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Andrii Portnov

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Andrii Portnov

Andrii Portnov [in Ukrainian Андрій Портнов, in Russian Андрей Портнов, in Polish Andrij Portnow] (born 17 May 1979 in Dnipropetrovsk (now Dnipro), Ukrainian SSR) is a Ukrainian historian, essayist, and editor, Professor of Entangled History of Ukraine at the European University Viadrina (Frankfurt/Oder)[1], Director of the PRISMA UKRAЇNA Research Network Eastern Europe[2].


Andrii Portnov was born on May 17, 1979 in Dnipro. He graduated from Dnipropetrovsk National University (M.A. in History, with honors, 2001) and Warsaw University (M.A. in Cultural Studies, with honors, 2003). In 2005, Portnov defended his Ph.D. (kandydats`ka dysertaciia) at the Ivan Krypiakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Lviv (supervisor Prof. Yaroslav Isaievych).

He was a research fellow or had fellowships at the University of Trier (2004–2006), Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies in Amsterdam (2007), Institute for European Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Kyiv (2007–2008), National Institute for Strategic Studies of Ukraine in Kyiv (2008–2010), Center for Russian, Caucasian and Central European Studies (CERCEC) in Paris (2010).

He was an editor of the academic journal “Ukraїna Moderna” (2006–2010)[3], in 2012 he co-founded and co-edited (until 2017) the intellectual web portal Historians.in.ua[4].

In 2012–2014 he was a Fellow at the Berlin Institute for Advanced Study (Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin)[5], in 2014–2016 – Alexander-von-Humboldt Fellow at the Institute for Slavic Studies of the Humboldt University in Berlin and Centre for Contemporary History (ZZF) in Potsdam. In 2016–2017 he was a research fellow at the University of Geneva.

During 2012–2020 Portnov taught courses on Ukrainian and East European history and cultures at the Humboldt University in Berlin, Free University Berlin, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, University of Basel, the Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Lyon, etc. In 2017 and 2019 he was a short-term Fellow at the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM) in Vienna.

In 2015 Portnov initiated and became a director of the Berlin-Brandenburg Ukrainian Research Initiative[6], which transformed itself in 2017 into PRISMA UKRAЇNA Research Network Eastern Europe in Berlin[7].

In May 2018 Portnov was appointed a Professor of Entangled History of Ukraine at the European University Viadrina (Frankfurt/Oder)[8].

In 2019 he was also invited as a Guest Professor to the University of Potsdam[9].

Prof. Portnov holds membership in the Ukrainian PEN Club[10].

Scholar publications

Andrii Portnov has published six books, over 200 articles, book chapters, and reviews. Their thematic scope includes the Polish-Russian-Ukrainian triangle of history and memory, genocide and memory studies, Ukrainian and Soviet historiography, Ukrainian emigration in inter-war Europe, the Partitions of Poland and the Ukrainian politics of the Russian Empire, the history of Dnipro(petrovsk), the personalities of such intellectuals as Volodymyr Parkhomenko, Viacheslav Zaiikyn, Viktor Petrov, Mykola Kovalsky, Omeljan Pritsak, and others.

His scholar texts were published in Ukrainian, Russian, Polish, English, German, French, Japanese, Czech, Bulgarian, Hungarian, and Belarusian.


  • Istoriї dla domashn`oho vzhytku. Eseї pro pol`s`ko-rosijs`ko-ukraїns`kyj trykutnyk pam`iati. Kyiv: Krytyka, 2013. ISBN 978-966-8978-65-4 [Stories for Home Use. Essays About the Polish-Ukrainian-Russian Triangle of Memory][11]. Awarded Yuri Shevelov Prize[12].
  • Istoriї istorykiv. Oblychchia j obrazy ukraїns`koї istoriohrafiї ХХ stolittia. Kyiv: Krytyka, 2011. ISBN 978-966-8978-46-3 [Histories of Historians. Faces and Images of Ukrainian Historiography of the 20th Century][13].
  • Mizh «TSentral`noiu IEvropoiu» ta «Russkim mirom»: Suchasna Ukraїna u prostori mizhnarodnych intelektual`nykh dyskusij. Кyiv: National`nyj instytut stratehichnykh doslidzhen`, 2009. ISBN 966-554-160-9 [Between “Central Europe” and “the Russian world”: Modern Ukraine in the space of international intellectual discussions][15].
  • Nauka u vyhnanni: Naukova i osvitnia diial`nist` ukraїns`koї emihratsiї v mizhvoiennij Pol`shchi (1919–1939). Kharkiv: KHIFT, 2008. ISBN 978-966-7713-06-7 [Science in exile: Scientific and educational activities of Ukrainian emigration in interwar Poland][16]. Jerzy Giedroyc Prize.
  • Volodymyr Parkhomenko: Doslidnyk rann`oї istoriї Rusi. Lviv: Instytut Ukraїnoznavstva imeni Ivana Kryp"iakevycha, 2003. ISBN 966-02-3033-8 [Volodymyr Parkhomenko: a researcher of the early history of Rus`][17].

