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This is the current revision of this page, as edited by Omnislag (talk | contribs) at 04:44, 9 June 2016 (→‎Excepts of books in Omnislag). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this version.

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Omnislag is a constructed language with various uses of its own words, such as maníçca, slag, na, me, etc. "Omnislag" translates to English as "Every language," mainly because it's derived from every modern language, and, or, language root (E.g. Proto-Indo-European; Sanskrit).


  1. A(á)
  2. B(siba)
  3. C(kena)
  4. Ç(shesa)
  5. D(dje)
  6. E(é)
  7. F(éf)
  8. G(dgé)
  9. H(asha)
  10. I(i [as in "English")
  11. J(yan)
  12. K(ká)
  13. L(ėl)
  14. M(ėm)
  15. N(ėn)
  16. O(ó)
  17. P(pï)
  18. Q(quê)
  19. R(éhê)
  20. S(es)
  21. T(tí)
  22. Ț(thé ["th" as in "the")
  23. U(ú)
  24. V(vé)
  25. W(bivé)
  26. X(íx)
  27. Y(y as in Swedish)
  28. Z(zéna)
  29. Ž(žeza)
Special Characters & Character Combinations
  • "Á/á" - pronounced as the Spanish "á"
  • "Ã/ã" - pronounced as the Portuguese "ã"
  • "Å/å" - pronounced as in Swedish, "oh-a"
  • "Ä/ä" - pronounced as in Swedish
  • "Ç/ç" - pronounced "sh," like the Slovenian character "š"
  • "Ê/ê" - pronounced as the "short e" in English
  • "É/é" - pronounced as an accented "ê"
  • "È/è" - pronounced as "é," but spoken with a wider mouth; it should sound more or less like "ei," with a soft 'i'
  • "Ï/ï" - pronounced as the Spanish "i"
  • "Í/í" - pronounced as the Spanish "í"<
  • "Ó/ó" - pronounced as an accented "o" (as in Spanish)
  • "Ö/ö" - pronounced as in Swedish, "uh"
  • "R/r" - may be pronounced as in English, Spanish, French, unless at the beginning of a word, or in the 'rr' pairing, then it is pronounced as an English "h"
  • "Ț/ț" - pronounced "th," as in the English word "the"
  • "Ü/ü" - pronounced as the English word "you"
  • "Ž/ž" - pronounced as the Slovenian character "ž"; "zh"

  • "-ge"/"-gi" ("dge/dgi") - found only at the end, or beginning, of words
  • "-gh-" - always makes the hard "g" sound
  • "-de"/"-di" ("dje/dji"/"dê/di") - pronounced "dje/dji" when at the end of the word and can be pronounced "dê/di" or be pronounced "dje/dji" if one would like
  • "-je-" - pronounced as in French and Portuguese; soft 'j'
  • "-te-"/"-ti-" - pronounced "ch/chuh"/"chi"
  • "-tt-" - Hard "t" no matter what
  • "-nn-" - "n" sound no matter what
  • "-rr-" - "h" sound as in English
  • "-nj-" - "ñ"
  • "-lj-" - "lh"/"gli"
  • "-ou-" - "oo"
  • "-au-" - "oh" (as in English)
  • "-ie-" - "ee-eh"


  • Jo- I
  • Du- You
  • Hy- He
  • Çy- She
  • It- It
  • Wy- We
  • Du-al- You (pl.)
  • Dey- They


  • Mej- Me
  • Du- You
  • Him- Him
  • Hör- Her
  • It- It
  • Ös- Us
  • Dem- Them
  • Al-du- You (pl.)


  • My- My
  • Dur- Your
  • His- His
  • Hör- Her
  • Sué- Its
  • År- Our
  • Al-dur- Your (pl.)
  • Deir- Their


