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Bakuryū Sentai Abaranger

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Bakuryuu Sentai Abarenjaa (Translation: Explosive Dragon Task Force Outburst Ranger) was Toei Company Limited's 27th production of the Super Sentai television series.


Scientists believe that 65,000,000 years ago, a meteorite's crash on Earth killed off the dinosaurs, but in truth, it split Earth into two parallel universes: The Earth we know and an Earth where dinosaurs were still the superior species (Dino Earth), eventually evolving into the Bakuryuu (Blast Dragon) race. The two Earths were separated until Asuka, AbareBlack, arrived on Earth via a transdimensional portal. But he was followed by evil Evorians in the spaceship Anamolicarus & the three Bakuryuu under their control. As Bakuryuu Tyrannosaur attacked Tokyo, a call was sent out to three destined ones who possessed Dino Guts to gain the powers to tame the three beasts. Together with their Bakuryuu partners, the three become Abarangers to protect their dimension from the Evorians.



When they evoke their "Dino GUTS", The AbaRangers tap into the power of their dinosaur partners, obtaining their strength and power as their own.

  • Ryouga Hakua/AbareRed: The optimistic team leader, a certified environmental protection investigator from the US. Though he's overly confident, he has an extremely good nature and is friendly, warm hearted, and loving; he doesn't hate anyone. His Bakuryuu partner is Tyranno. He eventally gained the power to become AbareMax.
  • Yukito Sanjyou (Kenny Yukito)/AbareBlue: A charismatic chiropractor, he'll help with any kind of injury but charge outrageously high prices for it. He seems cold, but has a kind heart underneath. His Bakuryuu partner is Kera.
  • Ranru Itsuki/AbareYellow: A tech whiz who owns a German BD-1 motorcycle she nicknamed "Birdie". All she really wants is peace. Her Bakuryuu partner is Ptera.
  • Asuka/AbareBlack: A warrior from DinoEarth with a sad past. He was the last of people to fight the Evoliens and escaped to Earth. His Bakuyuu partner is Brachio.
  • Mikoto Nakadai/AbareKiller: A lunatic doctor who was observing the AbaRangers from the time the Bakuryuu first appeared. He gained the DinoMinder and with it the Zerogo suit, which was due to self-destruct sometime soon. He didn't seem to care that he would die, taking the entire city with him. He fought the AbaRangers & his Bakuryuu partner is TopGaler. After fighting the Killer Giganoid with the AbaRanger, after TopGaler betrated him, he joined the team, even if it cost him his life. When Dino Minder began to self-destruct, he and TopGaler flew away from Earth and died in the explosion. He returned for a short time to help the Aba & DekaRanger in "Dekaranger vs. Abaranger" however.


  • Emily Imanaka: Imanaka is a high school student. When the Bakuryuu first came to earth, Imanaka heard their call and almost became AbareYellow. Unfortunately, her body was unable to support the transformation. She tries her hardest to become an Abaranger...she eventually does in terms of AbarePink...err...AbarePig.
  • Ryunnosuke Sugishita: Sugishita runs a curry restaurant: DinoHouse, which is the Abarangers' base of operations. When the Bakuryuu first came to earth, Sugishita heard their call and almost became AbareBlue. Unfortunately, his body was unable to support the transformation.

Bakuryuu/Blast Dragons

Giant Beasts from DinoEarth that evolved from the dinosaurs, they had a mutual friendship with the Ryuujin (Dragon people of Dino Earth) until the Evorians attacked. While most of the Bakuryuu eggs were sent to Earth, Tyranno, Kera and Ptera fell under the Evorian's control. Sent to Earth, the three went on a path of destruction until their partners freed them.