Selected English-language publications

  • Poland and Ukraine. Entangled Histories, Asymmetric Memories [Essays of the Forum Transregionale Studien 7/2020]. Berlin: Forum Transregionale Studien, 2020. 83 pp[18].
  • Mark von Hagen and Ukrainian Studies, Ab Imperio, 2019, № 3, pp. 243–250[19].
  • The Holocaust in the Public Discourse of post-Soviet Ukraine, in: War and Memory in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus, ed. by Julie Fedor, Markku Kangaspuro, Jussi Lassila, Tatiana Zhurzhenko. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies, 2017, 347–370[20].
  • Soviet Ukrainian Historiography in Brezhnev`s Closed City: Mykola/Nikolai Kovalsky and His “School” at the Dnipropetrovsk University, Ab Imperio, 2017, no. 4, 265–291 (with Tetiana Portnova)[21].
  • The ‘Great Patriotic War’ in the Politics of Memory in Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine, in: Civic Education and Democratisation in the Eastern Partnership Countries, ed. by Dieter Segert. Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 2016, 179–197[22].
  • Post-Maidan Europe and the New Ukrainian Studies, Slavic Review, vol. 74, no. 4 (Winter 2015), 723–731[23].
  • The “Imperial” and the “Cossack” in the Semiotics of Ekaterinoslav-Dnipropetrovsk: The Controversies of the Foundation Myth, in Urban Semiotics: The City as a Cultural-Historical Phenomenon, Ed. by Igor Pilshchikov. Tallinn: TLU Press, 2015, 223–250 (with Tetiana Portnova)[24].
  • “The Heart of Ukraine?” Dnipropetrovsk and the Ukrainian Revolution, in: What Does Ukraine Think?, ed. by Andrew Wilson, European Council of Foreign Relations, 2015, 62–70[25].
  • The Ukrainian ‘Eurorevolution’. Dynamics and Meaning, in: Ukraine after Euromaidan: Challenges and Hopes, ed. by Viktor Stepanenko, Yaroslav Bylynskyi. Bern: Peter Lang, 2014, 59–72 (with Tetiana Portnova)[26].
  • Memory Wars in Post-Soviet Ukraine (1991–2010), in: Memory and Theory in Eastern Europe, ed. by Uilleam Blacker, Alexandr Etkind, Julie Fedor. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillian, 2013, 233–254[27].
  • Two Historians in One Lviv, New Eastern Europe, 2011, no. 1, 147–151[28].

Selected essays online


In the years of 2011–2016 Portnov produced 99 videoblogs on different issues of international humanities (including interviews with Annie Appelboin, Volodymyr Kulyk, Yuri Slezkine, Maria Lewicka, Alvydas Nikzentaitis, Gerhard Simon, and others) for the web portal net.abimperio.net (does not exist anymore). The majority of them could be seen on Portnov`s personal You-Tube Channel. In 2018–2019 Portnov produced 15 video book reviews for his channel, transmitted also by the Espresso TV Channel. In 2018 the You-Tube Channel of the Chair of Entangled History of Ukraine was created, it contains both videos from various Chair`s conferences, summer schools and colloquiums, as well as Prof. Portnov`s new videoblogs.


