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Elieser Posner

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Elieser Salman Posner (born 18 October 1937) is a specialist in Grain Science. He holds a PhD in Grain Science & Industry from Kansas State University.


    1960 Swiss Milling School, Milling Technologist.
    1969 Milling Science & Management, Kansas State University, B.Sc.  
    1970 Grain Science, Kansas State University, M.Sc.
    1985 Grain Science, Kansas State University, Ph.D.


Following 25 years of work in the flour milling industry, Posner joined the academia to initiate research of wheat processing at Kansas State University.

1986-1991: Served as a tenure associate professor in the Department of Grain Science at Kansas State University.

Posner has published numerous scientific papers and books. He has also performing research on wheat flour milling and contributed to various encyclopedias and books on in the topic of food and grain processing In January 2002, Posner worked as a member of a delegation that facilitated the first U.S. Wheat shipment to Cuba in 40 years.[1] In addition, Posner and USW regional vice president Mitch Skalicky met with leaders of the Cuban milling sector and provided technical assistance.

In 2004, he co-authored a book called Wheat Flour Milling which discussed new ideas and approaches to wheat flour milling including raw material, storage, blending, cleaning, milling, conditioning, grinding, sieving, purification, mill design, process control and maintenance as well as food safety, hygiene and mill management.[2]

Posner holds patents for a method of separating Wheat germ from whole wheat, and a process for dry milling of wheat to obtain gluten and starch.

Posner is active as a consultant to the Grain processing and wheat flour milling to national, public and private organizations in North and South America, and Far and Middle East. Since 1992 to present consulting activities include upgrading milling systems, new construction, and conducting in-plant milling short courses to upgrade staff knowledge. Posner was involved in setting up of flour milling schools in Venezuela, Egypt, and Morocco. During 2019 - Conducted a four month short course to Israeli millers, sponsored by the Israeli Industrial Association.

List of Publications

Posner has publishes numerous scientific papers and books.[3]


  • Wheat Flour Milling, 2nd Ed (2004) E. S. Posner, A. N. Hibbs, American Association of Cereal Chemists, 489 pages (Illustrated) ISBN 1-891127-40-3
  • Wheat Flour Milling, 1st Ed (1997) E. S. Posner, A. N. Hibbs, American Association of Cereal Chemists, 341 pages (Illustrated) ISBN 0-913250-93-7


  • Posner, E.S,. 1993. Principles of Milling. Encyclopedia of Food Science, Food Technology and Nutrition. Book Chapter. Academic Press, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers. London.
  • Posner, E.S., 2000. Wheat. In Handbook of Cereal Science and Technology. Second edition. K. Kulp and J. Ponte Jr. eds., Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York, pp. 1 – 29.
  • Posner, E.S,. 2003. Principles of Milling. Encyclopedia of Food Science, Food Technology and Nutrition. Book Chapter. Academic Press, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers. London.
  • Posner, E.S,. 2003. Mill Products. Encyclopedia of Food Science, Food Technology and Nutrition. Book Chapter. Academic Press, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers. London.
  • Posner E.S. 2009. “Wheat Milling” in Wheat – Chemistry and Technology. 4th Edition. Published by the American Association of Cereal Chemists. St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A.