  • Abarenoh: When Tyranno, Ptera and Kera combine, they form Abarenoh - a humanoid fighting machine. Abarenoh's finisher is a drill attack.
    • Tyranno: A Tyrannosaurus rex, the strongest of the three Bakuryuu. His jaw strength and sharp claws make him a tough opponent, but his tail is his greatest weapon, able to drill through anything.
    • Ptera: A Pteranodon, the fastest of the three Bakuryuu, she can reach speeds of Mach 1.2 and higher, with her wings, beak, and shockwaves effective on an enemy.
    • Kera: A Triceratops, the armored one of the three Bakuryuu, Kera can take a great deal of punishment from an opponent; he seems strong enough to topple every building in downtown Japan. Kera seems a bit androgynous, and his human form is an androgynous little boy.
  • Bracchio: A wise and calm Brachiosaurus who hates fighting. Bracchio was the only one of the first that was immune to the Evorians' control due to being already partnered to Asuka. He resides at the bottom of Tokyo Bay and holds the other Bakuryuu inside his body until they are needed. He recites rousing poetic speeches when heading into battle.
  • KillerOh: When TopGaler and Stego combine, they form KillerOh. KillerOh has the Death Stinger finisher.
    • TopGaler: A Quetzalcoatl who was sealed for destroying a major DinoEarth city. He was found and released by AbareKiller, whom he partnered with.
    • Stegosraidon: A Stegosaurus who could combine with Abarenoh to form AbarenoSraidon, serving as a surfboard. He was taken by AbareKiller until he was freed of its master's influence.
  • KillerAbarenoh: Created when Abarenoh combines with TopGaler and Stego in order to defeat Bakurenoh. This combination appeared again in "Dekaranger vs. Abaranger".
  • MaxRyuuOh: When MaxOhja combines with PakikeroKnuckle, DimeNokodon, ParasauroloCutter and Ankyloveilus, they form MaxRyuuOh.
    • Styracosaur & DinoCarry/MaxOhja: The DinoGuts of AbareMax awoke the Styracosaurus and the DinoCarry, which holds the RhamphoGolds axes & SpinoGold helmet. Styracosaurus can form a humanoid fighting robot - MaxOhja.
    • PakikeroKnuckle: A Pachycephalosaurus who can combine with Abarenoh to form AbarenoKnuckle, with a boxing arm.
    • DimeNokodon: A laidback Dimetrodon found in the Kansai district. It can combine with Abarenoh to form AbarenoNokodon, with a buzzsaw arm.
    • ParasauroloCutter: A Parasaurolophus with a Spanish accent who can combine with Abarenoh to form AbarenoRokkiru, with a scissors arm.
    • Ankyloveilus: A petulant Ankylosaurus who can combine with Abarenoh to form AbarenoVeilus, forming a shield and blade arm.
  • OoAbarenoh: Created when Abarenoh combines with Stego, TopGaler, and RhamphoGolds & SpinoGold.
  • Bakurenoh: CarnoRyutus and ChasmoSealdon combined to form Bakurenoh, the evil counterpart to Abarenoh, defeated by KillerAbarenoh. He later helped Dezumozorlya, destroyed for good by Abarenoh and MaxOhja.
    • CarnoRyutus: A Carnotaurus; an evil Bakuryuu that appeared in the movie Abaranger Deluxe.
    • ChasmoSealdon: A Chasmosaurus; an evil Bakuryuu that appeared in the movie Abaranger Deluxe.
  • FireNokoDon: A CD-Exclusive Dimentrodon that hatched at Hawaii. It can combine with Abarenoh to form AbarenoNokodonFire, forming a buzzsaw arm.


The Wicked Fate Clan, they came from Dino Earth. They dwelled within a castle-like structure before Dezumzorlya turned into a giant cyclops-like host to battle the Bakuryuu with while transferring itself into Geildon. The fortress was destroyed when the Abaranger's dinosaurs sacrificed themselves to destroy it.