  1. ^ "Home page of the Chair of Entangled History of Ukraine". www.kuwi.europa-uni.de. Retrieved 22 December 2020.
  2. ^ "Prisma Ukraїna: Andrii Portnov". www.prisma-ukraina.de. Retrieved 22 December 2020.
  3. ^ Andrii Portnov. Iak ma robyly "Ukraїny Modernu" // Historians.in.ua
  4. ^ Portnov, Andrii. "Istroii Historians". www.historians.in.ua. Retrieved 22 December 2020.
  5. ^ "Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin: Fellows". www.wiko-berlin.de. Retrieved 22 December 2020.
  6. ^ "GERMANY, Berlin-Brandenburg: Historian Andrii Portnov will direct the Berlin-Brandenburg Ukraine Initiative". ukrainet.eu. Retrieved 22 December 2020.
  7. ^ "Prisma Ukraїna: Home page". Retrieved 22 December 2020.
  8. ^ "GERMANY, Frankfurt/Oder: Dr. Andrii Portnov was appointed a Professor at the European University "Viadrina"". ukrainet.eu. Retrieved 22 December 2020.
  9. ^ "Prof. Dr. Andrii Portnov. Kultur und Literatur Mittel- und Osteuropas". www.uni-potsdam.de. Retrieved 22 December 2020.
  10. ^ "Andrii Portnov. PEN Ukraine". pen.org.ua. Retrieved 23 December 2020.
  11. ^ Portnov, Andrii (2013). Istoriї dla domashnioho vzhytku. Eseji pro pol's'ko-rosijs'ko-ukraїns'kyj trykutnyk pam'iati. Kyiv: Krytyka. ISBN 978-966-8978-65-4.
  12. ^ "Yuri Shevelov Prize". pen.org.ua. Retrieved 22 December 2020.
  13. ^ Portnov, Andrii (2011). Istoriї istorykiv. Oblychchia j obrazy ukraїns'koї istoriohrafiї ХХ stolittia. Kyiv: Krytyka. ISBN 978-966-8978-46-3.
  14. ^ Portnov, Andrii (2010). Uprazhnenia s istoriej po-ukrainski. Moscow: O.G.I. ISBN 978-5-94282-604-8.
  15. ^ Portnov, Andrii (2009). Mizh "TSentral'noiu IEvropoiu" ta "Russkim mirom": Suchasna Ukraїna u prostori mizhnarodnych intelektual'nykh dyskusij. Kyiv: National Institute for Strategic Studies. ISBN 978-966-554-160-8.
  16. ^ Portnov, Andrii (2008). Nauka u vyhnanni: Naukova i osvitnia diial'nist' ukraїns'koї emihratsiї v mizhvoiennij Pol'shchi (1919–1939). Kharkiv: KHIFT.
  17. ^ Portnov, Andrii (2003). Volodymyr Parkhomenko: Doslidnyk rann'oї istoriї Rusi. Lviv: Ivan Krypiakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies. ISBN 966-02-3033-8.
  18. ^ Portnov, Andrii. "Poland and Ukraine. Entangled Histories, Asymmetric Memories" (PDF). www.forum-transregionale-studien.de. Retrieved 22 December 2020.
  19. ^ Portnov, Andrii (2019). "Mark von Hagen and Ukrainian Studies". Ab Imperio. 2019 (3): 243–250. doi:10.1353/imp.2019.0072.
  20. ^ Portnov, Andrii (2017). "The Holocaust in the Public Discourse of post-Soviet Ukraine". War and Memory in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies. pp. 347–370.
  21. ^ Portnov, Andrii (2017). "Soviet Ukrainian Historiography in Brezhnev's Closed City: Mykola/Nikolai Kovalsky and His "School" at the Dnipropetrovsk University". Ab Imperio. 2017 (4): 265–291. doi:10.1353/imp.2017.0083. S2CID 166204979.
  22. ^ Portnov, Andrii (2016). "The 'Great Patriotic War' in the Politics of Memory in Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine". Civic Education and Democratisation in the Eastern Partnership Countries. Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. pp. 179–197.
  23. ^ Portnov, Andrii (2015). "Post-Maidan Europe and the New Ukrainian Studies". Slavic Review. 74 (4): 723–731. doi:10.5612/slavicreview.74.4.723.
  24. ^ Portnov, Andrii (2015). "The "Imperial" and the "Cossack" in the Semiotics of Ekaterinoslav-Dnipropetrovsk: The Controversies of the Foundation Myth". Urban Semiotics: The City as a Cultural-Historical Phenomenon. Tallin: TLU Press. pp. 223–250.
  25. ^ Portnov, Andrii (2015). ""The Heart of Ukraine?" Dnipropetrovsk and the Ukrainian Revolution". What Does Ukraine Think?. European Council of Foreign Relations. pp. 62–70.
  26. ^ Portnov, Andrii (2014). "The Ukrainian 'Eurorevolution'. Dynamics and Meaning". Ukraine after Euromaidan: Challenges and Hopes. Bern: Peter Lang. pp. 59–72.
  27. ^ Portnov, Andrii (2013). "Memory Wars in Post-Soviet Ukraine (1991–2010)". Memory and Theory in Eastern Europe. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillian. pp. 233–254.
  28. ^ Portnov, Andrii (2011). "Two Historians in One Lviv". New Eastern Europe (1): 147–151.

Historian Andrii Portnov Videoblog

Andrii Portnov`s Book reviews on Espresso TV

Chair of Entangled History of Ukraine You-Tube Channel

Chair of Entangled History of Ukraine webpage