  • Liu, R., Z. Liang, E. S. Posner, and J. G. Ponte, Jr. (1985). A Technique to Improve Functionality of Flour From Sprouted Wheat. Cereal Foods World 31:7,471.
  • Posner, E. S. and C. W. Deyoe, (1986). Changes in Milling Properties of New Harvested Hard Wheat During Storage. Cereal Chemistry 63(5):451-456.
  • Kim, H. I., Seib, P. A., Posner, E. S., Deyoe, C. W., Yang, H. C. (1986). Milling Hard Red Winter Wheat to Farina. Cooking Quality and Color of Farina Spaghetti Compared to Semolina Spaghetti. Cereal Foods World. 31:11,810.
  • Posner, E. S. (1987) Reduction of Wheat Tempering Time Before Milling. Cereal Foods World 32:12,886.
  • Li, Y. Z. and E. S. Posner (1987). The Influence of Kernel Size on Wheat Millability. A.O.M. Bulletin. 5089-5098.
  • Q. Zhuge, E. S. Posner, and C. W. Deyoe. (1988). Production Study of a Low Gossypol Protein Product From Cottonseed Meal. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 36,153.
  • Posner, E. S. (1988). Back to the Issue of Wheat Grading. Cereal Foods World 33:4,362.
  • Shyam, M. P. and E. S. Posner. (1988). A Study Documenting Reduction of Tempering Time by Fissuring and Its Effect on Milling. A.O.M. Bulletin., April.
  • El Bouziri, M. and E. S. Posner. (1989) Farina Milling: Development of an Experimental Flow Sheet and a Speck Counting Method. A.O.M. Bulletin. February 5393-5401.
  • Kim, H. I., P. A. Seib, E. S. Posner, C. W. Deyoe and H. C. Yang. 1989. Spaghetti from Kansas Hard Winter Wheat; Improving its Color and Cooking Quality. Cereal Foods World. 34:2, 216.
  • Y. Z. Li and E. S. Posner. 1989. An Experimental Milling Technique for Various Flour Extraction Levels. Cereal Chem. 66(4):324-328.
  • Li, Y. and E. S. Posner. 1989. Determination of Wheat Milling Potential and its Influence on Flour Quality Deterioration Rate. Cereal Chem. 66(5):362-365.
  • Shyam, M. P. and E. S. Posner. 1990. A Study Evaluating the Flow Properties of Dry Tempered, and Fissured Yacora Rojo Wheat. A.O.M. Bulletin. July 5737-5742.
  • Ranhotra, G. S., J. A. Gelroth, K. Astroth, and E. S. Posner. 1990. Distribution of Total and Soluble Fiber in Various Millstreams of Wheat. J. of Food Sci. 55(5)1349-1351.
  • Posner, E. S. and Li, Y. 1991. Method of Separating Wheat Germ from Whole Wheat. U.S. Patent 4,986,997.
  • Posner, E. S. and Li, Y. 1991. Technique for Separation of Wheat Germ by Impacting and Subsequent Grinding. J. of Cereal Sci. 13:49-70.
  • Flores, R. A., Posner, E. S., and Deyoe, C. W. 1991. Evaluation of a Laboratory Dockage Removal Device. Cereal Foods World 36(6):513-516.
  • Posner, E. S. 1991. Mechanical Separation of High Dietary Fiber from Wheat Bran. Cereal Foods World 36(7):553-556.
  • Posner, E. S. 1991. Wheat and Flour Ash as a Measure of Millability. Cereal Foods World 36(8):626-628.
  • Zhuge, Q., Persaud, J., Posner, E. S., Deyoe, C. W., Seib, P., and Chung, D. 1991. Isolation of Gluten and Starch from ground, Pearled Wheat Compared to Isolation from Flour. Cereal Chem. 68(4):336-339.
  • Ranhotra, G. S., Gelroth, J. A., Glaser, B. K. and Posner, E. S. 1992. Total and soluble fiber content of air-classified white flour from hard and soft wheats. Cereal Chem. 69(1):75-77.
  • Flores, R. A., Posner, E. S., Milliken, G. A., and Deyoe, C. W., 1991. Modeling the milling of hard red winter wheat: Estimation of cumulative ash and protein recovery. Transactions of the ASAE 34(5): 2117-2122.
  • Liu, M. C., R.S. Flores, C.W. Deyoe, and E.S. Posner, 1992. Assessment of a computer simulation model for the flour-milling industry. Cereal Foods World. 37(8):649-654.