  • Mejsó- Myself
  • Dusó- Yourself
  • Himsó- Himself
  • Hörsó- Herself
  • Suéso- Itself
  • Ös-al- Ourselves
  • Du-al- Yourselves
  • Dem-al- Themselves
  1. A- to (When speaking of "in relation to"; "To me she is a sister" = "A mej çy ar en irmá")
  2. Å- a small land mass commonly mistaken for an island
  3. Abacis- abacus
  4. Abaiço- underneath; below
  5. Abek- with
  6. Aben- to bring
  7. Ac- (to) act
  8. Aç- to believe; to think (believe)
  9. Aer- air
  10. Aeroprift- ariplane (aer + per + lift)
  11. Afenek- rabbit
  12. Afinik- rabbit
  13. Ag- and
  14. Aia [neg. Jahaia]- have (+ verb)
  15. Aicé [Ai-ké]- also; too
  16. Aja- past tense of "Ar"
  17. Ajut- (to) help
  18. Äje- age
  19. Al- all
  20. Alcol- alcohol
  21. Alera- happy
  22. Aleradan- happiness
  23. Algerhöm- Algerian
  24. Algho- something
  25. Alienät- to alienate
  26. Alieu- another place
  27. Altêja- high; stoned
  28. Aly- ally; alike; similar
  29. Amarelo- yellow
  30. Ambos- both
  31. Amor- to love; love
  32. Ancorã- still
  33. Ante- before
  34. Antitox- liver
  35. Após- then (only when describing a cause and effect scenario)
  36. Áqua- water
  37. Ar- to be
  38. Arbo- tree
  39. Arbok- tree bark
  40. Arbor- tree trimmer/cutter
  41. Arb-arm- tree branch
  42. Arc- to curve; turn
  43. Areola- nipple
  44. Arm- arm
  45. Artêry- artery
  46. Artery- archery
  47. Asist- (to) assist
  48. Asïst- (to) watch
  49. Ass- ass
  50. Ataca- (to) attack
  51. Atre- other
  52. Att- to (when speaking of 'verb' + 'object' to 'noun')
  53. Attenção- attention
  54. Atterra- to land
  55. Attor- now
  56. Attraz- backward
  57. Attsecon- right now
  58. Atualïz- actualize; realize; to take in
  59. Avant- first; to advance
  60. Avo- lawyer
  61. Avogador- lawyer of the state
  62. Avu- forfather
  63. Aqy- here
  64. Baiç- to lower
  65. Baiço- down
  66. Baiçu- abdomen
  67. Bar- bar
  68. Barja- drunk
  69. Bastante- enough
  70. Bastarde- bastard
  71. Bäs- base; tree trunk; floor
  72. Bel- war; fear; captivity; inhumanity; slavery; conquering; (to) conquer; to strike fear
  73. Belero- fog
  74. Belor- warrior; smoke/fog machine
  75. Belge- Belgian
  76. Berj- mound/ mount
  77. Bes- to kiss
  78. Biç- to complain
  79. Biote- biota
  80. Bïça- bitch
  81. Blok- block; defend; guard
  82. Blu- blue
  83. Bols- bag
  84. Bomba- bomb
  85. Botl- bottle
  86. Borg- collective
  87. Bork- dog bark
  88. Bók- mouth
  89. Bök- notebook
  90. Börp- burp
  91. Bös- bus
  92. Bör- (to) bore
  93. Börja- bored
  94. Bre- good
  95. Brena- bad
  96. Brilant- brilliant
  97. Brïnjo- to kid; to joke
  98. Bröo- eyebrow
  99. Cabesa- head
  100. Caçorru- dog
  101. Cai- to fall
  102. Cafí- coffee
  103. Cafí de mattina- breakfast
  104. Cafí de naçïment- breakfast
  105. Cafun- to caress; to run your fingers gently through someone's hair; to pet animals
  106. Caje- cage
  107. Cala- to shut
  108. Calculo- calculator
  109. Cali- to heat
  110. Camís- shirt
  111. Can- to have the ability to
  112. Cant- to sing
  113. Canta- song
  114. Car- Car
  115. Carnivál- carnival
  116. Carnïvál- world-wide celebration (I.e Carnival, Rio de Janeiro)
  117. Cart- map
  118. Caraljo- cock; dick
  119. Caral- to mess around
  120. Carteira- wallet
  121. Caus- cause
  122. Cațedral- cathedral
  123. Cațolic- Catholic
  124. Ceb- curb
  125. Cedurarž [ceb + durarž]- curb stomp
  126. Clitorïs- clitoris
  127. Clyrã [Cl-ei-duh]- to run ones' fingers through hair
  128. Cok- cock; rooster; wang; dick; male chicken
  129. Cok-blok- protective cup for men
  130. Col- to put; to place
  131. Colament- placement; sundown
  132. Colån- cologne
  133. Colór- color
  134. Colón- colon
  135. Colön- colon(body part)
  136. Com- how; like (simile); as (simile)
  137. Comerçál- commercial
  138. Comesa- beginning; start
  139. Comor- ready (complete + hor)
  140. Complete- complete
  141. Compütor- computer
  142. Compra- to buy
  143. Concurabl- agreeable
  144. Conquer- to conquer; (to) yearn; to desire greatly
  145. Cont- to count
  146. Contrå- control
  147. Contról- to control
