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Miguel Ángel Rojas

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Miguel Ángel Rojas is a Colombian conceptual artist born in Bogotá in 1946. His work includes drawing, painting, photography, installations and video and is often related to the sexuality, the marginal culture, the violence and problems involved with drug consumption and production.

Artistic career

Rojas is a photographer, painter and architect. He finished his studies in painting at the Fine arts school of the National University of Colombia and in architecture at the University Javeriana. His work has been shown individually and collectively since 1972 in Colombia, Venezuela, Australia, Puerto Rico, Cuba, EE.UU., Japan, Brazil, England and Mexico. His work has been awarded first prize in photography of the XXXII Salon of Colombian Artists in 1989; The II International Biennial of San Juan Prize 1979; León Dobrzinsky Prize 1981; Prize of the XXX Salon of Colombian Artists 1986 in Medellín with special notation of the V American Biennial of graphic arts 1988 in Cali; Prize of the Riogrande national Contest 1989."[1]


Individual exhibitions


"Camino Corto" (Short Way), "Museo de Arte de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia" (Art Museum of the National University of Colombia), Bogota, Colombia

"El nuevo Dorado" (The new Dorado), Project invited to a Solo Project, ARCH: international Fair of Contemporary Art. Madrid, Spain


"At the Edge of Scarcity", Sicardi Gallery, Houston, Texas


"Pueblito" (Little Town). Museum Bolivariano of Contemporary Art. Santa Marta, Colombia


Fotofest 2008, Sicardi Gallery, Houston, Texas


"Objetivo-Subjetivo" (Objective-Subjective), Museum of Art of the Bank of the Republic, Bogota, Colombia

"David", La vitrina, Lugar a Dudas, Cali, Colombia


Fotofest 2006, Sicardi Gallery, Houston, Texas


"La Cama de Piedra (The Stone Bed), Colombian National Museum, Bogota, Colombia


Sub, Valenzuela Gallery – Klenner, Bogota, Colombia


"La Cama de Piedra" (The Stone Bed), French Alliance, Bogota, Colombia


"Pascal y Pascual" (Pascal and Pascual), Museo Universitario del Chopo, Mexico City, Mexico


"Debug y Pintura" (Drawing and Painting), Artery Gallery, Barranquilla, Colombia


Bio, Bogotá Museum of Modern Art, Bogota, Colombia


"Miguel Angel Rojas", Cartagena Museum of Modern Art, Cartagena, Colombia

"Miguel Angel Rojas obra en process" (Miguel Angel Rojas work in process), Medellin Museum of Modern Art, Medellín, Colombia


Bio, INTAR (International Arts Relations, Inc.), New York, New York


"Subjetivo" (Subjective), Gallery Garcés-Velásquez, Bogota, Colombia


Works on Paper, Americas Society (former Center of Inter-American Relations), New York, New York 1980 Grain, Bogota Museum of Modern Art, Bogota, Colombia

Collective exhibitions


"La idea de América Latina" (The idea of Latin America), Andalusian Centre of Contemporary Art of Seville, Seville, Spain.

"Perder la forma humana. Una imagen sísmica de los años 80 latinoamericanos" (To lose the human form. A seismic image of the years 80 of Latin America), Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, Spain.


29th São Paulo Art Biennial, “There is always to cup of sea to sail in”, São Paulo, Brazil.

Multiple Landscape: Latin America in the MUSAC Collection, MUSAC (Museum of Contemporary Art of Castile and Leon), Spain.

Cosmopolitan Routes: Houston Collects Latin American Art, MFAH, Sicardi Gallery, Houston Texas

"A cidade do homem nu", São Paulo Museum of Modern Art, Sao Paulo, Brazil

"Al calor del pensamiento" (To the heat of thought), Daros Collection at Bank Santander Foundation, Boadilla del Monte, Madrid, Spain.


Opening – Colombia, Station Museum, Houston Texas


"Fotográfica Bogotá" (Fotographic Bogota), Bogota, Colombia.


"Cantos Cuentos Colombianos" (Colombian Song Tales), Daros Latinamerica Collection, Zurich, Switzerland

39 Artists National Salon, Bogota, Colombia


Colombia 2003, Buenos Aires Museum of Modern Art, Buenos Aires, Argentina

The American Effect, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, New York


VIII Biennial of Bogota, Bogotá Museum of Modern Art, Bogota, Colombia


"Colombia Visible e Invisible" (Visible and Invisible Colombia), Fernando Pradilla Gallery, Madrid, Spain.


