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Ana Lucia Cortez

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Template:Infobox Lost Character-1

Ana-Lucía Cortez is a fictional character on the ABC television series Lost played by Michelle Rodriguez.



Prior to Oceanic Flight 815

Ana-Lucia was a Los Angeles police officer. It is revealed that she has conflicts with her captain, who is also her mother, but that she doesn't ask for any special treatment and got along well with all of her fellow officers. Ana-Lucia becomes pregnant, presumably by her boyfriend, Danny. While investigating the scene of a burglary, she encountered a man named Jason who told her that he was a student and not the burglar. As he reached for his ID to prove it, he instead pulled out a gun and shot Ana-Lucia four times. Thanks to her bullet-proof vest, she lives, but she lost her baby.

Ana-Lucia spends the next several months recovering and in therapy. During this time, Danny leaves her.

On her return to the force she becomes noticeably harsh with a man at a domestic disturbance, indicating that her recovery isn't complete. At the station, Jason is brought in, since his fingerprints match those at the burglary. Ana-Lucia maintains that he isn't the man who shot her, even though he has confessed to the crime. After Jason is released, Ana-Lucia finds him at a bar. When he leaves, she follows him outside. After getting his attention, she reveals to him that she was pregnant when he shot her, after which she shoots him six times: three shots at range, three point blank, killing him.

Jason's body is found the next day and brought to the city morgue, where he is recognized as the man recently released from custody. Ana-Lucia's mom knows that her daughter killed him and confronts her about it, but instead of hiring a lawyer, Ana-Lucia quits the force. She eventually gets a new job as an airport security guard. After finishing one of her shifts she has a drink at the airport bar where she meets Jack Shephard's father, Christian Shephard. He invites her to come to Sydney with him suggesting "fate" may have brought them together. He tells her that he needs a bodyguard while he is down in Sydney. They purposefully exchange fake names. She chooses "Tom" for him and he chooses "Sarah" for her.

While in Sydney, the both of them go drinking for four straight days. Christian finally asks for her bodyguard services in the middle of the night. Ana-Lucia drives him to a house in the suburbs of the city, where Christian angrily argues with a woman about his right to see his daughter. Ana-Lucia breaks the argument up. She later tells Christian that they should both leave Sydney and go back to their lives, but he says that he can never go back. The two part ways, and Ana-Lucia decides to head back to Los Angeles.

Prior to boarding Flight 815, Ana-Lucia meets and flirts with Jack at a bar at Sydney airport in the episode "Exodus: Part 1". The pair arranges to get together during the flight, with Ana-Lucia revealing that she is seated in the back of the plane, seat 42F (42 is one of the sequence of numbers in Lost). She also calls her mom from the airport and apologizes for quitting and running away, admiting that she was scared of her mother because she knew she killed Jason.

On the Island

After the tail section of the plane crashes in "The Other 48 Days", Ana unofficially becomes the leader of the survivors. The group does not fare as well as the group on the other side of the island due to a lack of people and supplies (in the form of luggage, to which the "tailies" did not have access, since the tail section crashed into the ocean). Also, without a doctor who is better able to help with the crash survivors' injuries, many of the injured tail-section survivors die within a week of the crash.

On the first day they are stranded, Ana takes a liking to two children. She promises them that she will reunite them with their parents, and becomes relatively friendly with Goodwin, an assumed fellow survivor who claims past service in the Peace Corps.

The first night, the Others attack the camp, taking the three strongest members of their group. They attempt to take Eko, but he manages to kill two of them and escape. Two weeks later the Others attack the camp again and abduct nine of the survivors, including the two children. After killing one of the Others, Ana discovers a piece of paper with the names of all the kidnapped, along with their descriptions.

After the abduction, the Tailies decide to take refuge in the jungle. During the course of the trek, Ana becomes highly suspicious of Nathan, noting that she had not seen him on the plane, and wondering about his long absences from camp. By the time they set up a new camp in the jungle, complete with a pit they dug as a jail cell, Ana accuses Nathan of being in league with those who abducted the other survivors (the Others), and places him into the pit. The other survivors express doubt about this course of action, but do nothing to oppose Ana. One night, when the others are sleeping, Goodwin frees Nathan, but before Nathan can flee, Goodwin breaks his neck, killing him, revealing himself to be in league with the Others.

Goodwin is able to abscond with Nathan's body, giving the impression that he has escaped and fled. However, Goodwin's cover is blown when Ana confronts him with the fact that he had emerged from the jungle just 10 minutes after the plane crash, but with completely dry clothes. Goodwin tells Ana that the children are safe and that those who were on the list were kidnapped because they were "good people". Goodwin attacks Ana, who after a physical struggle, is able to impale him through the chest with a wooden stake, killing him. Whether as a result of her actions that indirectly led to Nathan's death, or having had to kill Goodwin, Ana sobs with grief. Eko, speaking for the first time since the night he was nearly abducted, tells her everything will be all right. She asks him why it took him forty days to speak; he asks her why it took her forty days to cry.