  148. Copromis- (to) compromise
  149. Cor- heart
  150. Cord- cord
  151. Cordöroï- corduroy
  152. Cord spïnal- spinal cord
  153. Cordelei- courthouse (cort+de+lei)
  154. Cort- short; court
  155. Cortaž- shorts
  156. Corturslag- sentence
  157. Cover- blanket
  158. Covemao- glove
  159. Coviet- to cover
  160. Coviéta- blanket; cover
  161. Crä- a possibly deadly crack; a crack that ended up not being deadly
  162. Créa- a deadly crack
  163. Cren- to crack/pop bones
  164. Crena- crack
  165. Crená- to make a crack
  166. Criar- creator
  167. Cria- to create
  168. Criàja- child
  169. Criàjaslag- baby talk
  170. Crus- cross
  171. Cul- cool; awesome
  172. Cuçína- kitchen
  173. Cysk- doll
  174. Çaf- to explode
  175. Çafa- bomb
  176. Çandeljer- chandelier
  177. Çaràlej- the feeling of not being alone, even though you are
  178. Çarmly- charming
  179. Ças- ugly; worn; old (if said to people, then is translated to "extremely ugly/worn/old," in a bad/malicious way)
  180. Çavê- key
  181. Çär- chair
  182. Çei- full
  183. Çin- shin
  184. Çícara- cup
  185. Çís- across
  186. Çlai- to annoy immensely
  187. Çocolate- chocolate
  188. Çov- to shove; to stuff
  189. Curre- to run
  190. Çyna- China
  191. Çynês- Chinese
  192. Da- to give
  193. Dan- such; so
  194. De- of
  195. Dêdica- to dedicate
  196. Defende- to defend
  197. Defensa- defence
  198. Dêste- from; out of
  199. Deiç- to leave alone
  200. Deir; Țeir- their
  201. Dem; Țem- them
  202. Demasja- too; much
  203. Dem-al- them (pl.)
  204. Demidí- afternoon
  205. Dêmó- thank you
  206. Depós- after
  207. Desblocor- anything that clears a blockage
  208. Dêseje- to wish
  209. Des- wish
  210. Det; Țet- that
  211. Deus- God
  212. Deve- shall; owe; ought; must
  213. Dey- they
  214. Dénte- tooth
  215. Dí- day
  216. Dímon- diamond
  217. Dïfïsïl- difficult
  218. Dig- to dig
  219. Diplomsy- diplomacy
  220. Diplomar- diplomat
  221. Diret- right
  222. Direita- the right of way; legal
  223. Disaid- to decide
  224. Dispüt- to fight verbally
  225. Dol- doll
  226. Dónte- sick; sickness
  227. Dor- pain
  228. Dorm- to sleep
  229. Dorment- asleep; dormant
  230. Döm- dumb
  231. Draiv- to drive
  232. Dryk- to drink
  233. Du- you
  234. Du-al- you (pl.)
  235. Duç- shower
  236. Dupís- two step
  237. Dur- your
  238. Durarž [Duro + marž]- to stomp
  239. Duro- hard; harsh
  240. E- a
  241. En- "an"
  242. Enatro- another
  243. Encont- to encounter; to find
  244. Efét- effect
  245. Egál- equal
  246. Elope- to marry
  247. Elopja- wife; husband
  248. Emostra- (to) emote
  249. Endemo- endemic; indigenous
  250. Endêmo- endemic disease
  251. Enguerra- to engage
  252. Erja- used to be
  253. Escalät- to climb; to escalate; (to) rise
  254. Escür- dark; (to) shade; (to) obscure
  255. Escuja- darkened; shaded; obscured
  256. Esofagos- esophagus
  257. Espér- to wait
  258. Este- East
  259. Eténde- to understand; understanding
  260. Exampl- example
  261. Explod- to explode
  262. Éxí- to exit
  263. Ež- let's
  264. E litl- a bit
  265. E smål- a bit
  266. En ö- a bit; an island
  267. Fá- to speak
  268. Faç- (to) make; to do; (to) fashion
  269. Fal- to speak
  270. Fala- to speak; Speak!; speech; address (speech)
  271. Famo- loud; fame
  272. Fasïl- easy
  273. Fävorit- favorite
  274. Fáu- fake; false; wrong
  275. Fáuóbarjaslag- gibberish
  276. Fáupublik- a republic that is unknowingly slaves to its government
  277. Feç- to close
  278. Fenek- finical; finicky; choosey; a picky person
  279. Finik- finical; finicky; choosey; a picky person
  280. Finjir- finger
  281. Finjir-näl- fingernail
  282. Fïk- to stay
  283. Fïlm- (to) film
  284. Floresta- forest
  285. Fogo- (to) fire
  286. Fond- bottom; base
  287. Fondação- foundation
  288. For- foreward; future
  289. Fora- outside
  290. Forno- oven
  291. Fot- to fight physically
  292. Foto- photo; picture
  293. Fón- phone
  294. För- for; to (only when speaking of location; "Yo gå för țe park")
  295. Föx- fox
  296. Frango- chicken
  297. Främ- frame
  298. Frenç- Unnecessary, but necessary for the sake of being necessary
