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MJOLNIR battle armor

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MJOLNIR battle armor displayed in the Halo 3 announcement trailer.

MJOLNIR battle armor (or assault armor) is a fictional suit of battle armor in the Marathon Trilogy, Halo series of video games, and Halo novels used by the SPARTAN-II super soldiers, most notably by the series's protagonist Master Chief.

The MJOLNIR Assault Armor is currently the pinnacle of tactical military hardware developed by humanity. Each suit represents a resource commitment equal to that used to construct a small starship. The armor was envisioned by Dr. Catherine Halsey, and the SPARTAN-II program was, in large part, Halsey’s attempt to create a soldier whose physical capabilities would be sufficient to interface with her vision of the final phase of project MJOLNIR—a fully neural-linked system with an integral on-board AI using the human mind for parallel processing. Such technology did not exist when work began on the Mark I prototype.

The suit is named for Mjolnir (myohl-nir, IPA:[Mjolnər]), the hammer of Thor, the god of thunder from Norse Mythology.

Armor versions

At least six different versions of MJOLNIR armor exist, and each generation of armor offers improvements over earlier models. Models are designated by the notation "Mark n". For example, a Mark V (Halo) model is more powerful than a Mark IV (Marathon).

Mark I

The Mark I battle armors were bulky exoskeletons that improved strength and stamina of the user's muscles. It had been fitted with a small chain minigun on the top of the shoulder. The Navy's first exoskeleton project, the armor was impractical for combat, as it needed a power source too large to contain autonomously. The suit required a large cable to run between it and a generator, which hindered movement, thus was never seen in battle. The MJOLNIR battle armor was based on this armor. The Spartan IIs John-117, Samuel-034, and Kelly-087, proved themselves superior to the Mark I without the MJOLNIR, in every respect.

Mark II

The Mark II battle armor incorporated a much more slimmed-down profile, but still required a direct link to a fusion reactor for power.

Mark III

The upgraded Mark II, the Mark III, incorporated a power transmission-receiver so that power could be transmitted to it much like the Orbital Defense Platforms in orbit of major UNSC colonies. This design was quickly rejected for two reasons. The main reason being that the armor still had a limited operational range, as the power generator could not be moved easily. The second reason was that if the generator was destroyed somehow, the users would become trapped in worthless, metal shells.


The MJOLNIR Mark IV was a radical redesign of the suit taking advantage of many technological leaps. This advanced battle suit was the first to fully integrate with the soldier's body. The suit plugs directly into the soldier's nervous system through a standard issue neural implant. The suit's many functions (commmunications, hydro-static gel levels, environmental systems, etc.) respond to commands issued by the soldier's thoughts.

This is also the first design to successfully utilize the reactive metal liquid crystal as a means of enhancing locomotion. It flawlessly enhances the speed and power of the wearer, a sharp contrast to previous versions which required powered motors to allow the soldiers mobility. Because of this advancement, the design more closely resembles an actual suit of armor, as opposed to a powered exoskeleton. On one level the soldier moves the suit and in return the suit moves the soldier. This allowed for an incredibly compact design when compared to the previous incarnations.

The success of this version was also dependent upon the parallel development of the SPARTAN-II program, which produced soldiers with the physical prowess required to drive the system. Previous attempts to wear the prototype suit by unaugmented soldiers resulted in their deaths and injury, due to the extreme reactiveness of the system.

The MJOLNIR armor contains an integrated computer system which continuously monitors weapons, biological function, and motion (through an intelligent motion-sensing radar).

The suit is air-tight, hardened against vacuum, and features air-filtration systems as well as a built-in oxygen supply that can last for up to 90 minutes. The suit's helmet also features a standard UNSC mounted flashlight with its own separate power supply. Concealed side compartments in the upper thigh plates allow the Spartan wearer to holster a sidearm.

The armor plates are specifically designed for combat with the Covenant. It resists the Covenant's plasma-based weaponry extremely well; a SPARTAN soldier wearing this armor can survive approximately three times as much damage from plasma weapons than an ordinary human marine could. The armor also provides basic protection from human ballistic projectiles, although only to a slightly higher degree as regular marine combat armor. The suit itself is practically indestructible and is capable of sustaining tremendous damage and still be able to function, but even though the suit will continue to operate, the human inside can still be injured or killed by a penetrating round or by sufficient plasma impacts to the suit's outer shell.

The suit also has a number of other features, including recoil-compensating actuators, hydrostatic gel (to regulate temperature and dampen impact force), and biofoam injectors. However, the biofoam injectors and medical care systems of the Mark IV must be provided with a direct supply of biofoam, medicines and stimulants from a standard marine first aid kit when the user is injured, as the suit will not hold or generate a supply of medicines and Biofoam, unlike the Mark VI.