Subsequently, the survivors encounter Sawyer, Michael, and Jin, after they have unsuccessfully attempted to escape the island via a raft, which the Others have destroyed, and have also shot Sawyer in the shoulder. At first the two groups take each other to be the Others, and after the Tailies place the three rafters in the pit, Ana (whom they have not yet met), is also placed in the pit posing as another captive, in order to learn more about the three men. After taking Sawyer's gun away from him, Ana reveals her true allegiance, and leaves the pit.

Eventually, the Tailies, beginning to trust the three, decide to let them lead them to their camp on the other side of the island. During their journey, Sawyer falls unconscious as a result of his wound's infection, and the insistence on carrying him to camp leads to increased tension with Ana. By the time the group is within range of the camp, they hear the telltale whispers associated with the Others, and as Sawyer, Michael and Jin's campmate, Shannon emerge from the jungle after seeing images of Michael's son Walt, Ana shoots her in the abdomen, killing her. Shannon's lover, Sayid, happens on the scene immediately afterward, and (as continued in the episode Collision), Sayid quickly pulls his gun on Ana. Mr. Eko stops him and, after a scuffle, Sayid is knocked unconscious. Ana-Lucia, believing Sayid will not stop until he has revenge on her for Shannon's death, has him tied to a tree, and Ana's fellow Tailies, Eko, Bernard and Libby, increasingly find their loyalty to Ana tested as a result. Ultimately, Eko decides to carry the ailing Sawyer to his camp, and Michael, Jin, Libby and Bernard eventually decide to follow, leaving the restrained Sayid alone with Ana. The two slowly begin to bare their souls to one another. Sayid realizes Ana does not have a plan, but merely her guilt, and reveals to her his own past misdeeds, including his torture of fellow Iraqis during his time in the Republican Guard. By the end of the episode, she unties him and tells him to kill her. He tells her that it wouldn't do her any good, as they are both already dead inside.

She does not attend Shannon's funeral, though Eko explains to her that most of the survivors understand that the girl's death was an accident. Jack tries to reconnect with Ana-Lucia, and the two share a bottle of tequila on the beach. In the days following, however, Ana-Lucia continues to live separately from the other survivors (one exception being the dog Vincent, who she takes care of due to his previous owners, Michael, Walt and Shannon, being absent), until Jack, in "The Hunting Party", asks her to help build an army to fight the Others.

Later, Locke tells Ana-Lucia about Henry Gale, a man captured by Danielle Rousseau, whom they believe to be one of the Others, and whom they've imprisoned in the hatch's armory. Locke asks her to interrogate him. Ana-Lucia is surprisingly sympathetic to Henry and tells him that she wants to believe that he is not an Other, since she feels guilty about mistaking Nathan for one. She asks Henry to draw her a map to his crashed balloon, where he also claims is the grave of his wife, who died. Ana-Lucia hopes that finding the balloon will prove he is not an Other. Sayid and Charlie join her on the trek. While looking for Henry's balloon, Ana-Lucia says that she is sorry for Shannon's death, but Sayid holds no ill will towards her, blaming the Others instead. They eventually find the balloon and the grave, but discover that there is a black man in the grave, with identification that indicates that he is named Henry Gale, and that the man calling himself Henry Gale is indeed one of the Others.

In "Two For the Road", Henry attacks Ana, nearly strangling her to death, and she is only saved by the intervention of John Locke. Ana-Lucia tries to acquire a gun, first by telling Sawyer, who has hoarded them in a secret location, to give one to her. When he refuses, she later follows him, hoping to discover his hidden cache. When he detects her presence, she reveals herself to him. After a brief physical struggle, Ana kisses him passionately and seduces him. Afterwards, she manages to steal his gun because she wants to kill Henry Gale. When Ana-Lucia corners Henry with the gun, he says that Goodwin did not believe she was a bad person; just misunderstood.When Goodwin attacked Ana-Lucia, he apparently was not intending to kill her.

Ana-Lucia cannot go through with killing Henry. She confesses this to Michael Dawson, who had recently returned from an unsuccessful quest to find his son, Walt, who had been kidnapped by the Others. Michael offers to kill Henry for her, asking for the gun and the combination to the armory, both of which Ana-Lucia gives him. Michael suddenly tells her that he is sorry, and then shoots her in the chest, killing her.