  299. Frente- front; forward
  300. Frïts- chips
  301. Fugo- (to) fire
  302. Füm- to smoke
  303. Fy- woman
  304. Fylyfy- girly girl; lesbian
  305. Gánge- weed
  306. Gane- income; gain
  307. Gana- to earn; to gain
  308. Gardin- garden
  309. Gas- gasoline
  310. Gat- cat
  311. Gau- gimcrack
  312. Gaudan- gaudy
  313. Gå- to go
  314. Gåtimo- gross person
  315. Gente- people
  316. Gentež- when speaking of a general audience
  317. Gióco- to play
  318. Giela- to freeze
  319. Gielo- cold
  320. Glás- glass
  321. Glob- globe
  322. Global- global
  323. Gorgus- gorgeous
  324. Governo- government
  325. Grande- big; grand
  326. Gret- great; grand
  327. Grus- gross
  328. Guerra- war; conflict
  329. Hab- to have
  330. Hamon- ham
  331. Häng- to hang
  332. Heir- hair
  333. Hem- men
  334. Heret- to inherit
  335. Heretan- hereditary
  336. Him- him
  337. Himsó- himself
  338. Hoj- today
  339. Hom- man
  340. Homosexçual- homosexual
  341. Hor- hour
  342. Hospital- hospital
  343. Hör- her
  344. Hörsó- herself
  345. Hund- dog; hound
  346. Hus- house
  347. Hüman- human
  348. Hy- he
  349. Ideia- idea
  350. Idyot- idiot
  351. In- in
  352. Inalienabl- unalienable
  353. Inamor- boyfriend; girlfriend; significant other
  354. Independent- independent
  355. Indigo- indigo
  356. Inglend- Enland
  357. Ingliç- English
  358. Ingliçhöm- Englishman
  359. Injção [I-nyuh-show]- ignition
  360. Injus- fire
  361. Ink- ink
  362. Inoväção- innovation
  363. Insêm- together
  364. Insïnêrä- to incinerate; to burn; to set something on fire
  365. Insïnêdor- lighter; igniter
  366. Insitut- (to) institute
  367. Insitução- institution
  368. Inteligent- intelligent
  369. Internet- internet
  370. Inquando- while; whilst
  371. Imáje- image
  372. Imbesil- imbecile
  373. Impäçent- impatient
  374. Importante- important
  375. Irmá- sister
  376. Irmó- brother
  377. Italhöm- Italian person
  378. Ï- right there (close to both people)
  379. Ïja- there is; there are
  380. Ïnquau- in which; while
  381. Ja- already
  382. Jacan- could
  383. Jacria- created; made
  384. Jaçei- enough
  385. Jadeve- should
  386. Jahab- had
  387. Jalus- jealous
  388. Jana- doom
  389. Janaja- doomed
  390. Japas- past; passed
  391. Japhöm- Japonese
  392. Jasoum- an annoying sound
  393. Jenta- dinner; to dine
  394. Jerhöm- German
  395. Jér- year
  396. Jurslag- writing; script
  397. La- there (far from both people
  398. Lai- to lay; (to) lay down
  399. Lamp- lamp
  400. Lasanja- lasagna
  401. Lat- aluminum can
  402. Lațo- side
  403. Lav- to wash
  404. Lavoro- to work (only at a high-paying job); high-paying work
  405. Läi- to lay down; to rest
  406. Låta- (to) rest; (to) quit
  407. Låtón- pillow
  408. Lei- law
  409. Leif- leaf
  410. Lembra- to remember
  411. Lembre- to call to mind
  412. Leng- tongue; language
  413. Lern- to learn
  414. Letêm- drinking straw
  415. Lev- to take (someone/something somewhere)
  416. Levante- to raise; raise
  417. Lez- lesbian
  418. Léje- far; far away
  419. Liberan- liberty
  420. Lift- to lift
  421. Liquid- liquid
  422. Litl- little
  423. Litlfy- girl; daughter
  424. Litlman- son
  425. Litlok- pebble
  426. Limp- to limp
  427. Lï- right there (close to the person you're speaking to)
  428. Lïmpa- to clean
  429. Lïter- liter; litre
  430. Loc- place
  431. Locos- wherever
  432. Loje- store; market
  433. Long- long
  434. Lubricant de pó (ludepó)- skin/body lotion
  435. Lus- light
  436. Luá- moon
  437. Ly- like; to like
  438. Lytro- lighter
  439. Lyvre- book
  440. Ma- but
  441. Maconja- weed
  442. Magi- most
  443. Magota- to skip (I.e skip rope)
  444. Mao- hand
  445. Man- boy; kid
  446. Maníçca- to regret; regret; utter regret
  447. Maníçcanaja- to come to terms with something
  448. Mannje- to eat
  449. Mantéin- to maintain
  450. Mar- sea
  451. Marvel- (to) marvel; to amaze; amazing
  452. Marž- to walk
  453. Matre- mother
  454. Mattina- morning
  455. Mácïna- machine
  456. Me- mom
  457. Medisin- medicine
  458. Meio- medium size; device
