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Basa'ir ad-Darajat

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Basâ'ir al-darajât fî 'ulûm âl Muhammad wa mâ khassahum Allâh bihi (Arabic:بصائر الدرجات فی علوم ال محمد و ما خصهم الله به) counted as a credible source and one of the oldest book in hadith among Shiites. The book written by al-shaykh al-Saffâr al-Qummî, Abû Ja'far (or Abû l-Hasan) Muhammad ibn al-Hasan ibn Farrûkh al-A'raj (d. 290/902-903)

Basâ'ir al-darajât
Authoral-shaykh al-Saffâr al-Qummî
Publication date
Media typePrint book


al-shaykh al-Saffâr al-Qummî, Abû Ja'far (or Abû l-Hasan) Md b. al-Hasan b. Farrûkh al-A'raj (d. 290/902-903), a contemporary of the tenth and eleventh imams; he was probably the disciple of the eleventh, and an acquaintance of his son, the hidden imam, the awaited Mahdî; he was the first systematic compiler of traditions about Imamite Imamology, constituting the basis of early Twelver metaphysics and mystical theology. His greatest work, the only one extant, is entitled Basâ'ir al-darajât fî 'ulûm âl Muhammad wa mâ khassahum Allâh bihi,89 better known under the abbreviated title Basâ'ir al-darajât, edited in Iran under the title Basâ'ir al-darajât fî lmaqâmât wa fadâ'il ahl al-bayt 'alayhim al-salawât.[1] Md b. al-Hasan b. Farrûkh also counted as a prominent figure among narrators of Hadith.[2]


The book includes 1881 hadith. The book divided into ten original parts such that every part has ten or twenty four subdivisions. The narrations reported through Basair are compiled not Morsal.[3]


Some scholars mentioned Basâ'ir al-darajât as the oldest large compilation of Imamite (Shiite) dogmatic traditions.[4]


Most of the book narrations has been reported by other authentic Shiite books such as Al-Kafi and Bihar al-Anwar.[5]


By way of example, al-Saffâr al-Qummî's Basâ'ir al-darajât deals with the different facets of Imamite 'ilm; the commentator begins his book with the famous hadith "The search for science is a canonical duty for every Muslim; God loves those who ardently search for science.".[6] the book also serves as the basic source in Hadith Among Shiites.

Style of writing

Saffâr* al-Qummî, in his Basâ'ir* al-darajât, presents the narrations methodically by grouping details in independent chapters; .[7]


  1. ^ .( Muhammad Ali Amir Moezzi, the Divine Guide in early Shiite,p.20. 69State University of New York Press. 1994)
  2. ^ ( Ansari Qommi, p.65. month book of religion magazine, 1388 solar, Shahrivar, number 143)
  3. ^ Mahdiyyah Dehqani, A Glance on the book of Basair, Hadith of Thought Magazine, 1382 solar, number 56) Sheykh Horr Ameli knows two transcriptions for Basair (Isbat Al Hodat, vol:1.p:49.
  4. ^ ( Muhammad Ali Amir Moezzi, the Divine Guide in early Shiite,p.16. 69 State University of New York Press. 1994)
  5. ^ ( Koleini, vol:1.p.177.229/ Bihar Al Anwar by Allameh Majlesi . vol:1.p.p26-27)
  6. ^ ( Muhammad Ali Amir Moezzi, the Divine Guide in early Shiite,p.69State University of New York Press. 1994)
  7. ^ ( Muhammad Ali Amir Moezzi, the Divine Guide in early Shiite,p.90.State University of New York Press. 1994)