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Universal Life Church

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Universal Life Church
LeaderAndre Hensley
FounderKirby J. Hensley
OriginMay 2, 1962
Modesto, California

The Universal Life Church (ULC) is a joke.


Founded under the name "Life Church" in 1959 by the Reverend Kirby J. Hensley. He operated the church out of his garage.[2] Disappointed with the Pentecostal church, Hensley decided to venture on his own to find his religion. After five years of studying various religions, according to his own statements, Hensley concluded that the proper religion may differ for each person, and everyone is entitled to choose his or her own religion. No one should be criticized or condemned for wanting to practice the belief of his or her choice. Hensley incorporated in California on May 2, 1962 as Universal Life Church with Co-Founder and (then) Vice President Lewis Ashmore.[2] Hensley served as the minister of the congregation and President of the Board of Directors until his death in 1999.

1960s and 1970s USA

During the 1960s and 1970s many people in the USA became ministers in the ULC because they believed that being a minister either would help keep them from being drafted into military service during the Vietnam War or would enable them to get income tax relief as members of the clergy.[2] Both of these beliefs have always been false, as merely being ordained does not exempt a person from compulsory military service, and ministers as individuals receive no tax benefit; only churches themselves are tax exempt. Ministers do have the option of applying for exemption from Social Security taxes; however, this may limit eligibility for Social Security benefits. Also, this exemption applies only to ministers whose income comes from religious services and applies only to such income.

The Universal Life Church was referenced by Abbie Hoffman in his 1970 book Steal This Book, which encouraged readers to request an ordination from the ULC, receive notification of the ordination, and then cut out and laminate a card indicating the new minister's ordination. He regarded the ULC as "unquestionably one of the best deals going", but also made the mistake of assuming that a ULC ordination would entitle ordained persons to discounts and tax exemptions.


Hensley would continue to lead the Universal Life Church until his death on March 19, 1999. His widow Lida was subsequently elected President of the Church. She served as President until her death on December 31, 2006.[3] On January 14, 2007, the ULC's board of directors elected the Hensleys' son Andre Hensley as President. He had previously been the office manager of the Headquarters, running the day-to-day business of the Church.[4]

The Church was profiled by The Modesto Bee in an article, "Universal Life Church Still Churning Out Ministers", by Lisa Millegan. This article, which profiles the Church during its transition following the death of its founder, was later republished by Beliefnet, a website owned by News Corp.[5]

Ordination and ULC clergy

As of early 2009, ULC was sending out between 8,500 and 10,000 ordination certificates each month. Between 1962 and 2008, it sent out almost 18 million, worldwide.[6]

The ULC Headquarters holds weekly church services in a historic church building in Modesto. ULC ministers are authorized by the church to officiate weddings and funerals, perform baptisms or verbal baby naming ceremonies, hold services (also called meetings), and other sacraments and rites regularly performed by ordained members of clergy and part of the particular belief system the minister represents. All ministers in the ULC are also authorized and encouraged to ordain others as ministers in the church. The ordaining minister informs the home church of the ordination, and the new minister's information is added to the official church records.[citation needed]


Dedicated ULC members state that they truly believe in freedom of religion. In other words, they want every member to be able to pursue their own beliefs without interference from the government, church or other religious agencies, or any other outside agency. Their one creed (or doctrine) is

Do only that which is right.

Any person may associate themselves with the Church and, if they feel it is appropriate, request ordination as a minister. The Universal Life Church does not issue ministerial certificates to individuals who are currently incarcerated. Any person may be ordained as a minister as discussed above.[7]

Ministers are allowed to follow their own belief system path. For example, ministers of the Church may follow a traditional Christian belief system, they may follow other world religions, they may blend various faith traditions, or they may be agnostic or atheist. The latter may serve as humanist ministers or non-religious officiants; Humanist ministers or officiants may also be registered by the Humanist Society, a non-related group.[8]

The Universal Life Seminary is one of the many charter churches operated by individual ministers of the ULC; The Universal Life Seminary is affiliated to the ULC because the minister that operates it is a minister in good standing with the ULC. The Universal Life Seminary, however, does have some theological beliefs that differ from the ULC Headquarters. For example, the seminary offers a number of courses from a spiritual perspective, as well as some from various religious perspectives, but still very specifically welcomes and promotes people of all beliefs.[9] The seminary does not claim, however, to speak for the Universal Life Church as a whole, but offers one of many paths to interested individuals.