  459. Men- boys; kids
  460. Menoform- formless
  461. Mentir- to lie; lie
  462. Mentïro- liar
  463. Mer- more
  464. Merda- (to) shit
  465. Mês- month
  466. Midí- noon
  467. Minute- minute
  468. Mïsícs- a person you only need once; not derogatory
  469. Mont- to mount
  470. Montanja- mountain
  471. Mora- to inhabit; to dwel
  472. Morra- hill
  473. Morre- to kill
  474. Morte- death
  475. Mostra- to exhibit; to show
  476. Mov- to move
  477. Movå- (to) brush
  478. Mu- cow
  479. Mú- moo
  480. Müd- to change; to alter
  481. Muit- very
  482. Mund- world
  483. Mundial- world-wide
  484. Myk- much
  485. Mykï- muany
  486. Na- no
  487. Naçï- Christmas
  488. Naçïment- birth; East
  489. Narïs- nose
  490. Näl- nail
  491. Neça- to hang out
  492. Nek- neck
  493. Neghosïät- to negotiate
  494. Neghoçibl- negotiable
  495. Nerv- nerve
  496. Nervos- nervous
  497. Nihílï- nothing; void
  498. Nom- name
  499. Nor- North
  500. Not- note
  501. Note- night
  502. Nuvo- cloud
  503. Nu- nude
  504. Ober- over
  505. Ogír- to hear
  506. Oisou- bird
  507. Om- if
  508. Omni- every
  509. On- on
  510. Oncol- uncle
  511. Onda- wave
  512. Onde- where
  513. Opção- option
  514. Oránge- orange
  515. Organïz- (to) organize
  516. Ossu- bone
  517. Ossufar- ossify
  518. Ova- egg
  519. Oçen- ocean
  520. Ožo- eye
  521. Ož- to look
  522. Oöl- owl
  523. Ó- or
  524. Óeste- West
  525. Önn- one
  526. Önnásó- oneself
  527. Önnattro- one another (Önn + att + enatro)
  528. Ö- island
  529. Öp- up
  530. Öptorsu- chest; upper torso
  531. Pa- dad
  532. Paço- crazy
  533. Pais- country
  534. Pantalï- pants
  535. Panoç-maç- cunt-punch
  536. Papé- paper
  537. Par- (to) pair; (to) couple
  538. Pareç- to look like; to seem
  539. Part- (to) part
  540. Pas- to pass
  541. Pater- father
  542. Päçent- patient
  543. Pår- power
  544. Pé- foot
  545. Pecu- money
  546. Pecunaria- of, or relating to, money
  547. Pedal- to pedal
  548. Pelvik- pelvis
  549. Penne- penis
  550. Pennor- strap-on
  551. Pens- to think (about)
  552. Per- by
  553. Percaude- because
  554. Pergro- danger
  555. Pergros- dangerous
  556. Perna- leg
  557. Perseg- to pursue; pursuit
  558. Person- person
  559. Peso- weight
  560. Pís- to step
  561. Písor- floor; sidewalk
  562. Pïsína- swimming pool
  563. Pjir- toe
  564. Pjir-näl- toenail
  565. Polin- pollen
  566. Polïshöm- cop; policeman
  567. Porte- door
  568. Pó- skin
  569. Pôl- pole
  570. Prai- beach
  571. Praiánu- nude
  572. Prat- plate
  573. Presente- present
  574. Prést- to lend
  575. Prè- close
  576. Prèta- fence
  577. Prinsip- principle
  578. Profund- deep; profound; intellectually intriguing
  579. Prop- to own
  580. Proposição- proposition
  581. Propriedan- property
  582. Propriedor- proprietor; owner; business person
  583. Prov- (to) prove; (to) test; (to) quiz; proof
  584. Pulma- lung
  585. Pumo- ash
  586. Pumy- ashy
  587. Pyp- pipe; smoking pipe
  588. Quand- when
  589. Quarto- bedroom
  590. Quéje- cheese
  591. Quem- who
  592. Quente- hot
  593. Quer- to want
  594. Qúau- which
  595. Quauquer- which ever
  596. Radí- ready
  597. Rá- frog
  598. Real- real
  599. Realy- really
  600. Ré- king
  601. Reá- queen
  602. Recol- to replace
  603. Recorde- (to) record
  604. Reghúl- to regulate; to limit
  605. Regla- rule; regulation
  606. Regulação- regulation; rule; limit
  607. Reje- network; web; net
  608. Remote- remote
  609. Rés- beef
  610. Rést- rest; all; remaining
  611. Rok- rock
  612. Ropa- cloth(es)
  613. Rosto- face
  614. Ru- road
  615. Rurapide- freeway
  616. Rurapide local- highway
  617. RÜ (Redan Ünitja)- United Kingdom
  618. Sal- salt
  619. Sala- public room
  620. Salaja- living room
  621. Sala desper- lobby; waiting room
  622. Sann- truth
  623. Så- so
  624. Säj- to say
  625. Sclavedan- slavery
  626. Scola- school
  627. Scor- 20 years
  628. Scorna- shoe
  629. Scöl- skull
  630. Se(t)- this
  631. Secon- second
  632. Seghur- to secure
  633. Seghuran- security
  634. Sel- cell
  635. Sempla- to shape diverse elements or concepts into a unified whole