  • Flores, R.A., E.S. Posner, and C.W. Deyoe. 1992. Computer simulation model for wheat flour milling systems. Association of Operative Millers Bulletin. August. 6079-6090.
  • Posner, E. S., Q. Zhuge, and P. Seib. 1992. Process for Dry Milling of Wheat to Obtain Gluten and Starch. U.S. Patent 5,164,013.
  • Qarooni, J., Ponte, J.G. Jr. and Posner, E.S., 1992. Production of flour tortilla with Kansas hard white and Pacific North soft white winter wheat. Association of Operative Millers - Bulletin, October 6112-6115.
  • Qarooni, J., Ponte, J.G. Jr. and Posner, E.S., 1992. Test baking procedure for evaluating flour tortilla quality. Association of Operative Millers - Bulletin, December 6136-6138.
  • Qarooni, J., Ponte, J.G. Jr. and Posner, E.S., 1992. Flat Breads of the world. Cereal Foods World. 37(12):863-865.
  • J. Qarooni, E.S. Posner, and J.G. Ponte, Jr. 1993. Production of pita bread with hard white and other U.S. wheats. Association of Operative Millers – Bulletin. Aug., p. 6264-6269.
  • Qarooni, J., E. S. Posner, and J. G. Ponte Jr. 1993. Production of Pita Bread with Hard White and Other U.S. Wheats. Lebensm. -Wiss. u. -Technol. 26, 93-99.
  • Qarooni, J., E. S. Posner, and J. G. Ponte Jr. 1993. Production of Tanoor Bread with Hard White and Other U.S. Wheats. Lebensm. -Wiss. u. -Technol. 26, 100-106.
  • Flores, R.A., E.S. Posner, R. Phillips, and C.W. Deyoe. 1993. Modeling the Economic Evaluation of Wheat Flour Milling Operations. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE). 36(4):1143-1149.
  • Shen, L., Haque, E., and Posner, E., 1994. Saltation Velocity of Wheat Materials in Horizontal Flow. Transactions of the ASAE. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 37(2):577-580.
  • Negrini, O., C.K. Spillman, Y.J. Wang, D.S. Chung, J.L. Steele and E. Posner, 1994. Evaluation of Laboratory Grain Cleaning and Separating Equipment - Part II. Transactions of the ASAE. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 37(2):577-580.
  • Villanueva, R.M., Leong, M.H., Posner, E.S., and Ponte, J.G. Jr. 2001. Split milling of wheat for diverse end-use products. Cereal Food World. 46(8):363-369.
  • E. Posner, B. Fernandez and D. S. Huang 2006. Desert durum wheat provides high-quality extraction and pasta products. Cereal Food World. 51(5):268-272.
  • Elieser Posner, 2009. The relative technical and economic value of wheat to a mill. World Grain, 27(9):50, 52-54.
  • D. L. Wetzel, E.S. Posner, and H. Dogan. 2010. InSb focal plane array chemical imaging enables assessment of unit process efficiency for milling operation. Applied Spectroscopy. 64(12):1320-1324.
  • Bonfil, D.J., and Posner, E.S., 2012. Can bread wheat quality be determined by gluten index? Journal of Cereal Science. 56: 115-118.
  • Elieser S. Posner, Ana A. Chew-Guevara, Marcelo Mitre-Dieste, Esther Perez-Carrillo, Erick Heredia-Olea, Jeff D. Wilson, and Sergio O. Serna-Saldivar, 2014. Generation of a Mixolab Profile After the Evaluation of the Functionality of Different Commercial Wheat Flours for Hot-Press Tortilla Production. Cereal Chemistry, 91(2):139-145.
  • E.S. Posner, and R.C. Hoseney, 2015. A century of advances in milling and baking. Cereal Foods World. 60(3):148-153
  • Boatwright, M.D., Posner, E.S., Lopes, R., and Wetzel, D.L., 2015. Purity of commercial mill streams preceded by debranning using quantitative chemical imaging. Cereal Foods World. 60 (5):211-216.


  1. ^ "USW - Wheat Letter". 2011-07-28. Archived from the original on 2011-07-28. Retrieved 2017-12-18.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)
  2. ^ Wheat Flour MIlling CabDirect, accessed April 16, 2012
  3. ^ Elieser Posner World Cat, accessed April 16, 2012