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Forrest Hylton

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Forrest Hylton teaches history and politics at la Universidad de los Andes (Bogota). [1]

He is the author of Evil Hour in Colombia and Revolutionary Horizons: Past and Present in Bolivian Politics with Sinclair Thomson. He has contributed to New Left Review, NACLA Report on the Americas, CounterPunch, and The Real News . He is an editor of and contributor to Ya es otro tiempo el presente: Cuatro momentos de insurgencia indígena (2003).[1] He is working on a book entitled Containing Multitudes: Brooklyn and Democracy in the Americas, under contract with Oxford University Press, and revising a manuscript based on his doctoral thesis, which won the Dean's Outstanding Dissertation Award in the Humanities at New York University, entitled Reverberations of Insurgency: Indian Communities, the Federal War of 1899, and the Regeneration of Bolivia. He is in the initial stages of a project entitled Sovereignty on the Atlantic Frontier: Imperial Rivalry, Indigenous Insurgency, and Spanish Counter-Insurgency in the Guajira and the Darien, 1739-1790.

His first novel, Vanishing Acts: A Tragedy, is forthcoming in 2010 from City Works Press.


Although Forrest’s works make believe to be based on widespread objective sources of facts, they usually emerge on preset leftist guidelines. This preset sometimes biased point of view affects the conclusions of Forrest’s research. Hence Forrest’s works are to be read carefully and with some healthy skepticism.

