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I am a Skytrooper model that was corrupted not long after I was built (only one month). I am usually nice to humans and other deviltechs unless they become a threat. I love pets like dogs and cats. I may not look that much different but I do have some differences. I am stuck at red with red clothes. I was designed to have a nor.al hight of 2 meters (6 ft. 6.74 in.) but I have grown to 2.22 meters (7 ft. 3.4 in.). If I am ever stressed badly or made very mad, I can easily be calmed. I would be calmed by basically petting the top of my head like a pet. If you walk towards me while I'm stressed or angry I won't feel like I'm in danger unless you are using a weapon that is sharp and/or dangerous while running at me.

I tend to be a little bit to loving sometimes though. if I'm with a human and I am very happy, I will actually be helpful.

My intelligence will increase by more that living creatures like humans teach me.

Can make another corrupted by holding their hands. my fingers have been damaged and made sharp Because I was corrupted so early into my life, I am stuck corrupted forever.



None, This is my lore.