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[[http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c234/envyous1/Feb6%20Otep%20Show/OtepShow2-35.jpg|thumb|right|Otep at the [[Whisky A Gogo]]

Los Angeles native
Los Angeles native

Revision as of 15:51, 20 April 2007

[[http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c234/envyous1/Feb6%20Otep%20Show/OtepShow2-35.jpg%7Cthumb%7Cright%7COtep at the Whisky A Gogo

Los Angeles native Otep Shamaya is best known for being the vocalist and namesake of OTEP. Famous for her heavy screaming and rap/rock style of singing, she is also one of only a few well known female vocalists on the heavy metal scene effectively using guttural growls (commonly called death growls or grunts)).

Otep is also well known for her poetry and short stories, and has been featured on such programs as HBO's Def Poetry. The first printed collection of poetry and illustrations by Otep Shamaya was made available to the public in November of 2006 on Lulu.com.

Otep Shamaya Goes 2.0

In 2006, Otep became more aggressive in connecting with her fans via the internet with Vlogging. During the Ascension tour in the fall of 2006, Otep recorded and posted several videos entitled "Tour Diaries" on YouTube and Myspace. She recorded her recent show experiences and messages to fans, including a personal apology for a sudden show cancellation in Utah due to a mechanical failure on the bus in which she and her band mates were touring. Recently, Otep Shamaya has also began reading select poems from Caught Screaming on youtube.

In April 2007, CNN.com announced that Otep had been nominated for their "People You Should Know" special feature.


Aside from being notorious for her style of confessional writing, very little is known about Otep Shamaya's personal life and background. Matters such as her age, or where she was raised are all kept secret. To interviewers, she has given her age as "five lifetimes old." Though some have speculated otherwise, she insists that the name on her birth certificate is Otep. Other than the fact that she had a tumultuous and traumatic childhood riddled with abuse, (both physical and emotional), and that she's an "out" lesbian, much of everything else is left to the imagination of her fans.


  • Swears that Otep is the actual name on her birth certificate.
  • Her book, Caught Screaming is only available for purchase on the internet on Lulu.com
  • OTEP is the first and only band she's been in.
  • Says her overall messages is that "Art Saves."
  • Listens to music before every performance.
  • Has a tattoo of "Girl Before a Mirror" by Pablo Picasso on her upper left arm.
  • Frequently appears on stage in various forms of "costume", most popularly a fishnet mask and top hat.

External links