  636. Sempladan- esemplastic
  637. Sent- one hundred
  638. Senta- to sit
  639. Sentan- feeling; emotion
  640. Sente- (to) sense; to feel
  641. Sentiment- sentiment
  642. Ser- evening
  643. Setra- certain
  644. Servedan- servitude
  645. Servis- service
  646. Sex- sex; gender
  647. Semá- week
  648. Serïb- brain
  649. Sêmbra- to seem
  650. Sêm- same
  651. Sêp- (to) seperate
  652. Sigharet- cigarette
  653. Sim- (to) swim
  654. Sinister- sinister
  655. Sinístro- left
  656. Sink- kitchen sink
  657. Sivil- civil
  658. Sï- (to) see
  659. Sïde- to kill
  660. Sïn- without
  661. Sjel- sky
  662. Sjelus- skylight
  663. Slag- language
  664. Smål-ar- bush; shrub
  665. Smårgos- sandwich
  666. Småqua- pond; small body of water
  667. Sob- about; under
  668. Soçabl- sociable
  669. Sofógo- smoke that appears under, or inside, fire
  670. Sol- sun
  671. Soly- only; solely
  672. Sona- dream
  673. Sor- south
  674. Socams- undershirt
  675. Socnel- socket; shirt sleeve
  676. Socnelong- long sleeve; long sleeve shirt
  677. Sopantal- underwear
  678. Soropa- under garments
  679. Soscor- sock
  680. Sou- among
  681. Soum- sound
  682. Só- only; alone; self; sole
  683. Só-evidente- self-evident
  684. Sörs- source
  685. Spaniç- Spanish
  686. Späs- space
  687. Specio- mirror
  688. Spïna- spine
  689. Spríng- to jump
  690. Stomag- stomach
  691. Ston- stone
  692. Stûf- stovetop
  693. Su- above; up
  694. Susofago- throat
  695. Swis- Swiss
  696. Sympațic- sympathetic
  697. Syng- to sing
  698. Systm- system
  699. Tabl- table
  700. Tablajenta- dinner table
  701. Tabladecafí- coffee table; breakfast table
  702. Taip- to type
  703. Tak- to talk
  704. Tapete- carpet
  705. Tar- slow
  706. Tardí- late (slow day)
  707. Tåll- tall
  708. Te- to(infinitive form of verbs)
  709. Teçto- text
  710. Telefón- telephone
  711. Tempos- whenever
  712. Testïs- testicles
  713. Téin- to keep; to care for; to take care of something/somebody
  714. Tén- to hold
  715. Téné- to hold on (physically)
  716. Tér- to hold on to (emotionally)
  717. Têmta- to tempt; lust
  718. Tênte- to try; to attempt
  719. Têrrágeo [te-há-dge-eh-o] (Latin word 'terra' + Greek root 'geo'] - Earth
  720. Têrran- naitive; Earthling
  721. Têrrana- alien; immigrant; extraterrestrial
  722. Tigela- bowl
  723. Timid- timid; shy
  724. Tink- to think (opinion)
  725. Toalete- toilet
  726. Toalepapé- toilet paper
  727. Tom- to take (for yourself)
  728. Toma- take
  729. Tomja- took; taken
  730. Tork- (to) torque; (to) twist; (to) turn
  731. Torsu- torso
  732. Trabaljo- to work; hard work; honest work; low-paid job
  733. Translät- to translate
  734. Transfer- (to) transfer
  735. Trasçlat- trashcan
  736. Traç- trash
  737. Traz- behind; ago
  738. Träcea- trachea
  739. Tremór- to shake violently; earthquake
  740. Trompá- to cheat
  741. Truk- truck
  742. Țe- the
  743. Țisnote- tonight
  744. Țöm- thumb
  745. Utan- out
  746. Utansörs- outlet; (to) outsourse
  747. Uva- grape
  748. Uvula- uvula
  749. Ürinät- to urinate; to pee
  750. Ürin- urine; pee
  751. Van- van
  752. Vagna- vagina
  753. Varum- warm
  754. Varïaça- the feeling of not wanting to hang out with someone until the date you said you'd hang out
  755. Varöm- warm
  756. Vede- green
  757. Ven- to come
  758. Vent- wind
  759. Vein- vein
  760. Vend- to sell
  761. Vendor- seller; vender; shop keep
  762. Vermeljo- red
  763. Viaje- to travel; (to) voyage
  764. Videó- video
  765. Vil- will
  766. Vilja- would
  767. Violete- violet
  768. Vïncéta- (to) prank
  769. Vïta- life
  770. Vïve- to live
  771. Ví- to turn
  772. Víno- wine
  773. Vínghlás- wineglass
  774. Void- void; space; (to) empty; emptiness
  775. Vola- (to) fly
  776. Volta- to return; back
  777. Voltor- return
  778. Vrej- true
  779. Vret- truth
  780. Vrij- free; at liberty
  781. Vy- why
  782. Watt- what
  783. Wig- wig
  784. Wyv- wig
  785. Ye- yes
Number System
  • Önn- one
  • Duz- two
  • Trêz- three
  • Quat- four
  • Fif- five
  • Sïs- six
  • Sete- seven
  • Oto- eight
  • Nove- nine
  • Zyro- zero

