity through her brain.
  • In Teen Titans, both Raven of the Titan team and Jinx of H.I.V.E. Academy wield telekinetic powers.
  • In EarthBound, PK or PSI is the primary form of 'magic' in the game, however this variation also includes manipulation of full energy with the mind
  • In the children's novel Matilda by Roald Dahl, the protagonist, Matilda Wormwood, develops telekinetic abilities as a result of untapped intellectual ability.
  • In Witch Hunter Robin, certain witches have the power to control the movement of objects such as trash cans at will.
  • The Tomorrow People TV series features characters possessing psychokinetic abilities.
  • In the video game Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy by Midway, Nick Scryer uses many different abilities to defeat enemies (pyrokinesis, telekinesis, etc.)
  • In the TV show The Secret World of Alex Mack, Alexandra "Alex" Mack gains telekinesis after being drenched in the chemical GC-161.
  • In the Pokémon game/show, many of the Pokémon wield telekinesis and many other psychic gifts.
  • In Zapped! a teenage high school whiz kid discovers a formula for telekinetic powers and uses it for various mischief, including undressing girls, and in the sequel Zapped Again! a new generation of high school kids find the old potion and perform similar pranks.
  • In the Darkstalkers video game series, the vampire hunter Donovan Baine, and a young girl Anita who accompanies him, use telekinesis to a large extent. Donovan's main weapon is a giant spirit sword known as Dhylec, which he mostly wields with just the power of his mind.
  • In the Gundam meta-verse, there is a type of evolved human being known as a Newtype, predominantly in the Universal Century timeline. This happens when humanity begins to migrate to space, and to adapt to the new environment humanity begins to slowly evolve to adapt to space. Although Newtypes mostly exhibit enhanced senses and varying degree's of heightened mental awareness, they have sometimes performed amazing feats that are very Telekinetic. For example, the main protagonist of Zeta Gundam, Camille Vidan has his titular Mobile Suit perform far beyond its expected performance with the power of his mind during instances where he becomes deeply enraged. There are also Newtype only weapons known as "Funnels" which are psychically controlled modules which are used to remotely attack enemies mentally.
  • Vampires in popular fiction often have a form of telekinesis. Usually it is the older, more powerful vampires who exhibit this. Vampires usually acquire power the longer they stay alive.
  • In the game series Golden Sun, the ability to use powers granted to the mind, ingame called "Psynergy", does exist. Adepts are naturally born knowing they have these powers, though, anyone can use them if they put their mind to it. Four kinds of psynergy exist, Venus (Earth), Mars (Fire), Jupiter (Wind), and Mercury (Water). Amongst these, the most notable is Jupiter and Mercury; Jupiter adepts are naturals at reading minds and being able to pick up on future events, and Mercury can heal through prayer and concentration. Venus have the ability to manipulate objects with their mind, giving them such powers as "Move" and teleporting "Retreat", while Mars can gain abilities that are a mixture of three, knowing "Move" and healing moves are natural to them.
  • In the Nickelodeon show Danny Phantom, the main character battles many ghosts with several Psychic abilities, including telekinesis.
  • In the Phantasm movies, the Tall Man exhibits Psycokinetic abilities, often using them to trick or kill people. In Phantasm Oblivion, Mike gets psychokinetic abilities from the Sentinel Sphere embedded in his head. He tries to use these abilities to kill the Tall Man and fails.
  • In the game Second Sight, the hero, some bad guys, and several children display various psycokinetic abilities.
  • In Elfen Lied, females of the diclonius species display telekinetic-like powers in the form of long, translucent arms called vectors.
  • In F.E.A.R., the silhouette we know as Alma was genetically engineered by the government to have vast, uncalculated amounts of psychic power. Among them are telekinesis and pyrokinesis.


See also


  • Radin, Dean, The Conscious Universe, Harper Collins, 1997, ISBN 0062515020.
  • Ronson, Jon, The Men who Stare at Goats, Picador, 2004, ISBN 0330375474
  • Sudre, René, Parapsychology, The Citadel Press, 1960, Library of Congress Catalog 60-13928
  • Imich, Alexander (ed.) Incredible Tales of the Paranormal, Bramble Books, 1995, ISBN 1-883647-03-7
  • Hasted, J.B., The Metal-Benders, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981, ISBN 7010005970

Further reading

  • Randi, James, Flim-Flam, Prometheus Books, 1982, ISBN 0-89775-198-3