  • Dezumozorlya: The Evorian god, a parasitic enity that was held in the metorite that crashed to Earth. When Earth was split, Dezumorlya's essence was divided between the two earths, and took one being of each world as it's host and it's descendants. Some of his hosts have wreaked havoc throughout the course of human history. In the time of Abaranger, Mikoto held the essence of the inactive Earth-counterpart, and the Dezumozorlya of DinoEarth found a host in Rije. When he was purged from Rijewel, Dezumozorlya sought stronger hosts until he chose Geildon as his ideal vessel.
  • Rije/Rijewel: She is Dezumozorlya's child-like metaron, responsible for linking the two worlds. She was originally the daughter of Asuka & Mahoro until the Dino-Earth Dezumozorlya entered Mahoro's body & made the preborn Kasumi its host. She was forcegrown into an adult, Rijewel, to tempt Mikoto to join her and later mutated into DezumoRijewel. Through the combined power of all five AbaRanger, Kasumi 'overpowered' Dezumozoryla and Rijewel was restored to an infant once Dezumozorlya was removed from her.
  • Jannu: She was originally a Dragonoid named Mahoro and was Asuka's love, but she was parasitized by the Evorians. Because of her previous life, Jannu had a fixation on killing Asuka. She eventally returned to normal, though Mahoro posed as her to help the Abaranger from the enemy camp until Dezumozorlya learned of her treachery.
  • DezumoVoorla(Eps 47-48): The 3rd host of Dezumozorlya, used to asborb the Earth-Dezumoryla from AbareKiller's body.
    • Mikela: The one who who creates the Torinoids. He is a painter and hates to make a creation when uninspired by his muse. He despises humans and their culture. He and Voffa ended up being merged as one host for Dezumozorlya at the end of the series.
    • Voffa: He enlarges the Torinoids and creates the giant Giganoids from musical compositions from his harp. He and Mikela ended up being merged as one host for Dezumozorlya at the end of the series.
  • Geildon: The first of the Evorians to attack Earth, but was killed by Jannu after failing in his mission. It would later turn out that it was a cursed suit of armor that bonded with Mahoro's older brother, Mizuho. Geildon was also worn by Asuka two times, who lost himself due to the cursed armor's power. By the finale, Geildon was transformed into Dezumogevarus, the final host of Dezumozorlya.
  • Garuvuidei: An Evolien general exclusive to the AbaRanger movie.
  • Barmias: The Evolien foot soldiers, there are two types: the black Gelru & the white Zolru.


Evil Lifeforms, each is a fusion of animal, plant, and inanimate object.

  • #0, SaunaGingko(Dekaranger vs. Abaranger): ????? + Ginka + Sauna, this Torinoid was created long before the others that appeared in the Abaranger series.
  • #1, DragonDoran(46): Red Dragon + Run Flower + Black Boat Gondola, this Torinoid had been hiding under the Earth since the AbaRangers first appeared. He was the last of the Torinoids to appear before the series finale.
  • #2, Hirurindou(33): Hill's Gnathal eye + Phosphorus dough + Lapis Lazuli
  • #3, Tensaikikku(11,30): Rhino + Radish + ????
  • #4, Blast DandeLion (3, 13): Lion + Dandelion + Missiles, this was the first Torinoid to appear.
  • #5, HakCrowSniper (4, 13): Crow + Hakka + Sniper
  • #6, ZakuroVacuum (6): Donkey + pomegranate fruit + Vacuum. He was created to steal the youth from beautiful women, turning them into old ladies. One of his victims was a famous popstar who was friends with Ranru.
  • Torinoid #7 (7, 13): cockroach + magnet + wild berries
  • #8, Kinmokuseikamikakushi (9): Squid + buttercup + ?
  • #9, Bankumushroom (10): Bear + Mushroom + Bank Cash Machine. He could create magic wigs that increases the greed in a person, making them money crazy. His victims include Bucky Bonds(Walker Wilson), a famous American baseball player who is visiting Japan to have his back checked out by Yukito. BankMushroom could also use giant coins as weapons.
  • #10, Sharkurumargaretto(15-16, 30): Shark + daisy + car exhaust pipe
  • Torinoid #11(17): Mouse + Eggplant + Eyeglasses
  • #12, Yatsudenwani(18, 21 ,50): Crocodile + Japanese Fatsia + telephone: This Torinoid changed to the side of good and had a crush on Ranru. He was captured by AbareKiller and forced to be his servant for most of the series.
  • #13, Centapansite (22-23): Centipede + Pansy + Radiowave Satellite
  • #14, Fly Pine(25): Fly + Pine + Votive Picture
  • Torinoid #15 (26): Fish, Olive, Fishing rod
  • #16, Ivy footwarmer(27): Octopus + Ivy + Foot Warmer
  • Torinoid #17 (28): Chameleon + ??? + ????
  • Torinoid #18 (29): Sea Otter + Green Pepper + Scanner
  • Torinoid #19 (35): Hawk + ????? + treasure box
  • #20, Rouge Rafflesia(38-39): Giraffe + Rafflesia + Rouge Listick.
  • #21, Santa Torinoid (41): Reindeer + Mulberry + Jingle Bells
  • #22, Nanakusarumba (45): Monkey + 7 Spring Herbs + Rumba Drums
  • HanaBikiniVenus: Bee + Bikini + Venus FlyTrap. An assassin from the AbaRanger movie, she was sent to kill Princess Freezya. She's actually a Hexanoid, a monster created from a combination of six things.



Giant Lifeforms.

