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Air-to-air combat history of the RAF

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The RAF has, at present, no air-to-air enemy kills since the cease of hostilities in the Second World War. The Royal Navy, however, have in the region of 40 air-to-air kills in this period.

RAF Friendly Fire Kills

The RAF has shot down two aircraft since WW2, however, both of these were shot down with missles fired from RAF planes.

On 25 May 1982 Jaguar GR1 XX963/AL from 14 Squadron was shot down 35 miles north-east of Bruggen, Germany by Phantom FGR.2 XV422 of 92 Squadron during a training sortie[1]. The Phantom pilot (Sqn Ldr Roy Lawrence, Nav Alistair Inverarity) failed to remember that the aircraft was loaded with live sidewinder missiles and lauched one. He was able to warn the Jaguar pilot, Flt Lt Steve Griggs, who ejected safely before impact. Sqn Ldr Lawrence and Inverarity were both convicted by Court Marshal for gross negligence and were punished with loss of all seniority in their rank.

During the late 1970s a Lightning F.2A , piloted by Sqn Ldr M. Valasek, shot down a Harrier GR.3. The pilot had ejected[2] after engine problems but the Harrier kept flying. Rather than risk the plane crashing in an unknown area, it was shot down[3].

RAF Pilot Operational Kills

There were numerous kills from RAF officers on exchange to the USAF during the Korean War, mainly flying F-86 Sabres. They were: Flt.Lt John Nicholls scored 1; Sqn.Ldr. Max Higson scored 1;Flt.Lt. RTF Dickenson scored 1; Flt.Lt. John Granville-White scored 1; Flt.Lt. Graham Hulse scored 3[4].

During the Falklands War of 1982 three RAF personnel scored air victories[5] they were: Flt Lt Barton and Flt Lt Morgan of 800 NAS, and Flt Lt Penfold of 801 NAS. All three were flying RN Sea Harriers[6].
