Council of Constantinople
Council of Constantinople can refer to:
- Council of Constantinople (360), a local council
- First Council of Constantinople, the Second Ecumenical Council, in 381 or 383
- Synod of Constantinople (543), a local council which condemned Origen
- Second Council of Constantinople, the Fifth Ecumenical Council, in 553
- Third Council of Constantinople, the Sixth Ecumenical Council, in 680
- Council of Constantinople (692), also called in Trullo or Quinisext Council
- Council of Constantinople (754), the Council of Hieria
- Council of Constantinople (815), a local council that restored Iconoclasm
- Council of Constantinople (867), a local council convened by Photius to discuss Papal supremacy and the Filioque
- Fourth Council of Constantinople (Roman Catholic), also called the Photian Council, in 869
- Fourth Council of Constantinople (Eastern Orthodox), considered the Eighth Ecumenical Council by some Orthodox, also called the Photian Council, in 879
- Council of Constantinople (1094), a local council convened to deal with Leo of Chalcedon
- Fifth Council of Constantinople, considered the Ninth Ecumenical Council by some Orthodox, concerning Hesychasm, in 1341-1351
- Synod of Constantinople (1484), condemned the Council of Florence
See also
- fr (1923)