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1699 OR EBX, PE_ 1700 1701 , RAM_START - size (STARTUP-DATA) 1702 MOV EAX, RAM_START 1703 ADD EAX, OFFSET (end_data) 1704 MOV EBX, RAM_START 1705 MOV ECX, CS_BASE 1706 ADD ECX, OFFSET (GDT_EPROM) 1707 1708 1709 1710 MOV APP_GDT_ram [EBX].table_lim, CX 1711 INC ECX 1712 MOVEDX, EAX 1713 MOV APP_GDT_ram[EBX].table_linear , EAX 1714 ADD EAX,ECX 1715 REP MOVS BYTE PTRES: [EDI],BYTE PTR DS :[ESI] 1716 1717 1717 1719 1720

1699 OR EBX, PE_ 1700 1701 , RAM_START - size (STARTUP-DATA) 1702 MOV EAX, RAM_START 1703 ADD EAX, OFFSET (end_data) 1704 MOV EBX, RAM_START 1705 MOV ECX, CS_BASE 1706 ADD ECX, OFFSET (GDT_EPROM) 1707 1708 1709 1710 MOV APP_GDT_ram [EBX].table_lim, CX 1711 INC ECX 1712 MOVEDX, EAX 1713 MOV APP_GDT_ram[EBX].table_linear , EAX 1714 ADD EAX,ECX 1715 REP MOVS BYTE PTRES: [EDI],BYTE PTR DS :[ESI] 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720

=Enc Prot SHA


// numbits may range from384 to 4096. TYPICAL VALUES ARE // 1024 OR 2048. (must be a multiple of 64 // A GOOD CHOICE FOR THE EXPONENT IS 65537. CHILKAT RECOMMENDS // ALWAYS USING THIS VALUE.

                          // NUMBITS = 2048; 
                          // EXPONENT = 65537;
                          // SUCCESS = CxSshKey; GeneratesRsaKey (key, numbits, exponent); 
                          // IF (SUCCESS ! = TRUE)
                                                                                        { PRINTP ("BAD params passed to RSA key generates method D"); RETURN;}
                          // NOTE: Generating a public/private key pair is CPU intensive
                          // and may take a short amount of time ' (more than a few seconds but less than a minute)


M= 6.6 x 10^ - 26 kg p = h/(397nm) = 1.7 x 10^ -27 kgm/s <n> = (gamma/v_2)^2 = 0.01 Raman 1 = w_0-w_z transition|down n=0>---|up, n=1> Raman 2=transition|up, n=1>---|down, n=1> simultaneous 2π pulse transition|up, n=0>---|down, n=0>.


beta peg,23h04'+24deg 05' NGC6383, M6: 17h40', -32deg12'

Recoil Frequencies

Recoil frequency = 120 kiloherz. Therefore use 100 micro second pulses. Optically push population to n=0 given that the laser is calibrated with a vibrational Quantum number n to n-1 for excited transitions. External magnetic field is approximately 100 Gauss (0.01 tesla). Rabi frequency is Ri R2/Delta when Rabi frequencies for S-P transitions are driven by each laser.