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Andres Vandenbussche
File:Andres Vandenbussche DPP.jpg
Andres Vandenbussche, photo by DPP
Born(1979-10-14)October 14, 1979
Other namesvandenan
Occupation(s)Image collector, Image retriever, Tuner, Wikipedia reader
ChildrenWork in progress

Andres Vandenbussche (October 14, 1979) is a renowned Belgian image expert and Wikipedia reader.

Andres was able to bring down nearly half of the Wikimedia servers when he simultaneously read everything there was to know about the Second Barbary War, the House of Romanov and the Assassination of John F. Kennedy in a multitabbed browser environment (February 20, 2012).

Wikipedia founders have dropped all charges since the defendant is currently living in exile in Grimbergen, Belgium where international law does not apply.

Andres is also famous for directly translating Flemish sentences to English when dealing with german colleagues, most notorious example of such a translation is "I can hear you coming" which means in Flemish "I know where you're going with this" but could be wrongly interpreted by a native english speaker.

Andres will accept almost everything tentatively. Family and friends fear the moment when Andres will be marrying and the priest will ask if Andres accepts Ilse to be his legally wedded wife.

Early years

Rumors have it that Andres was born in a region of Belgium known as "De Limburg". Despite this humble beginning, Andres was able to move up the in the world which eventually led him to a job at De Persgroep, the leading media company of Belgium and the Netherlands (eat that, SBS/De Vijver).

Professional Career


Andres starting his career at De Persgroep as a Servicedesk Engineer. Not much is known about those days but, his talent became apparent quickly. Thus he moved up to RedSys under tutelage of Nik "don't move my intellitune windows" Hemmeryckx and was taught in the ways of picture management.



With the demise of the product-that-shall-not-be-named (see above paragraph), a search for a new picture/content management system had to be started. Because of Andres's happy experiences with German third party integrators like Klaus Behnke, he insisted this new system came from our German friends as well. Thus came myContent (later to be renamed to Dio:Content, what an improvement).

All was well in the world of picture management at DPP (dio:content was often used as a way to get user's goodwill after having cursed about that bloody QPS piece-of-@#!). Even migration of archives, splitting of databases, etc. did not bother Andres much and boredom came lurking around the corner.

Luckily for Andres, Our great Man from Heaven came and gave us the iPad. The joy of iPaper stylesheet mappings, iPad app prerelease testing, mock-ups and fulfilling talks with his good friend Roeland now filled his life. In a moment of what can only be described as temporary insanity, Andres decided to leave all this joy behind and leaves for SBS. He will be missed.

His colleagues' last words

Bedankt voor de vele hulp tijdens migraties hier en in het hoge noorden. Ook bedankt om er voor te zorgen dat ik niet alleen laatste stond in de LAN games (nu heb ik voor dit laatste enkel Marc nog als metgezel). Het ga je goed, zeker met de komende vaderschap

— Stefan

Geef er een lap op bij SBS ! We zien elkaar wel terug wanneer De Persgroep uiteindelijk die boïte overgenomen heeft, dan kan je ons rondleiden ;) Succes en bedankt voor de fijne momenten

— Dimi

Oei ... ik herken die mens niet op de foto! Verkeerde URL doorgekregen zeker??? Veel succes met de nieuwe uitdaging Andres (of dat dat nu het vaderschap is of de nieuwe job laat ik nog in het midden ;))! Groeten!

— Marc

Bedankt voor dat laatste incident in het nachtverslag (IM156123). Hierdoor zal ik dagelijks aan u herinnerd worden! Het ga je daar (en thuis) goed en waarschijnlijk wel tot binnenkort: SBS: See you Back Soon (@de Persgroep)!

— Tom

Veel plezier op je nieuwe werk Andres. DioContent zal nooit meer hetzelfde zijn zonder u :)

— Tim

Veel succes en plezier bij SBS Andres, hopelijk komen we elkaar nog eens tegen! Misschien kan je af en toe nog eens inloggen op vrijdagmiddag? ;-)

— Jens

Vanaf dag 1 heb je me de weg gewezen binnen de Persgroep. Bedankt daarvoor en voor de toffe samenwerking ! Alleen dat dio:content gedoe was wat minder ;-) Succes bij SBS en met de kleine spruit !

— Filip

Veel succes en plezier met je nieuwe uitdagingen (SBS en het nieuwe leventje) !!!

— Thierry