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Grox (Spore)

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The Grox are an aggressive and vicious race of mechanically based cyborg carnivores that rule most of the Galaxy in Spore. They are commonly thought to based on the Borg of the Star Trek Series because of the striking physical similarities between the two. The Grox are located around the Galactic Core In the Spore Galaxy. There they live on otherwise uninhabitable T0 planets Raising a planet's T-Score will make it impossible for the Grox to inhabit it and will destroy any existing Grox colonies on said planet. Although They are the most notable for their hostility they are also notable for their asymmetric, weak, impish appearance. The Grox Empire is also notable for the fact that it contains 2400 systems with more than 5000 planets.


File:The Grox.png

The Grox most notably exhibit cybernetic implants that replace the right eye, right arm, right leg, and part of the abdomen.


Grox seem to have little, if any, individual personality, appearing to have no emotions except hatred and anger (though they do sometimes exhibit other emotions). The Grox are often angry. In terms of their behaviour Grox are extremely aggressive, and seem driven by their obsessive hatred for every other life form.

Another aspect of Grox personality is their territorial nature for example they will for the most part when entering their territory attack you unless you ally with them.

The Grox are also very distrustful of outsiders the Grox are the most distrustful empire in the game. The amount they trust you is shown to be –70.

The Grox often make poor threats and compliments due to their misunderstanding of the culture and personality of normal species Examples include: "You will not get a holiday card this year!" and "Good work! You are a credit to all slow thinking carbon based lifeforms.".


The Grox's so called philosophy known by some spore fans as "Groxology" also reflects their temperament. When you go over to any other empire in the game you may usually ask their philosophy and they will tell you without hesitation, when you ask the Grox however they will simply respond by saying this:

What foolish mortal deigns to seek countenance with the all powerful and most extraordinary Grox? How dare you disgrace us with your meager and lackluster presence? We care not to breathe the self same air that you have poisoned with your noxious aura.

After I spend some time berating you, the expectation will be that you begin your exodus out of our system post haste. I feel the need to cleanse my very eyeball after having soiled my retina with the ghastly vision that is your form. Be gone oh foul and unsightly trespasser!

Don’t let the gravitational pull of our planet hit you in the backside on your way out!


In Spore, the Grox refer to the player and to other alien empires as "slow thinking carbon-based lifeforms" and "carbon wads", implying that the Grox (which are at least partly machine life) are not carbon-based. The Grox are also noted in the game as 'toxic', as exposure to conditions survivable to other life forms causes them to disintegrate which also implies that they are not carbon-based. The Grox also seem to gather sustenance from the radiation of the galactic core, as the Grox colonies are larger the closer they are to the galactic core. There has been no canonical statement on what element the Grox are based on, although Sulfur or Silicon have been suggested by fans.

Achievements relating to the Grox

Some major achievements involve defeating or befriending the Grox. You receive a badge Known as Dance With the Devil badge when you ally with the Grox and you receive a badge Known as Badge Outta Heck badge when you destroy the Grox. The player may continue to play after any of these goals have been achieved.

Views of the Grox by other empires in the game

The hostility of the Grox has caused other empires to view them as the personification of evil. An example of this is that allying with the Grox will give you a -200 in your relationship with all other empires. This Causes immediate war with any empire that did not have a +150 relationship with you.

What the rare artifacts say about the Grox

In the Game all archetypes have an article on how they view the Grox.

“The Grox are machines with absolutely no sense of humor! They destroy entire races and never offer an explanation of what it is that ticks them off! Even if you bring the Grox a present, they may not like you! The Grox kill anyone who tries to approach the center of the galaxy. We never wanted to go there, anyway.”

- Blocks of Chance

“The Grox are an experiment that has not yet run its course. The Grox are a machine race that guard the center of the galaxy against all life-forms. It is not known whether their ultimate objective is to prevent us from breaking in, or to prevent something else from breaking out. Some of our theoreticians suggest that the motivation for the Grox's actions may lie in the difference between machines and organic life, though there seems to be no way to test this hypothesis.”

- Books of Science

“Spode's greatest enemies are the Grox and those who believe in the false God That Will Come. The Grox are a machine race incapable of understanding the Word of Spode. They are a blasphemy in machine form. The Grox prevent us from shining the light of Spode on the center of the galaxy. On the Day of Reckoning, we shall destroy them in Spode's holy name!"”

- Scrolls of Faith

“The Grox are a soulless race of killing machines. They oppose the Life Force in every way! They are incapable of enlightenment or transcendence. It is not known who or what created the Grox, or why. Some of our peers say that all answers are to be found at the center of the galaxy, but the Grox will not permit anyone to approach.”

- Scrolls of Harmony

“The Grox are a machine race that have blockaded the center of the galaxy. They are extremely dangerous. We have not managed to establish a working relationship with them. It is widely believed that the Grox are guarding some form of treasure at the center of the galaxy. There is no evidence for this, but we cannot discount the possibility.”

- Scrolls of Order

“The Grox are the greatest military challenge on our Horizon. The Grox are a race of machine warriors, armed with powerful weapons unknown to us. They have established a security zone surrounding the center of the galaxy and our intelligence has been unable to determine what goes on behind the blockade. Though the Grox are formidable, machines are incapable of warrior spirit. In time, once the technology gap is narrowed, we will prove more than a match for them.”

- Stones of Force

“The Grox are the ultimate evil in the galaxy. They are machines that exist entirely outside of nature. The Grox are the ultimate perversion, machines designed to live outside of nature, for purposes that are deeply unnatural. Whatever their motivations might be, they are not comprehensible to living beings. The Grox are known to have destroyed several sentient races. The Grox have established a killing zone around the center of the galaxy. No one may enter this zone and live. We theorize that the center of the galaxy may contain vital clues to the origin of the Grox. Live inside nature, and oppose the Grox! That is the duty of every sentient being.”

- Stones of Life

“The Grox are a source of the utmost terror. They have exterminated many races. The Grox are a race of machines. They are incapable of happiness or of understanding the profit motive. The Grox have blockaded the center of the galaxy, so that we cannot trade there.”

- Tablets of Prosperity

See also

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