  • #1, Unmei (5): Dice-based
  • Giganoid #2 (8): Clone of Geildon.
  • #3, Tokei (12-13): Clock-based
  • #4, Resurrection(14): Fossil-based
  • #5/6, Hunter (19-20): Anchor-based
  • Giganoid #7 (24): Meteorite-based
  • #8, Jupiter (34): Planet-based
  • Giganoid #9 (36): Phoenix-based
  • Giganoid #10 (37): Tree-based
  • #11, Killer Giganoid (42-43): Immortality


  • KillerGhost(30): A monster-clone created by Mikoto, modeled after AbareKiller in AbareMode. KillerGhost was so powerful it managed to capture 5 of the BakuRyuu. It took AbaRed to become AbareMax to destroy it.
    • Two-Worlds' KillerGhost(40): KillerGhost was revived by Riejewel, who upgraded him with freewill and more power than before. AbaRed was once again able to destroy it and the upgrade jewel.


  • Evorian is a word combination of 'EVOlution' and 'aLIEN'.


  • 01. Abare Dinosaur Great Attack
  • 02. Birth! AbarenOh!
  • 03. Children's Hero Abare System.
  • 04. Completed! The Secret Abare Base
  • 05. Abare Cure! Bubububuum!
  • 06. Abare Idol Aged Daughter
  • 07. Abare Baby Bakuryuu
  • 08. The Heavy 1 of AbareBlack
  • 09. Wake up! Abare Survivor
  • 10. Abare Leaguer Bind!
  • 11. Abare Psychic Oink!
  • 12. The Abare Saw cuts Kyoto!
  • 13. The Abare Samurai Topknot
  • 14. Hatch Abaresaurus
  • 15. Naught but Demons Abare World
  • 16. Ride! Abare Surfing
  • 17. The Battlefield's Abare-Strut
  • 18. Who is it? Abare Killer!
  • 19. Nice to meet you, Abare Amigo
  • 20. KillerOh, Abare First Formation!
  • 21. Abare in Love! KyloKylo
  • 22. Little Girls' Abare Song
  • 23. Abare Broadcast Dogyuun!
  • 24. Abare Girl-Highschool Students!
  • 25. Better Fortune Abare Shinto Offering
  • 26. In the first place, Fishing-Idiot AbareDiary
  • 27. AbaRed & AbareBlue
  • 28. Bride is an AbareGame
  • 29. Selfishness of an Apostle, AbareScramble
  • 30. The Strongest! AbareEvorian Formation
  • 31. That Abare, The Ultimate Luck
  • 32. AbareBakuRyuu Full Throttle.
  • 33. Never Forget the Abare Soldier
  • 34. Game start! Charge Abare Star
  • 35. Like Abare Nadesco, Seven Changes!
  • 36. First Love, AbareMiracle
  • 37. Wonderful Abare Queen.
  • 38. The Blooming Flower AbarePink
  • 39. Good Luck! AbareFather
  • 40. Abare Armor Turn Off
  • 41. Merry Abaremas! EvilEvil
  • 42. That Thing Hidden in the Abare Kid
  • 43. Abarekiller is Immortal?
  • 44. Is the Abare all a Salaryman's dream?
  • 45. As it opens, it is AbareRumba
  • 46. Pray! AbareVisual System
  • 47. Five Abarangers
  • 48. Final Abare Game
  • 49. Abare Final Decisive Battle


  • Abaranger Movie
  • AbaRanger vs. Hurricanger
  • DekaRanger vs. AbaRanger


  • Kotaro Tanaka (not to be confused with Jetman's Kotara Tanaka): Mikoto Nakadai/AbareKiller
  • Hikaru Midorikawa: TopGaler
  • Michi Nishijima : Emily Imanaka
  • Kouen Okumura: Ryunnosuke Sugishita
  • Maya Banno: Mai Hakua
  • Aida Sayaka: Paki
  • Daisuke Kishio: Dime
  • Hiroshi Iida Stegoraidon
  • Kouzou Shioya: ParasauroloCutter
  • Misaki Akemi: AnkyloVelius
  • Eri Sakurai: Jannu/Jeanne/Mahoro
  • Kasumi Suzuki: Rije
  • Brooke Ogawa: Kasumi/Lijewell
  • Yoshinori Okamoto: Gairuton/Mizuho
Preceded by Super Sentai
2003 – 2004
Succeeded by