The Mark IV Assault armor was fielded from November 27th, 2525 to August 29th, 2552.


The Mark IV Assault Armor was replaced by the newer Mark V several weeks prior to the Covenant assault on Reach in 2552. The Mark V was the realization of Dr. Halsey's vision. It has hundreds of minor technical improvements over the Mark IV as well as two major modifications.

The first is that it is powered by a slightly larger fusion pack than the Mark IV. This is due to the fact that the Mark V has an integrated dynamic, self-recharging, sophisticated energy shielding system, built upon captured Covenant technology (similar to those used by Elites) that repels mass objects and energy bursts. While impacts on the shield place a substantial drain on the system's power supply, system energy regenerates quickly once the SPARTAN-II moves away from the barrage.

The second advancement is the addition of a weave of memory-processor super-conducting material, the same material as an AI's core. This gives the suit nearly the same capacity as a ship-borne AI system. This, along with an upgrade to the standard issue neural implant, allows an AI to inhabit the suit of armor and the mind of the Spartan wearing it, greatly enhancing the interface between the suit and the wearer as well as the obvious benefits of having the incredible information processing power of an AI, which is intended to assist the Spartan in real-time by monitoring communication channels, computer relays, and friendly combat updates.

The ultimate lethality of this system was demonstrated by SPARTAN-117, also known as "John" or "John-117", the famed Master Chief in Halo: Combat Evolved, when he and his AI construct Cortana fought their way across a planet-like, artificial ring world called Halo.


This is not an official name, but has been used by some fans to describe modified MJOLNIR Mark V armor. Several Spartans upgrade their Mark V suits with Mark VI components over the course of the novel Halo: First Strike.


The Mark VI of the MJOLNIR battle armor addresses some of the weaknesses of the earlier models. The energy shielding system recharges significantly faster and is stronger. The armor plating, while less bulky, is denser, therefore offering as much, if not more, protection than previous models. The suit is more streamlined than the Mark V. This version of the armor can now track the status of two separate weapons at the same time.

Also, the armor can now heal minor to moderate injuries over a course of time, due to an improved onboard supply of biofoam, which can be injected into the wearer's body, filling and sealing wounds, slowing bleeding and eventually numbing the pain, eliminating the need for a field medic for all but the most severe wounds. (This is similar to the Hazardous Environment suit of another video game, Half-Life 2). Due to increased shield strength of the Mark VI, fall and fire injury has been eliminated almost entirely. Also, the Combat Armor can survive a direct hit from a Warthog, depleting only the shields.


Real-life replicas of the MJOLNIR armor were originally created by artist Sid Garrand of Nightmare Armor Studios. While NAS' work is the most widely recognized, others have created their own versions of the armor, such as Chris Bryan and Briar's Armor. The "Legendary" Halo 3 bundle will include a "cat-head sized" replica helmet[1]; it is unknown if it is related to Garrand's work.

Armor features

MJOLNIR "Heads Up Display"

The HUD of the MJOLNIR Mark V is critical to the Spartan's survival. It provides health monitors, ammo gauges, and provides critical mission data via NAV points which identify objectives. The HUD is an integral part of the armor: whenever a soldier picks up a different weapon, the firing reticle changes to conform to the weapon he's holding via microscopic sensors in the armor's gloves. The NAV points point to any objectives that need to be completed, and show the distance between the suit's wearer and the target. It keeps track of his health signs by tiny sensors built into the suit that monitor heart beat, breathing, wounds, blood flow, and neural activity. In addition to these features the suit also has a built-in motion tracker which is indispensable for combat situations. The motion tracker tracks movement and "paints" the targets different colors corresponding to transponder signals: yellow for friendly, white for neutral, and red for hostile. An AI linked to the suit can provide tactical data readouts via the HUD and can "see" through the HUD's optical recorders.

It should be pointed out though that although used in the games and novels, "HUD" is not strictly the correct term for what is featured in the armor. A more accurate description would be "HMD" as in Helmet Mounted Display. Or HMDS for Helmet Mounted Display System. A HUD is a fixed device, like in an aircraft, and only shows information when the subject is looking up and straight ahead. Hence Heads Up Display. Since a Spartan soldier can still see his full display when looking down at the ground or any other direction, describing the system as "Heads Up" makes little sense. Helmet Mounted Displays are currently being developed and implemented in various Airforces as the natural evolution of the HUD, allowing them to designate targets by simply looking at them and maintain better situational awareness.

