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Bogan is an derogatory Australian slang term for an unfashionable lower-class person, typically of British Isles ancestry and living in deprived urban areas. The term originated in Melbourne, and equivalent terms are:

Bogans are typically young adults, older male Bogans more commonly known as Yobbos.

Stereotypical bogan style involves wearing moccassins and ugg boots (especially out of the house!) and flannelette shirts (or black jerseys and jeans in Waitakere), tatoos, driving loud, obnoxious cars of American or Australian manufacture, and drinking rum, bourbon and other cheap, strong liquor, or alternatively VB, a popular Melbournian beer. Besides alchohol and tobacco, Bogan culture is not asssociated or dissassociated with any particular drug.

Bogan Rock is an umbrella term for any artist or genre that could be said to be found in a Bogan's music collection, commonly including psychedelia, heavy-metal, Big-Hair Rock, or nearly any Australian Rock band from the 1970s and 1980s.

In 2000 a Bogan Rock Festival was held in rural Victoria to some critical and financial success, suggesting that the term's derogatory power is becoming eroded.

The television series Kath and Kim is an affectionate look at bogans. Bogan culture has also been a common subject in Australian stand-up comedy, with comedian Chris Franklin releasing a #1 single, Bloke, a Bogan's response to Bitch by American musician Meredith Brooks, and sung to the same tune.

Humor derisive of Yobbos is common in the music of Melbourne comic rock band TISM, in particular the songs Whatareya? and The Parable of Glenn McGrath's Haircut, both from the album www.tism.wanker.com

See also

External links

Save the Bogan