"Re-Aligning Vision", Miami Art Museum, Miami, Florida


"Re-Aligning Vision", Archer M. Huntington Art Gallery, Texas University, Austin, Texas; Museo de Bellas Artes (Caracas), Caracas, Venezuela; Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Monterrey, Monterrey, Mexico


"Re-Aligning Vision", Museo del Barrio, New York; Arkansas Art Center, Little Rock, Arkansas

Premio Marco 96, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Monterrey, Monterrey Mexico


Art, Political and Religion, Barbican Centre, London, United Kingdom

"Realismo Mágico? Arte Figurativo de Los Años Noventas en Colombia" (Magic realism? Figurative Art of the 90s in Colombia), Galerie Théoremes, Brussels, Belgium; Melina Mercury Cultural Center, Athens, Greece; University of Essex & Aberysmith, United Kingdom

Latin America 96 in the Fine arts Museum, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes (Buenos Aires), Buenos Aires, Argentina.

V Biennial of Bogota, Bogotá Museum of Modern Art, Bogota, Colombia

Marco Prize 95, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Monterrey, Monterrey, Mexico


"Arte, Política y Religión" (Art, Politics and Religion), Mead Gallery, Warwick Art Centre, University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom

"A Propósito de Colombia" (Apropos Colombia), Kulturhaus Lateinamerika, Cologne, Germany, Marco Prize, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Monterrey, Monterrey, Mexico


V Biennial of La Habana, Museum of Fine arts, Havana, Cuba


Latin American Artists of the Twentieth Century, MoMA, New York, New York


Echo Art, Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Joan Miro Sculpture Prize, Miro Centre, Barcelona, Spain.

Latin American artists of the 20th century, Plaza de Armas, Seville, Spain.

Colombian Contemporary art, Expo Seville 92, Seville, Spain

America Latins Art Contemporain, Hotel give Arts, Foundation National give Arts, Paris, France Echo Art, Museum of Modern Art, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Myth and Magic in America, The Eighty, Museum Marco, Monterrey, Mexico


Images of Silence, The Bronx Museum of the Arts, New York; Museum of Contemporary Art, San Juan, Puerto Rico

Bogota Art Biennial, Museum of Modern Art, Bogota


Images of Silence, Museum of Modern Art of Latin America, Washington, D.C.


A Body Marginal, Center for Photography, Paddington, Australia


Cem Anus of Art em Colombia, Imperial Palace, Rio of Janiero, Brazil

IV Biennial American of Graphic Arts, Museum The Social gathering, California

Il Biennial of The Habana, Museum of Fine arts, Havana, Cuba


World Print Four, Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, California


IV Biennial of Sydney, Sydney, Australia

Muñoz-Astudillo-Rojas-Ramírez, Museum The Social gathering, Cali, Colombia


Graphic arts Panamericanas, Center for Inter-American Relations, New York, New York

IV Biennial of Art of Medellín, Palace of Exhibitions, Medellín, Colombia

XVI Biennial of Sao Paulo, Palace of Exhibitions, Sao Paulo, Brazil


XI Biennial International of Recorded, Tokyo, Japan.

Il Trienal Latin American of Recorded, Arts centre and Communication, Buenos Aires, Argentina

IV Biennial Latin America of Graphic Arts, San Juan, Puerto Rico

I Biennial International of Painting, Municipal Museum of Modern Art, Cuenca, Ecuador


The Plastic Colombian of This Century, House of The Americas, Havana, Cuba

The Novisimos Colombian, Museum of Art Contemporaneo, Caracas, Venezuela


III Biennial Latin American of Graphic Arts, San Juan, Puerto Rico


Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York, New York

La Caixa Foundation, Barcelona Spain

Luis Angel Arango Library of the Republic Bank, Bogota, Colombia

Daros Latin America Collection, Zurich, Switzerland.

Colombian National Museum, Bogota, Colombia.

National University Museum of Art, Bogota, Colombia

House of the Americas, Havana, Cuba

Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes y Literatura, Mexico DF, Mexico

MUSAC, Museum of Contemporary Art of Castile and Leon, Spain.

Museo de Bellas Artes (Caracas), Caracas, Venezuela.

Museum of American Art of Managua, Managua, Nicaragua.

Museum of Contemporary Art, Vigo, Monterrey, Mexico

Bogotá Museum of Modern Art, Bogota, Colombia

La Tertulia Museum, Cali, Colombia

Museum of Modern Art, Bucaramanga, Colombia

"Colección de la Rectoria de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia" , Bogota, Colombia

Collection Embassy of Colombia in Spain, Madrid, Spain.

Museum of Modern Art, Barranquilla, Colombia

Embassy of France, Bogota, Colombia

Museum of Modern Art, Cartagena, Colombia


  1. ^ Diccionario de Colombia.