Describing the MJOLNIRs system as a HUD is most likely a result of the term having found its way into popular culture and tradition in video games, before these displays were a simulation of what the character was actually seeing.

MJOLNIR Rechargeable Energy Shield

The MJOLNIR Mark V battle suit is issued with an energy shield that was derived by technicians who reverse-engineered the Covenant's own Jackal shields. The shield was altered to conform to the body rather than having the Spartan carry it like the Jackals. The shield does have limits though; plasma weapons and explosions can eat through the shield very quickly. The shield can recharge itself after failing, although this process takes some time. The Spartans have a great deal of control over their energy shields, as demonstrated by John-117 when he first donned the Mark V armour. The wearer can control the coverage/strength of his/her energy shield using the neural interface. This allows the Spartan to adjust the shield to be thin around the hands and feet to allow for traction and dexterity, while allowing it to be thicker around other areas for increased protection.

With the Mark VI, a newer shielding technology was used, one which is immensely more efficient than that used for the Mark V. The Mark VI has a greatly improved recharge time and an overall stronger field.

MJOLNIR Physical Composition

The MJOLNIR armor, starting with the Mark IV version, is composed of an incredibly strong multilayer alloy shell. The plates have an iridescent refractive coating to further disperse energy-weapon attacks. The armor’s inner structure, and arguably most significant feature, is composed of a revolutionary reactive metal liquid crystal. It is amorphous, yet fractally scales and amplifies force. This feature is what amplifies the wearers speed and strength, and is what distinguishes this from other traditional forms of "powered" armor, which utilize servos and other types of motors for locomotion. Unfortunately, the system is so reactive, normal human beings cannot use the suit without injuring themselves, as they do not possess the reaction time or structural strength to drive the suit. Only an augmented human such as a SPARTAN-II can safely wear MJOLNIR.

Marathon - The MJOLNIR Mark IV Cyborg

The numbering of Halo's MJOLNIR battle armor series is one of many references to Bungie's earlier Marathon series. During the course of the Marathon games, various text terminals mention of ten MJOLNIR Mark IV cyborgs, which represent "all of the destructive knowledge of mankind."

The identity of the player's character is never solidly stated in the games. The manual states that he is a security officer aboard the UESC Marathon. However, in the Marathon 2 preview, the AI Durandal reveals the following:

"Were you ever curious about the tenth cyborg which was supposed to be on the Marathon? Why could Leela find only nine? Was it ever activated? Was it destroyed during the defense of the colony? You are right to be curious."

This and other clues have led many fans of the series to the conclusion that the player is a reference to the tenth MJOLNIR Mark IV cyborg, though as with all Bungie games, speculation is rampant.

To add to this, it has also been speculated and/or stated in other places that both the Halo series and the Marathon series take place in the same storied universe, albeit hundreds of years apart. The launch of the colony ship Marathon takes place in 2472, before the Covenant attack earth, but it arrives at Tau Ceti in 2773, almost three hundred years later. This may explain the reference to the MJOLNIR cyborgs, as the SPARTAN-IIs very much were transformed into cyborgs, and may also explain the use of the Marathon symbol in Halo: on both sides of the Pillar of Autumn, and on the front of Captain Jacob Keyes' non-regulation pipe, and on the uniforms of a few of the crew, all seen in the first game. This may also foreshadow some kind of human victory over the Covenant in the Halo series, as humans are alive and well in the Marathon series, the player being one himself. However, that would not explain why he is a Mark IV Cyborg, since Mark IV armor had been replaced by Mark V and VI.

It is noteworthy that Bungie has repeatedly denied any connection or correlation between Halo and Marathon. They have stated that they are "two entirely different, wholly separate stories." [citation needed] Essentially, Bungie has declared that there is no direct association between Halo and Marathon, Halo merely dervied many of its ideas and inspirations from Marathon. Nevertheless, fans continually speculate the varying connections between the two.


In the Halo novel "The Flood", and roughly halfway through the level "The Library" in Halo: Combat Evolved, the chapter where Master Chief is running through the Library, 343 Guilty Spark makes a note indicating that the Mark V was a class 2 "Combat Skin" and he should upgrade to a Class 12. The MJOLNIR Mark V was currently the strongest armor invented in its time. It is an interesting note that the elite armor is similar in defense as the Mark V and could be considered the same class if taken from Forerunner tech but still be considered Class 2. Also, the classes may be categories instead of ranks, as a class 12 may be specifially designed to combat Flood, and it's an "upgrade" because of the situation.