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1980 Summer Olympics Parade of Nations

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During the Parade of Nations portion of the 1980 Summer Olympics opening ceremony, athletes from each country participating in the Olympics paraded in the arena, preceded by their flag. The flag was borne by a sportsperson from that country chosen either by the National Olympic Committee or by the athletes themselves to represent their country.

Notable flag bearers included triple jumper and Olympic bronze medalist João Carlos de Oliveira (Brazil), heavyweight boxer and two-time Olympic gold medalist Teofilo Stevenson (Cuba), sprinter and defending Olympic champion Hasely Crawford (Trinidad and Tobago), hurdler and former Olympic champion John Akii-Bua (Uganda), and middle-distance runner Miruts Yifter (Ethiopia).

In partial support to the United States boycott, sixteen countries marched into the Olympic stadium under the Olympic flag. Seven of them, however, did not attend the opening ceremonies, but their flags were instead carried by Moscow Olympic Committee volunteers. Two other countries (Great Britain and Ireland) paraded into the Stadium only by their officials, while four of them participated at the Games under the Olympic flag by their athletes. New Zealand, Portugal, and Spain, on the other hand, participated at the Games under their NOC flags.

Order Nation Cyrillic Transliteration Flag bearer Sport
1  Greece (GRE) Греция Gretsiya Ilias Hatzipavlis Sailing
2  Australia (AUS) Австралия Avstraliya Denise Boyd
Max Metzker
3  Austria (AUT) Австрия Avstriya Karl Ferstl Sailing
4  Algeria (ALG) Алжир Alzhir
5  Angola (ANG) Ангола Angola Fernando Lopes Swimming
6  Andorra (AND) Ок Андорра Andorra Joan Tomàs Roca Shooting
7  Afghanistan (AFG) Афганистан Afghanistan
8  Belgium (BEL) КОИБ Beľgiya Moscow 1980 – Volunteer
9  Benin (BEN) Бенин Benin Étienne Loco Gbodolle Boxing
10  Burma (BIR) Бирма Birma
11  Bulgaria (BUL) Болгария Bolgariya Aleksandar Tomov Wrestling
12  Botswana (BOT) Ботсвана Botsvana
13  Brazil (BRA) Бразилия Brazilia João Carlos de Oliveira Athletics
14  Great Britain (GBR) Великобритания Velikobritaniya Dick Palmer Official
15  Hungary (HUN) Венгрия Vengriya István Szívós, Jr. Water polo
16  Venezuela (VEN) Венесуэла Venesuėla Antonio Esparragoza Boxing
17  Vietnam (VIE) Вьетнам Vyetnam Phan Huy Khảng Shooting
18  Guyana (GUY) Гайана Gaïana James Gilkes Athletics
19  Guatemala (GUA) Гватемала Gvatemala Carlos Silva Shooting
20  Guinea (GUI) Гвинея Gvinea Mamadou Diallo Judo
21  East Germany (GDR) ГДР GDR[n 1] Kristina Richter Handball
22  Denmark (DEN) Дания Daniya Jørgen Lindhardsen Sailing
23  Dominican Republic (DOM) Доминиканская Республика Dominikanskaya Respublika Marisela Peralta Athletics
24  Zambia (ZAM) Замбия Zambiya Damiano Musonda Athletics
25  Zimbabwe (ZIM) Зимбабве Zimbabve Abel Nkhoma Athletics
26  India (IND) Индия Indiya Randhir Singh Shooting
27  Jordan (JOR) Иордания Iordaniya
28  Iraq (IRQ) Ирак Irak Abdul Jabbar Rahima Athletics
29  Ireland (IRL) Ирландия Irlandiya Ken Ryan Official
