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Draft:Peter Andersohn

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  • Comment: Inline citations throughout the article required for all claims, and especially at least one per paragraph. Utopes (talk / cont) 17:23, 1 September 2024 (UTC)

Peter Andersohn (* 1989) is a German composer, musician and author.[1][2][3][4]



Peter Andersohn was born in the Leipzig area in 1989. He studied musicology and several instrumental subjects (piano, singing, guitar) at the University of Leipzig and the Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy University of Music and Theater.[5] He also studied music composition and counterpoint, among other things, with Bernd Franke and Marco de Cillis, as well as Arvo Pärts Tintinnabuli Style with Leopold Brauneis.

He was a permanent member of the group Saeldes Sanc,[6] which he joined in 2012 and later left the band because he wanted to devote himself fully to his own projects. At Saeldes Sanc he gained a lot of experience in the music and art world, also through his collaboration with Ernst Horn and nationally organized live concerts.[7] Later he also became interested in working in sound design and developed an interest in modern digital and analog sound modulations, as this was also stylistically anchored in the musical concept of the film Der Schwarze Nazi (eng.: Black Nazi) by german directors Karl-Friedrich and Tillmann König.[8][9]

Andersohn has been working in music production and composition since 2013 and creates works for a wide variety of project types such as films, documentaries, but also theater and live music as well as music for video games.[10] His first major work was in the film Der schwarze Nazi (eng.: Black Nazi), where he composed and produced the film music together with his former conglomerate under the name .ScienceMusic[11].[12] Since 2021, Andersohn has also been composing music for video games and working as a sound designer and audio supervisor for various production companies.[13] He later also contributed music for theater projects at the Landesbühnen Sachsen,[14] which represents the state stage of the land saxony in germany, where he has also been working as a stage manager since 2022.[15]

Andersohn is represented by the music publisher Kick The Flame as .ScienceMusic.[16] He lives and works in Leipzig and Dresden.

Filmography and Projects (Selection)[17] [18]

  • 2015: KUNST (short film, Dawg Productions)
  • 2015: Vom Unvermögen des Theaters, sich selbst zu definieren (theaterpiece, music, Il Comico Ensemble)
  • 2017: THANK YOU FOR THE TRAGEDY (as singer, featuring: Ernst Horn und Christian von Aster)
  • 2018: Tennet Virtual Vision (VR Experience, as sound designer, VRBits)
  • 2019: Grimm's DIE NACHTIGALL (theaterpiece, music und text)
  • 2016: Der schwarze Nazi (Cinema Film)
  • 2021: Califax & Andersohn (musical live performance, composition and arrangement)
  • 2021: Damn Ironland (as VR version, Actrio Studio)
  • 2021: Water Means Life (experimental film, Dawg Productions)
  • 2021: Dark Stream Festival - Der Auftakt (Trailer)
  • 2021: Brückensinfonie – Brücken Schlagen zwischen Stadt und Land [19]
  • 2021: The Great Ocean (videogame, music und sound design)
  • 2022: Grimm's DIE WEIßE SCHLANGE (theaterpiece, musik)
  • 2022: Zwei Leben für Europa – Gustav Stresemann und Aristide Briand|Zwei Leben für Europa (german TV documentary, additional Music)
  • 2023: Superhero(es) – Eulogy (dance theater at Landesbühnen Sachsen, music)
  • 2023: Last Call – Schillerwerkstatt (arranger, composer and live musician with Franziska Till)

Works (Selection)

  • 2017: Faltenwurf (for piano and electroactoustic ensemble)
  • 2018: Fractal Structures (for piano)
  • 2019: Hiddensee Promenade (for piano)
  • 2019: Die Nachtigall (for piano)


  • Kurt Weill Fest - New Weill Generation 2014 – Weill and the Media - First Price for YOUKALI – ON Y VA TRAVAILLER[20]


  1. ^ Article in the Leipzig Newspaper (LVZ): "Groitzsch: Grimms Märchen als Schattentheater der Bibliothek aufgeführt". last visited 02/09/24
  2. ^ Article in the Leipzig Newspaper (LVZ): "Schüler produzieren eigenes Puppentheater im Pegauer Hort". last visited 02/09/24
  3. ^ Peter Andersohn, Richard Prußas, Ursachen sozialer Ungleichheit der Bildungschancen im deutschen Bildungssystem im Vergleich mit dem finnischen Modell "Peter Andersohn, Richard Prußas: Ursachen sozialer Ungleichheiten der Bildungschancen im deutschen Bildungssystem im Vergleich mit dem finnischen Modell bei hugendubel.de. Online bestellen oder in der Filiale abholen". last visited 02/09/24
  4. ^ Till Brömme: Article About Peter Andersohn: https://stadtlandkuenstler.de/aktiv/landklaenge/ last visited 02/09/24
  5. ^ List of Graduate Works at University Leipzig: https://www.gkr.uni-leipzig.de/institut-fuer-musikwissenschaft/forschung/bachelorarbeiten
  6. ^ Official Homepage of Saeldes Sanc: https://www.saeldessanc.com/
  7. ^ Peter Andersohn in the Concert Gallery of Saeldes Sanc: https://www.saeldessanc.com/gallery-cff9 Concert Dates and Photos
  8. ^ DAWG Productions, Interview in the "Making Of Der Schwarze Nazi": https://www.dawg-productions.de/the-making-of-dsn/ last visited 02.09.2024
  9. ^ Official Homepage of Der Schwarze Nazi: "DER SCHWARZE NAZI - team & cast". Reference in Team and Cast, last visited 02.09.2024
  10. ^ english work and bio overview from the crew united database: https://www.crew-united.com/en/Peter-Andersohn_474085.html last visited 02.09.2024
  11. ^ https://www.science-music.de/ last visited 02.09.2024
  12. ^ english work and bio overview from the crew united database: https://www.crew-united.com/en/Peter-Andersohn_474085.html last visited 02.09.2024
  13. ^ english work and bio overview from the crew united database: https://www.crew-united.com/en/Peter-Andersohn_474085.html last visited 02.09.2024
  14. ^ "Peter Andersohn, composer, Leipzig | Crew United". last visited 02.09.2024
  15. ^ List of Employees of the Saxony State Stage: https://www.landesbuehnen-sachsen.de/mitarbeiterinnen/ last visited 02.09.2024
  16. ^ Artist List of the publisher Kick The Flame: https://www.kicktheflame.de/
  17. ^ english work and bio overview from the crew united database: https://www.crew-united.com/en/Peter-Andersohn_474085.html
  18. ^ Peter Andersohn in the IMDB Library: https://www.imdb.com/
  19. ^ Till Brömme: Interview with Peter Andersohn on the Bridge Symphony: https://stadtlandkuenstler.de/aktiv/kunstpfad/ last visited 02/09/24
  20. ^ Official Award Verdict of the Kurt Weill Fest - Weill FM - New Weill Generation: "Kurt Weill Fest Preis". last visited 02/09/24