  • Dez- ten
  • Uns- eleven
  • Dus- twelve
  • Trêzé- thirteen
  • Quators- fourteen
  • Quíns- fifteen
  • Dezïs- sixteen
  • Dezete- seventeen
  • Dezoto- eighteen
  • Dezove- nineteen

  • Dez- ten
  • Vente- twenty
  • Trênte- thirty
  • Quarant- forty
  • Fifty- fifty
  • Sïsty- sixty
  • Setent- seventy
  • Otent- eighty
  • Novent- ninety
  • Sent- 100

  • Mil- thousand
  • Miljón- million
  • Biljón- billion

===== Grammar =====

  • C/k - Spelled 'c' unless it is the last letter of a word, then spelled 'k'
  • J/g [yuh] - Spelled 'j' unless the sound is in the middle of the word, then it is spelled 'g'
  • G - Pronounced "yuh" unless it is in the "ng" pairing, it is at the beginning of a word (then it will sound like the 'g' in "great"), it is at the end of a word (then it will sound like the 'g' in "great"), or it is in the '-gu-' pairing (then it will sound like a hard 'g')
  • To make words plural add 'ž' to words that end in vowels, add 'ï' to words that end in all consonants except 't', 'j' and 'r'. Add 's' to words that end in 't' or 'r.'
  • To make words that end in 'y' plural, add 'ž'
  • To pluralize words ending in -te/-ti/-de/-di/-ge/-gi add 'z'
  • When describing multiple objects pluralize the adjective (descriptive word), not the noun (places/things) (I.e. Dey ar al soum diferentez)
  • "-y" - Gerund identifier; Omnislag's equivalent to "-ing"
  • To negate add '-a' to verbs ending in consonants, and '-na' to verbs ending in vowels and verbs ending in 'r' (I.e. It arna e lyrve; It ar e lyvrena)
  • To negate a past tense word, turn 'j' into 'g' (-ja -> -gana -erja -> -ergana -rja -> -rgana)
  • To negate the incomplete past tense form of "ar," say, or write, "erga"
  • Negations are added to verbs, or at the end of the sentence to negate the entire sentence (usually only used in simple sentences, i.e., Det ar my hunda)
  • "-ja" - Past tense identifier; "-ed"
  • To create the past tense form of "ar," say, or write, "aja"
  • "-erja/-rja" - Incomplete past tense identifier; "used to"
  • '-erja' is added to words that end in consonants, and '-rja' is added to words that end in vowels
  • The suffix '-(d)an' carries the same meaning as the ending '-ness' and '-dad' in Spanish, or the '-dade' from Portuguese (I.e. Dinjinan- dignity, Universidan- university, Faculdan- college, Soudan- to miss someone/something extremely)
  • The suffix '-aria' defines of or relating to the base/root word
  • The suffix '-far' carries the same meaning as '-ify' does in Englsih
  • The suffix '-(o)r' identifies someone's position (lernor, professor; ensinjar)
  • The prefix 'Men(o)-' means '-less'
  • The prefix 'Mer(o)-' means '-er'
  • The prefix 'Omer(o)-' means '-est'
  • The suffix '-os' means '-ous' or '-ful'
  • The phrase "Let there be" is expressed as "Leave/Let will be" (I.e. Deiç oforêlus)
  • Jo + ar = "J'ar," spelled 'Jo ar.'


Nominative Case- Nouns as they are spelled (Slag, lat, car)
Dative Case- 'A(d)-' (Jo març aloje = I walk to the store)
Accusative Case- Direct object

  • First person singular Accusative case- '-(o)n' (Daron att him = Give me to him)
  • First person plural Accusative case- '-(o)ns' (Levons acaptanur = Take us to your captain/leader)
  • Second and third person singular Accusative case- '-(o)t' (Damien movot novo atabl = Damien moves it/you/him/her to a new table BUT Damienot movja novo atable = Damien was moved to a new table)
  • Second and third person plural Accusative case- '-(o)ts' (Dey oforêmovyts atablam = They will be moving you(pl.)/them to my table)

Genitive case- possession; ownership

  • Jo '-(a)m'
  • Du '-(u)r'
  • Hy '-(i)z'
  • Çy '-(e)f'
  • Wy '-(n)å
  • Du-al '-(e)d'
  • Dey '-(t)eir'

-- Ablative Case {(from/in/at a place)} '-(o)den' (Jo lern scoladen = I learn at school; Jo ar husodenam = I am at my house)

Verb Tenses
  • Present- (verb) Ex. Jo ar.
  • Present Perfect- aia (past tense verb) Ex. Jo aia jamannje.
  • Present Progressive- (verb)-y Ex. Jo ar taipy.
  • Present Perfect Progressive- aia o(p)-(verb)-y Ex. Jo aia ospríngy.
  • Past- Ja-(verb) or (verb)-ja Ex. Jo jahab/habja.
  • Past Perfect- jahaia (past tense verb) Ex. Jo jahaia jacurre.
  • Past Progressive- (verb)-(e)rja Ex. Jo mannjerja, ma attor jo ar çei.
  • Past Perfect Progressive- jahaia jo(p)-(verb)-y Ex. Jo jahaia jotorky
  • Future- for(ê)-(verb) or vil (verb) Ex. Jo vil gå or Jo forghå.
  • Future Perfect- aifor(ê)-(verb) or vil aia (past tense verb) Ex. Jo aiforêdorm Jo vil aia dormja.
  • Future Progressive- ofor(ê)-(verb)-y Ex. Jo oforpanoç-maçy e bïça.
  • Future Perfect Progressive- aiofor(ê)-(verb)-y Ex. Jo aioforêceduraržy