30  Iceland (ISL) Исландия Islandiya Birgir Borgþórsson Weightlifting
31  Spain (ESP) Испания Ispaniya Herminio Menéndez Canoeing
32  Italy (ITA) Италия Italiya Moscow 1980 – Volunteer
33  Cameroon (CMR) Камерун Kamerun Nicolas Owona Cycling
34  Cyprus (CYP) Кипр Kipr Kostas Papakostas Judo
35  Colombia (COL) Колумбия Kolombiya Enrique Peña Athletics
36  Republic of the Congo (CGO) Народная республика Конго Narodnaya Respublika Kongo Solange Koulinka Handball
37  North Korea (PRK) КНДР KNDR[n 2]
38  Costa Rica (CRC) Коста-Рика Kosta-Rika María París Swimming
39  Cuba (CUB) Куба Kuba Teófilo Stevenson Boxing
40  Kuwait (KUW) Кувейт Kuveït
41  Laos (LAO) Лаос Laos Panh Khemanith Athletics
42  Lesotho (LES) Лесото Lesoto
43  Liberia (LBR) Либерия Liberiya
44  Lebanon (LIB) Ливан Livan
45  Libya (LBA) Джамахирии Араб Ливий Dzhamakhirii Arab Livii Nuri Kaheil Cycling
46  Luxembourg (LUX) Люксембург Lyuksemburg Moscow 1980 – Volunteer
47  Madagascar (MAD) Мадагаскар Madagaskar Sylvain Rajefiarison Boxing
48  Mali (MLI) Мали Mali Namakoro Niaré Athletics
49  Malta (MLT) Мальта Maľta Frans Chetcuti Shooting
50  Mexico (MEX) Мексика Meksika Carlos Girón Diving
51  Mozambique (MOZ) Мозамбик Mozambik Raimundo Franisse Swimming
52  Mongolia (MGL) Монголия Mongoliya Zevegiin Düvchin Wrestling
53  Nepal (NEP) Непал Nepal
54  Nigeria (NGR) Нигерия Nigeriya
55  Netherlands (NED) Нидерланды Niderlandy Moscow 1980 – Volunteer
56  Nicaragua (NCA) Никарагуа Nikaragua Xiomara Larios Athletics
57  New Zealand (NZL) Новая Зеландия Novaya Zelandiya Brian Newth Modern pentathlon
58  Peru (PER) Перу Peru Walter Perón Shooting
59  Poland (POL) Польша Poľsha Czesław Kwieciński Wrestling
60  Portugal (POR) Португалия Portugaliya Esbela da Fonseca Gymnastics
61  Puerto Rico (PUR) Пуэрто-Рико Puėrto-Riko Alberto Mercado Boxing
62  Romania (ROM) Румыния Rumyniya Vasile Andrei Wrestling
63  San Marino (SMR) Сан-Марино San-Marino Moscow 1980 – Volunteer
64  Seychelles (SEY) Сейшелы Seïshely
65  Senegal (SEN) Сенегал Senegal
66  Syria (SYR) Сирия Siriya
67  Sierra Leone (SLE) Сьерра-Леоне Syerra-Leone
68  Tanzania (TAN) Танзания Tanzaniya
69  Trinidad and Tobago (TRI) Тринидад и Тобаго Trinidad i Tobago Hasely Crawford Athletics
70  Uganda (UGA) Уганда Uganda John Akii-Bua Athletics
71  Finland (FIN) Финляндия Finlyandiya Peter Tallberg Sailing
72  France (FRA) Франция Frantsiya Moscow 1980 – Volunteer
73  Czechoslovakia (TCH) Чехословакия Chekhoslovakiya Vítězslav Mácha Wrestling
74  Switzerland (SUI) Швейцария Shveïtsariya Moscow 1980 – Volunteer
75  Sweden (SWE) Швеция Shvetsiya Stig Pettersson Athletics
76  Sri Lanka (SRI) Шри-Ланка Shri-Lanka
77  Ecuador (ECU) Эквадор Ėkvador Nancy Vallecilla Athletics
78  Ethiopia (ETH) Эфиопия Ėfiopiya Miruts Yifter Athletics
79  Yugoslavia (YUG) Югославия Yugoslaviya Matija Ljubek Canoeing
80  Jamaica (JAM) Ямайка Yamaĩka
81  Soviet Union (URS) СССР SSSR[n 3] Nikolay Balboshin Wrestling
  1. ^ GDR – Germanskaya Demokraticheskaya Respublika
  2. ^ KNDR – Koreiskii Narodnaya Demokraticheskii Respublika
  3. ^ SSSR – Soyuz Sovetskii Sotsialisticheskii Respublikii

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