Other charter churches, or ministries, that operate include an Order of Jedi, inspired in part by the philosophy of the Star Wars motion pictures.

The Church is similar in some respects to the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), although the two were never affiliated. The ULC is sometimes said to be a liberal church with many conservative members. This aspect attracts some individuals to the ULC who are uncomfortable with the liberal activism and social views held by the UUA. Church meetings typically allow all present to speak, a practice similar to the Religious Society of Friends, or Quakers, although these two groups were also never affiliated.

Since its inception, the Universal Life Church has come into legal conflicts over such issues as the validity of ordinations and the tax-exempt status of the organization. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has ruled that the Church was tax-exempt some years, and not tax-exempt other years, based on the annual filing statement required of non-profit organizations.

Authority to solemnize marriage

A large number of people seeking ULC Ordination do so in order to be able to legally officiate at weddings or perform other spiritual rites. This aspect of the ULC has provided relief to interfaith couples or same-sex couples experiencing difficulty in getting their union performed in a religious atmosphere. Some people living in remote areas also use their status as ordained ULC ministers to meet the marriage officiant needs of their communities. However, except in Mississippi, where marriages performed by ULC ministers have been recognized as valid, the solemnization of a marriage by a minister of the Universal Life Church (who is not otherwise authorized) may result in the validity of the marriage to be questioned.

In the United States, the requirements for entering into marriage are determined by state law. Courts in New York, North Carolina, and Virginia have ruled that, under applicable state law, ULC ministers are not authorized to solemnize marriages and a marriage at which a ULC minister officiated therefore is not valid.[10] North Carolina law subsequently was amended to validate marriages performed by ministers of the Universal Life Church prior to July 3, 1981.[11] A more recent New York court ruling, from a different appellate court, ruled that it is a factual question whether the ULC is a "church" whose ministers have authority under New York law to solemnize a marriage, and it remanded the case to the trial court for further proceedings.[12] The Supreme Court of Mississippi has ruled that Mississippi has a less restrictive statute and recognizes ULC ministers as able to perform valid marriages in that state.[13] Lower courts in Pennsylvania have split on the issue.[14]

Several major countries are also quite restrictive. In Canada, ULC ministers are currently not authorized to solemnize marriage in any province or territory. In many other countries, ULC ministers have no authority to solemnize lawful marriage. Some ministers avoid this complication by meeting requirements to solemnize a civil ceremony, which might include being registered as a notary public or a justice of the peace.

In many countries, including much of continental Europe,[specify] Turkey, Japan and the countries of the former Soviet Union, only marriages performed by the state in a civil ceremony are recognised legally. It is customary for couples who wish a religious—or any other—ceremony to hold one separately from the civil wedding.

See also


  1. ^ Demographics from Adherents.com
  2. ^ a b c Ashmore, Lewis (1977), The Modesto messiah: The famous mail-order minister, Universal Press, ISBN 0-918950-01-5
  3. ^ http://www.ulchq.com/founder.htm
  4. ^ http://www.ulchq.com/
  5. ^ Universal Life Church Still Churning Out Ministers
  6. ^ Sue Nowicki (March 7, 2009). "Universal Life Goes On; Andre Hensley brings own beliefs to late father's church". Modesto Bee.
  7. ^ http://www.ulc.net/
  8. ^ "Humanist Society Web Site".
  9. ^ "Statement of Beliefs Site".
  10. ^ Ranieri v. Ranieri, 539 N.Y.S.2d 382 (N.Y. App. Div. 1989); State v. Lynch, 272 S.E.2d 349 (N.C. 1980); Cramer v. Commonwealth, 202 S.E.2d 911 (Va. 1974).
  11. ^ Chapter 51, N.C. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 51-1.1 (2007).
  12. ^ Oswald v. Oswald, 2013 N.Y. Slip Op. 02811 (N.Y. App. Div. 2013).
  13. ^ In re Blackwell, 531 So. 2d 1193 (Miss. 1988).
  14. ^ Robert E. Rains, Marriage in the Time of Internet Ministers: I Now Pronounce You Married, But Who Am I To Do So?, 64 U. Miami L. Rev. 809, 830 - 34 (2010).