  • Special Tense- "Let there be" is expressed "Deiç ofor(ê)-(word [anyword])" Ex. Deiç oforêlus
  • Some words don't have past tense forms, but their past progressive form can act as a simple past tense form. (te säg-> sägerja; ïja-> ïerja)
  • Te faç razon- to make sense
  • E quebel- A hot potato
  • Watt pensmål du?- A penny for your thoughts
  • Façï fá merfamo- Actions speak louder than words
  • Attomensa- Back to the drawing board
  • Ož alieu- Barking up the wrong tree
  • Sircumfala- Beat around the bush
  • Tudal- Whole nine yards
  • Vilgana fïk jamorre- Wouldn't be caught dead

  • The longest word in this language is "Aioforêmaríçcanajayots," it means "Will have been coming to terms with them." (I.e. Jo aioforêmaríçcanajay)

Sample Text


Vulgar omni- Al hüman aryž ar naçja vrij ag egál in dinjidan ag direitaž. Dey ar darja abek razon ag consiensia ag jadeve ac a önnattro in e sprit de fraternidan. (Articulo 1 de țe Declaração Universál de Direita Hümans)

Proper omni- Al hüman aryž ar naçja vrij ag egál in dinjidan ag direitaž. Darotsja abek razon ag consiensia ag jadeve ac a nnattro in e spirt de fraternidan.

Translation to English: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. (Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

Țe lyvre Genesis
[1:1] In țe comesa quand Deus jacria țe sjel ag țe têrrágeo,
[1:2] țe têrrágeo arja e void menoform, ag escuran coverja țe rosto de țe profund, inquando e vent de Țeos jamovå ober țe rosto de țe áquaž.
[1:3] Após Țeos sägerja, "Deiç oforêlus"; ag ïerja lus.

Book of Genesis
[1:1] In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth,
[1:2] the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters.
[1:3] Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light.

En exert de țe Ghettysberg Fala
Quat scors ag sete jérs traz, år avuž abennja frente on se contenento e novo nação, jacria in liberan, ag dêdicaja a țe proposição det al hem ar jacria egál. Attor wy ar enguerraja in e gret guerra sivil, provy om se nação, ó qualquer nação, jacria aly ag dêdicaja aly, can sovive för long. -Abraham Lincoln

Declaração de Independensa de țe Stats Ünitja de America
Wy ter sets vrejs te ar só-evidente, det al hem ar jacria egál, det dey ar daja por deir Criar abek sertaž Direitaž inalienabl, det sou sets ar Vïta, Liberan ag țe perseg de Aleradan.--Det te seghur sets direitaž, Governož ar institutja sou Hem, jaderive deir just pårs de țe consente de țe governnja, --Det tempos qualquer Form de Governo torna destrotïv de sets finï, it ar țe Direita de țe Gente te müd ó te abol it, ag te institut novo Governo, laiy sué fundação on dan prinsipï ag organïz sué pårs in det form, så a dem deve sêmbra magi lyly te efét deir Seghuran ag Aleradan.

Jo jahaia jomoray in det hus dêste jo aja e criàja, após jo jadisaid te mov för e novo önn. Jo aia omoray in se novo hus för duz jérs. In Augostus 2014 jo aioforêmoray aqy för trêz jérs. In Otobre 2015 jo forêmov för țe RÜ, så por Naçï 2015 jo oforêmoray la.

A! My elopja ag jo dêseje det wy jacan viaje jérly för Europe ag atualïz al țe locï marvels.

Excerpts of books in Omnislag


"Viladen de La Mancha, țe nomot jo haba quer te lembre, la moraja longha dêste önn de sets honétêm det téin e lants in țe lants-téi, e vec sprolá, a lean hack, and a greyhound for coursing. En uia de mer res than muton, e salad on notež magi, lempå on Savat, lentilï on Vendre, ag pigon ó så eça on Domoden, moraja abek trez-quarts de pecunaz. Reste de spenotja in e doula de ropa fine ag velvet breeches ag scorna te par för feraž, inquando on diem hy façja e figur brav in omerbre ropaz plen. Hy jahab, den husiz, e hutéin past quarant, e niés sob vente, ag e man för țe camp ag țe loja, quem straterja țe hac..." - "Don Quixote" Page 1, paragraph 1

buckler- sprolá gentleman/men- honétom/êm lance- lants rack- téi old- vec extra- eça Secondí- Monday Ters- Tuesday Merco- Wednesday Țor- Thursday Vendre- Friday Sabat- Sabbath Savat- Saturday Domoden- Sunday Uia- pot; bowl-like cooking container lempå- scrap(s) Pecuna- income Spen- to spend Doula- doublet Diem- week-day(s) Den- inside Fera- holiday Hutéin- housekeep(er) Strat- to saddle; to straddle Camp- field